MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 134 The dream of the Holy Mother (24)

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The night is heavy, and everything is silent.

The vibrations of the earth have not stopped, and they are getting stronger and more frequent.

This field, which has been dead for many years, is slowly collapsing, just like his world.

Ning Zhou holds the body of Qi Le people, walks on the stone steps of the former site of the Holy See, and walks down step by step, from the clouds to the bottom, from heaven to hell.

The night wind sent a scene of memories. Once the dull and tiny joys were buried in countless pains and shackles, when the death filtered out the impurities of sand and gravel, it left a sweet heart. taste.

But he didn't even have time to taste it, and he turned to the final chapter of the tragedy.

The Garden of the Holy Sepulcher is already in sight.

At the corner of the cemetery, the giant wood with a diameter of more than two meters has been hollowed out. The remaining wooden piles are covered with grass and covered with blue and white falling flowers, like a natural bed.

They are back here again, this time he used to take a nap, where he had warmly watched.

This time, he will sleep for a long time, he will wait for a long time.

Perhaps a part of the soul will be left here forever, accompanied by the dead, forever.

He carefully wiped the blood on the faces and hands of Qile people. It was once beautiful and beautiful. The hands that were pampered were all burns caused by explosions, and the long-suffering that had been scraped out in the underground lake long ago. Scars, from countless details, Ning Zhou has already outlined everything that happened in the temple.

Isabel serves the devil, and she will only represent one thing - the demon king has entered the field, and his identity is beyond doubt.

The devil tempted his lover, but he refused.

The blood of the overthrown demon in the temple quietly told everything.

Is betrayal or death.

He chose to die.

why? Ning Zhou silently asked, why choose death?

He clearly told him that living is the most important thing at any time.

He would rather see him drink the blood of the demon king, and then go to hell, at least he can live, he can also hide this love that is not blessed by the gods in the bottom of my heart, to draw a perfect end to everything. Anyway, for their unbelievers from different worlds, the position of justice and evil is actually not clear, isn't it?

Maybe in the future, they will meet each other because of their positions. He is willing to put his own life in his hands and return him to sacrifice him again and again.

Yes, he chose to die.

The night wind was cold, and the petals on the branches of the surrounding forests were blown away. The blue and white flowers fell down in a row. Like that day, he quietly slept in the warm sunshine of the afternoon, but this time, he would not wake up again. It is.

The eagle sneaked down on the edge of this natural bed. It tilted its head and looked at the Qiele who slept there inexplicably. He jumped to his side and smashed his cold with a bird. The face came to Ning Zhou’s shoulder again and licked his face.

The same cold, the same dead silence, the eagle screamed, patted the wings and flew away.

Ning Zhou never felt so cold, even if it was never the cold of the whole year, it was never so cold, and it was so cold that he could not weave it into a ring.

By the time the grass ring was woven, Ning Zhou slowly fell down on the side of the stump and pulled the hand of Qi Le, as he had done in countless times in his dreams.

But there is no dream, there is one thousandth of reality.

He proposed to his dying lover, willing to use the remaining life to adhere to a love that is not allowed by the gods, even if he will fall into **** after death, forever sinking.

The wounded hand is as cold as a piece of ice, and the coldness of death runs along the blood vessels, freezing his heart. It seems to have cracked a wound that will never heal. This wound will accompany every heartbeat. He spent his life.

He put on a ring for him, not kissing his lips, but kissing every wound in his hand, as if he was kissing the cross, all the hesitation, jealousy, virtue, pain that has been suppressed in the depths of the soul for a long time. And the love that he did not dare to admit, melted into the cruel death, turned into countless hardened arrows, shot through his heart.

The cruelest torture in the world can not withstand the pain and suffering of this moment. And such despair will continue until he walks into the abyss of death.

In the empty dead wood under the starry sea, the sleeping lover is sleeping, the Milky Way rises to the top of the head, the world is gradually bright, the stars are annihilated, the east is gradually white, and the dawn is coming.

But maybe, it will never come.


The eagle whirls in the wind of dawn.

After being sent back to the old castle, he has been comatose until now. Dr. Lu ran all the way to the former site of the Holy See. He could not find any companion and was at a loss.

The eagle landed from the sky and led Dr. Lu to the direction of the Holy Tomb Garden at the foot of the mountain. Dr. Lu, who was uneasy, followed it and came all the way to where they had been a few days ago.

In the corner of the garden, he saw Ning Zhou. He stood facing him in front of the broken wood, and his back seemed to melt in the morning sun.

Dr. Lu, who was delighted, ran to him: "Ning Zhou! Ning Zhou! Finally I found you, how are you here? Qi Le people? Su He? Yesterday evening..."

The pace slowed down and the sound came to an abrupt end. Dr. Lu stared blankly at the stump covered with grass and fallen flowers, and his face was pale. He seemed to walk around to Ning Zhou as if he was a sleepwalker. He looked at the lifeless face of his companion and the blood on his clothes. His mind was blank.

Dr. Lu trembled and reached out, but as soon as he touched his cold neck, he took back his hand like an electric shock and cried.

He realized that his friend would not come back.

The rising sun rises, dispelling the darkness of the night, and the two people bathed in the warm sunshine have no feeling of warmth.

Time flows quietly, the funeral begins in silence, and ends in silence. Ning Zhou can't even swear for him because his lover is an unbelievers.

But it is such a devout believer and a free unbelievers who briefly met in the world, quietly fell in love, silently parting, and the last words were that he left before he left and said, "You must wait for me. "And I love you with his blood." Abandoning this body, their souls will not meet in heaven, nor will they meet in hell. They are not even a person of the world.

The dead are already dead, and the living person has to spend a long life to remember the love that has never even begun, which is cruel.

Dr. Lu’s crying gradually went down, leaving only the next sob.

The ground is still shaking, more and more frequent, and the shaking of the earth has caused the entire holy city to fall into a panic. Even if it is far from the old site of the Holy See, it can still hear the noisy voice.

The sculpture generally stood in front of the stump, and Ning Zhou finally moved. Dr. Lu looked at him uneasy and took off the uniform of the Holy See and covered it on the body of Qi Le. He discovered that there was a large piece of Yin Hong on the waist of Ning Zhou. Bloodstains.

"You... are you injured? I will help you... help you treat it..." Dr. Lu said with a trembling voice.

Ning Zhou shook his head silently and turned to the corner of the garden. There, a large expanse of wild roses bloomed. It was planted by Mary that year. After more than 20 years, they were tenacious in the wind and rain. The ground grows and burns in full bloom.

He picked up the white wild rose, seven, and the hard stem was covered with thorns, so that he had blood and DC, but he seemed to be ignorant, and the thorns on the stems were removed one by one.

He held the flowers and walked towards him. He slept in the tree hole filled with petals and bathed in the warm sunshine. The memory can't help but overlap the past and the present, but this time, he will not open his eyes to meet his sight. But he always remembers, the gentleness of that look.

The pure white rose was placed on the body of the Qi Le, separated by a black Holy See uniform, and separated from life and death.

This is really a distant distance.

The sun that once illuminates his life has fallen, and the rest of his age will be the long night of eternity.

In such a long life, he has lost a person forever.