MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 93 Castle Cry (20)

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Until the phantom disappeared, Qile talent felt a pain in the lungs, and saw the scene of the mad lady tempting Nina to commit suicide. He even held his breath, although it was only a phantom, but her gloomyness was cold. It is generally deposited in everyone's mind. Her calm madness and inhuman cruelty are far more terrifying than a real madman.

Qi Le people exhaled a long breath and looked back at the two people: "The original Nina was sacrificed by the Mad Lady. It seems that this story should happen after she released the Mad Lady from the cellar."

"It's a story of a farmer and a snake." Dr. Lu shook his head and said with a little sympathy. "But this time the system prompts a bit strange, it turns out to be 'discovering the devil's offering', not the 'devil's sacrifice.' ""

"Because we haven't got a sacrifice yet." Su He pointed out that he was hanging under the sheep's head specimen.

"...have you put the cockroaches down?" Qile asked heavily.

"I think so." Su and encouraged him to look at him.

Qi Leren took the dagger and cut the sling. He fell off and fell to the skeleton on the ground. Nina’s skull rolled to the foot of the Qi Le people and slammed into it. On his shoes.

Qi Le people stared at the skull solemnly. He really didn't want to pick it up by hand. He was a good young man who lived in the 21st century ten days ago. He grew up so big that he never touched the bones of the dead. Ten days in the world, things that have not been done before have been done all over.

"Don't wear it." Su He took off his gloves and handed it to him. Qi Le said with a gratitude, wearing gloves and picking up the skull.

The system prompt appears immediately: [Get the Devil's Sacrifice 5/6]

Sure enough, his sense of the power of the demon is accurate, and the demon power of this room is mainly concentrated in this skull.

"Get it well." Qi Le people picked up the skull and gave him a doctor. Dr. Lu gave him a squint. He took the skull and stuffed it into the package without any psychological obstacles.

Su and his cane lightly touch the ground and make a rhythmic sound. "From the time sequence of the sacrifice, Nina should be the last sacrifice. She is not part of the Mad Lady, but it is alive that activates the whole ceremony. Things, usually this kind of live sacrifice will be put to the end. Just don't know what the sacrifice is not found yet."

Qi Le people counted their fingers and counted: "The sacrifices we have found so far have hair, teeth, eyeballs... things that are suspected of being fetuses, and Nina. In addition to Nina, this is a dead thing. The rest of it should be something of Mad Lady."

The three people couldn’t think of what the rest of the sacrifices were, and the time was already close to five in the morning. Su He proposed to withdraw from the room for safety reasons, so that they would face a variation after the world switch. Nina. So the three stood outside Nina's room and waited for the bell to ring.

"When - when - when - when - when -" five bells ringing, the world in front of me changes again, they return to the glamorous world. With power and lighting, the surrounding area became intimate all of a sudden, and the Qi Le people looked at the lights above their heads, and suddenly there was a flash of light – is there a ready-made power supply here? Before coming out of the cellar, he met Su He, who came to check the BUG. He completely forgot the laptop computer, and thought about going back to the hometown of dusk and then looking for someone to be a transformer, because it is said to be dusk. The standard voltage of the township is much higher than the real world, and his mobile phone and computer can't afford it.

The standard voltage of this copy world should not be too different from the 21st century? If it is in the range of 110V-220V, the transformer that comes with his laptop should be affordable.

But... Su He and Dr. Lu are still here.

Qi Le people are caught in a tangled, Su Hezheng and Dr. Lu discuss the body of Miao Bo on the ground. He died in the armor of the world. The posture of the body is very distorted. The two people talked about the sounds, and the people who are full of heart are full of people. Did not listen to it.

Do you want to find a way to separate from the two for a while? No, the time for this mission is not much, or will you still find a way to return to the hometown of dusk?

Qi Le people opened the inventory and prepared to look at the computer and Easter eggs.

Laptop... laptop... laptop... no? how is this possible? !

Qi Le people froze, he once again looked through his inventory from start to finish, he saw the Easter eggs, but did not see the laptop!

This inexplicable laptop... is inexplicably gone.

A chill spread from the soles of the feet, and the Qi Le people did not dare to come out and stood rigidly.

When did it disappear? Has it really happened? Why does it disappear?

"...the posture of this corpse is very strange. Normally, he should not have such a knee-shouldered body and then fall back from his body." Su He’s voice is like being far away from the sky.

"Oh, it makes sense. At that time, I suspected that he was protecting Luo Xueyi from her, so he would be stabbed and killed." Dr. Lu’s voice was also far away, as if he had heard the words in his dreams.

Qi Le people do not keep their feet.

He thought of a possibility.

Qi Le people secretly looked at Su He who was talking to Dr. Lu.

