MTL - What To Do If The System Forces You To Exercise-Chapter 66

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The two had just reached the finish line, and everyone was waiting there. Wen Ting immediately came over and said cheerfully.

"Have you seen it? Have you seen it? It's awesome, right? I didn't expect the show crew to give us such a big surprise."

"It's really surprising. It's really big." Wen Jiexi also agrees with Wen Ting. It can be very difficult to do this in the park even for the show. It is very difficult to keep them in such a high place Seeing how big the area of ​​this drawing must be is really hard to imagine.

"Here are two votes." A crew member of a show group handed the three envelopes to Wen Jiexi and Su Chenyu respectively.

"thank you."

"Thank you."

"There are two copies, what should I do?" Wen Jiexi looked at this a little bit embarrassed. Could she go several times a year, or gave the ticket to Li Lingmeng? She helped herself so much to see who she was going with, I wonder if she could make a lover in the near future.

"Rest assured, it will be useful, put it here first." Su Chenyu said after taking three envelopes from Wen Jiexi.

"Okay." Wen Jiexi nodded.

"Ah ... finally here ..." Shi Junmao's wailing came from behind him, he was sitting on the ground with cold sweat on his face, and Uncle Mu Du couldn't be better, his legs were slightly It's shaking, it looks really scared.

"Why are you afraid of being like this?" Lan Yuyan asked, touching his head.

"Come on, you walked with your eyes closed." Shi Junmao said ruefully, Lan Yuyan. When they were about to come over, Uncle Mu Du could say that he was holding on to his own hand, and it seemed as if he wanted His hand was broken. If Uncle Mu Du had the general strength of Wen Jie, he felt that his hand might be disabled, and the cold sweat on his forehead was not scared, but it was painful.

"You didn't see that picture?" Lan Yuyan touched his nose and looked at Shi Junmao's grieving face, and he could only ask hehe.

"Yes, I saw it, but I was pulled away without a closer look." Shi Junmao said sadly.

"Hahaha, don't do this! Xiaomaozi, I didn't mean it." Mu Dugan, who was slightly better, patted Shi Junmao with a smile.

"It will be included in the recording anyway. It should be very good to see everyone's response. Oh, I can look forward to it a little bit." Shi Junmao spread his hand.

"Oh, it seems to be a success." Old Zhan didn't know where it came from, and every time he appeared, he was not a ghost, everyone was used to ...

"Old Zhan, shouldn't you come from here?" Wen Ting pointed to the glass bridge. Obviously, Old Zhan stood on the opposite side, which also meant that he definitely didn't come over the glass bridge.

"Ah, at such a high place, I still can't make up for the old man." Old Zhan said with his hands on his hips.

Everyone: ... how many times did I say I had gone?

"Don't you say you jumped a few times on the glass bridge?" Wen Ting asked.

"Yeah, I grabbed the railing and jumped a few times on the edge of the glass bridge. Well, absolutely sturdy." Old Zhan said very shamelessly.

Everyone: Shit, I was pitted by Lao Zhan again. I really wanted to tie people up and hang them on the glass bridge one night. Unfortunately, this is against the law.

When Mu Du saw this situation, his legs did not shake, he rushed up and gave Lao Zhan a throat lock.

"You old bastard!" Then he made a few punches into his stomach and looked painful, but in fact it did not work hard. Mu Du still kept a bit of saneness, stabbed people in front of the camera, but it would be hacked by the entire network. .

"Wow quack! Brother Mu Du is so enthusiastic, my brother Chun is so dazzling, Brother Mu Du, since you make people fascinated, you have to be responsible to others ~" Lao Zhan cooperated with howling, then covered her heart with both hands, facing Mu Du blinked his eyes shyly.

"Roll and roll!" Mu Du let go of his hand like he was burnt, rubbing his arm with a disgusted look, and was sickened by goose bumps.

"Actually, the two of you are a good match, both are uncles ~" Lan Yu said with a smile.

Mu Du & Lao Zhan's eyes widened: "Who matches you!"

They looked at each other: "Don't learn to talk to me!"



Looking at everyone laughing, Lao Zhan didn't know which one was wrong, but she started to play again, holding the orchid finger, and shook the pink silk sip that didn't know where it came from.

