MTL - What To Do If The System Forces You To Exercise-Chapter 27

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After two days, Wen Jiexi and Li Lingmeng pulled the suitcases and chose a few people to come out. A black car outside was waiting for them. One outside was wearing sunglasses and wrapped in a black jacket. The hot body, accompanied by a small leather skirt, exposed the long legs in stockings, caused many people to stop,

Looking at each other, Wen Jiexi can only sigh in her heart. Her agent is much more beautiful than some stars. I really do n’t know why I do n’t want to be a star, but I choose the career of agent.

"Oh, the two of you are here, get in and out of the car." Xue Moxie beckoned, helping the two put their suitcases in the back compartment and went to the driver's seat to start the car.

"Let ’s go, yes, Lingmeng, you are old enough now, by the way, take a driver ’s license test, the assistant must have at least a little transportation, and Jie Xi will go to take a test, and wait to get the first For the second salary, go and buy a car. The babysitter car that the company arranges for you will only pick up and drop off during the event, and I will not send you to school. I have other things to do, so you have to find a way. "

"I see, I went back to take the test." Li Lingmeng nodded quickly.

"About your house, it ’s just two people living in one. It should n’t be so lonely. The furniture is all ready. Every week, there will be a cleaning lady who is responsible for cleaning. Of course, you will choose the time when you are away. You do n’t have to worry about what you will encounter. Oh, and this time, you have already screened Jie Xi ’s script for the first time. Because you have n’t got fame, you ca n’t pick up the big show. Of course, it ’s my connection. I can squeeze you in, but unfortunately you do n’t have a foundation. Even if you do, there may be problems. Let ’s do it step by step. ”Xue Mozhen turned the steering wheel while watching Wen Jiexi ’s face.

"Everyone listened to Sister Xue. I was not familiar with this part, so I listened to Sister Xue's arrangements." Wen Jie smiled. At this moment, most of her mind was talking with the regiment.

"Jie Xi, let me say that Wu Bi is not bad! You can see that the reward of the blue task is doubled, and the yellow task is a lot more." The regiment smiled.

Previously, the blue tasks were all small sports, such as sit-ups 100 times, or push up, etc. Now the number is refreshed to 500 times, the reward has tripled, and the yellow task is a little more difficult. The same reward It is also getting richer. It seems that Wu Bi ’s identity has really played a big role. Just look at the two days to obtain a bumper harvest, Wen Jiexi is really difficult to conceal her inner excitement.

But if the tasks are all so simple then.

"The blue task should not change any more, but the yellow task should be more and more, rest assured, Jie Xi, I will ask you to take the task again." After the task of playing basketball, I was still anxious about the stare, and I was still good. The contractor is usually very gentle, but it does not mean that he has no temper.

After that, you will first tell the task content, reward and punish those who told me, otherwise, some tasks will not disappear soon? It's too slow to wait until I'm alone.

"Understand, wrap it on me!" Said Tuanzi with his hips, hey, he's still useful!

When the car turned a corner, it came to a two-foot-high fence, the gate had a laminated iron fence, there were guardhouses on both sides, and there were patrolling guards outside. As Xue Mozhen said, the security was very strict.

Xue Mobi shook the window, and the strong guard immediately came over, looking very rough, holding a tablet in his hand and facing Xue Mobi,

"Please give a card."

Xue Moxuan took out a white card and handed it out. The security card swiped to the tablet. Immediately, the home information appeared. There seemed to be photos. After careful comparison, the guard returned the card to Xue Moxuan and looked at the back seat. Wen Jiexi and Li Lingmeng,

"These two are ..."

"It's my new artist. You should have received the news here in advance," Xue Moxie explained.

"Yes." The guard sliding the tablet seemed to be comparing the faces of Li Lingmeng and Wen Jiexi. It took almost a minute to turn around and go back. Two cards, the same as Xue Moyu, were given to the two.

"Please close it. The procedure for reissuing is cumbersome. Please use this to get in and out later."

"Thank you."

"I know."

The guard nodded, before turning to shout,

"Open the door!"

The iron door slowly opened one by one, and when it was able to carry a car in and out, Xue Moyu stepped on the accelerator and opened it.

"The management here is so strict." Li Lingmeng looked at the card in his hand and was amazed.

"No way, paparazzi means endless, here is the safest. So far, paparazzi can't enter here. Although the management is good, but the relative entry and exit procedures are very troublesome. Even the celebrities want to bring friends, bring When the family comes in, they need to check, so there are cases where the villa is in the name of a certain star, but it only occasionally comes. Quite a lot, after all, there are very few lonely people. Otherwise, living alone in the villa is really lonely, so It's not so much an employee's villa, it's probably just a high-level view, but for other stars, the role of a safe haven is much more important than that of living here. Ah, this is the place. "

The car parked in front of a small but chic double-storey cottage.

