MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 98 Castle Cry (25)

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The garden of the rooftop was full of sorrows, and the traces of explosions and fires were everywhere. Qi Le people took a breath of air with smoke and moisture, and then went to the treasure chest left by Mrs. Mad, hesitated, and summoned back. Dr. Lu: "Come out of the box!"

Dr. Lu ran in the air, and the ground that had been blown up by the smashing of the road slammed down and fell. Fortunately, Su He and his side helped him.

“I really want to help you open it?” Dr. Lu asked seriously, his eyes sparkling and his face could not hold back.

"I am sure and sure." Qi Le people also said seriously that this time is to trust the European emperor, can not be handcuffed.

"Hey... Su and Ah, what is the law of opening the box or metaphysics?" Dr. Lu asked.

“In general, most treasure chests are quirky disposable items, a small number of skill cards, and pure card slots or attributes. Even some people have encountered random tasks, and there is almost no rule to follow. Look at the luck, in fact, the skill card may not be good, but some of the props will have a magical moment, if luck is good enough, maybe the legendary resurrection props will be opened." Su and smiled.

Qi Le’s heart stunned. He forced himself not to look at Su He. He didn’t know that Su and Suddenly mentioned the resurrection props were intentional or unintentional. He could only pretend to be natural enough...

It should be a coincidence... A long time ago, Su and I mentioned a similar resurrection skill card. Now, just to explain the relationship between unpacking and luck, he is completely guilty!

"Then I opened, if you open the binding skill card, you will not have your share." Dr. Lu reminded Qi Le people.

Qi Le people forced to calm down: "Open it."

Dr. Lu’s finger is on the lock and the golden box is open.

Dr. Lu glanced at the skill card. Wow, he said, "It should be good, hehe."

[Devil's Etiquette] (unbound skill card): Each time you use it, you need to consume a demonic crystal. If the devil is not crystallized, the skill cannot be used. During this skill period, the player will be transformed into a demon based on the demon crystal type consumed, but will not gain the devil's talent skills. The skill lasts for 3 hours and cools for 24 hours.

this is……

Qi Le people looked at the skill card in his hand. He intuitively told him that this skill card was very unusual, but he couldn’t tell where it was unusual. He looked at Su and asked for help: "This card... Should it be useful?"

Su and took the skill card and glanced at it. He said with a little accident: "It’s a very good skill. If you have a mission involving the devil in the future, maybe you can pretend to be a demonic camper, but you need the devil to crystallize..."

Su He did not say anything, but only looked at the Qi Le people with a meaningful look. The latter immediately understood what he wanted to say: now he is still away from the demon crystal, otherwise the killing species on his body will quickly get out of control. of.

"It seems that I am lucky, hehe." Dr. Lu said proudly.

Su and smiling with a smile, nodded with appreciation.

"Go back and ask for dinner." Qi Le people reached out and tried to pat Dr. Lu's shoulder. As a result, the arm lifted and the arm that was severely bruised when he slid on the ground to avoid the mad lady suddenly became in pain.

Dr. Lu quickly took a treatment for him: "Now don't worry about the skill cooling, let's treat you first. Although it can't be all good, it is better than nothing."

The skills of "three no doctors" are still relatively reliable. At least the bruises on the forehead of Qi Le people, the cuts on the arms and the bruises on the body are quickly scarred, but only to this extent, if he is now It is a fatal injury, this skill is powerless, and at most let him die a little slower.

The wound healed and the pain was relieved. The Qile people waved their arms happily and thanked them. Seeing Su and still studying the ashes left after the death of Madame Mad, he curiously asked: "What is wrong? ?"

"There is nothing wrong with it, just a little strange. Before Dr. Lu burned the devil's sacrifice, the lady of Madness not only did not weaken, but became stronger..." Su said after thinking about it, "probably caused her madness." At first, her body was hard and it was difficult to hurt her. After burning the sacrifices, her defense power and speed dropped drastically. The use of the ashes left by Luo Xueyi should further stimulate her strength. The means of attack and attack are stronger. This state can't last for too long. If you don't rush to attack but temporarily avoid the edge, she should soon enter a weak state."

