MTL - We Are Still Farming, Have You Become a God In the Whole Country?-Chapter 582

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Wen Tianxiang had never seen a high-level puppet of the Mo family, so naturally he didn't know this.

But Fan Zhongyan was fortunate enough to participate in an auction.

At that time, the treasures auctioned by the Mo family aroused the covetousness of a powerful farmer!

Then, at the auction, he witnessed the fury of a high-level Mo clan puppet!

In the end, the powerful farmer was stabbed to death by several violent high-level puppets!

The corpses were made into puppets and placed at the gate to guard the door!

Wen Tianxiang's expression changed slightly after hearing what Fan Zhongyan said.

This puppet was already so powerful before. If it wasn't for Xin Qiji's restraint, they would not be able to deal with this puppet in a while!

After all, the damage and defense capabilities of this puppet are too powerful.

And now, this puppet has erupted again!

In this way, can Xin Qiji be able to stop him?

Just when Wen Tianxiang was a little worried, Fan Zhongyan continued:

"However, after these high-level puppets go berserk, they have a fatal weakness, that is, their berserk cannot be maintained for a long time, and after the berserk ends, these puppets will be severely damaged, and may even be scrapped!

Therefore, unless it is a last resort, anyone who uses a high-level puppet of the Mo family will not easily activate this violent state."

Hearing this, Wen Tianxiang's expression changed slightly.

Fortunately, this state can only be maintained temporarily.

Otherwise, they might be in trouble...

hum! ! !

However, before Wen Tianxiang could relax, the sound of Weng Ming resounded within the giant puppet with a height of tens of meters!

Immediately afterwards, a strange sound suddenly sounded from the giant vines that wrapped around the whole body and almost completely covered the puppet's body.

"That is……"

Seeing the crack that suddenly appeared on a giant vine, Xin Qiji's face changed slightly.

clack clack...

At this moment, a series of strange voices sounded again.

As you can see, the cracks on the vines are getting thicker and thicker!

Seeing this, Xin Qiji did not hesitate, once again took out dozens of special seeds and quickly threw them around the puppet!

Before long, under the shroud of green light, dozens of giant vines with a diameter of several meters and harder than a hundred refined steel surged out from the ground again!

In just the blink of an eye, the puppet guardian, who was already trembling constantly, and was about to break free even vaguely, was bound again!

This time, the entire puppet was almost wrapped into a ball!

The giant vines with a diameter of several meters, three layers inside and three layers outside, completely seal the body of the puppet!

There was absolutely no chance for the puppet to breathe.

hum! !

hum! ! !

Weng Ming's voice continued one after another!

The giant vine ball with a diameter of nearly 100 meters wrapped around a giant puppet is constantly shaking.

As time passed, Xin Qiji's expression became more and more solemn.

"Master Fan!"

In just a few minutes, Xin Qiji's face changed greatly, and he suddenly spoke!

He didn't say much, but Fan Zhongyan next to him already understood.

He stepped forward and placed his palm on Xin Qiji's vines.

Then, a khaki light condensed from the palm of Fan Zhongyan's palm and quickly spread towards the entire vine giant ball with Fan Zhongyan as the center!

hum! !

The trembling continued.

Only this time, with the double cooperation of Fan Zhongyan and Xin Qiji, the movement on the vines has been much smaller.

Another few minutes passed, and the runaway puppet guardian seemed to finally be exhausted, and the movement on the giant vine ball gradually subsided.

Seeing the giant vine ball that had completely lost its movement, in mid-air, the face of the **** leader who was still looking forward to it suddenly became a little gloomy.

"Damn Fan Zhongyan! Dare to spoil the good things of our family! Die for our family!"

After waiting for a while, after seeing that the puppet seemed to have really stopped moving, a look of resentment appeared on the face of the **** leader!

Then, without waiting for Fan Zhongyan's chance to speak, he vibrated his wings, and in an instant he passed through a space of hundreds of meters and arrived behind Fan Zhongyan!

At this time, the hands of the **** leader have been entangled by several wind blades!

Just like the **** tortured and killed Li Kuang before, he fiercely grabbed Fan Zhongyan's back!

"Dare you thief!!"

Between the lightning and flint, a roar suddenly came out!

The next moment, Wen Tianxiang's figure appeared directly behind the **** leader.

The long sword in his hand, carrying terrifying power, slashed straight towards the neck of the **** leader!

"not good!"

The leader of the **** was shocked.

No longer caring about continuing to attack Fan Zhongyan, he hurriedly fluttered his wings and prepared to leave.

However, before he could act, the sword in Wen Tianxiang's hand had already arrived!

"No! You can't kill me!"

"I'm a close official of the official family! I'm a member of the emperor's family! If you kill me, the official family and the great worshipers will not let you go!"

Under the strong aura of death, the **** leader hurriedly screamed.

Big offering?

Hearing this name, Wen Tianxiang froze with a sharp sword in his hand.

"That's right! That's the guardian of the royal family cultivated by His Majesty the Great Ancestor. It has the power to destroy the world. If you kill me, you will definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of the great worship!"

Seeing Wen Tianxiang stop, the **** leader finally breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly added.