"It's so big." Li Lingmeng couldn't help sighing, dragging the suitcase, it was only two hundred pings.

"There is a room above and below, the kitchen and bathroom are on the first floor, and there is this study on the upper floor and a small fitness room specially prepared for the artist. The figure is very important for the artist, so you must control your diet. It ’s only possible to do sports. ”Xue Mochi talked about the structure of the villa with the two of them, and then naturally turned the topic to Wen Jiexi ’s body and walked around Wen Jiexi.

"Well, I'm tall enough, my legs are long, my face is beautiful, my temperament is fine, this is my chest ... Ah ... Ling Meng, Jie Xi will have to drink a cup of papaya milk every morning after walking, and drink green papaya stew in the evening!

"Oh oh ... yes!" Li Lingmeng quickly took out the book and wrote it down, half of the writing looked up at Wen Jiexi's chest ... Hey ... laughed out ...

Wen Jiexi: Why are you focusing on my chest in QAQ? !!

"Well ... you can make up for it, and ... the pile of snacks is ..." Xue Moyu looked at the two big bags beside the sofa, definitely not ingredients, but dry food and even instant noodles.

"Oh, this is supper!" Li Lingmeng said with a smile.

"No, no. Artists need to stay in shape. Even artist assistants don't need to be controlled, but they can't become fat. Can you take them out to watch?" Xue Moxie shook her head.

"We are not easy to gain weight!" Li Lingmeng quickly said that she would cry without supper.

"Oh ~~~" Xue Moyan squinted slightly, his tone stretched, and he clapped his hands,

"Okay, edible, but as a condition, Jie Xi drinks two cups of papaya milk a day, a pot of papaya stew, and fruits are all papaya until at least one size larger."

"it is good!"

As a result, Li Lingmeng and Xue Moquan snapped together. Li Lingmeng fluttered into the room with a suitcase, and Xue Moquan .. She actually called the fruit manufacturer and asked people to send me a box of papaya and green papaya over a week.

Wen Jiexi: Wait, wait! What's my opinion? !! QAQ

After half an hour, the three talents returned to the living room and sat on the sofa. Xue Mojiu came up with several scripts that had been prepared.

"I have picked five dramas for Jie Xi, two of them are martial arts films, one is a costume drama, one is a web drama, and one is a fairy hero. Although the director is not a big director, they are all under the control of Xingle Company. It has a lot of potential and the plot is pretty good. You can check it out. "

Wen Jiexi took one and watched it as a campus web drama. The subject matter was not novel, but mixed many elements, that is, the heroine was a killer, and she received cruel training from birth, and her goal this time was To kill the heir of a family, and this heir is the male lead.

And because the female lead who has spent a long time in training does not know how to get along with her classmates, she is isolated. The male lead is a gentle person, and often helps the female lead. The female lead is gradually lost in the gentleness given by the male lead. Finally, In order to betray the organization, he endured many crises, and finally came together with the man.

I feel the plot is not bad, but Wen Jiexi still thinks that it will be better to watch the other ones before making a choice. After a quick look, Wen Jiexi thinks that what makes her feel the most is also the best. The only fairy-tale movie in the movie,

It describes the entanglement of the male and female protagonists of a demon and a fairy, the male lead is a big demon, and the female lead is a big disciple in charge of the first sect. You, you save me, finally happy to be married.

And if you choose this drama, instead of acting as a heroine, you will play a villain role. This villain role is very distinctive, following the final boss, the right protection method of the devil, her characteristic is that this right protection method is a dumb, because She couldn't express in words, so her choice of acting skills and skills were very strict.

She was a very complicated character in the drama. In fact, she saved the life of the male lead as a child, but the male lead was not transformed at that time, so the memory of that time was vague, but the right protection method was because of being taught by demon since then. The front right protection law fancy brought back the demon religion.

She saves and kills people. For her, the leader ’s order is absolute. She can kill hundreds of lives with a red belt, but she has amazing medical skills and always walks in her spare time. Has the title of dumb divine doctor.

Originally, the male and female masters also looked at this in the end, and wanted to leave the Right Guardian's life, but the Right Guardian ignored the obstacles of everyone and followed the boss to jump off the bottomless cliff.

"Does Jie Xi like this show?" Xue Moxie raised her eyebrows. The most promising of her is not the heroine of the other two shows, nor is she an infatuated female partner. She also likes this role as Wen Jiexi. This role is enough It is clear that although it is not the main character, it can leave a deep impression in the eyes of the public.

"Well, this character is very good in both plot and manner, much better than the others." Wen Jie nodded, but his expression was a little hesitant,

"It's that she has very strict requirements. I don't know if I can manage it."

No way, after all, not everyone is as talented as Su Chenyu. Most actors must go through years of training to reach the standard of acting. Of course, there are many vases, like Su Morning language is so rare, Wen Jiexi doesn't think she can act like Su Ying after.

