MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 130 The dream of the Holy Mother (20)

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"Because it hurts too much." Qi Le people replied earnestly, "But now it is not painful. It is not painful to drink medicine."

"Yes, that's good." Su and sighed softly, and took the antidote to Dr. Lu.

"Please take care of Dr. Lu, I will go back to Ning Zhou." Qi Leren said.

Su He shook his head: "So, you should send Dr. Lu back to the lord's castle. I will go to the old site of the Holy See. If Ning Zhou is in trouble, I will be more experienced than you."

The ground is still shaking slightly. Since the death of the nightmare witch, the power of the demon she has accumulated for many years seems to be out of control. Qi Le people are very worried that there will be her companions in the former site of the Holy See, and they regret that they did not bring Ning Zhou back together - although he knows that Ning Zhou will choose to stay there just in case - but if Ning Zhou meets What is the danger...

"Well, you go first, I will come right away." Qi Leren agreed.

Su He smiled at him and said warmly: "Don't worry, it will soon end, very soon."

Qi Le people helped Dr. Lu, who was still unconscious: "Well, it will be."

Su and Hugh nodded to him and turned and walked into the dark night.


The night wind quietly blows through the branches, and the dead leaves are covered. The site of the Holy See, which has been closed for more than 20 years, is as quiet as sleeping in the tomb.

Ning Zhou picked up the ranks and walked along the steps of Maria, and walked toward the highest point of the temple.

Along the way, the earth is still shaking and becoming more and more frequent. The power of the demon that is broken is raging under the surface, awakening the sleeping birds.

A gust of wind blew, and a large piece of dead leaves and fallen flowers swept past Ning Zhou. The scream of the eagle came from the top of the head. It circled and fell, and a small piece of blue-white petals was thrown in the hair of Ning Zhou. . Ning Zhou took the petals off. The blue-and-white petals should be blown from the garden of the Holy Grail. He deeply remembers that the petals fell on the lips of the sleeping Qi Le people, the memories that infiltrated in the afternoon sun. Gentle as a dream... He touched the head of the eagle and continued to move forward.

He has never been here, but when he walks here, his heart is full of kindness and unfamiliar fear, as if it is his holy place and his hell.

The nightmare witch died not far away, the brooch of the token fell to the ground, and Ning Zhou smashed up. The one-time attacking means attached to it was used up. The wreckage on the ground proved it all.

This is just a very simple trick, but sometimes victory is as simple as that.

Ning Zhou touched the enchantment in front of him. This enchantment set by his mother still protects the deepest secrets of the Holy See after she left for more than 20 years, although it has been eroded by the power of demons for many years. It has begun to become fragile, but it still blocks the footsteps of the nightmare witch.

The realm of the field was once again attached to the enchantment of the Holy Mother. The golden cockroach swayed from the brooch and slowly spread to the surroundings. The enchantment of the temple, which was wrapped in the highest point of the Holy See, began to blur and finally disappeared.

Further deep, it is the isolation of the Temple Cathedral for more than 20 years.

Ning Zhou looked up at half of the temple that had been turned into a broken wall. It was there, and Mary killed the demon.

The black bird on the shoulder made a scream, and Ning Zhou turned around. The distant steps uploaded the sound of the high heels stepping on the stone steps, getting closer and closer.

someone is coming.

The blade was pulled out with the scabbard, and Ning Zhou stood on the steps and waited for the coming. The force of the demon who did not hide it in the other party flooded the tide in the deep night, full of evil thoughts from hell.

A lady in a black gauze hat and a black evening gown walked in an elegant step, and the evening gown inlaid with pearls and gems shined in the night. She pushed the hat, and after the black yarn, it was a delicate face with a fascinating fascination in the eyes, which was completely different from that of the ordinary village girl.

"Long time no see." Isabel nodded slightly to Ning Zhou.

Ning Zhou looked at her in a complicated mood.

Deep in the underground palace, Isabel voluntarily became the witch of the deceitful demon, and entered the altar, but after half a month, she appeared again in front of him, but it was no longer the ordinary human girl of that year.

The raging demon power is full of murderous killings, and she has become a witch completely.

The most terrifying thing is how did she come to him through this closed field? She can't have a domain token, so it's impossible to enter Maria's field by herself unless...

"Re-introducing myself, I am Isabel, the witch of the sergeant. In the life of the master, come and compete with you." Isabel wore a black gloved hand to lift the skirt, and elegantly performed a ceremony.

On the short knife, the holy light is illuminated, and Ning Zhou looks at the sorcerer with a blank expression: "The Holy Spirit exorcist Ning Zhou, the person who killed you."

