MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 59 Worshiping Witch (28)

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Time seemed to stop in this killing knife, and the person standing outside the door slowly pulled back the knife through a thin door panel. The sharp blade wiped the wooden door that was pierced, and made a harsh creaking sound, like countless iron combs on the apex of the person.

At this moment, Qi Le people hesitated.

Want to fight hard? If the SL skills are used now but the sneak attack fails, he is faced with 100% death. The person outside the door has gained the power far beyond the limits of humanity. Can ordinary solutions solve her?

Wait a second, wait for the moment the door opens...

"Come out, you can't escape if you hide." The sound of Lu Youxin sounded outside the door, but it was a very different tone, soft and cold, not a trace of killing.

Qi Le people still did not move.

"If you are waiting for me to open the door, and then use the ridiculous little skill to die with me, you still die early." The people outside the door said coldly, with a hint of mockery.

? ! !

How does she know? How could she know? !

Qi Le people are in a big mess, countless thoughts come one after another, and the heart jumps like it is going to explode.

How did Ye Xia know his skills? Did she see it? where is it? When?

Just as he was in a panic, the door slammed open.

The first light was injected into the crack, and her shadow swaying in the candlelight shook the signal of death. She is facing the candlelight on the wall of the corridor, her face is blurred, she is like a silhouette, a symbol, but it really means the coming of death.

At this moment, the Qi Le people had even lost their courage to fight back.

He has realized that he can't win.

This is not the escape of the murderous murder, nor the death of the dead witch in the moonlight courtyard. No matter which time, he knows that he has the possibility of surviving, because he still has a card, but this time, In the face of an opponent who was prepared for his tricks, he finally found his weakness.

Archive now, and then detonate the bomb? Will she give him this opportunity? Can she not escape?

She will stand here and push the door open, it is already telling him what is the winner!

The door was completely opened, and Ye Xi was standing still outside the door. The projection of the arm and the long knife was like a sickle's sickle, hooking his foot. Qi Le people forgot to breathe, staring at her with a sigh of relief, limbs are like paralysis.

"One thing, I am very curious." Ye Xia asked faintly.

"...what is it?" The voice of Qi Le people with a slight incomprehensible trembling, he forced to calmly talk with Ye Xia.

"How did you find out that I was not Lu Youxin? I did not reveal any flaws." Ye Xiu looked at his eyes and slowly raised his own questions.

"Because Isabel saw you three years ago, but she lost that memory until she just thought about it. So we judge that you can't die like this." Qi Le people subconsciously concealed Lu Youxin's last words.

"Have you seen me? Oh, you said that I saw the body three years ago. She is really good, sensitive, strong, and malleable. I was very satisfied with her. The fly in the ointment is too much." Ye Xia’s mouth is pulling a subtle arc. “Xie’s body is also good. Lu Youxin’s is better, but the one that makes me most heart is the body of Ning Zhou.”

Qi Le’s eyes widened.

"Strength, agility, speed, and reflex nerves are impeccable. Even the appearance can't pick a trace of flaws. That is the body I want! Immaculate! With such a body, she will definitely like me more." I will definitely!" Ye Xia's emotions suddenly burst into excitement, and his expression was full of frightening fanaticism.

"If I become as beautiful as her, she will definitely notice me. I don't want to be a cockroach ant at her feet. I humble and pray for her to look at me more, but she turns a blind eye. Three years. She never came again, even if I returned to the underground palace following her will, she would not appear again. But even then, I will not let anyone replace my position! Only I can serve her. Only I can!"

Ye Xia slowly raised the knife in his hand, and the aligning person showed a cold smile: "Goodbye..."

The blade reflects the swaying candlelight, and the Qi Le who holds the miniature bomb finally squats down, even if he knows that it is impossible to win, he is not willing to lead the neck like this!

In the moment of life and death, a silver-shining arrow shot from a distance, and slammed into the blade. The next second arrow exploded, and the shock wave caused the Qi Le people to fall to the ground and shrouded in the smoke. In the middle, he struggled to climb outside the door, and the cold feeling spread from the ground. Qi Le people suddenly remembered that Ye Xia really had the ability to freeze, and the horrible cold had already formed a thin layer on his hand. Thin frost flowers.

The frozen limbs were dull and stiff, and he couldn’t stand up anymore. In the smoke, two figures could be seen entangled at an alarming speed. Another touch was made, and the weapons collided with a harsh sound, accompanied by Dazzling aura.

