MTL - What To Do If The System Forces You To Exercise-Chapter 57

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The biggest winners this time are undoubtedly Wen Jiexi and Su Chenyu. That was almost an overwhelming victory, and the least were Shi Junmao, Mu Du and Lan Yuyan.

Wen Jiexi wanted to rub her eyes, but Su Chenyu quickly pulled it apart, took out a paper towel, and gave it to Wen Jiexi.

"With this, I didn't wash my hands."

"Huh!" Wen Jie took it and started wiping her face, while beside,

"Yu Yan, why are you last?" Shi Junmao asked Lan Yuyan in confusion, like a brother and a brother.

"I'm ... an animal insulator." Lan Yuyan was the worst in it. No animal was willing to approach him. He touched his nose, said embarrassed, and then began to explain his animal experience.

"When I was young, I also liked these fluffy animals, but no matter how close I was, the animals ran away or they were bitten. I'm used to it, at least not bitten."

Everyone: Is this the sadness of Sunshine Boy? How so poor!

Lao Zhan touched his nose, wow, he accidentally dug people into pain, sympathized with the blue boy for three seconds, and then clapped his hands and said,

"Then come to play the game of punishment." Old Zhan said holding a pick tube,

"Red is pepper water, green is bitter gourd water, and colorless is sugar water, it depends on your luck."

The three people signed each one. It didn't take long to smoke. In the end, Lan Yuyan was lucky to get the sugar water. Shi Junmao was pepper water and Mudu was bitter gourd water.

"Drink, drink, finish drinking!" Lao Zhan encouraged on the side.

If you want to drink, Lan Yuyan is the most stress-free. He takes a sip and opens a smile and admires,

"It's so sweet! It's delicious!"

Wait, I seem to see that the syrup is thick? Will it not be white syrup? Wen Jie blinked, thinking she was awake.

"I rely on ... this is the concentrated sugar I got from someone. I can make dozens of drinks, and it's delicious!" Old Zhan muttered.

Everyone: "..." It's lucky to say that you can get sugar water? The host's words cannot be believed.

However, Mu Du and Shi Junmao frowned and drank, and the eyebrows were slightly loose. Although it was slightly frowned, it still seemed to be within the tolerance range of ordinary people.

"What's next?" Mu Du covered her mouth, lowered the cup, and filled her mouth with bitter taste. Although it was within the tolerance range, drinking too much made people feel nauseous. Evil ... how can I abuse the elderly.

"The next thing is to milk. After all, we need milk pot for dinner. The milk is the material for you." Lao Zhan laughed.

Milk pot? material? Are they going to milk?

The crowd came to a field with many cows standing along the fence. There were a dozen cows in total. They shook their tails and continued to chew the forage in their mouths.

"Just squeeze here, fill these buckets, and pour into the processing machine over there." Old Zhan pointed to the groove on the side, it looks like it should handle the milky smell and disinfection machine.

"Good! Work hard for our dinner!" Mu Du said with a wave of his arms, took the lead to pick up a small bucket and sat in front of the first cow, then looked at,

"Uh ... do you milk?"

Everyone shook their heads, Mudu touched his nose,

"Then I'll try it first ..." Mu Du bent down and looked first, then saw the pink ** hanging down from the cow's belly, then hesitated with a little hesitation, and squeezed gently,

"Well? Didn't come out? No milk?"

"Would you like to pinch it harder?" Shi Junmao probed over, reached out and grabbed his head and tried to stretch out his hand slightly.

Huh! !! !! The pinched cow screamed, her limbs moved, and her head turned to Shi Junmao. Her eyes were filled with fire and her nostrils blasted hard. She looked very angry, and because of her anger, it seemed to affect the cows behind. There was an instant of restlessness, and if there were no fences, they suspected that the cows would rush over and trample them.

"It seems you hurt her." Wen Ting sighed on Shi Junmao's shoulder.

"What now?" Lan Yuyan scratched his head and asked, how can cows squeeze milk now?

"Of course it's waiting for the cow to calm down. You still have to stand behind, or wait until the cow starts to explode again." Mu Du patted Lan Yuyan's shoulder and said.

Lan Yuyan said: "..." His body and mind was severely damaged, and today his heart was smashed into dregs.

The crowd ignored Lan Yuyan's heartbroken away, Wen Jie hesitated, then came forward and touched the cow's head, but the cow looked at Wen Jie for a while, and actually raised his face and stunned Wen Wen Jie Xi's palm, licked her tongue out.