"I hate it, actually I admired Brother Mudu before ~ ​​But in the end, Brother Mudu abandoned me, so I had to stay here alone, alas, Brother Mudu was so cruel ~" he said while holding Sipa wiped the tears that did not exist, and the whole person seemed to be a grudge.

"Gee ... don't come near me." Mu Du looked away from Lao Zhan, her face criss-crossed, and it looked like she was about to spit out.

In fact, it wasn't just him. Everyone heard the special coquettish sound of Old Zhan. All of them made a shudder, and an uncle made a snoring sound, which was personally unacceptable.

The thrilling ultra-high-rise glass bridge challenge ended in this way. I don't know if you should laugh or sigh about how amazing the people of this competition show.

The next day, they were taken to a place that looked like a passageway. Both sides of the road were decorated with leaves. The leaves were so dense that they couldn't see through the other side.

"What is this?" Lan Yuyan asked yawning.

"Well ... this is a labyrinth. It has ten football fields so large, and there is only one exit for the labyrinth. Please look for it. By the way, each of you has a backpack." Got a blue backpack

"It's filled with water and food. Keep it safe."

"If you haven't come out for a day, can you starve to death inside?" Shi Junmao looked at the backpack with three irrigations, several breads, two small bags of candy, two bags of jerky, one bag of hot sticks, and one box of compression. Biscuits, scratch your head and ask, this can only last at least a day.

"If you can't get out, we will have a helicopter, but if the helicopter is dispatched in the end, you will be punished. If you are punished, please refer to yesterday." Old Zhan said with a smile.

Everyone: Can you still play happily!

"Oh, of course, it's not just easy to find a way. There are still a few obstacles in it, so please try to overcome them. I am optimistic about you." Lao Zhan said with a fist and a smile, no matter how good she was.

"But ... the food in it ..." Wen Jiexi looked at the same amount of food as Shi Junmao, but she said something, but she didn't eat enough ... Will it starve to death?

"In the maze there are our special treasure chests, there are some utensils, and food, you can look for them!" Lao Zhan shook his head and suddenly pointed at them with a serious expression in his waist,

"Remember, you can't destroy things! You broke your own payment, and the show crew is not responsible. Do you know how much we lost in the house show team we had before?"

Lao Zhan covered her chest and looked at them with a pained look, like saying that at the time, why did n’t they help sponsor them at the time, and the program team almost went bankrupt. .

"Ah ... we should go in."

"Yeah, it's getting late, let's start early and end soon ..."

"What's so late, it's only ten o'clock now."

"Oh, this little detail doesn't matter."

Then Lao Zhan was ignored again, vicissitudes watching ten people carrying backpacks into the maze.

"Well, there is no sense of direction at all, then which one to go next?" Wen Ting scratched her head and looked at the three forks in front of her. So how to choose, she looked at the others next to her,

"Are you going away?"

"I feel bad."

"It's okay, you have to go around here anyway."

The opinions of the crowd were somewhat different. At this moment, a loud scream sounded. It turned out that Lan Yuyan didn't know what he stepped on. A rope tied his right foot and hung him upside down.

"Wow, is there still this trap?" Shi Junmao was stunned.

"This is obviously a trap for hunting, it is actually used here, really when we are animals." Mu Du observed around Lan Yuyan and said, touching his chin.

"Maybe I just want us to go hula ..." Chu Heling said what everyone thought.

Everyone: All evil old Zhan, all evil show group!

"Hey ... can you come first and find a way to put me down, this is very uncomfortable." Lan Yuyan was pulled up by Yan Haocheng's lower body and rolled his eyes to the stunned crowd, knowing Know how tired it is to maintain this posture?

"But how to solve it is still a problem ..." Mu Du smiled bitterly. Now Lan Yuyan's height is straight and his hands can touch the ground slightly, but Lan Yuyan's height is ten among the top three. , So no one can hook the rope on his feet at all.

"I'll try it." Wen Jie said, scratching her head.

"Be careful," Su Chen said quietly in the head.

"Huh!" Wen Jie nodded and looked around Lan Yuyan,

"You need to help him or he will fall."

"I'm here, I'm here."


The other three men stood on the other side of Lan Yuyan, opposite Yan Haocheng, supporting his back, and the other protected Lan Yuyan's head from a concussion when he fell down.