The sound of the blade piercing into the □ □ came, and Ning Zhou snorted and slammed back to the side of Qile, and the wound on his arm smashed the blood and sprinkled the ground. Her black bird also flew out of the thick fog, flapping its wings and stopping at the feet of Qi Le people.

"The dog of the Holy See? The holy city has been framed in the hands of the Mozu, you have not yet died? It is really annoying." Ye Xia's figure stepped out of the smoke, calmly watching Ning Zhou, "Is it necessary to struggle? I admit that you are very good, but now you can't be my opponent, unless you find four witches to kill one by one."

Ning Zhou Shuguang was cold, and even rushed up without hesitation, and the two short knives glared at the dazzling silver light, just like two flying rainbows, and Ye Xiu stepped back halfway, holding a long knife and her The short knife slammed hard, and the force of the weapon collided and Ning Zhoufei flew out. She twisted her body in the air incredibly, half-squatting on the ground, and the impact even took her back a few meters to stop. Dragging a long trace of blood on the ground.

It’s terrible, this kind of power, human beings can’t compete at all.

"Is it not good to admit defeat? I don't want to make your body ruined. Forget it, solve this little guy first." Ye Xi seems to be helplessly sighing, cold eyes turned Qi Le people.

Qi Le people stood up hard against the wall, frostbite on the palms and knees, but he still stood up, even if he was going to die, he would stand and die.

Ye Xia smiled slightly and lifted the knife to kill him. In the gaze of the line of sight, Qi Le people saw Ning Zhou pulled a chain from his chest and threw it to the foot of Qi Le people. A clear sound was heard in the ear of Qi Le people. Everything around him Blurred, Ye Xi, who was killed by him, the black bird at his feet, standing in the distant Ning Zhou, everything seems to be twisted in the tunnel of time and space.

The light rose from his feet and rolled everything into a holy white.

The devout songs descended from the sky, and the Qi Le people were bathed in a pure white. He was in a magnificent temple. Numerous pilgrims dressed in white rituals prayed piously to the huge cross in front of him. Each of them is vague and illusory, and at first glance it is not a life.

Where is this?

He looked around in a panic, and saw Ning Zhou not far away, so he let out a sigh of relief.

Under the giant cross, a woman dressed in white attire and blonde is praying at the void, as if she felt their arrival, she opened her eyes, and the blue eyes and the Ning Zhou are almost exactly the same.

She smiled at them and closed her eyes again and prayed. The prayer from her mouth is like a holy magic, letting the temple bathe in incredible power, healing the human heart and soul.

“Where is this?” Qi Le asked in vain.

The black bird resting on the shoulders of Ning Zhou said: "...the Holy Spirit is enchanted, can maintain the absolute defense of five minutes, relieve all negative influences and heal all wounds."

Qi Le people looked at Ning Zhou's arm in shock. The arm chopped by Ye Xia was healing at the speed visible to the naked eye. Even the wound on his own body disappeared quickly.

This is incredible. But is it only five minutes?

After five minutes, they still have to face death.

Ning Zhou stood in front of him, quietly looked at him for a while, then lowered his eyes, the black bird on her shoulder said: "When you will be enchanted, you will run immediately, the farther the better."

"What do you do?" Qi Le asked anxiously.


"No, she can't beat now, and you will die if you stay!" Qi Leren decided.


Mu Yu was in the ethereal light, and Ning Zhou’s original glamorous facial features were dyed with a holy light. Her beautiful blue eyes fixedly looked at the Qi Le people and did not speak.

Qi Le people took a deep breath and hugged his forehead and rethought: "There must be a way. I don't believe this is a mortal situation. There must be a way. Ning Zhou, listen, don't fight with her, do stupid things, you die. I can't live, I would rather die if I die!"

The current situation is that Ye Xia has killed four witch candidates. Even if Ning Zhou kills him and Isabel now, it is impossible to surpass her strength. This is an absolute quantitative difference. The system also says "every time kills Witch candidates, can get a substantial increase in various attributes "... every time?

Qi Le people's eyes lit up, it said every time, not every one?

At this moment, he was like a traveler who was hungry and thirsty in the infinite darkness. He suddenly saw the light shining in the night in front of him. It was the light of life, the flame of hope, the vitality in desperation.

"Ning Zhou, I have a way, maybe let us all live." Qi Le people excitedly looked at Ning Zhou.

The songs of the Holy Spirit's enchantment became more and more ethereal, and countless golden and silver dots fluttered in the void, entwining the two.

Qi Le people couldn't help but smile: "It's very simple, kill me."