In the dark and quiet site of the Holy See, the power of holiness and the power of the devil suddenly collided in the void, and a raging wave of air broke out. The trees fell and the stone steps broke.

The witch chuckled: "I won't let you go."


After setting up Dr. Lu, Qi Le people immediately left the castle of the Lord and hurried to the direction of the old site of the Holy See.

The inhabitants who have been alienated into demons have returned to their original state. After dawn, the demon will end forever, and the vigils will restore their human identity. From then on, they will not have to struggle in every night of the moon—they have been freed, forever .

As long as you get the destroying token of Mary, you can reopen this field and let people who have been trapped here more than 20 years ago leave.

In the quiet night, Qi Le people's footsteps went faster and faster. In the end, they began to troup all the way, and soon came to the former site of the Holy See, but Ning Zhou has disappeared, and Su He is not here.

With a flashlight on the road ahead, Qi Le people walked up the stairs to the higher building.

The ground is still shaking intermittently, and the Qile people have to be careful to avoid falling down.

The stone path in the mountains broke in front, and the pits more than ten meters wide were shocking. The surrounding trees also fell, and it was seen that someone had a fierce battle here. The hearts of Qi Le people hung up from the trees. In the case of the situation, this is not the trace left by the demon invasion more than 20 years ago, but it is fresh. Although it is not clear whether Suhe or Ning Zhou is in conflict with people here, there must be danger ahead.

The space seemed to be distorted in front. The large darkness could not be illuminated by the light of the flashlight. There was no human figure, no sound, only pure darkness, and it was terrifying.

The road was broken, and the Qile people hesitated, circling from another stone step, and soon came to the Temple Cathedral at the highest point of the hill.

Under the stars, the broken temple is still majestic, passing through the round stone terraces, and the stone pillars along the road have been broken. Even so, these broken walls still exude a holy and solemn beauty.

There are all kinds of angel sculptures along the way, some have lost their heads, some have broken their wings, some even have only their legs left, and the traces of destruction are unobstructed. They are surrounded by the center of the square, there is a The disc of four or five meters in diameter seems to be the base of a giant sculpture, but there is no statue that should exist on the base, and there is no wreckage of the statue around it. It is like disappearing from the air, let this group of angels surround it. In the darkness, it is extremely lonely.

Going forward is the temple that was destroyed in half. The front hall was almost completely destroyed. Even the dome was gone. The wind and rain were covered with weeds and shrubs. Qi Le people stepped on the grass carefully and walked through the rows of stone pillars to the stone door of the main hall.

These are two gates that can be pushed away from the center. This door is probably ten meters high. The beautiful relief on the door has grown into moss, but it is still faintly visible. The content of the relief is about angels from heaven and The grand scene of the demon war.

What will be behind the door?

Qi Le’s hand has been placed on the door, his heart beats faster, his breathing is short, and he retracted his hand and adjusted it.

[SL Dafa], [raining clothes], [primary fighting] has been equipped.

If the battle is going on and the SL skill has cooled down, he also has the item [Backflow Sand]. This exquisite hourglass item can reset the cooldown time of a skill card. If it is, he can't beat the enemy... ...he also has [resurrection eggs].

Don't be afraid, the nightmare witch who is polluting this field is already dead. If she still has the same party, she should have stopped him on the road.

The ground shook again. This time it was obviously stronger than before. It seems that this temple is the source of the vibration. What happened inside, what will happen if this earthquake continues? Can't wait any longer...

Qi Le once again put his hands on the cold stone door and pushed forward.

The archive is complete.

To his surprise, this giant door was not as heavy as it was supposed to be. Under his push, it almost automatically turned on, fresh air came on the scene, the flashlight illuminated the marble floor, and the Qi Le people looked at the temple. In the starry sky behind the huge collapsed wall, holding the dagger took a step toward the darkness ahead.

A light suddenly appeared in the deep shadows, as if it was lit by the hand of God.

The darkness was dispelled, and the light in front of it was getting more and more beautiful, and finally it was as bright as white.

Qi Le people looked at the temple in front of him, just in the deepest part of the main hall. The huge statue of the Madonna held a sword, pierced the scale of the roaring black dragon, and nailed it to the giant cross.

This shocking scene shows the fierce battles that took place here many years ago, but this is not the reason why Qi Le people are stunned. After a shock, he looks at the throne of the pope under the huge cross.

On the throne, which was decorated with reliefs and gems, Su and one-handedly supported him, smiling at him in the distance.

His look is still gentle and gentle.

Only except the red, demon eyes.

Read The Duke's Passion