Su He has some ability to view and remove his belongings. As a half GM, it is too normal to have such skills, and this kind of behavior is not to help them. He can use his skills.

When is the time... Qi Le people think back to the emergence of Su He and his words and deeds, can not help but be a little creepy.

If Su He never stood on his side...

Qi Le people have a cold heart. He has entered the mysterious field of Su He. He has revealed too many things that should not be disclosed to Su He. Su He absolutely knows that he has secrets. As long as he pursues it... the system may directly kill it. He is an unstable factor.

"Qile people, what do you think?"

Dr. Lu’s voice awakened the Qi Le people who were overwhelmed by fear. He looked at Dr. Lu with a sly look and asked calmly: “What do you say?”

"Miao Bo's body, Su He thinks that he may have been pushed by a person, will form this kind of forward and then knees on the ground, and then be worn by a sword, so the body leans back, this position It’s too weird, it’s very unnatural.” Dr. Lu repeated it again.

Qi Le people looked at the Miao Bo on the ground, but the brains were all gone, and he couldn’t think about it.

"What's wrong with you? A cold sweat." Su and stepped forward and ran into the forehead of Qi Le people. "Is the wound infected with fever? I think you have suffered a lot."

Qi Le people took a step back and avoided the touch of Su He. Under the gaze of Su and slightly confused and worried, he woke up again.

Can't show it!

"The wound hurts." Qi Le people snorted and sighed, licking the injured left arm. In the basement and fighting with the Lady Mad, he used his dagger to open his arm to bleed, even though he was fighting the shadow harassment. Bandaging a bit, but still very painful.

"I said that I will give you a treatment. You don't want to, you said that you can't do it." Dr. Lu stunned his hand and prepared to treat him.

"Don't, your skills have two hours of cooling, or leave it to the final battle, so that you won't get too much damage when you get it." Qile people quickly refused.

"Then you hurt." Dr. Lu shrugged and said.

"I have a little painful spray, give me the handle, I will help you re-enclose it. This kind of prop is still allowed to use, you can rest assured." Su He took out a can of spray.

Qi Le people hesitated for a moment and reached out.

Su He skillfully cut the bandage, sprayed the spray on his wound, and then repacked it. The painful feeling became very slight. He couldn’t feel the injury there.

"Do you want to spray a little on your forehead?" Su said, looking at his forehead, asking with concern.

Qi Le people didn't open their eyes and shook their heads: "Not too painful, or don't waste medicine."

Su and smiled softly: "That's good, protect yourself."

Qi Le’s soul screamed, and he once again doubted his own judgment. If Su He really stood on the side opposite his position, and he did know his secret and got a laptop, he I don't need to be so good to him at all, he has no use value...

Is the disappearance of the laptop really not related to Suhe?

Qi Le people's tight heart slowly relaxed, and now I think about it again, the appearance of the laptop itself is very embarrassing, and his download of "nightmare game" is even more embarrassing, this game must be very familiar with the nightmare world. What is the purpose of making a game and sending this game out of the nightmare world?

In order to let the newcomers who have played the game quickly find the main task and complete it after entering the nightmare world? But since the people who make the game have already learned this about the nightmare world, why bother to find someone to do it? Unless it can't do it yourself, you can only find someone to help with this roundabout way.

But if you need to find someone to help, is there a ready-made player in the nightmare world? There are so many people, and the qualifications are far better than the newcomers. Why not find someone in the nightmare world to carry out the main task? Before the castle mission, he also went to investigate the NPC of the main line mission. This mission has not been triggered yet. That is to say, I am afraid that only he knows where the main line mission started.

Why is it that the "nightmare game" is released in the real world without looking for someone in the nightmare world? What is the biggest difference between the real world and the nightmare world?

There must be a reason... there must be...

There was a thought in the brain of Qi Le people.

It is the system.

It is on the alert system.

This makes sense. The appearance of the laptop touched the system, so it attracted Suhe. When Suhe appeared, the laptop that was sent to the laptop was taken back to avoid being discovered by the system.

As for when was it taken back... When Su He entered this copy, was he still in the field of Suhe?

"You made sense. When we heard Luo Xueyi's screams, I ran here and found that Miaobo was killed. Luo Xueyi didn't know where to go. Because no witnesses saw the whole process of the incident, we didn't know what happened. Luo Xueyi is also very likely to save her boyfriend to the armor to escape." Dr. Lu said next to Miao Bo's body.

Qi Le people have already slowed down. He looked at Su and his eyes quietly. Now he can't do anything. If Su He wants to expose his abnormality to the system, he can only bend his neck, but there. prior to……

He is willing to believe him a little more.

Anyway, he has no better choice.

He must keep this secret.

Read The Duke's Passion