MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 121 The dream of the Holy Mother (11)

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This evening, Qi Le people still dream, and rare is not a nightmare. No, in a sense, it is also a nightmare. The dream is like an automatic movie. From the beginning of his entry into the novice village with Dr. Lu, the Su and the appearance, they end the mission to the hometown of dusk, then The sacrifice witch, then jumped to the castle to cry. In the dream, he went through the battle to defeat the Mad Lady in the basement. When he once again opened the drawer with the laptop, his dream came to an abrupt end.

The Qile people who woke up in the middle of the night were still confused. He rolled over and continued to sleep. Then he dreamed again. He dreamed of the Ning Zhou when he was offering the witch mission. At that time, he was still a woman’s appearance. Intimate contact in the underground caves of no one, unscrupulously explore each other's body until...

In the dream, he touched something that should not appear on women.

Qi Le people turned up and sat on the bed in cold sweat. The sky was already bright. His biological clock was rarely striked. Just as he groped for the watch on the side of the pillow, he saw the neatly dressed Ning Zhou sitting. Wiping his double knife on the sofa by the window.

Qi Le people took a sigh of relief and immediately woke up: "Early... early."

Ning Zhou’s line of sight paused for a second on the neckline of his open T-shirt, and he paused for a second on his still-sleepy face, nodding his head and removing his gaze.

Qi Le people encountered a little trouble, a normal male troubled from the beginning of puberty, now he has two choices, silly sitting on the bed waiting for it to go on, or go to the bathroom to solve.

Considering that he is less than five meters away, he has a (spring-error) spring dream object, and the other side is still wiping his face with a cold face, and his eagle stands on the back of the sofa and looks at him with a slap in the face. People feel that no matter which one he chooses, he is a bit shameful. He can only pray that he did not make any sounds that should not be made when he was dreaming.

Because he was too nervous, he even thought about it. How would Ning Zhou solve this problem when he encountered such trouble? He vaguely remembers that some religious canons not only prohibit premarital sex, but even prohibit self-comfort, anti-humanity in all senses.

On the occasion of his thoughts, Ning Zhou suddenly put away his double knife and inserted it back into the scabbard on the outside of the thigh: "I am going to take breakfast."

"Oh, good." Qi Le people sighed and watched Ning Zhou leave the room with his black bird.

The trouble was solved. After the breakfast, the four people gathered together again to study the map of the holy city that Qi Le people bought from Chen Baiqi and discussed the actions for the next few days. Finally, the deliberation decided to take a lap in the city and then go to the old site of the Holy See to explore.

The holy city is still the holy city. After being closed for more than 20 years, it still looks like a lively one, but some corners can already see the trace of the city's decline. In addition to several main roads, many houses have already been Abandoned, it is said that after the demon invasion and the disaster, the existing population of the Holy City is less than 10,000.

The streets are full of middle-aged men and women, and some white-haired old people, but few young men and women are seen, and none of the children are seen. After four people wandered around and inquired about the situation of some holy cities, they set off on the site of the Holy See.

“What did the Lord’s Lord say yesterday? The Holy See was closed by a mysterious force and could not enter it?” Dr. Lu recalled the information he had heard in the castle yesterday and asked.

Qi Le people should have said: "The same is true of the passers-by. They want to go to the Holy See to seek asylum, but they can't go in. The Lady of the Lord is a very devout believer, often praying near the Holy See, but can't walk into the Holy See. ""

"When you look there, you will know." Su He said.

The former site of the Holy City's Holy See is located on a hill in the north of the Holy City. The white stone buildings built around the mountain are still holy, but it is a pool of stagnant water.

"This is a bit like the sanctuary in the Saints." Dr. Lu sighed as he stood up at the foot of the mountain.

As he said this, Qi Le people also felt a bit similar.

