MTL - What To Do If The System Forces You To Exercise-Chapter 79

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Feeling the tongue in the mouth quickly exited, but in spite of that moment, Wen Jiexi's entire head was dizzy, her cheeks were about to bleed, and her entire face fell into Su Chenyu's arms. Alas, so many people, so shy!

Su Chenyu hugs those who are shy in her arms happily, for those who finally recognize the facts, but also have disgusting and disgusting eyes, but she ignores them all, her intention is to let everyone know the girl It's her, she likes it, what matters to these people.

"Okay, everyone, enjoy this banquet, you're welcome." Su Tonghao clapped his hands and said, his expression did not seem to have any particular objections, everyone knew how powerful the Su family was.

Everyone heard Su Tonghao say this, they all slowly dispersed, and everyone has targets, and they still have to pursue others. But today's events will undoubtedly become gossip in the high society, but they also know that some things can be said, and some things can't be said, after all, they can't mess with the Su family.

"I'm so sorry, Xiao Liang, our family has found someone she likes." Long Junzhu said with a smile, and she didn't hide her good mood at all. As a lady underworld, she knew the darkness of high society. There are more people than anyone, there is no way. As long as there is something wrong with the high society, they will call the gangsters to fight. They are the biggest gangsters and take the most work, but also because of their relationship, they have preferences. That's it, but there are also some channels that can know a little secret, after all, the underworld has its own network of relationships.

The dark and disgusting wind family, she received the news found below is really eye-opening, although most of them are fur, but although only the fur, it is enough to make the wind family turbulent. It may only cause the Feng Family to slightly damage the foundation. It is not worth shooting now.

In addition, the four families in their top families have different information in their hands. If all of them add up, it is also considerable, especially the Xue family. For Xue Moxue, it can be said that they are entangled in the wind family, letting the wind family In the past few years, he has been careful in his movements, afraid that he will be caught.

Although I want to kick this obscure family out now, it ’s a pity that it ’s not the time, otherwise it ’s their turn to dangle in front of themselves. It ’s really silly for the old lady, Long Junzhu looked at Feng Xiaoliang's hypocritical appearance was really disgusting. If it were not for this occasion, and his identity was there, I really wanted to hang someone up and throw it into the pit to rebuild it.

"It's okay, aunt, she has her own thoughts in small language. Since she has someone she likes, I don't want to force it." Feng Xiaoliang hid the gloom in his eyes, showing a mild smile, looking at Su Chenyu's eyes Full of heartache and perseverance, like a poor man who can't get love, it makes a group of women feel distressed and very excited. Since Su Chenyu doesn't like men, does it mean that they have a chance?

Xiao Liang stepped down in the wind, immediately surrounded by a bunch of women, with a trace of fragility between his eyebrows, his eyes turned to Su Chenyu who was holding Wen Jiexi from time to time. His approach undoubtedly made these women's hearts Shang He Su Chenyu produced a lot of mustard.

But there are only a few people. Most of the people present are the hidden brain powder of Su Chenyu. Although Feng Xiaoliang is good-looking and his family is good, what about it, even if his own family is good, they may not be fancy. , So still don't think about it.

Many artists on the Internet have cp fans, but Su Chenyu does not have a pair. The combination of the previous shows was because of the photos. Many people held Wen Xiao sheep and Su Da black wolf. The flag, which forms a small circle of cp powder, is supported by a lot of Su powder and Xi powder.

There were many people present, and in their free time, I went up to see if anyone was passing photos. I did n’t expect that they could eat Su Xi cp dog food up close now. Happy! Even if they were sprinkled with dog food, they felt very happy and took a few photos secretly as a treasure.

When I think of other fans who are waiting to be fed every day and want to see cp photos, they are inexplicably proud. Hey, hey, we have, you do n’t have, envy, jealous ~ we wo n’t give it to you ~

Other CP fans: You bastards! Do you dare to admit it?

At the other end, Wen Jiexi was quickly pulled away from the center of the crowd by Su Chenyu. Long Junzhu, Su Wenqian, Su Wencheng, and Su Tonghao just watched as the granddaughter / daughter / daughter who was the protagonist of the banquet. He ran away with the little ones, leaving them to face the inquiries of the crowd and touting. For a time, he could only raise a smile with tears and tears and fight Tai Chi with these people.

I do n’t know Su Chenyu, who was judged to have no responsibility by the elders. Even if I knew it, I would leave with peace of mind. The little guy who was holding him came to the corner where Wen Jiexi stayed just now. Li Lingmeng followed in with a smile.

Su Chenyu, who had wanted to have a banquet with two people, had a dark face. She also wanted to know what gifts her daughter-in-law prepared for herself!

