MTL - We Are Still Farming, Have You Become a God In the Whole Country?-Chapter 584

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Otherwise, letting Li Yan go back will only cause more disaster!

Once the royal family is prepared, it will be difficult for them to do anything else!

Before long, a group of people disappeared from the battlefield.

In the entire battlefield, except for the tightly imprisoned puppet guardian, there was no living thing.

Ordinary soldiers, already at the beginning of the battle, left in a hurry.

Such a battle is simply not something that ordinary people like them can participate in...

I don't know how long it took, a translucent figure appeared quietly at the position where Li Yan, the leader of the eunuch, was originally.

After carefully checking the surroundings and confirming that there is no danger, the translucent figure finally solidified.

If Fang La and others were still there, they would be able to recognize it immediately. Who else could this figure that just appeared, not Li Yan, the leader of the eunuch?

"Damn Fang La! And Fan Zhongyan! You wait for me, sooner or later, I want you to live rather than die!"

After showing his body shape, Li Yan glanced at the place where Fang La and others disappeared, and then quickly rushed in the other direction.

That treasure just created a temporary substitute for him!

That avatar has almost the same breath as his, and even the same abilities!

At the same time, the stand-in also has the ability to be immune to damage.

Of course, unlike itself, the avatar can't attack!

And the existence time of the substitute is extremely limited, no more than one hour at most!

After an hour, the substitute will disappear directly.

He must leave here before the substitute disappears, otherwise if Fang La and others find something wrong, with the opponent's strength, even if he can fly, he won't be able to escape!

After all, the difference in strength is too great, even if Fang La and the others run with their feet, they can fly faster than him!

But before he took a few steps, Li Yan was blocked by a figure.

"Go away!"

Seeing the figure standing in front of him, Li Yan did not hesitate, directly condensed the wind blade, and slashed towards the figure in front of him fiercely!

He didn't know the person in front of him.

But this is not important, the important thing is that everyone who stands in front of him now has to die!

Fang La and others are not here, he doesn't have to worry about anyone!

What's more, Li Yan can clearly feel that there is no threat to him in the person in front of him.

It looks exactly like a normal person.

This way, he doesn't have to worry anymore...

It's just that at the next moment, Li Yan's movements stagnated for a moment——

"How... how is it possible?!!"

Feeling that he was stagnant in the middle of the road in an instant, and the body that was difficult to even move, Li Yan's pupils instantly shrank into the eyes of needles!

The already pale complexion, also at this moment, instantly became extremely pale!

"What's going on? Could there be a more powerful existence for rebellion?"

Li Yan panicked.

At this moment, he was completely panicked!

Before facing Fang La and others, he had never been so panicked.

He hasn't even seen who the other party is, and he doesn't know why he can't move!

The unknown fear made him completely panic!

"Interesting treasure"

Just when Li Yan was terrified, a playful voice suddenly sounded.

The sudden sound made Li Yan's panicked mind suddenly stagnate.

Then, those flustered eyes were directed towards the handsome young man who looked as gentle as jade and harmless to humans and animals, "Is that you?!!"

Li Yan couldn't believe it.

If I didn't confirm it again and again, the voice was coming from the person in front of me, then I couldn't believe that there was no danger in the body in front of me. The initiator of his current state!

In the face of Li Yan's anger, Su Chen didn't mean to respond at all.

Reaching out a hand, an invisible breath suddenly appeared beside Li Yan.


A shrill scream suddenly sounded!

"My hand! My hand!!"

Feeling the severe pain that suddenly came from his hand, and the blood spurting out at that moment, Li Yan went crazy!

He didn't realize what was going on with him at all.

After just a burst of severe pain, his wrist was directly separated from his body!

But no matter how hard he struggled, his body was still unable to move at all!

He could only helplessly, watching his own blood flow.

Looking at his storage bag, wrapped in mysterious power, he slowly flew towards the person in front of him!

Resisting the severe pain in his hand, Li Yan looked at the person in front of him in horror, "Who are you?"

Without waiting for a response from the other side, Li Yan hurriedly continued: "Sir, as long as you let me go, the contents in the storage bag are all yours, and there are treasures I have worked so hard to get from the official's family. I give it all to you"

In the face of the danger of life and death, Li Yan can no longer care about the shame.

Intuition tells him that the person in front of him is definitely not comparable to those of Fan Zhongyan before!