Looking up, the lush mountain forest is covered with long ladders of white stone steps, extending along the winding mountain roads. The religious buildings along the way are high and low, green and white form the most basic color of this sanctuary, in the blue sky. The clouds are shining. The temple at the highest point of the mountain seems to have gone through a war, half of the building has collapsed, but even if only the broken wall remains, it still looks holy and magnificent, fascinating.

Is this the holy place in the minds of the past believers?

"Sure enough, it was closed." Su He stood on the steps and reached out his hand. His palm seemed to touch a strange barrier. He spread from the position of his palm and was filled with ominous black.

"The power of the devil." Ning Zhou also stepped forward, very sure.

"It is the power of the devil. It seems that they have closed the Holy See..." Su He thought for a moment and continued. "The demon who led the demons to invade the human world for the first time in historical legends should be sealed here. ”

Dr. Lu’s expression was distorted, and he asked painfully: “Don’t we accidentally release it?”

Su and smiled: "It should not, because the legendary devil's inheritance is not the same as human beings. If the old demon is not dead, the new devil will not be crowned and crowned to get the devil's recognition. Now the new devil has already been produced. The old devil is probably really dead."

"You mean the three devils of power, killing and fraud?" Qi Le remembers that Su He once gave them science. "But can you have three demons at the same time?"

"This... I don't know." Su and smiled helplessly.

Because they could not enter the Holy See, the four men searched around the foot of the mountain and found a cemetery surrounded by flowers and trees along a stone step.

"Holy Tomb Garden." Qi Le people stood at the entrance to the cemetery and read the inscription.

It is said to be a cemetery, but there are flowers everywhere in the garden of the tomb. These beautiful flowers are also lush in the unattended today. If it is not a few pieces of tombstones interspersed in the sea of ​​flowers, people who come here can hardly feel it here. It is a cemetery.

"I am starving, take a break and go to investigate the clues in the afternoon." Dr. Lu’s stomach has been screaming.

"Okay, I am also hungry." Qi Le people didn't eat much for breakfast. After a morning's running, they are now hungry. Although it is a cemetery, the scenery is good, and the four people are resting here.

Lunch was prepared by the maid in the lord's castle. The forty-something maid carefully packed the bread and wine in a large basket, accompanied by jam and bacon, and tasted much better than their own dry food. Spread the tablecloths in the basket, and the four sit on the lawn and enjoy the lunch in the sun.

After coming to the nightmare world, Qi Le people have not been so relaxed for a long time, leaving the oppressive mechanical city and the never-falling sunset in the dusk town. The sunshine and the air here make him relaxed and happy. Ning Zhou's language eagle also liked this environment. He got out of the pet bag and grabbed a large piece of bacon and then patted his wings and flew. Now there is no bird shadow.

After eating and drinking, Qi Le people turned around in the Holy Tomb Garden. There is a huge tree in the corner of the garden. It should be the wreck of a huge tree, because its interior has been decayed and hollowed out. The middle was stumbled, and the part more than one meter above the ground had fallen. Heng Chen became a lifeless piece of dead wood on the grass, but even so, the diameter of the broken wood is two meters longer than standing on it. The Qi Le people in front are tall.

The roots of the trunk that it left have also been hollowed out. Interestingly, the weedy grass grows out of the hollowed wooden pier, and the space in the tree stump is like a natural open-air bed.

This season is just right, and the treetops around it are full of flowers, mostly blue and white. A gust of wind blows, the petals fall down in a row, falling into the hollow wooden pier, covered in the tree stump. On the grass, it looks soft and comfortable.

The Qi Le people who were a little sleepy and tired, simply climbed into the tree stumps on the exposed roots of the trees, resting on the fresh weeds and the flowers that radiated the fragrance, and sighed with satisfaction.

The stump of the smashed giant wood became the cot of his nap, just enough to sleep, and the Qi Le who was lying inside closed his eyes and let the sun shine on his body, so his blush was shining. The blood of the whole body is filled with the smell of the sun, warm.

