MTL - We Are Still Farming, Have You Become a God In the Whole Country?-Chapter 588

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Fan Zhongyan and the others all sighed in their hearts, looking at Su Chen who was driving the thunder and was inviolable and inviolable.


boom! ! !

At this moment, the earth trembled violently!

Immediately afterwards, the entire sky was shrouded in endless clouds!

One after another thunder snake, constantly flashing in the cloud!

In just a short time, the wind blows!

In the entire Song Dynasty, countless places began to tremble violently!

Not long after that, bursts of torrential rain suddenly poured down from the sky!

Accompanied by the heavy rain, there are also hailstones that are bigger than eggs!

At the same time, in the sky above Bianjing, a huge phantom of Xuanwu of several hundred meters slowly appeared in front of everyone.

There is not much difference between the appearance of the phantom of Xuanwu and the phantom of Xuanwu transformed by Su Chen.

The only difference, perhaps, is the size.

Compared to the Xuanwu that Su Chen had transformed into, the figure of this phantom of Xuanwu was really insignificant.

And the most important thing is that now the body of this Xuanwu phantom has been covered by countless cracks!

Like a piece of porcelain that could be broken at any time!


Seeing this scene, Fan Zhongyan and others changed their faces!

Those ordinary civilians don't know what's going on, but how can they not know?

The Xuanwu phantom in front of you is the national fortune of the Song Dynasty!

And now, the Song Dynasty royal family has been completely wiped out!

The identity of the royal family was also abolished by Su Chen!

In this way, the national fortune that was originally tied to the Zhao royal family by Song Taizu was directly implicated!

With the passage of time, the cracks on the Xuanwu National Movement became more and more dense!

There are even some parts of the body that have begun to fall off slowly!

And in the Song Dynasty, all kinds of natural disasters are also breaking out at this moment!

It's pouring rain!

Flash floods burst!

Earth riot!

Volcano erupts!

Countless people who had just escaped the sea of ​​misery were affected by this terrifying natural disaster in the blink of an eye.

Countless people are desperate to escape the disaster.

There were also countless people who fell into complete daze.

Don't they have gods to save them?

Why is this still happening now?

Why did such a natural disaster suddenly break out?

"grown ups!"

In a hurry, Fan Zhongyan and others were ready to speak to Su Chen.

However, at this moment-

hum! ! !

A wave that was undetectable to the naked eye suddenly spread from the huge Xuanwu body that Su Chen had transformed into above the sky!

In the blink of an eye, mysterious fluctuations spread to the entire Song Dynasty!

And the Great Song Guoyun, which is only a few hundred meters in size, was shrouded in it!

In an instant, the various natural disasters that were still erupting suddenly stagnated!

Then, under the watchful eyes of Fan Zhongyan and the others, one after another mysterious yellow halo continued to be transported in from the huge Xuanwu phantom, towards the Great Song Kingdom.

The dense cracks on Xuanwu's body of the Great Song Dynasty, under the shroud of this black-yellow halo, quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!


Seeing what happened in front of them, Fan Zhongyan and the others couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Fix fortunes?

It's something they've never seen before!

Don't say I've seen it, I haven't even heard of it!

They had never heard of anyone being able to restore the national destiny that was on the verge of being shattered since records began in the farm space!

This is simply incredible!

hum! ! !

At this moment, above the huge Xuanwu phantom, a mysterious wave was transmitted again!

At the same time, the national fortune of Song Dynasty seemed to feel something, and trembled suddenly...

Chapter 750 The Heaven-Defying Xuanwu National Fortune

The next moment, whether it was Fan Zhongyan or Fang La, or Xin Qiji and others, or even countless civilians throughout the Great Song Dynasty, their bodies were shocked!

Then, a throbbing from the depths of the soul emerged in everyone's body at the same time!

A deeper layer of memory also quietly appeared in everyone's mind!

"Xuanwu human race?"

Everyone's eyes were a little blank.

I don't know how long it took before everyone finally digested the memory that burst from the depths of their blood.


He turned his attention to Su Chen in the sky again.

At this moment, everyone understood.

I understand what Su Chen said about the Xuanwu Patriarch before!

It became clearer what their identities were!

It turns out that they are not ants, nor are they pariah slaves in the mouth of the Zhao family!

They all have a common identity - the human race! Xuanwu people!

