MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 87 Castle Cry (14)

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"I should say 'I am sorry' to you, but I think you should not want to listen to some boring comfort." Su He took a sip of black tea and said, putting down a beautiful white porcelain cup.

Qi Le people supported their side faces and looked at the innocent blue sky outside the tower, and snorted.

"Actually... I don't understand much." Su He's voice called back the attention of Qi Le people. He frowned slightly and showed a confused look. "In my opinion, there is no essential difference between men and women. As human beings, sexuality is connected. All attractive qualities and all good qualities will not be different because the other is male or female."

Su and Xiao smiled and looked at the eyes of Qi Le people seriously: "If I fall in love with you as a woman, you will fall in love with you as a man, because you have the same soul, this is the difference in gender. Can't be erased."

Su He’s speech rate is very slow, his voice is gentle, and the Qi Le people who are staring at him even have an illusion – he is special for Su He. This kind of cognition made him a little uneasy. He immediately expressed an objection: "It's still different... There is an attraction between men and women. If you don't feel good, you can't help but pay special attention to it..."

“Do you want to talk about sexual attraction?” Su and asked with a smile.

"Ah?" Qi Le people are a bit worried.

Su and one-handedly, looking at him leisurely, smiled a little deep and unpredictable: "It depends on the skills. Various aspects of ... skills."

Qi Le people felt that they seemed to understand something, but he would rather not understand anything. He coughed twice: "We are too far away."

"Ah, because the time flow rate in the field is very different from the outside world, I forgot to stay in the task without knowing it, and it is a very pleasant thing to chat with you... Come back to the truth." Su and he did it straight, hands Cross on the table and ask with dignity, "The thing behind your neck, do you want to get rid of it?"

Remove the killing species? Qi Le people looked up and stared blankly at Su He, but it didn't seem to understand.

"You didn't get it wrong. I said before, I have some research on the power of the devil. I guess the devil's brand on you should be a kind of killing. This thing can really enhance people's combat power in a short time, but it does. It will gradually erode the reason of man, and you will find it more and more difficult to control it until one day... you become a slave to it."

The hustle and bustle of the sun hangs on the tower. They are on the terrace under the circular dome supported by four pillars at the top of the tower. They are all airy on all sides, and only a half-height fence surrounds the terrace. The dawn of the land in the Soviet Union and the field is sunny, breezy and awkward, but the mood of Qi Le people is hard to say.

He really wanted to promise and promised without hesitation, so that he could immediately get rid of this dangerous fixed-time-explosive-bomb, but he always remembered his contract with the trial. Want to break the contract? Should he do this?

"Want... how to get rid of it?" Qile people asked hard.

"It's a bit complicated to say, you need to go to a far away place. If you like, I will take you away after this mission. I am afraid that you will not be able to return to the land of dusk for a while." Su He's proposal is full of temptation. Force, "There is still a lot of unseen places in this nightmare world. There are all kinds of wonderful things. Naturally, there are ways to remove the devil's mark... I can't be 100% sure, but the grasp of 70% or 80% is still there. Even if it is not successful, I will help you think of other ways. In short, I will not see you on the road."

- I will not see you on the road. Qi Le people's heart is generally painful, and there is a little wet in the eyes. He didn't talk to anyone, and he didn't dare to tell others. He has always been so isolated and helpless, he is constantly hurt, he is constantly sent to death, he is resigned, he is uncertain, he has no confidence in the future, no one can share what he bears. Stress is not only about your own life and death, but also about the fate of this nightmare game.

He was scared, afraid that he would suddenly die one day, and he could no longer wake up. Then this heavy secret followed him to sleep in this world, along with the hope of salvation that was not known to anyone.

For a moment, he wanted to say everything and tell Su He the secret of "The Nightmare Game". He is much stronger than him. Maybe he has a way to solve it easily and save the world.

But the moment the lips twitched, the **** words in the drawer reappeared in his mind - keeping this secret. The words that have come to the lips are stunned again, swallowing back together with the saliva.

Qi Le people closed his eyes for a long time. He said in a hoarse voice: "Thank you. But... I am sorry, I am afraid I will live up to your kindness."

He must refuse. If he does not refuse, he will not be able to say everything sooner or later.

Su and the inaudible sigh came from the wind: "Is that true? I understand."

"I am really sorry." Qi Le people apologize again.

Su He shook his head: "I know, you must have your reasons. If you need my help in the future, you can contact me, I will help you find a solution."

Qi Le people nodded silently, and the inner doubts came up again: "Why..."

Why do you want to help him?

Su and the calm expression of the spirit finally revealed a hint of confusion and embarrassment: "I don't know. People always face many choices in this life. Sometimes, even you don't know why, why do you do this. Like this time, I really understand why I came here, the system will not make the same mistake twice. Suppose the last time is because the murderous madness disturbs the order of the novice village, then this time? This time again why, the system issued Wrong alarm?"

The nerves of Qi Le people suddenly tightened, and the cold sweat brushed down from behind. How can he forget it? Su He is not here to tell him about it! Under the mild appearance, his keen observation has already seen him. How many things did he find?

"I..." Qi Le people tried to say something, but Su He gently put his index finger on his lips to stop the words he had not exported.

"Don't say it," Su said.

"Why can you..." Qi Le people really don't understand Su He.