Everyone: Why is this differential treatment so big?

"Everyone on the TV said they need to massage gently." In view of Shi Junmao's end just now, Huo Liner was very careful when she stretched out her hands, gently squeezed a **, rubbed it, then gently pulled it, Uh ... I really squeezed milk, but because of the sudden squeeze, the milk actually fell on Mudu directly.

Huo Liner: Frightened face.

Mu Du: It's me who feels hurt? !!

Everyone: dumbfounded.

"Eh ... seems like it's so crowded." Wen Jiexi looked at this and that, and laughed.

"It's okay, anyway, the clothes are dirty enough, don't add it." Mu Du said with a wave of his hand.

"Squeeze the milk first. It's more than three o'clock. We need to step up." Chu Heling raised Li Lingqing's wrist and looked at the time.

"Then take a bucket by yourself." Wen Ting handed each person a bucket and attached a bench, and then took a Lediandian pick a cow that looked good to the eye, sat down, and learned Following Huo Liner's technique just now, I worked hard for a while and finally squeezed out milk.

Everyone saw Wen Ting's success, and they walked to a cow and sat down to start milking.

"Jie Xi, shouldn't you go milking?" As soon as Su Chenyu sat down, she saw the little boy running beside her and raised an eyebrow.

"I think we are still good together." Wen Jie said hehe, she found that Su Chenyu was not only proficient in acting, but also able to take care of basic life skills. The others were not proficient. She was afraid of something unexpected. She was too late to rescue!

"... Okay." Su Chenyu looked at Wen Jiexi with a worried look in her eyes, and no longer objected.


Everyone: Mom, flash our dog eyes.

Everyone was chatting while milking. Without the pressure of the competition, they still got up and walked around from time to time to look around. The show team did not specifically jump out to stop their actions. It seems that the variety shows are not all challenging, and the pressure is still so high. Big, who is this going to kill?

In this way, after milking, everyone returned to the restaurant with fresh milk that had just been processed.

"Well, why is it so slow! We've been waiting for a long time!" Lao Zhan sat on the chair, leaning Erlang's legs, and squid shreds on his mouth.

At the table not far away, pots and hearty ingredients were already prepared. Looking at this situation, they were ready for dinner.

"Cut, anyway, you didn't prepare anything, just look at the pile of seeds in the trash can next to you, that's how your big belly is." Mu Du sneered rudely.

"Huh, what a big belly! This is one of the handsomeness of a man!" Old Zhan was unwilling to hear Mu Du say this, jumped up and patted his belly and said.

A number of female artists have put aside their faces and did not make it clear, but the expression is obviously disgusting, and the male artist is not so restrained. He looked at Lao Zhan up and down, and he did not say that he was disgusting. Lifting Yan Haocheng's clothesline, revealing the six strong muscles below,

"Is this how handsome a man is ?!"

Old Zhan felt that he was hurt by 10,000 points ...

"Well, don't hurry to eat yet, rest early today, our show team is ready for tomorrow's venue, enjoy it!" Lao Zhan smiled maliciously.

Unfortunately, for his preview, the ten players turned his head and put down the milk just after looking at him. Anyway, old Zhan had said before that they would lose their image, what are they afraid of?

Old Zhan: How is it different from what I thought? Shouldn't you be nervous or have trouble eating?

But the fact is that the players ate more, walked upstairs with a full face, leaving only the messy old Zhan in the wind,

"Lao Zhan, you are gone without eating!"

"Sure enough, fresh milk is the best!"

"Can cook, eat and drink."

"Hey, you little conscience, leave me a little!"

The next morning, Wen Jiexi just opened her eyes. What she saw was not the familiar ceiling, but a wood-colored smallpox version. She slightly moved her body, huh? The bed underneath turned into a single bed?

While this observation shocked Wen Jiexi, the whole person jumped up and looked around alertly.

She found that she was staying in a small room, and all the equipment was complete. Sister Su ... was gone? !!

Anxious Wen Jiexi ignored it and rushed outside to find someone, but the doorknob was locked.

Locked! Wen Jiexi's eyes appeared gloomy. Looking at the wooden door in front of her, she took a breath, half-turned, and kicked her feet hard.

Pound ... the door flew out of the shocked sight of the people outside, hit the ground heavily, and there was this smoking footprint ...

Wen Jie lifted her feet and stared at the outside with big eyes, uh, these people seemed to be members of the show group!

Program group members: I rely on what they saw. Although I know that the player's force value is explosive, will this be too exaggerated?