"Of course this is a lot of discipline. I have arranged a drama class for you, and there will be a theme for you every day, so don't worry, this drama has just come out. It can be said that I got it firsthand. The script, the time to select actors should also be one or two months later, during this time you have to practice your shortcomings. In fact, this role should reasonably be a very powerful actor and a very powerful Wuti each other Coordination, unfortunately, the character is right-handed, and there are too many fighting scenes. If the two match, it is easy to wear out, so many senior martial arts are aiming at this position. "Xue Mochen said with a smile.

"Well? But this is a supporting role, so many people grab it." Li Lingmeng hadn't understood the plot yet, reached out to take over the script in Wen Jiexi's hand, and turned it over.

"Although the hero and the protagonist have the most points, they don't necessarily mean that they will be hot characters. As long as your character is attractive, the effect is not necessarily worse than the hero and the protagonist. You have seen Xiao Su's previous plays, his The first few dramas did not play the leading roles of men and women. There were women as well as villains, but they made everyone impressed. This is because in addition to acting and appearance, you need a good role to set off, right? "Xue Mozhen seriously Said, she pointed to several others,

"These plays are all good, including the role of Jie Xi, the female lead and even the second female. But although this right protection method is probably the third female and the fourth female in the play, in comparison, what the public often sees is silly. For the roles of Bai Tian, ​​cold, infatuation, etc., the right and evil image of right protection law is more attractive. "

"Then pick this! If you want to pick it, pick the best!" Li Lingmeng watched Wen Jiexi and Xue Moxuan so much attention to the play, and quickly nodded.

"The best is the best. Whether it can be chosen by the director depends on Jie Xi's efforts." Xue Moji shrugged and put away other scripts.

"The preparation time is quite sufficient, so, besides going to school and going to the company's training class, you can hone your script well."

"Sister Xue is leaving?" Wen Jiexi looked at Xue Moyu who was packing.

"Of course, I said that I'm too lonely here, so I certainly don't live here, rest assured that I will come back to see you at any time. Oh, the random check of the script came back for a few surprise checks, and memorize the script well! No lines You have to back up all the moves ~~ Hehehe ~~~ Xue Moyan pinched Wen's cheeks, put on the high heels and opened the door with a smile,

"Have a good rest and take good care of my body. I don't want the artists I watch to have dark circles and acne. If there is any, I will punish it ~~ The ingredients are prepared in the refrigerator, you are free."

Touch ... Wen Jiexi and Li Lingmeng looked at the closed door and looked at each other,

"In short, I'll make some simple dishes first, and then eat outside in the evening." Li Lingmeng looked at the time, it was almost two o'clock, maybe it would be late for dinner.

"Jie Xi, you can live in the room above. It's also close to the gym. It's convenient."

"Okay." Wen Jie nodded, watching Li Lingmeng walk into the kitchen, and she went to the second floor with her luggage.

"This house is really big! It's almost the same as Jie Xi's, but it has only two floors." Tuanzi sighed.

This is a company-appointed house, which is already very good. If it is rented out tens of thousands, it is so large, the facilities are complete, and the public order is good, don't worry about so much.

"Okay! Alright! But there are plenty of fitness equipment here, maybe every day, Hao is in it, and the weight will soon be reached." Hezi laughed, his eyes filled with longing, as if there were countless pounds in front of her Gone past.

How is it possible that I'm not so laid back. Wen Jie smiled bitterly and opened the room to which she belonged. The room was quite large, with a bed, two bookcases, a desk, and a small TV and sofa. It was about the same size as the original dormitory. world,

"The room is not bad." Wen Jiexi nodded with satisfaction, and put his clothes neatly in.

"Jie Xi, let me tell you. Didn't you just talk about acting? Actually, Shang Cheng also has a skill book! It's the same as boxing! It's more expensive." Tuan Zi Xianbao got Shang Cheng's panel to Wen Jie Before Xi.

"It really does," Wen Jiexi was surprised, but at this glance, her brows frowned slightly. Shangcheng did have more skill books, but compared to the boxing skills, the weight required for these skills was almost doubled. You can buy it, but as long as you can learn it, she will be envious of her people. Acting, cooking, stocks, various musical instruments, and painting are all divided into junior high school and high school. If you want to learn junior skills, you have a three-tier contract. Those who are open will have superficial knowledge, and the middle pole can be comparable to some occupations. For example, if you learn intermediate cooking, you can be comparable to the chef level. As for the advanced level, if you study computer, you can buy advanced skill books and change instantly. Become a top hacker.