"I need a pedal ..." Wen Jiexi saw that she had only a backpack on her back and no other equipment. Obviously there was no place for her to step on it.

"I'm here, I'm here!" Wen Ting volunteered, then handed the bag behind Huo Liner,

"Liner get it for me."


"Is this okay?" Wen Ting stood in front of Lan Yuyan with their palms folded, feet spread out, squatting slightly, and bending down slightly, watching Wen Jiexi inquire.

"Yes, please." Wen Jie nodded and gestured at Lan Yuyan.


After the speech was finished, he ran towards Wen Ting. He stepped on Wen Ting's palm and kicked it hard. He directly grasped the rope above Lan Yuyan's foot. He took the body up with his hand and shouted towards the bottom.

"I'm going to let it go!" After speaking, Lan Yuyan fell down when he pulled the rope, and it was supported by three men, that is, his feet fell to the ground.

"Huh ... ah ... dizziness." Lan Yuyan kicked some numb feet, her body was shaking, her cheeks were red, it seemed to be a long-term brain congestion. Just rest for a while.

"Be careful, don't move around." Yan Haocheng said frowning slightly, holding Lan Yuyan sitting on the ground, opened a bottle of water for him to drink, let him rest.

"Jie Xi, no matter how you look at it, you are such awesome!" Wen Ting patted the dust in his hands, shook his tingling hands, and gave thumbs up to Wen Jie Xi.

"Neither, but everyone needs help." Wen Jiexi scratched her head and said, if she was alone, she would not dare to do so.

"I think we should go together so that we can support each other," Mu Du said, touching his nose.

"I agree, and there are more than one trap. We need to be careful." Chu Heling also agreed.

"I agree, I agree, let's go together!" Shi Junmao, who was helping Lan Yuyan to untie the rope, also echoed. He didn't want to be hung up, but then no one came to save him. By that time, it was really called Tiantian. .

After the accident, everyone agreed.

"Then just find a way to go," Huo Liner said, pointing to the fork in front.

"How about going in the middle? It doesn't matter which way to go anyway." Mu Du proposed, and no one expressed any opposition, because as Mu Du said, there really is no difference.

"So do you want to find a way to make some marks? Then we know where we have passed." Chu Heling asked.

"But we have nothing to mark, except ..." Wen Jiexi hesitated a little, looking at the rope on the ground.

"But this rope is very short." Wen Ting picked up the rope. Didn't she say that this rope is only about a meter away? How can I make a marking appliance? However, besides backpacks, they are mainly food, so they ca n’t throw food at all. They do n’t know how long to go around here, but they can be sure that it will be noon.

"You can rub the rope." Huo Liner said, stepped forward and looked at the plant wall next to him, and then dialed, the plant wall should be thick enough, otherwise Huo Liner's movements will also see the opposite, but unfortunately there is only More dense foliage.

After groping for a while, Huo Liner pulled out a tree vine that apparently withered, with yellow and dry leaves on it, and pulled it out forcefully, but got stuck for a few steps, Wen Jiexi immediately went up Broken the branches before.

"This should work. The harvest is easy, and the color is also obvious here." The five branches pulled by Huo Liner and joined them at the end became very long, at least 20 meters.

"It works really well, it won't break the tree wall." Shi Junmao said with a smile.

"Well, if Lao Zhan didn't say, maybe we would ask Jie Xi to go straight and destroy all the obstacles in front of me, and we will be able to go out soon." Lan Yuyan has rested, holding his head against Yan Haocheng's shoulder. Sigh.

Looking at the words of Lan Yuyan, their faces were full of obscurity or obvious approval, making Wen Jiexi cry and laugh. They are addicted to demolition and want to dismantle everywhere.

Old Zhan, who watched several people interacting through the aerial camera and hidden camera, patted his chest: Fortunately, I had to add this sentence, otherwise the maze would be ruined. It's terrible, this group of saboteurs! !! !!

Ten people walked slowly like this, collecting branches while walking, and tied them to the plant wall one by one, which looked like strange ribbons.

Turn left and right, and encountered small pits, as well as traps for the first time, and even puddles that I do n’t know how to trigger.