"What's wrong, demolish the house?" Wearing black clothes, a **** cloak, and a fangs mask, the old man who was a villain ran over with someone. Looking at this situation, his mouth was no better than the show. Small staff.

"Uh ... this is the effect of the show?" Wen Jiexi scratched her head and grinned,

"I thought it was a kidnapper, Ahahaha."

"Want to go first?" Old Zhan's headache forehead, managed to rent a favorite venue, and scrapped a door in a blink of an eye. How much maintenance cost?

"Okay!" Wen Jie touched her nose and knew that she was in trouble. Since it is the show crew outside, what effect should this have, and I don't know what method they used to move them over, this open eye really let People are scared.

Bump bump ... Behind the sound of the door, the crew did not know where to find a wooden board, and directly installed it,

"Ahem, grievance, when the event starts, we will help you install a new one." After the show crew nailed it, the probe came in and said, then closed the door.

"So what kind of game this time is really a big deal ..." Wen Jiexi scratched her head and saw that there is only a bed and a small table and a small bench here, ah, there is also a very old square TV, the other is a small The toilet is gone, the others are nothing.

At this time, Wen Jie noticed that there was an envelope and a small box on the table. She was anxious and didn't notice it. She walked over and opened the envelope. It contained a card with a doctor's card on it. What means

Then open the box. It is a very old-fashioned mobile phone with a group on it. It should not be said that this phone can only see this group, the other will not have any functions, and the notes on it myself ... !!

Next to the phone is a small cloth bag with a sticky note affixed to it, which opens in times of crisis, moments of crisis

Zizi ... At this time, the TV screen appeared like noise, and the lights were almost flashing.

Wen Jiexi: It really feels like ...

The picture went from blurry to slightly clearer. Humorous and weird laughter came from the TV. Obviously, a voice changer and a fangs mask appeared in the eyes of everyone. In this regard, Wen Jiexi said that you really play with old Zhan! The old Zhan in the picture spoke slowly,

"Welcome to the killing game! My castle welcomes you. Each of you has an identity card that represents your occupation. The most special occupation is doctor, killer and police. Doctors can save people, killers. You can kill people. The police have to catch who is the killer. There are three occupations. Everyone can come out during the day and ring the bell at night. The killer can kill one person. The police have three reports and the doctor can save one person at a time. While others are escaping, look for the treasure hidden in the castle. If the killer wins the game and everyone does not find the treasure, the treasure belongs to the winner. The killer is caught first, then the treasure can still be found. Come on, enjoy a fun and nervous treasure hunt and killer game! Now the game is starting! "

Zhang Qiang's laughter continued to remember, with a beep, the TV screen disappeared and the lights recovered.

"This is the so-called werewolf killing, it just blends into finding treasure." Wen Jie said, touching her nose.

Just then, a broadcast sounded,

"It's already dawning." At the same time, a crackling sound of crackling came from the door, which seemed to mean that he could get out of the room.

Wen Jie Xi put everything in her pocket and walked out. She was surrounded by people just now, and now she can clearly see the structure of the entire building.

Here is a large long table with ten chairs. It seems to be the place to discuss here after the killing at night. She has seen the game of werewolf killing. It seems to be like this.

The top of the table is hollow, you can see the corridor above, and the top chandelier is exuding a faint yellow light, ah, not just the TV, the anger outside is also well arranged, at least playing Werewolf Kill The atmosphere is really lifelike. After Wen Jiexi came out, there were a lot of door openings. Look around. Someone lives on the third floor, the second floor, and the first floor. Du, and Huo Liner, Chu Heling, Wen Ting, Yan Haocheng, and Shi Junmao lived on the second floor. On the third floor, there were only Su Chenyu and Li Lingqing.

"This scale is really a big deal. It is a ranch and a castle. How much is the cost of this crew?" Mu Du muttered, in this quiet castle, it was particularly awake, and many people revealed With a sorrowful expression in his heart, it seems that the thoughts are similar.

"Let's go down to the first floor first! Otherwise it's hard to discuss." Lan predicted said looking at the upper floor and scratching his head.

"I agree," Wen Jie said as she opened the chair.

One after another came down one by one, sitting in a chair, really feeling deeply discussed.

"Then I'll speak first! I'm a chef, I'm not a killer." Mu Du took out a card and said, the card is the same as Wen Jiexi, but the image above looks like a chef.

"I ... I'm a lawyer ..." Huo Liner was so nervous that he took out the card. It seemed that she couldn't stand the thick atmosphere.