"Don't ask." Su and again.


"When I made the choice, this is not your own thing. Now it is the secret of both of us, but if you say it now, I can't help you keep a secret. Don't ask me why. I have said that many times, people always make choices that they don't understand." Su and laughed at himself. "But since making a choice, never regret it."

The Qi Le people’s heart was blocked, and the impulse to talk about everything came out again, but he still could not say.

Keep your promises and keep secrets, even if you want to use lies.

"I... I still have some questions... With regard to this task, there seems to be something involving the devil's faith." Qile people forced themselves to divert their attention and seized the time to ask Su He, who had studied it.

Su He listened carefully to him, even though the two had just had a regrettable conversation, even if his goodwill was rejected, his temperament and self-cultivation made him not show any negative emotions, calm as always.

Until the Qi Le people finished the battle with Mrs. Mad, telling the story of how he lost control and killed the Mad Lady in the killing species, Su Hecai said: "Before Dr. Lu also told me about this mission. You found something very interesting."

"How to say?"

"In the past few years, many players have discovered that there is also the power of demons in the copy world outside the main world. It is not clear why the demons of the main world have interfered with the generation of the replica world, but its existence is already very It is common that the system does not report this contaminated copy and does not clean the copy. There will be some unusual changes in the world of these contaminated copies, at least in varying degrees of difficulty, resulting in Many players have encountered a copy of their own strength, causing accidental death." Su He explained.

"..." Well, it seems that the D-level difficulty is so difficult to play, not all of his lucky value, Qi Le people are slightly gratified.

"But you still made a lot of mistakes in the BOSS battle, otherwise you can solve this crazy lady more easily, of course, it may be that I look at the problem from your narrative point of view, but fall into the misunderstanding of thinking." Su He said, smiling a little apologetically. It seems to be a little embarrassed to point out his mistake. "Do you want to hear it?"

"Of course!" Qi Le said without thinking.

"The first one is about the shadow that entangles you. It first appeared when you climbed down the phone with your lighting. The second time the candle appeared in the basement, but it exploded in your explosion. Some of the candles are extinguished. When you are in the dark, it disappears. The third time, the candle that is extinguished by Mrs. Mad is lit up again, but at this time the shadow can't hurt you controlled by the killing species. Obviously This shadow appears because of the appearance of the light source, so in this battle, the light source you carry should not be directed toward you, including those candles, it is best to extinguish them. Considering that this is a double copy, the two players should each other Collaboration, but you are alone, and the situation you face in isolation is even more dangerous. This is the first mistake." Su and calmly said his analysis.

Qi Le people squatted, right, the shadow that made him feel terrified, but it was not difficult to deal with, but he could not calmly think about this problem in times of crisis.

"The second point, you have completely adopted a hard-hitting approach when you are fighting against Madame Mad, but do you remember? You said that she was holding a rag doll at the beginning and carefully placed it on the rocking chair. After you grabbed the doll, it seems to be a reactionary living thing. This doll is probably not simple, and it is related to the clue of the amorous lady's abortion. This doll should be her weakness. If you start straight, you will go straight to the doll. It kills, maybe the battle will end soon. Another is the sacrifice of the devil. I think these things are not just to expose the truth to the players, but to influence the BOSS, but you have not brought them. They are all placed in Dr. Lu."

Qi Le people nodded solemnly.

"The last point is not the mistake of BOSS." Su and suddenly laughed. The beautiful eyebrows were gentle in the Xiaguang. "You actually hit the wall and forced yourself to wake up from the control of the killing species." ""

Qi Le people touched his forehead and smiled bitterly: "I am not a way to do this..."

"But I think, you still have a choice." Su and laughed.

"What?" Qi Le people's voice just fell, a thought electric light flint is usually flashed in his brain.

"I remember that you saved the file before being killed by the killing. If the archive time allowed..." Su He’s voice went down and finally turned into a sigh. "I am not sure about the principle of your skill, but it is possible. The species of killing will also be 'degraded' back to the state of the archive because of your reading. For you now, it will mean that you can live more for a while. It is the danger of reading files. The harm of killing species is great, you can consider it yourself."

Qi Le people opened his mouth, can't say it is a surprise or helplessness, he still relies on SL skills to survive, Su He's guess should be correct, if he deliberately provokes the killing species after archiving, then suicide to read files, killing The species should also return to the state of the archive at the moment of his death, but only if he has to grasp the short-lived clarity, or it will fall into the control of the species of killing.

Su He stood up and slowly walked behind him, warmly saying: "Look down, let me see the situation."

Qi Le people bowed their heads, the back collar of the clothes was gently pulled open, and the cool air was poured into the neck, which made people stunned. Su He’s fingers touched the place where it was stinging from time to time, a bit cold and a little itchy.

"The spread of the killing species usually passes through specific rituals, but I believe that you will not be willing to help the devotees of the devil, so it is an accidental infection?" Su He asked behind him.

"Yeah." Qi Le people simply said the accident on the spacecraft.

"In a short period of time, it has grown faster than normal." Su and sighed, sorted out a pull-down collar for him, and then returned to his seat. "It's almost time to leave, let's go." ""

Qi Le people looked at his back neck and nodded silently.

The world of dawn in the field began to darken, and with a blink of an eye, they have returned to the castle.