MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 67 Killing species (6)

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Qi Le people are a little anxious.

After entering the trial, he was taken to a room in the ground, surrounded by unidirectional glass. The people outside could see the situation inside. The people inside could only see the black glass on all sides. wall.

He sat in the interrogation chair, and there was only one chair behind the opposite table. The table was so clean that there was no dust.

Al did not know where to go. Only Qi Le people sat alone in this interrogation room without privacy, waiting anxiously. There was silence in the interrogation room. I only heard my own breathing. The cold from the underground climbed up from the soles of my feet. It didn't take long for people to feel cold and stiff.

Qi Le people always think that someone is watching him after the one-way glass. It is a kind of look at the eyes, abandoning the respect for human beings, but measuring the eyes of the goods and measuring him. He groaned back uncomfortably, although he could only see a piece of pure darkness through the glass, but he slammed back with intuition.

"Hey, this guy's intuition is very keen. Is he very talented in super feeling?" A girl with glasses pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose.

Al is holding his arm and standing on the side: "Miao Li, I want to talk about science."

Miao Li screamed in disapproval: "Science can't explain everything. In the nightmare world, you should have thrown away the useless things like science. Otherwise, how do you explain the things of reinforcement, skill cards, and survival days? Oh, there is the demon crystal. I haven't figured out what supernatural energy is. Atlantis's magnetic stone is sounding science more than the demon. But you can't deny that the technology tree of the nightmare world is built on the devil. Crystallized, otherwise it is only medieval Europe. It is also a species of killing, is this a plant or an animal? Or is it a new category that transcends the classification of existing species, such as demon species? Anyway, we It’s already far from science, right? BOSS?”

The long-haired man took his cold eyes back from the Qi Le people and said coldly: "Cancel PlanA, enable PlanB, and let the long line catch big fish."

"But BOSS..." Miao Li wanted to argue about something. She was glanced back at the man and went back. "Okay, I know. That is responsible for training him..."

"Give it to you and Al." The long-haired man turned and prepared to leave.

"BOSS, there is one more thing..." Al called him, and he turned his head and looked at him impatiently and raised his eyebrows to continue.

Al has obviously felt his impatience. It is better to have a patient and poor BOSS. So he said with ease: "The passengers on the spacecraft said that Qi Le people should have some kind of resurrection skills. He revived twice in a row when he was killed by a player who was killed by the killing."

"Let Miao Li ask together." After that, the long-haired man was too lazy to look at the interrogation room and walked away from the cold basement.

Miao Li spread her hand: "Missy said so, then I will go in."

Alpha gave her a look, and there seemed to be some kind of warning in her eyes.

"Well, I know, and he is called behind him. Whoever makes him alive is Missy's temper." Miao Lizhen finished, opened the door of the interrogation room.

When Qi Le people heard the opening of the door, they raised their heads. Outside the door, a young woman wearing black-rimmed glasses came in. She smiled and smiled and smiled. She put the notebook and pen in her arms. Come down and sit down and sit down.

"Hello Qile, my name is Miao Li, the executive officer of the trial. I know that you have a lot of confusion when you come here. After all, Al, who brought you here, is not a person who is good at communicating with people, but you have to believe that we are Try to save, or try to ensure your personal safety." Miao Li smiled at him and did not leave room for him to talk, "Let's get started."

Qi Le people thought for a moment and chose to cooperate.


"Qile people."


"twenty five."

"The time to enter the nightmare world."

"More than ten days."

Miao Li stopped the record pen and looked up at him. She said with great interest: "You are the coolest newcomer I have ever seen."

Suddenly praised by the opposite sex, Qile people are a bit stunned, and the anxiety after entering the trial room has eased: "Thank you."

"I mean, I think about the stupidity when I first came in. Haha, as a newcomer, you have already performed very well. You can escape from the hands of the parasitic parasites and even use the terrain. The characteristics of killing him, very good, I am very optimistic about you." Miao Li's smile is sincere, people can not help but believe her words.