As if worried that Wen Tianxiang would not believe it, the **** leader continued: "And my life has been tied to the puppet guardian. Once I die, the puppet will directly self-destruct, and then none of you and these rebels will be able to escape. Lose!"

Chapter 742 No! you can't do that

Hearing that the puppet self-destructed, Wen Tianxiang's pupils shrank.

The puppet self-destructs, which is not uncommon in the farm space.

In other words, in the farm space, almost all puppets have this function!

Whether it is the puppets created by the humans in the farm space, or the puppets created by the demons.

Once the last minute is reached, almost all of them can self-destruct!

And in the state of self-destruction, the power that burst out in that moment is completely unimaginable for ordinary people!

He once saw a puppet of the first rank of the mysterious rank self-destruct, and then directly killed all the enemies of the fifth rank of the mysterious rank!

And the puppet in front of him has reached the level of heaven!

Once such a high-level puppet explodes, the destructive power it brings is absolutely devastating!

Several of them may not be able to escape from the explosion range, let alone the tens of millions of ordinary people around them.

It can be said that this is completely an ability to kill a thousand enemies and lose a thousand oneself!

For a while, Wen Tianxiang's movements stopped completely.

But even so, the incomparably sharp sword did not leave the **** leader's neck, but stuck to the **** leader's skin and was placed on the **** leader's neck.

The incomparably sharp aura made the **** leader like a beam on his back!

However, Wen Tianxiang's reaction made him rely on him, and when he rolled his eyes, the **** leader slowly said:

"Sir Fan, I know that you are both coerced and lured by Fang La. You are also a disciple of the Emperor, and you are also a farmer. In the future, you are even expected to live as long as Taizu. Why do you have to fight against the officials for these untouchables?"

"I can assure a few adults that as long as they can let me go, then after I go back, I will definitely advise the officials to reuse a few adults!

You can even make a few adults become the privy envoys of the Song Dynasty, and take charge of the authority of the Song Dynasty, one person is below ten thousand people! At that time, I will wait to assist the officials and enjoy the world together. The adults will have whatever they want. If the adults are interested, I can also collect the beauties for the adults, and keep a few adults playing fresh every day, why not beautiful? "

While speaking, the **** leader carefully stretched out his hand, trying to move the sword edge above his neck away.

But the next moment, Wen Tianxiang's hand moved, and the sword edge directly cut across the skin of the **** leader.

Scarlet blood flowed down from the neck in an instant!

"don't want!"

Feeling the blood flowing from his neck, the leader of the eunuch's face changed greatly, "Fan Zhongyan, you don't care about yourself, but have you considered the people of Muzhou Mancheng? Do you want the people of Muzhou Mancheng to be buried with you? ?!!"

This time, the leader of the eunuchs did not slap a pariah again.

Hearing the words of the people in the whole city, Wen Tianxiang, who had a renewed murderous heart because of the eunuch's previous words, finally forcibly suppressed the murderous intention in his heart.

Seeing this, the **** leader hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, "Master Fan, if you let me go, I can guarantee that after I go back, I will definitely change my past, remonstrate to the officials to grant amnesty to the world, and promise to treat the people like my own father in the future... …”

His life is in the hands of others, and the **** leader at this moment is no longer the domineering and domineering before.

"Master Fan, what do you think?"

Wen Tianxiang glanced coldly at the leader of the eunuch, and then turned his attention to Fan Zhongyan next to him.

"These eunuchs are talking nonsense! I can't believe even half a word!"

Fan Zhongyan hadn't spoken yet, when a figure suddenly sounded behind everyone.

Accompanied by the sound, a figure completely made of clay quickly condensed in front of everyone.

After a while, the figure of the soil condensed and formed, and a burly man appeared in front of everyone.

"Fang La!"

Seeing the figure that appeared, the **** leader couldn't help clenching his fist.

A touch of resentment quietly passed from his eyes.

It is because of this person, if this person hadn't rebelled, he would still be enjoying himself in Bianjing, why would he have fallen to this point!

"Brother Xiwen, Brother Youan, Brother Song Rui, long time no see"

In front of the crowd, the burly man bowed to Fan Zhongyan and the others.

The three of Fan Zhongyan looked at each other and then returned the same salute.

Regardless of his background, Fang La's current strength is higher than them, and speaking of it, they are still old acquaintances with Fang La, and they have had an intersection before, etiquette and so on, naturally...

After the salute, Fang La turned his attention to the leader of the **** next to him again.

"Director Li, when you did nothing wrong back then, did you ever think that you would be today?"

Seeing the sneer on Fang La's face, the leader of the **** became more and more resentful.

But on the surface, he still forced a flattering smile, "Fang..."

Just as he was about to say something, the leader of the **** suddenly stopped.

Because he suddenly realized that he didn't know how to address Fang La.

Fan Zhongyan and others are okay, they all had official positions before.

But Fang La is different, Fang La is a white body, not even a word, and is a rebel!

No matter what he called it, it seemed inappropriate.

"Don't worry about it." But before he could think of what to call him, Fang La's indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

Read The Duke's Passion