Qi Le people scratched their heads. Although he tried to avoid it, he still had a few hairs burnt by the fire and gave a strange taste: "Unfortunately I didn't find Xiao Hong's half body, otherwise it should be more Good to deal with...what are you pulling my arm?"

Dr. Lu rolled his eyes and pulled his arm to the side and said: "You can't do it. Add more vitamin A to enhance night vision."

Looking down the direction of Dr. Lu's finger, after the bushes illuminated by the flashlight, it was a half-body of Xiao Hong, half-hung on a big tree, very eye-catching.

Qi Le is silent.

"It’s too dark, under extreme tension, it’s normal to be unnoticed.” Su and calmly comforted Qi Leren.

Qi Le people continue to be silent.

The three men burned the remaining half of Xiao Hong's body and then left the Tiantai Garden. The rest of the time was running out. They had to leave the castle and finish the mission.

When I went downstairs, Qile people asked: "How much is our task completion now?"

"91%." Su He said.

"Wow, you can get the lucky draw chance! More than 90% can be randomized once! I like it!" Dr. Lu was excited.

"There is still 9% difference. Where is the difference?" Qile people recalled the story of the mission and felt that they should have not missed too much.

Dr. Lu snorted: "Hey, now the story has been explored almost. Sarah fell in love with John, who was not a nobleman. John used it for some purpose - maybe feelings, maybe interests - he and Sarah combined. Sarah found her maid, Adeline and John, who secretly killed Adeline and pretended that she had eaten allergic food and died. No one found it was a murder, except Shake. Mrs. La's family doctor, Fleischer. The chronological order of the above things is unknown, but it is generally true. After that, Mrs. Sarah and Mr. John came to China to do business and lived in the built castle. Revenge for Adeline, Dr. Fleischer also came to China from Germany. In order to avoid the inheritance of Mrs. Sarah's family genetic disease to the next generation, Mr. John has been using the method provided by Dr. Fleischer, he refers to the waitress Ni Na put mercury powder in Mrs. Sarah's diet. Later, Nina knew it. Nina worried that she was poisoning Mrs. Sarah, so she reduced the dose without authorization. Later, Mrs. Sarah. She was pregnant. She heard the conversation between Dr. Fleischer and Mr. John and found that they intended to continue to put mercury powder, so that Sarah gave birth to a deformed fetus and then tried to kill. Nina was afraid of the genetic attack of Mrs. Sarah. Made an accident, Mrs. Sarah fell off the stairs and aborted. The mental state of Sarah after the abortion deteriorated drastically - there may be Dr. Fleischer's hands and feet - she began to suspect that everything is dead Deline’s grievances and marital relations began to break. Then the devil tempted her in the mirror, taught her how to sacrifice, and loved her husband’s wife, Sarah, to sacrifice her love. But the sacrifice made her mental illness worse and worse. Until she finally sacrificed Nina, she went crazy. The Sarah under the control of evil personality killed everyone and set fire to the castle. It’s over.”

"Sounds, we didn't miss any important clues." Qi Le people felt that the clues they got were already complete, and I didn't expect 9% of the omissions.

Su and he analyzed the two methods in an orderly manner: "This degree of completion means that we have completed the main plot, and the conclusions of the puzzles are correct. Some of the clues and evidence are missing. If we must go deeper, there are three dark lines that we have not explored. One is about Nina, her behavior seems reasonable, but it seems strange to go deeper, in order to avoid the hereditary disease after Sarah gave birth to a child, she chooses to harm her miscarriage, does this not lead to Sarah Is the lady crazy? Her words are also very intriguing. 'I am like being deceived by the devil', so whether she is affected by the devil like Mrs. Mad, we don’t know. When the last demon sacrifice is found Phantom Rinina's attitude is also very subtle, she sympathizes with the mad lady, but also implicitly, but faint, she is also jealous, that is not a well-obedient maid should have eyes. Another point, Nina said since she After confessing to Mr. John that he reduced the dose of mercury powder, the matter was handed over to other maids, and she was also shut down. But Mrs. Sarah mad after abortion was put into the basement, but it is still responsible for Nina gave her food ...... what she did, so John trust her again? "