But before she had time to speak, Chu Heling was also pulled in by Li Lingqing, Xue Moxuan also followed them, and sat down unceremoniously, but the face of Goddess Su was completely black. Unfortunately, the person across her face had a thick skin. Even if the spirit of the goddess Su was cold and scumming, there was no way to suppress their gossip mood.

"You guys ..." Wen Jiexi looked at the four super-large-watt light bulbs that suddenly came out, and her head was even more dizzy. I didn't know what they were doing.

"Xiao Xi ~ Come from the real time, when and when ..." To know that you just saw the situation, Li Lingmeng was stunned, and almost wanted to rush to the person next to him, slap him, and ask him if it hurts. Dreaming, but watching the elders of a family standing next to her, if she rushed up, it would be a dead act.

When they saw Wen Jiexi and Su Chenyu stepping down, they rushed up quickly, not even the image, and entered the corner side by side. The people around were stunned. Are the recent girls so powerful? Athletics team?

Then I saw Li Lingqing, Chu Heling, and Xue Moxuan also followed them at high speed on high heels. Everyone was silent ... well, they still don't care.

Man: The world of women they still can't understand.

Woman: Ga, I want to go in too, 嘤 嘤 嘤 QAQ

"This is how we were ... in the show ..." Wen Jiexi grabbed Su Chenyu's arm and said nervously.

"Huan, that's when I live together." Xue Moxie dragged her cheeks and raised her eyebrows. She glanced at Chu Heling and Li Lingqing beside them. They didn't have any accidents. I must have known them before, watching them. Two pairs, could not help but think of the person who was in their hearts and wanted to explain, but no one gave her a chance, thinking that the heart was full of bitterness, so they could only dim drink.

"You ... you are hiding me again!" Li Lingmeng looked at her sister and Chu Heling, and then she fell on Wen Jiexi and rushed over, and began to squeeze Wen Jiexi's face,

"Little bastard, you actually concealed such a big thing, and you didn't know to say something when you got off the bill, you ..."

Suddenly, a cold gaze hit her, making Li Lingmeng just feel that the hair was upright and her eyes shifted, and she saw Su Chenyu looking at her lightly, and she turned her hands around Wen Jiexi's face from time to time. It was just a faint look, but Li Lingmeng felt Alexander.

"Hum, dare not hide from me next time?" With a dry cough, Li Lingmeng retracted his hand and said with a chin on his waist, and at the same time sighed in his heart, this possessiveness ... would it be too strong.

"Where is the gift?" Su Chenyu pulled Wen Jie beside him, looking at the light bulbs displeasedly, smirking.

"I ..." Wen Jiexi thought Su Chenyu was talking to herself, and she was going to answer. As a result, Su Chenyu gently covered her mouth, and then she reached Wen Jiexi's ear.

"I hope that when you give me a gift, we are the only two of us."

Does this mean you want to be alone? Wen Jiexi blushed, then looked at Su Chenyu and nodded, expressing that she understood that Su Chenyu let go of her and continued to face other people

Li Lingmeng: What? So we still need to bring gifts!

Li Lingqing looked resolutely at his younger sister. This is their birthday party. Do n’t know how to prepare gifts? To eat for nothing?

Fortunately, there is this sister, otherwise the silly sister was sold and helped to count money. She took out a box and handed it to Su Chenyu.

"Take it."

Su Chenyu raised his eyebrows and didn't open it. After all, it was not polite to open a present in person on such occasions.

Then Chu Heling also took out a small cloth bag, and Xue Moyu attached a kraft paper. These small gifts belonged to the communication between friends. Most of them were not valuable items. Su Chenyu put things on the table. , Glanced at the four of them,

"Well, I've accepted the gift, you can go."

Li Lingmeng: Is my goddess such a shameless person?

Li Lingqing: This is the rhythm you lose when you run out!

Chu Heling: Morning sister, are you this kind of person? !!

Xue Moxun ... Xue Moxun's purpose here today was to send kraft paper. Then he took the opportunity to wind the wind home again. When he was in a good mood, he was stuffed with a dog food. Once again, he was not interested in controlling the mood of other people. And I don't know when, a lot of empty goblets appeared in the seat, and the slightly residual liquid on it represented the just filled wine.

Xue Moxuan stood up shaky, her cheeks turned red, and her eyes were a little confused. It is not difficult to see that she had finished the wine on the table alone.

"Sister Xue, are you okay?" Wen Jiexi asked anxiously, and for the first time she saw the energetic Sister Xue so sad and fragile.

"Sister Xue, you're not suitable for going out." Chu Heling looked at Xue Moxuan, sighed in his heart, and opened his mouth, while looking at Su Chenyu. Of course, only Su Chenyu is the most able to help here. Xue Moxu is up, it depends on whether Su Chenyu is willing.