"I'm a farmer." Lan Yuyan said, and took out the card for everyone to see.

Unfortunately, only three of them showed the card. The others were silent. Wen Jie didn't know what the others thought, but she knew the role of a doctor. If she showed the card, the first one would die very badly. It may be yourself, you ca n’t always save yourself, this game will endlessly.

"Well, don't you have anything to say?" Mudu probably thought the situation was unexpected.

"Since it was a werewolf kill, what's the point of showing your hole cards so soon?" Wen Ting smiled,

"And proving that you are a civilian is not necessarily safe. You have to find a treasure. I am curious what the treasure of the show group is."

The three people who showed the card first seemed to make sense when they heard what Wen Ting said, and they didn't get angry because of Wen Ting's outspoken words, but silently put away their cards, Wen Jie couldn't help squinting slightly. She thought that there might be something in that little bag. Some people have already opened it and watched it, so she is not as nervous as expected.

"Don't you feel hungry ..." Shi Junmao said, covering his stomach.

"It's really time for breakfast." Li Lingqing said looking at his watch.

"Eat breakfast first, you have to find the treasure! But where is this kitchen?" Wen Jie scratched her head and looked around.

"The chef should also be on the first floor and look for it separately," Mu Du stood up and said.

In the end, they found the kitchen. The kitchen was large and felt like everything, but the ingredients in the refrigerator were taken away. There were only various boxes of bread, biscuits, etc. on the table.

Everyone grabbed enough food and left the kitchen. Lan Yuyan and Yan Haocheng went upstairs, probably to find treasure while eating. Mu Du and Shi Junmao acted separately. One went upstairs and one was on the first floor. Look around.

Wen Ting and Huo Liner also went up together. Chu Heling and Li Lingqing went back to the table just now and slowly enjoyed breakfast. It didn't seem to be anxious at all. Treasures have different degrees of personal appeal. See this The status is clear.

Wen Jiexi and Su Chenyu, who eat the most, stayed in the kitchen, eating bread in small sips, Wen Jie gathered next to Su Chenyu,

"Sister Su, I told you, I'm a doctor! I will definitely save you!"

"Well, I listen to you." Su Chenyu touched Wen Jiexi's head, a smile flashed in his eyes.

"So what is Sister Su's plan for next? Go to find treasure together." Wen Jiexi did not ask Su Chenyu's career. After all, she had to tell Su Chenyu herself. She didn't want Su Chenyu to be so soon. Kill, she wants to go to the end with Su Chenyu! Of course she has to be careful, she must not show her feet!

"I don't think it's urgent, after all, there are ten people in total, representing a maximum of nine nights, unless the doctor is very powerful and can save several people." Su Chenyu said, touching Wen Jiexi's head,

"It shouldn't be too long during the day. It's the first thing to fill your stomach first. You have to run up and down the next night, but it takes a lot of energy."

"Huh!" Wen Jie nodded her head smartly, thinking at the same time, wondering if she could take some cookies into the room to eat, there is no rule that you can't eat anything!

An hour passed quickly, and the broadcast sounded again,

"It's going to be dark. Please return to your room as soon as possible. You only have five minutes. Those who have not returned to the room within the prescribed time will be punished for not being able to come out during the day."

Wen Jie reluctantly said goodbye to Su Chenyu, grabbed a few packets of biscuits and ran back to his room. After a while, the door of the room changed into a rattling sound.

Wen Jie was not nervous when she opened the biscuit. She was sitting on the bench eating the biscuit. Suddenly, a voice came from her mobile phone. She quickly pulled it out to see that everyone was chatting through the group!

Xiao Erha: "Ah, ah, nervous!"

This should be Lan Yuyan.

Little horse: "Shut up stupid upstairs!"

Wen Ting still looks the same as Lan Yuyan.

Wen Jiexi looked at these messages and passed a few words. It seemed that everyone was not nervous on the first night, and they were chatting leisurely. At this moment, the screen suddenly turned black and a skull image was displayed on it. A husky voice came out,


After a while, the screams shook Wen Jiexi's eardrums, making her shake her shoulders, and hissing .. This call was really creepy, goose bumps, so who died

The picture changed at this time, into a white page with a large rotating love heart,

"Doctor please save people ~" The sweet female voice showed that at the same time she finished speaking, she jumped out the name of the entire group, which said, "Please choose a person to save", looking at the ten names below, Wen Jiexi did not expect to save herself, and he did not hesitate to choose the title of Great Wolf.

The author has something to say: there is no car ... = _ =

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