Su and stroking the decoration on the cane, unraveling the plot, and the details were excavated by him, which was horrifying. The Qi Le people suddenly thought of a possibility. Nina pushed her lady down the stairs and caused her to abort. Is it really for her? Isn't it really a corpse and two lives? Is Nina’s original intention really to help Mrs. Mad? What exactly does she want to do?

"The second one is Luo Xueyi. She finally appeared on the stairs with the portrait hanging. She died with the half body of Xiao Hong. She was even more complicated than the NPC, and the behavior was full of metaphors and mysteries. From the time she disappeared to the last self-immolation, we should have missed a lot of stories about her, leading to a decline in completion. Finally, Dr. Fleischer, don't forget, Dr. Fleischer's work has no evidence. Subjective speculation. We must have missed some evidence that can be used to test Dr. Fleischer, such as somewhere in the castle, his mercury powder or hallucinogen, and even more with him and Mr. John. The content of the letter."

Qi Le people thought deeply, the clues about the first two are not easy to find, but Dr. Fleischer's things should still have hope to find, where to find it? It should be John's study on the second floor, but before he, Dr. Lu and Nanxun searched the study, there should be no more clues. Can you still find it now? Here is the world of the watch after the fire, even if there are clues, I am afraid...

"When you are gone, do you want to get a 100% clearance? Don't waste time, hurry to end the task." Dr. Lu took the Qile who was still thinking and walked down the stairs together.

"Wait a minute. Key, give me the key on the second floor!" Qi Le people suddenly remembered something and grabbed Dr. Lu's shoulder. "No, no key, you come with me!"

"Ah? What are you doing?" Dr. Lu was pulled by Qi Le people, stepping on the broken floor and rushing to the second floor.

With the memory of the distribution of the old castle room, Qi Le people quickly found the room they were looking for. At this moment, he was full of the last time he went to see Nina, she said a word - She sneaked out of Mr.'s study and wanted to give him a surprise... Then she saw it, and Mr. missed her in the photo of Adeline. I thought she would rush in and make a big noise with Mr., just like before, but she didn't.

The door opened.

In the old and dilapidated study, facing the door is the sofa that Nanxun once sat, and a picture hanging on the wall behind the sofa. The room was not burnt very seriously, and the handsome male owner John on the portrait was still visible.

Qi Le people strode in. The location that will be seen by the mad lady standing at the door, it may only be here.

He carefully took the picture frame and flipped it over. Sure enough, a picture was placed behind the frame.

Qi Le’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated. He realized vaguely that he should have discovered an important clue. He took a deep breath and took the photo and turned it to the front.

There was only one person in the photo, it looked like a young girl, dressed in a maid's costume, smiling at the camera.

"Is Adeline?" Dr. Lu asked to look up at the photo.

Qi Le people suddenly understood.

"She still has a name." Qi Le closed his eyes and recalled the girl in the cold underground palace, who eventually went to the altar and went to the devil.

"She is Isabel, a...wonderful witch."

The smiling maid, Adeline, and Isabel, who won the sacrifice witch, overlapped.

This is a story about love, deception, jealousy and madness. Everyone in the story is lost in their own desires and sins, whether it is John who is fascinated by her, Sarah who is jealous of her, Nina who is instigated by her. Fleisser, who still avenged her, was played by her like a marionette.

It’s just such a blink of an eye, Isabel, the witch who serves the devil, is already a witch who is good at playing with people.

Read The Duke's Passion