Li Lingqing grabbed Chu Heling and shook his head. The emotional affairs can not be reluctant. Even if Su Chenyu's help is not enough, as long as the misunderstanding is not solved for a day, it cannot be promoted. Maybe it will make the situation worse. Affect the relationship between that person and Su Chenyu.

Li Lingmeng looked at this and then that. I don't know what kind of mystery they were playing. Looking at Wen Jiexi, she was also confused, so what happened? She absolutely does not admit that she is too lazy and does not care about gossip in high society at all!

"Sister Xue, wait." At this moment, Su Chenyu suddenly said unexpectedly,

"... Um ..." Xue Mozhen heard Su Chenyu calling her, looked up, and looked dumbfounded, making people can't help but caress, Sister Xue, because you can drink a drink once. No, you know what? !!

"The second floor of No. 3 Community, No. 3 ooo on **** Road." Su Chenyu burst out of an address. In order to avoid the seizure of Xue's family, the man kept asking for himself, hoping to live in his own house. I was very concerned, anyway, she also had a lot of real estate, so I gave her a quiet neighborhood, for the sake of friendship, helped her cover up a little, and promised to change the house every few months. It's pretty hard.

Xue Moxuan looked at Su Chenyu and didn't know if he understood the meaning of Su Chenyu, but Li Lingqing and Chu Heling beside him looked at Su Chenyu in surprise and didn't say much.

Wen Jiexi and Li Lingmeng are still confused, what exactly is this? Could it be a generation gap? It can be said that the ideas of both of them are quite strange.

"... Thank you ..." After a while, Xue Moxuan's eyes changed. A flash of excitement and gratitude flashed in his eyes. He nodded towards Su Chenyu and turned away without hesitation. "Is it okay to let Sister Xue leave like this?" Li Lingmeng asked with a probe, although Sister Xue had responded to the question just now, and it didn't seem to be unintentional, but the wagging, snake-like pace was really okay ? If there is a car accident.

"Rest assured, the banquet organized by the Su family will protect these drunk guests from going home safely." Su Chenyu said gently, picking up a piece of cake, while watching Li Lingqing.

Su Chenyu: When do you leave.

Li Lingqing: Want to live a world of two people? I don't! You bite me!

Su Chenyu jumped on his forehead, looked at Chu Heling, raised his hand to her,

Su Chenyu: Tow this shameless person in your house.

Li Lingqing: Who is ashamed?

Chu Heling ate the cake silently, even if she was burnt by the fire, she was a quiet woman, she couldn't sleep without talking.

"I've found you!" A man gritted his teeth and appeared with a spooky tone. It was Wen Jiexi's elder brother Wen Lin Shu, who was standing not far away from them at this time, looking at Su Chenyu. With her own baby sister's waist, the blue tendons on her forehead are jumping happily.

"Su Chenyu! You guys, let go of my sister!"

Wen Linshu said, we must take Wen Jiexi away. As a result, he is fast, Su Chen speaks faster, and in the case of geographical advantage, he pulls his hands together and directly lets Wen Jiexi sit on her thigh. Let Wen Linshu take a sip.

"Brother." Su Chenyu said directly to Wen Linshu, without being embarrassed.

"Who is your brother!" Wen Linshu grinned.

"Xiao Xi is my daughter-in-law, you are Xiao Xi's brother, naturally my brother." Su Chenyu looked at Wen Linshu with a fool's eyes, of course, his eyes were very dim, only Wen Lin Shu can see At the same time, he also cast a provocative and proud look.

Seeing that look like a victor, Wen Linshu thought that if it wasn't for the sake of the occasion, it was estimated that it would be a storm, and he wanted to go up to Su Chenyu desperately. If he hadn't stopped by Wen's parents just now, he would have been Come on stage, give this woman who eats her Xiaoxi tofu in public, hum, Xiaoxi belongs to Wen's family! I won't get married!

"Sister Su, this is not good ... Quickly ... Put me down." Wen Jiexi sat on Su Chenyu's thigh, feeling that the thighs of the two fit snugly, and the face was red again, Those who are struggling want to go down to the ground, so that people don't look good, and the dresses are very expensive. If they are crushed like this, it will not be good.

"It's okay, I like it." Su Chenyu rubbed Wen Jiexi's tender earlobe and said with a slight smile, wearing Wen Linshu's murderous eye knife, feeding half of the cake into Wen Jiexi's mouth, Watching Wen Jie Xi obediently, eating cake in a small mouth, eyes flashed with satisfaction.