She continued to ask and learned about what happened on the spacecraft from start to finish. Qi Le people didn't want to explain the skills, but he also knew that there were so many people on the spaceship who saw him using SL skills. This skill card is impossible. Fortunately, this skill is a binding skill, which makes him feel relieved a lot.

The most reassuring thing is that Miao Li did not show any special interest in his skills. She seemed to admire his good luck with courtesy: "This skill is really good, suitable for the unscrupulous enemy. After all, after people are sure to kill their opponents, they will subconsciously relax their vigilance."

Qi Le smiled and didn't speak.

After understanding the matter, Miao Li put on the record book and looked up at the musician. "I think you must have a lot of questions to ask me now. I can solve the problem for you within the scope of my answer."

"What is the kind of killing?" Qi Le asked immediately. The thing that was parasitic on his back neck made him uneasy for a long time, and when he saw someone willing to answer his full question, he asked without hesitation.

"Ah, it's a complicated question. I have to explain it in detail for three days and three nights, but some of the contents of the trial are confidential. I can't reveal it to you. In short, the killing is the killing demon. The things given to his followers, parasitic on the human body, will enhance the human body's potential in a short period of time, and have a significant enhancement of strength, agility, responsiveness, etc. But this reinforcement is not without cost, you should have seen It has its side effects." Miao Li turned the pen on her hand and observed the reaction of Qi Le people without any trace.

Qi Le’s fingers moved a little and listened carefully.

"As you have seen on the spaceship, the species of killing will gradually affect the human mind. When the ability is strengthened, it will continue to lose the rationality of being human. The stronger it is, the more crazy it is. The boundary with the mind, I couldn’t suppress it in time...” Miao Li pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose and smiled a bit. “Everything is over and it ends irretrievably.”

Qi Le people swallowed and swallowed, and the throat was dry: "Why..."

Miao Li understood what he did not say: "Show you something."

She took a ring from the **** and placed it in front of the Qi Le people. He only discovered that this was not a plain ring, but she turned the face of the ring to the position of the palm, so he only saw the lonely ring.

The ring face was turned to the front of the Qi Le people, the silvery white gems filled with black mist, like a burning flame, changed into different shapes.

"Look at it, it can sense the evil forces around you, and the kind of killing on your body is no exception." Miao Li took the ring back and put it back on her finger. "Where did you say? Oh, Yes, when it comes to parasitism, the species of killing after the outbreak has a certain probability to be planted in nearby people, just like the dandelion blown away by the wind, rooting in the right soil, but the probability is not high - Al, etc. On the side of the spaceship, only one of you confirmed is infected. Usually, the spread of the killing species requires a ritual between the original host and the new host, and the original host will lead the newcomer to join the camp of the killing demon. Just like a mature plant scattered seeds, spread, spread... Believe it or not, for many players, the fact that it is living has already consumed all their willpower, even if they know that they are drinking and quenching thirst, they also Will choose to actively kill the parasitic species."

Miao Li’s mouth is holding a ridiculous arc, and the eyes behind the lens are indifferent: “There are so many ordinary, cowardly, incompetent people.”

Qi Le people recalled the tragedy on the spaceship. He had been wondering why he used the SL skills to read the files, but he was still parasitic. Now it seems that he has been planted by the killing species before he archived. Just like being in the same room as a flu patient, someone will not be infected, and someone will be infected. Although the probability is very low, he is still recruited - his luck is really not saved.

"...How can we remove the killing species?" Qile asked.

Miao Li turned the ring on her hand and said with regret: "I am afraid this is not easy."

"But there is still a way, right?" Qile asked calmly.

Miao Li glanced at him deeply, and the lens reflected a bright light under the pale light, making people unable to see her eyes.

"Yes, but it depends on your determination and sincerity. Are you ready?" Miao Li asked with a smile.

"What preparation?" Qi Le people were nervous. He subtly felt that this would not be a pleasant decision.

Miao Li’s body leaned forward slightly, her chin resting on the overlapping hands, and looking at the Qi Le people trying to hide their emotions. She seemed to think that his reaction was very interesting, like a researcher who observed the creatures in the dish. In the same way, she showed her own taste without any disguise, and it was an unpleasant taste.

"Being an undercover."

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