Very attractive, Wen Jiexi is drooling, but the cheapest junior skill book will cost 5,000 jins, the intermediate one will have to wait for a six-level contractor to open, one will need 30,000, and the advanced one will be more exaggerated, until 15 Grade, a book of 500,000, will vomit blood when seen. It ’s almost half of the golden tasks, and there are rules. You have to learn the elementary level before you can learn the intermediate level. That is to say, if you want to learn advanced skills, you must buy the first two. Thinking of this, Wen Jie feels his heart. I can't stand it anymore, I envy Goddess Su can bring her talent for acting ...

"Tuanzi, must I complete the golden mission first before I can buy it?" Wen Jiexi looked at the junior acting book showing 6000 kg.

"Yes, in order to prevent the contractor from buying and buying, he will not do the task, so except for the available weight, the use of other weight is prohibited." Tuanzi said with a waist.

"... Okay ..." I felt a deep sense of powerlessness ... But Wen Jiexi knew that she had to buy it, and it was guaranteed to be bought ... not only this, but also deeper boxing skills, fortunately There is no such hard rule for boxing, otherwise the mission is really crazy, the poor ca n’t afford to hurt ... orz ...

"Jie Xi, you can. Now that the rewards of the missions are doubled, the golden missions may be completed soon, and then you can buy what you want." Tuanzi patted Wen Jiexi's shoulders and comforted him. No way, this service was provided before, but the contractor did not have the consequences of breaking the contract, and bought a lot of things crazy, and the purchased things can be used even after the contract is cancelled, and a lot of commotion has occurred. In order to prevent this When things happened again, this turned into a banned project, so the predecessors are not harmful.

"Anyway, let's do the task quickly. One month is enough." Wen Jiexi changed into sportswear and planned to soak in the gym after lunch.

"Come on, Jie Xi!" The regiment called with a small claw.

The next day, in the open space of the gym,

"Huh ... huh ... huh ..." Wen Jie was sweating and kept skipping rope.

"Jie Xi, it's okay!" The squad cried immediately when he saw the numbers on the mission.

"It's sour ..." Wen Jie swayed her sore limbs and jumped for half an hour. It was really a bit laborious. She wiped the towel beside her and opened the water bottle to fill it with water.

Kala ... Li Lingmeng came in, and looked helplessly at Wen Jiexi,

"Jie Xi, it's time to go. You are going to the company at 10 o'clock. You won't forget it."

"Yeah, wait for me. I'll come and clean up." Wen Jie laughed. She didn't expect that four hours passed in a blink of an eye. She rushed into her room to change clothes and rushed into the bathroom.

At 1:30, the sound of a car horn came from outside, Xue Moxie had arrived. Although Li Lingmeng was asked to take a driving license, Xue Moxie had to accompany him in the early days of taking over Wen Jiexi.

"Today ’s class is the drama class I said yesterday. Eleven newcomers will be attending classes with you. You are all for the first time, so don't feel nervous. Everyone is at the same starting point." Driving in the car, Xue Mozhen was right With Wenjie Xi explained, and then said to Li Lingmeng,

"Lingmeng, after I send Jie Xi to call the incident, you and I will go. I have invited a friend. She has been an assistant for more than ten years and she will teach you everything about the assistant."

"I have already accompanied Xiaoxi for me." Li Lingmeng scratched his head, not expecting that he would have a class so soon.

"Please, to be an assistant artist at Xingle Company, you will have to go to class first. This will take at least one to two years of training. You have already taken a shortcut." Xue Mozhen rolled his eyes and said.

"Hey, this is all thanks to Sister Xue." Li Lingmeng smiled embarrassedly.

It's only five minutes' drive from the company here. Wen Jiexi was released in the classroom door like this, look around, uh ... are there no one?

Knocking on the door, pushing in, and a few pairs of eyes glanced over. Wen Jie didn't have any stage fright. She took an advertisement once, but she looked around a few times and said she wanted to be with eleven people. Classes, but now there are only seven or eight, the classroom hates quiet, there is no conversation, Wen Jiexi did not speak, and went in quietly.

The classroom is quite large. The front half is lined with neat tables and chairs, while the second half is empty. It seems to be a place such as acting. Sitting casually on an empty chair, Wen Jie looked up and observed the students who were with her class. We, while she was watching, other students were watching her silently.

It is worthy of being selected by Xingle. They all look beautiful and are different types of beauties, Wen Jie lamented.

When the students arrived one after another, the teacher came in on high heels at 6:00. She was a woman in her forties, and she saw that the skin was well maintained, and she was also a beauty when she was young.

"Well, my classmates, my name is Bai Wei, and I am the teacher of the lesson. Now I would like you to give us a lot of advice!" The teacher who claimed to be Bai Wei smiled at everyone, and glanced at the students present.

"I don't care how you came in and what goals you have, but I came to this class just to hone your acting skills, so ... it shouldn't be too late ..." Bai Wei patted her hands with a smile,

"Let's start acting!"


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