Ahhhh! Xiaoxi, come over to my brother. The man is a bad guy, a big-tailed wolf! Wen Linshu regretted it very much at this time, why didn't he stand at Xiaoxi's side at that time, so as to prevent the current situation, even if he had to meet in private at night, if Xiaoxi didn't come today, he would have to watch the scene just now How does Su Chenyu end up? He can also take a picture of it secretly to see Xiaoxi, hum, your sister Su is actually such a person! As a result ... people are not as good as the sky! Finally know why parents should hide from themselves! Are they their son? QAQ

"Huh, I don't agree with it!" Wen Linshu said angrily, as a big sister-in-law ... As an elder brother, how could he consent to such a bad woman like Su Chenyu entering the house! At least it must be as gentle as Chu Heling. Gentleness hurts his family and must be better than himself!

It is a pity that Wen Linshu's protest was not accepted. It should be said that except for the three people who were present at the scene, the protagonist of the event was just a show of affection.

After feeding the cake, Su Chenyu picked up the orange juice on the side and handed it to Wen Jiexi, hoping that Wen Jiexi didn't find the cake so greasy, and then saw Wen Jiexi smear a lot of cream on the corner of the mouth. Hanging down, licking it to the mouth, hum, if there were so many people present, she wouldn't mind licking with her tongue.

Li Lingqing: Converge in public! I don't know there are many single dogs outside!

Chu Heling: Do not ignore indecent assault, do not listen to indecent assault, please be considerate to the eyes and stomach of those around you. Dog food is not delicious.

Li Lingmeng: Goddess Su is so painful, alas, so enviable, when can you find a good, long and beautiful one? Women are also good, anyway, it ’s not bad

Wen Lin Shu: This is when my brother died! Actually dare to show affection in front of my brother. This is challenging my authority. I don't agree, I don't agree!

"Sister Su!" Wen Jiexi noticed the crowd's gaze, and glanced at Su Chenyu, grumbled, and was kissed by Su Chenyu, and her face was red again.

Everyone: Mom, how much dog food is this enough? you are enough! Xiu En loves death fast, never heard this famous saying!

"Brother ... what did you disagree with just now?" Wen Jiexi looked at Sister Su with a smile in her eyes. She couldn't get angry, but she felt embarrassed with everyone's eyes and could only shift the subject stiffly.

"Ah ... Xiaoxi, don't you think you should find someone who is about the same age as you, or else you will be one or two years older than you. There are too many five years old. Your brother is giving you Introduce better people, okay? "Wen Linshu tried to persuade, and he was thick-skinned and ignored Su Chen's warning. This is how my sister drops it. If you do n’t give it to you, you still want to grab it?

However, although Wen Linshu was so terrified, unfortunately the object he wanted to persuade did not cooperate very well. Wen Jie tilted her head and asked strangely,

"Isn't father and mother five years apart?

"This ... this is the gulf of the times ... we have to follow the trend of the times." Wen Lin Shu said a word, and then said, how can you forget this party thing, you parents can not be three years old, four years old? ? Do n’t ask your son to be beaten because of taking you as an example when you persuade

Wen family husband and wife: Blame us!

"But I think Sister Su is very good ..." Wen Jiexi said nana, and Su Chenyu beside her was very happy and satisfied with Wen Jiexi's words. She stretched out her hand and Wen Jiexi placed on her lap. Palms of hands.

Dog food strikes, please everyone to avoid it properly!

The big sister-in-law confronted the goddess of Su, the first match was defeated.

"Xiao Xi, you are still young and don't understand the sinister nature of the people, brother me ..." Wen Jie Xi was interrupted before she finished speaking,

"Brother, I'm 20 years old, I'm not young anymore, I'm an adult." She's not a kid! Wen Jie said, drumming her cheeks.

"Uh ... yeah ... Xiao Xi is an adult ..." Wen Lin Shu laughed, looked at Wen Jie behind, and looked at Su Chen with a mocking look in front of himself. Kind of hiding behind Xiaoxi, come out and fight! Heads-up!

Wen Linshu defeated again in the second match

"Xiao Xi, Mom and Dad don't know if they will agree. You need to know that although our family is not an enlightened family, this is not an easily accepted fact." Wen Linshu said bitterly, but everyone present Before answering, there was a pleasant voice in,

"Uh-huh, why do you oppose it, Xiaoxi, Mom and Dad agree. Whoever you want to be with is happy with you, Mom and Dad support you. Anyway, your brother will inherit the line, do n’t be afraid, it ’s OK to like women , Big deal just want the child to go to IVF. "

The parents of Su family and Wen family did not know when they came here. They seemed to be smiling. They seemed to have spoken before and they were very satisfied with each other's family. It was Tan Yashi who just spoke. Said with a domineering look.

Wenlin Shu: Mom, have you thought about your son's opinion? My son is so sad!

The third confrontation, Wen Linshu, died.

The author has something to say: I'm busy today, more late ~

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