MTL - We Are Still Farming, Have You Become a God In the Whole Country?-Chapter 579

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This time, the invincible giant wind blade failed to advance even a little bit!

Just smashing some rock debris, it is directly in front of the giant barrier and completely dissipated!

"how come?"

Seeing this scene, the face of the **** who just sent out the giant wind blade changed greatly.

He knows better than anyone how sharp his wind blades are.

For his wind blade, cutting gold and duanyu is just a pediatrician!

Even the most powerful one in the royal family would not dare to confront his wind blade head-on.

However, now, the wind blade he released with all his strength just shattered some stone chips on the rock barrier!

"City-breaking crossbow ready!!"

Just when the **** leader was in shock, a roar came from below again.


With the sound of roar, hundreds of arrows with the thickness of the arm burst out from behind the rock barrier in an instant!

At the moment when the arrow was about to touch the barrier, the rock barrier, which could not even damage the giant wind blade, quickly appeared arm-sized holes that could just accommodate the giant arrow.

All the arrows, without exception, passed through these holes and shot towards the **** and the others without hindrance!

Feeling the burst of arrows, the **** headed was even more furious.


A shrill roar came out of his mouth again.

Immediately afterwards, the hurricane, which was already raging around, skyrocketed by several points!

All the arrows shot from the explosion, without exception, were all involved in the hurricane!

With the hurricane as a barrier, this time the bed and crossbow arrows also failed to help the **** and others.

"Archer ready!"


However, before they could make any extra moves, the sound of anger from before resounded again.

The next moment, countless arrows burst out again!

"Damn pariah!"

Seeing the arrow that burst out again, the **** leader was even more furious.

"Everyone, bypass this rock defense and kill these **** untouchables!"

The attacks again and again made the **** completely angry.

Who is he?

He is Liang Shicheng!

One of the few confidants of the current royal family!

In the real world of Song Dynasty, he was the third person in Song Dynasty who was second only to the guardian of the royal family and Tong Guan!

Few people in the entire Song Dynasty dared to disrespect him.

Now these pariahs dare to attack him one after another!

After receiving the order of the leader, the remaining eunuchs immediately began to act.

Vibrating the wind and thunder wings behind them, more than a dozen people flew from the side, bypassing the front of the arrow, and flew towards the rock barrier.

After bypassing the barrier, the group is preparing to continue.

However, before they could make a move, the earth trembled again!

Immediately after, giant rock barriers appeared from the ground again.

In the blink of an eye, the entire archer camp was completely covered!

One after another giant rock barriers, together with the previous barriers, formed a giant eggshell defense, completely intercepting all threats that might enter it!

Whether it's the wind blade of the **** leader or the attack of other eunuchs, all the power falling on this eggshell can only break a little bit of the eggshell's defense!

Even except for the **** leader, most of the remaining people can't even make the eggshells drop crumbs!

Several times, the eunuchs also prepared to attack the crowd through the holes left after the arrows passed through them.

But before their attack came, those holes were instantly sealed!

No matter how fast they are and how fierce their attacks are, they will have no way of saying anything!

"Damn, what kind of ability is this?!!"

The **** leader was a little out of breath when he swayed the explosively shot crossbow again.

Although these crossbow arrows and ordinary arrows did not cause any actual damage to him, after dozens of such defenses, his physical energy consumption was quite serious!

Although they can fly, maintaining the wind and thunder wings is an extremely stamina-consuming thing in itself.

Not to mention blocking so many arrows one after another!


Just when the **** leader's face was gloomy and uncertain, the sound of roaring roar came out again in the defensive barrier!

At the same time, dozens of crossbows with thick arms burst forth again!

The head of the **** looked a little ugly.

However, it can only vibrate the wings behind it, dodge quickly, and raise its height as much as possible.

As for that hurricane?

He no longer dared to use it.

Although the hurricane is easy to use, the consumption is also huge!

The consumption of the wind and thunder wings and the consumption of the hurricane are simply not something he can maintain for a long time!

Seeing the actions of their leader, the rest of the eunuchs followed suit.

They flew into the sky one after another, dodging the attack of arrows through the speed brought by the wind and thunder wings.

Seeing the eunuchs flying high in the sky, the rain of arrows in the sky finally slowly disappeared.

But then, a roar came out again——

"The whole army obeys! Everyone, kill!!"

The sudden sound made the **** and others who just flew into the sky look extremely ugly in an instant!


The earth-shattering roar came from above the earth one after another.

Hundreds of thousands of troops rushed directly towards the collapsed city wall.

The moat several meters wide was already covered by the rocks controlled by Fang La.

The collapsed city wall is even less able to form an effective obstacle.

The charge of hundreds of thousands of troops made Guo Shizhong's face pale instantly!

The big earthquake just now completely destroyed the front wall!

The collapse of the city wall caused heavy casualties among his soldiers!

Now he has just gathered some of the remnants of the army, but hundreds of thousands of troops have already swarmed!

"My lord! Let's go! There are too many rebels, we can't stop it!!"

"Run! Those angels can't break the rebels' defense! Muzhou City can't hold it anymore!"

"Go! Quick!"

Rout, like a dam burst!

A thousand miles away...

Chapter 738 One-sided massacre! You are not a rebel! who are you?


Looking at the situation below, the faces of the **** leader and others instantly turned blue!

"Sir, what should I do now?"

Next to the headed eunuch, another **** asked with a gloomy face.

The loss of Muzhou City is not a good thing for any of them.

Once the officials know about this, all of them will be held accountable!

After all, they all consumed a lot of royal treasures before they got to where they are now.

And their status today is all given by the royal family.

The purpose of all this is to enable them to play a role at a critical time.

Instead of being able to hold even a city like it is now!

It can be expected that if Muzhou City really falls completely, they will definitely be severely punished by the royal family after they go back!

"A bunch of **** pariahs!"

Thinking of the aftermath, the **** leader's anger towards the rebels below became more and more intense.

"Why are you still standing there? Want our family to teach you how to do it?"

Seeing that the men next to him were still stunned, the **** leader was even more furious.


Facing the leader's rage, the remaining eunuchs froze, flapped their wings quickly, and flew towards the ruins of the city wall.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people reached the top of the rebels below!

Countless wind blades emerged from the void again!

The dense wind blades cover almost half of the sky!

The wind blades condensed and formed, and at the next moment, countless wind blades shot out at the ragged rebels below!

The rock barrier made by Fang Wa didn't do much for the wind blade, but for these ordinary rebels, it was a total disaster!

The moment the wind blade came, countless mourning voices sounded throughout the battlefield.

Every time the wind blade crossed, there is a person with a different head! !

The vast majority of these rebels are just ordinary people at the bottom that can no longer be ordinary.

Rebellion is also because it is really impossible to survive.

Only then did he follow Fang La and put his head on the belt of his trousers.

As long as they can survive, even if they have a bite to eat, they will not rebel.

Just ordinary people, how can they fight against these wind blades that even Li Kuang and others can't resist?

The blood, in an instant, dyed the entire earth red!

This is a one-sided massacre!


"Sir, we..."

A few miles away from the battlefield, on a high mountain.

Several figures, I do not know when they have quietly come here.

Looking at the broken ruins in the distance, and the eunuchs who were still wanton slaughtering the rebels, even their own people, a look of anxiety appeared on the faces of several people.

Even if they are separated by a few miles, they can still hear the screams and screams on the battlefield!

There are also people who have no ability to fight back under the slaughter of eunuchs with special abilities.

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