In the quiet garden of the Tomb, Qi Le people can still hear the voices of Dr. Lu and Su He, but their voices are also pushed further and further, and he falls asleep.

“Why do you want to engrave roses on this tombstone?” Dr. Lu asked, pointing to a tombstone.

Su and carefully looked at the tombstone and said: "The key should not be roses, but the number of questions. The number of roses is exactly seven. Here is the meaning of 'I love you'. This should be for the lover. Tombstone."

Dr. Lu left his right hand with his right hand: "Yes, I remember you told me and the musicians in the castle mission."

The conversation between the two attracted Ning Zhou's attention. He also saw the tombstone. The name and life of a believer in the church. She is Susan, a devout believer who disappeared into the moonlight night. She The husband held a funeral for her, praying that her soul could be redeemed by God, and the rose relief on the tombstone was painted white and lifelike.

"White roses are pure love." Ning Zhou said. Maria loves the white rose, so he remembers.

He still remembers that Maria told him about the Holy Tomb Garden outside the Holy City. When she was a girl, she planted a lot of roses here, colorful, and she loved white most. There is a towering tree in the corner of the Garden of the Holy Sepulcher. She hung a swing there and played alone in the evening wind. It was an innocent and carefree time.

After more than twenty years, the roses planted by Mary survived tenaciously, growing in the corners of the sacred garden, and the trees that were hung by her by the swing...

"Hey, where did the musicians go?" Dr. Lu asked strangely.

"He seems to have strolled over there." Su He pointed to the corner of the garden.

Ning Zhou strode over and found Qi Laren in the corner of the garden. He lay in the hollowed tree stump, resting on the grass and petals, and taking a nap in the warm afternoon sun. A naughty petal fell down the wind on his hair, and ran to his face and was stuck in the eyelashes. He seemed to feel itchy, wrinkled his nose and muttered, the breeze would take the piece The petals were saved from the eyelashes. It flicked and flicked. It fell between his lips. The blue and white petals lining up the rosy lips, and Ning Zhou stared at it for a long time, staring at...

"Qile people - where have you gone?"

Dr. Lu’s shouts came from afar, and the Qi Le people who slept soundly were awakened, squinting openly, and there seemed to be something blocking the sun... He looked up in the petals and his eyes fell on a blue In the middle, it is a bluer color than the sky, clear and pure, and directly hit the heart. He took a moment to realize that it was not the sky, but the Ning Zhou standing by the tree. He looked at him quietly, still so cold, as if the gentle blue he saw just a moment ago was him. The illusion of not yet waking up.

"I fell asleep?" Qi Le people had a mouth, and the petals falling between his lips were eaten by him. He quickly sat up and looked around to find the source of the sound.

Dr. Lu ran to his side and screamed with exclamation: "This bed looks so comfortable, it is purely natural, you can really find a place."

Qi Le people jumped out of the tree stump and patted the petals and grass clippings on the clothes: "Do you want to lie down?"

Dr. Lu tangled and looked at the stump for a while, or gave up: "Forget it, let's go eat a small cake. I brought it from the land of dusk, it is delicious."

Qi Le people reluctantly glanced at the comfortable tree bed, and finally followed Dr. Lu to the picnic place, Su He was sitting on the grass casually, laughing and holding a goblet of wine, and paying tribute to them. Qi Le people looked back as they walked, and Ning Zhou stood still at the edge of the tree and looked at them silently.

He didn't think that he would look back. The tiny surprises appeared in his blue eyes, and there was some sort of hidden emotion that was too late to be restrained. He was restrained to be almost self-abuse, subtle, restrained, quiet, and always too easy to miss. There were too many details in that moment, so many people couldn’t wait to sort it out and ignore it. In the warm sunshine in the afternoon, Qi Le people raised their hands with a smile and waved at Ning Zhou: “Come together!”

So he just took a moment and then walked straight to him.

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