MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 50 Worshiping Witch (19)

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Isabel's mission is obviously more difficult than Ellie's task of finding her sister. From the system's prompts, this is probably a hidden story related to the main story of the sacrifice witch. He even thinks that this is likely to be necessary to play the finale. Conditions, Isabel's lost memory, there must be a key element related to this task, they have to find a way to let her find that memory.

Qi Le people thought about not knowing how to start, and simply negotiated with Ning Zhou to take Isabel back to the temple. Ning Zhou had no opinions, so the three quickly returned to the palace.

Upon entering the temple, Qi Le people saw Ellie and Aisha look at the stone wall uneasy, Lu Youxin, Xie Tao and Ye Xia are not there.

"What's wrong?" Qi Le asked.

Aisha pointed to the stone wall and said: "There was a new text suddenly appeared on the stone wall..."

Qi Le people took a closer look. There were only two lines of text on the original stone wall. The line was in the middle of the top, telling them that the living witch had gathered and the dead witch was about to wake up. Then below the line of text, near the left is the first witch's tip, which is a witch candidate who has worked hard for Qi Le people. At this time, the right and bottom of the line have their own A new line of text.

The sentence on the right is like a clue to the puzzle: [kill all of us, the altar will appear. 】

The sentence below is similar to the one in the previous witch candidate: [I have awakened, wandering around, killing me, will gain my wealth. 】

Qi Le people thought a little and thought that they had figured out the routine of this task.

Every time a witch is killed, the hint about the new witch will appear below the previous prompt, and there will be a decryption prompt related to the completion of the task. When they kill all the seven witches, there will be a total of seven clues. These seven clues may be the location of the final altar or the method of sacrifice.

"The second witch is not the same as the previous one. She should be a random walker." Qi Le said.

Ning Zhou nodded.

Because of the cooling of skills, Qi Le people did not want to go out to risk now, so he asked about Ning Zhou, Ning Zhou looked at his injury, and shook his head.

"When my skills cool down, go on, then you can do it in half an hour." Qi Le people sneaked into the ear of Ning Zhou's ear, and the hot breath sprayed on his ear. Ning Zhou jumped out of the two. Mi Yuan.

Qi Le people looked at the face of the reddish and pretending to be a cold goddess, I feel that my cute point has been poked, and the goddess is really a wife too fun!

Do it this time next time! He secretly said to himself.

"There are two more words!" Isabel's exclamation made the Qi Le people wake up and hurry up to check.

After the second sentence of the witch, there is a corresponding puzzle sentence. It should be that someone killed the second witch, and the Qi Le people looked at it seriously.

[We used to serve the old devil, but now, we are serving the devil who is in charge of fraud. 】

Qi Le people suddenly remembered that on the airship in the dusk town, it seems that two players and the demon devil signed a demon contract, which can plunder the survival days of others. Power, killing and fraud, in the background of the nightmare game, these three devils replaced the old devil and ruled the Mozu. Was the witch who finally won this mission served in the deceitful devil? Can it be said that the player who completes the final sacrifice in this mission will be transferred to the demonic camp?

Because I couldn't understand it for a while, Qi Le people whispered the tips of the third witch.

[Would you like to sacrifice, you have suffered betrayal, you can see the distortion and beauty of love in the buds of despair? The fire of love that is not desired, has been burning to the end of my life. 】

The words of **** color are engraved on the stone wall, flowing with a dark red luster, and the distorted love seems to have penetrated into the mind of the person through the words. Qi Le people suddenly remembered the words of the witch who was watered by the iron water in the courtyard. She said, "I didn't hurt her... she deceived you..."

She... cheating?

At that time, the situation was too tense. The Qi Le people did not put the witch’s madness in the heart, but now I recall why she was kept in the shackles and died of iron water. Who is this cruel torture? What is the reason for execution? When Qile was in this task, it was difficult for him to regard these details as an ordinary coincidence. He believed that there must be a reason for this.

What happened to this palace in the last time when the witch was sacrificed? What does this have to do with Isabel’s lost memory? In a confusing, Qi Le people have been unable to find a clue.

The footsteps came from outside the hall. The people on the stone steps looked at the gate. Lu Youxin came to them with a blank expression. The tidy rituals were full of blood and looked shocking.

Lu Youxin, who has not lost his temper, seems to have a different kind of coldness, like a blood drenched in his right hand, and he can't see if it is her own.

"Don't worry." Lu Youxin saw several NPCs retreating in a row, and looked terrified. She smiled brightly. "It's not my blood. It's a dead meat that has been rotten for three years. In fact, it looks good. I didn't even have it." It’s because of the heat, it must be because it’s too shy.”

As she said, she slowly walked to the front of the stone wall and gently crossed the tip of the second witch with a hand full of half-stained blood. He muttered: "Would you like to sacrifice, you can Have suffered betrayal, you can see the distortion and beauty of love in the buds of despair? The fire of love that is unsuccessful, has been burning to the end of my life... This feeling of despair is so beautiful."

Lu Youxin was like a demon, watching the text on the stone wall smile until... She was sipped by the **** bird.

"Hey, this bird is quite fierce!" Lu Youxin screamed at the back of his beggar, and angered.

Ning Zhou whistled and called the bird back. With such a nap, the atmosphere is much better, and the feeling of oppression that has been smothered is also dissipated. The Qi Le people thought a little and asked: "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, very good. I also saw two beautiful women fighting on the road. I went to the day to do a good job. Oh, I am really kind." Lu Youxin boasted awkwardly and looked up and down on Qi Le and Ning Zhou. A little, the expression is a bit subtle, "Mind me ask, how do you know?"

Worse, Lu Youxin knows that he is a man! If this kind of thing is not revealed by oneself but is exposed by others, it is easy to be regarded as a ulterior motive by the goddess! He also wants to use the convenience of the girl as a friend and a goddess to make friends, wait for a copy and give the goddess a surprise! With the foundation of the common trouble, the goddess should accept him better! Even if you are not a couple, you can be a good spare tire. He will try to be a self-cultivated spare tire!

The Qi Le people who are in a nervous mood naturally did not find the strangeness of Ning Zhou. He was busy trying to give Lu Youxin a wink, and he could not wait to send his inner cry to Lu Youxin’s mind: Big, beg you, don’t expose me!

"Cough, what we saw in the woods, Ning Zhou saved me several times..." Although in fact, Qi Le people listened to Chen Baiqi when he was in the dusk town, but Chen Baiqi did not Tell him the name of Ning Zhou, only said that it is a cold beauty, this description is really accurate, it is really cold and beautiful, goddess!

Lu Youxin's eyelids jumped wildly. If you don't have to look at it, you know that Ning Zhou is staring at her with a murderous look, letting her close her mouth and roll away. I want to come to Ning Zhou, I don’t want to expose my gender at this time. Since then, my favorite girl has been a bad guy. Now the task environment is so dangerous. If Qi Le people have a bad heart on him, he is still equipped. Closed Zen] This skill card, once the energy accumulated in the opening has to start from the beginning, or wait for the task to end, then try to explain it slowly.

However, Lu Youxin, who has already seen everything, is convinced that he is a straight man but in the eyes of others, Lily is actually a person who is engaged in the basics. He can only report it with a smile: you let me shut up, then you can Don't blame me.

Read The Duke's Passion