If the person in front of him is dealt with the same way he dealt with Fan Zhongyan and the others, I am afraid that he will not know how he died!

"Give it to me?"

Hearing Li Yan's voice, Su Chen smiled, "Looks like, killing you, these things are mine too..."

Chapter 745 The Power of Thunder! Amazing power

Su Chen's words made Li Yan feel cold all over!

"No! You can't kill me! If I die, the lives of millions of people in Muzhou City will be lost! If the puppet guardian explodes, no one in the entire Muzhou City can stop you, you can't do this! "

Under the boundless fear, Li Yan once again used the excuse of threatening Fan Zhongyan and others before.

"Puppet guardian?"

Su Chen smiled, "Is this what you said?"

As soon as the words fell, Su Chen didn't see any movement, and the vines wrapped around the puppet guardian suddenly broke.

Immediately afterwards, a red-red crystal ball the size of a football quietly flew out from the crack.

"This is?"

"Puppet core?!!"

Looking at the scarlet crystal ball full of cracks in front of him, Li Yan's pupils shrank suddenly.

This is not the first time he has seen this thing. The puppet guardian in his hand is no longer the original one.

Over the millennia, several puppet cores have been replaced, and even one of them was replaced by him.

Therefore, he is no stranger to the core of the puppet.

Li Yan didn't expect that the puppet guardian, which was so powerful that even Xin Qiji and others couldn't break through even a little bit of defense, would be easily taken out by the people in front of him and took out the core of the puppet!

And Li Yan can clearly feel that at the moment just now, the connection between him and the puppet guardian has been completely cut off by an unknown force!

In other words, now he has completely lost the ability to control the puppet and the core of the puppet!

His last reliance has also completely disappeared!

"It's over..."

After understanding everything, Li Yan gave up the struggle completely.

The puppet guardian is out of control.

His storage bag was also taken away by the person in front of him.

He can't even control his own body now, completely imprisoned by an unstoppable force!

In fact, he can't even die!

"No! You can't kill me, I'm still useful! Aren't you going to help these rebellious rebels? I can help you, I know the weaknesses of the royal family, and everything about Tong Guan and them, I can help you overthrow the Zhao family's dynasty, Help you find evidence of all the dirty things Tong Guan and Liang Shicheng have done over the years!"

Just when Su Chen thought that Li Yan had completely given up struggling, Li Yan's hysterical voice suddenly sounded.

Su Chen frowned slightly.

The disgust for these eunuchs, and even the entire Song Dynasty, is even more so!

With such a group of people who are greedy for life and fear of death, what future can Da Song have?

These people are undoubtedly the silverfish of the country!

And to deal with these people, Su Chen's only way is -


Li Yan, the leader of the **** who was trying his best to beg for mercy, suddenly felt that the restraint on his body seemed to disappear.

The person in front of him was still checking his storage bag, and he didn't seem to notice any changes in him at all.

Feeling these, Li Yan was instantly ecstatic!

At a certain moment, there was even the thought of wanting to attack and kill Su Chen directly.

Fortunately, at the last minute, he suppressed the idea.

sneak attack?

He didn't feel any threatening aura from the person in front of him, but the result was even more frightening.

Without daring to think about it, behind Li Yan, a pair of wind and thunder wings suddenly appeared.

The next moment, Li Yan's figure rushed directly into the sky.

Without looking back, he swept away in the distance.

"Damn Fang La, Fan Zhongyan, and that **** guy, just wait, sooner or later..."

Li Yan, who regained his freedom and flew into the sky, was thinking of revenge with resentment in his heart.

But at the next moment—

Boom! !

The originally cloudless sky suddenly blew a gust of wind.

The sound of thunder was suddenly heard from above!

Boundless overcast clouds suddenly covered most of the sky!

"what happened?"

Feeling the sudden change in his head, Li Yan quickly took his mind back.

Some people looked at the suddenly cloudy sky above their heads in disbelief.

"Forget it, let's leave first"

After looking at it for a moment in surprise, Li Yan didn't dare to look at it any more, and barely covered the wound of the other hand with his hand. Between the vibration of his wings, the speed skyrocketed again by a few points!

However, before Li Yan could fly far, the thunder exploded above the sky! !

Boom! !

With a loud bang!

Read The Duke's Passion