"Uh ... much miserable ... who on earth came up with these traps ..." Shi Junmao was pulled out of a puddle with a length of nearly two meters by Lan Yuyan and Mu Dulian. His body was soaked, and his eyes were full of resentment.

"Don't say anything, it must be the old Zhan guy thinking, who else can he have?" Mu Du pulled Shi Junmao up, and reached out to untie the knot on his left foot.

"What kind of trap is there? It's a mess." Wen Ting complained and reached out and patted the dust and leaves on her body. It's not difficult to see that she fell into the pit.

The design of the pit has a height of two meters, and it is covered with thick leaves underneath, so that people will not be hurt if they fall. Of course, it still hurts a bit, but because the edges are uneven, Wen Jie took some effort. Only then pulled Wen Ting up.

Among the ten people now, Shi Junmao and Wen Ting are the most embarrassed. Uncle Mu Du has been hoisted three times, and he must be lamented. What luck is this for himself, but Lan Yu's words are nothing but the first stroke. Wen Jie Xi, they have nothing to do, no way, who is called Shi Junmao, they always like to run first.

"Sister Su, would you like to take a break?" Wen Jie looked at the sun above her head, and the thin sweat on Su Chen's forehead, asked a little worried, and at the same time complained in her heart, the show group was really not kind. The weather came out and I didn't know to give a hat or umbrella.

"I'm okay, it's good to move like this." Su Chenyu said holding Wen Jiexi's hand and smiling.

"This ... my hands ... a little dirty ..."

As Su Chenyu said, her smile on Wen Jiexi gradually increased, but unfortunately Wen Jiexi said that every time she saw Su Chenyu's smile, her heartbeat would speed up to an extreme. When she laughed, her body would endure Can't help, quickly lowered her head, looked at some dirt on her hand, and said something awkwardly about to pull her hand back. I didn't expect that the hand holding her hand would increase the gravity, so that she would not let her hand out and raised her head. , To the last smiling look,

"I do not mind."

Su Chenyu looked at Wen Jiexi's hand lightly and rubbed her hands. There was no doubt that the wife's ears became redder, and she did not dare to look at herself, her eyes drifted, so cute!

Then they took the dog food without warning: ...

"Wow, ah!" There was a sudden yelling, and I saw Uncle Mu Du pointing in one direction, where there were more than a dozen big dogs rushing towards them, drooling, exposing sharp points The sharp teeth in his eyes are fierce, and no matter how they look, they are not good dogs.

"I wipe, what is this, who is going to die!" Shi Junmao was still sitting on the ground, and he jumped with his eyes wide when he saw this scene.

"Lao Zhan's trick!" Wen Ting yelled a little.

"I think we should run now." Li Lingqing took Chu Heling's hand, looked at the people who were still there, and kindly gave a suggestion, and then ran back.

"Wow, wait!"

"Let's go together!"

Wen Jie looked at a group of people running back like a gust of wind, and that speed was definitely a force to feed.

"Uh .. Sister Su, shall we run?" Wen Jiexi asked as she watched the dogs getting closer.

"Seeing a dog running with his back to him will only make the dog more excited, especially this type of dog. I don't think our endurance will be better than a dog." Su Chen said lightly, adding in her heart that she believed The affinity of his wife.

"Huh!" Wen Jie nodded and followed Su Chenyu's place, but moved a little bit to let Su Chenyu come behind her.

Huh! !! !! The dogs are getting closer and closer, and then ... emergency braking in front of Wen Jiexi,

"Wang Wang! Hahaha ..." Unlike the fierce light just now, the big dogs stopped at this moment, and shook their tails with their tongues facing Wen Jiexi.

"Oh, obediently." Wen Jie stunned, then reached out and touched the nearest dog's head, the big dog enjoyed squinting his eyes, and raised his head to slap Wen Jiexi's palm. Wen Jiexi walked around and around her hands. Fortunately, the dog was fairly clean, but Wen Jiexi's clothes just had a lot of dog hair, and there was nothing very dirty.

Everyone who came back because they didn't hear the bark of the dog: "..." This differential treatment is too big. We forgot that there is a "good animal friend" here. What did you run just now? Already.

Program group: Our specially trained dogs! Although the surface is full of malice, but the inner tame will not change, but the vest is dropped so soon, right?

Dog: Barking, how can I drop it!

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