Knowing this, almost all the people of the Great Song Dynasty looked at Su Chen with incomparably hot eyes!

Su Chen is not a god, but the current Su Chen is their god!

A **** who saves them from fire and water and makes them rise again from the abyss!

Not only ordinary people, but even Fan Zhongyan and others, their eyes have completely changed at this moment.

Looking at each other, they all broke free from the assistance of the mysterious power given by Su Chen, and they all fell from the sky.

After that, several people knelt down on one knee and bowed their heads respectfully.

hum! ! !

Just as Fan Zhongyan and the others kneeled respectfully, high above the sky, the national fortune of the Great Song Dynasty suddenly let out a Weng Ming!

Then, the endless black-yellow light burst into bloom in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, this endless ray of light pierced through the space and reached the billions of land in the Song Dynasty!

Countless dense clouds, countless volcanic flash floods that are about to erupt, are completely stagnant at this moment!

Then, like a reverse flow of time and space, all the mountain torrents and fires quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In just a moment, the Song Dynasty, who was like the end of the world, is directly bright and clear!

The blue sky is dotted with white clouds, and all things are revived on the whole earth!

hum! !

Suddenly, another mysterious wave came out from the National Fortune again!

After that, countless citizens of the entire Song Dynasty felt a strange power at the same time, constantly being born from the body!

The people who were as thin as firewood returned to normal in the blink of an eye!

The physiques of all the people of the Great Song Dynasty have been greatly strengthened at this moment!

I don't know how long it took, the phantom of Su Chen's illusion in the sky above the Song Dynasty finally slowly dissipated.

The only thing left in the same place is the Great Song Dynasty Xuanwu, who has grown to a full nine hundred and ninety-nine feet!

Compared with the previous Xuanwu National Luck, which was only four or five hundred meters tall, covered with cracks, and could be broken at any time like a porcelain, the Xuanwu National Luck at this moment is many times stronger!


Seeing that he had grown to nine hundred and ninety-nine feet in front of him, and then was unable to advance by an inch, Su Chen felt a little regretful.

Da Song's foundation is really bad!

The royal family and nobles of the Song Dynasty almost blocked and monopolized all the precious resources from the farm space!

I would rather use a lot of resources to feed dogs than to release them for ordinary people to use.

So even though Da Song has entered the farm space for thousands of years.

But after thousands of years, the level of national fortune is still only the emperor level!

This time, with the help of the power left by Xuanwu, he awakened the Xuanwu blood in the people of the Song Dynasty, but even so, it only made the national luck of the Song Dynasty, from less than five hundred feet before, to the current nine hundred and ninety-nine Only nineteen feet!

Nine hundred and ninety-nine feet, this is the current limit of the Great Song National Fortune, and it is also the limit of the Emperor-level National Fortune!

After crossing this step, the national fortune of the Song Dynasty can truly be promoted to the immortal level!

At that time, the increase that the national fortune can bring will be a qualitative leap compared to the emperor level!

Shaking his head, Su Chen threw away these thoughts, and then checked the attributes of Song Guoyun in front of him.

As the patriarch of the Xuanwu human race, he was naturally able to check the attributes of the Great Song Dynasty.

Although he is not from Da Song...

[Great Song Dynasty (Xuanwu)]

Grade: Imperial rank realm (nine hundred and ninety-nine zhang)

Status: Awakened

Attribute 1: The stability of the farm itself and the space where the farm is located has increased by 30 times for all Da Song farmers!

Attribute 2: Continue to improve the strength of all farms themselves and the space where the farms are located, and the enhancement strength will increase with time!

Attribute 3: All Dasong farmer farms and Dasong's local arable land have doubled, and the area of ​​arable land has continued to increase over time!

Attribute 4: The planting efficiency of all Dasong farmers' farms is doubled!

Attribute 5: Greatly increase the strength of Da Song's local space!

Attribute 6: The defense ability of all Da Song nationals and farmers has been increased by five times!

Note: The influence of the Imperial Rank National Movement is limited to the Imperial Rank Farm, and the growth rate beyond the Imperial Rank will be greatly weakened!


After reading the attributes of Xuanwu Guoyun, Su Chen's mouth twitched slightly.

At a certain moment, he almost had the urge to take away the national fortune of Xuanwu!

Read The Duke's Passion