MTL - We Are Still Farming, Have You Become a God In the Whole Country?-Chapter 566

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For a time, Su Chen's mood became extremely excited!

Until the sound of the system sounded again, Su Chen finally suppressed this excitement, and immediately turned his attention to the things that had just been mutated—

[The mutation has been completed, congratulations to the host, and obtained a special secret treasure - the void breaker! 】

【Blank Breaker】

Description: A powerful treasure created by ancient powers, with the ability to travel the world! Specifying a target world can directly break through the world barrier and establish a space channel to the world! Through the space channel, you can enter the target world at any time!

Note: The upper limit of the sky-breaking talisman is Xiaoqian World. If it exceeds the upper limit, the stability of the space channel will not be maintained! Not valid for the Great Thousand Worlds!

"Good stuff!!"

After reading the properties of the void-breaking talisman, Su Chen's eyes suddenly glowed!

Although in Pokong's remarks, Pokong talisman cannot be used on worlds above Xiaoqian World.

But it doesn't matter!

The Middle Thousand World and the Great Thousand World?

He has never seen that thing before!

You must know that the world of the Divine Beast Continent that Su Chen went to before was just a small world!

It is a small world, not a small thousand world!

The small world is a world with a lower level than the small thousand world!

But even so, the vastness of the land of the beasts far exceeds the Blue Star in the real world!

Even the territorial area of ​​Xuanwu Kingdom alone is far larger than the largest continent on Blue Star!

On the other hand, the Xuanwu Kingdom, on the Continent of Divine Beasts, is only the most tailed country among the five great kingdoms!

As for the world where Da Song lives, although Su Chen has never been there, it is absolutely impossible to surpass the level of the Divine Beast Continent!

"However, I would like to thank them..."

Seeing the translucent color in his hand, and the void-breaking talisman that was streaked across it, Su Chen couldn't help muttering to himself.

In his mind, several beautiful figures quietly emerged.

Whether it is the previous recruitment scroll of the Chosen One, or the current reality teleportation scroll, or even the void-breaking talisman in his hand, it was all born because of the high priest of the Tianji Pavilion!

If they hadn't brought the Chosen Recruitment Scroll and the Reality Teleportation Scroll, Su Chen wouldn't be able to get these things at all!

From this aspect, this favor, he owes a lot!

Just thinking about it, Su Chen temporarily suppressed the thought of thanks.

Whether it is the High Priest or the other Da Siming and Shao Siming, the strength is definitely only stronger than him!

He doesn't seem to be able to give what the other party wants now.

In this way, the matter of gratitude can only be discussed later.

Shaking his head, Su Chen threw away these thoughts, put away the void-breaking talisman, and then continued to start synthesizing spirit crystals.

The matter of going to the real world of the Song Dynasty has already become clear. Next, as long as the heart of the five holy beasts and the jacaranda are merged, and the new five holy beasts will come back to the farm space, then he can start the next step!

Before that, he needs to prepare as much as possible!

Whether it is Da Xia or Datang and the others, the stronger the farmer and the national power in reality, the greater the help for his next plan!

Su Chen has a hunch that if everything can be carried out perfectly, then when the Daxia National Games awakens, it will be the time when all the demons will tremble!

Not only the demons of the intermediate farm space, but also the upper farm space!

Even the terrifying existence in those Xuanwu images!

It was just when Su Chen was about to continue the frantic synthesis.

Above his communication panel, it suddenly began to flicker.

A name that I haven't seen for a long time, quietly appeared——


Looking at the avatar and name that appeared on the communication panel, Su Chen was a little surprised.

He is no stranger to this name, although he has been out of the intermediate farm space for over a year.

But as the first slave he conquered and the most important **** he placed among the barbarians, it was naturally impossible for him to forget Baggins.

It's just that Baggins has never been in contact with him before. If it wasn't for Baggins's soul aura still controlled by him, Su Chen would even think that this guy had been stunned!


The video was connected, and Baggins' voice with obvious excitement came from the video for the first time.

After a while of excitement, Baggins finally thought of the business and quickly said, "Master, I have important news to tell you."

"Important news?" Su Chen frowned slightly, "Speak"

"Caesar colluded with Qin Hui, the prime minister of the Great Song Dynasty, and obtained the farm coordinates of tens of thousands of farmers in the Great Song Dynasty from Qin Hui, and has sent us into these farms to wreak havoc. So far, 8,456 farmers have been attacked. Kill, another 13,253 farm owners of the Song Dynasty were suppressed, and now these people are imprisoned in the Caesar Palace, the headquarters of the Crusaders, and they may be forcibly enslaved by Caesar at any time!"

Baggins looked anxious and quickly explained the situation.

"More than 8,000 farmers were attacked and killed, and more than 13,000 farmers were arrested?!!"

After listening to Baggins, Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

One thing to say, Su Chen doesn't care much about Song Dynasty. To be precise, because of the royal family of Song Dynasty and Qin Hui, Su Chen didn't have the slightest impression of Song Dynasty.

But the common people of Song Dynasty are obvious to all in history.

After Yashan, 100,000 soldiers and civilians of the Southern Song Dynasty jumped into the sea to die for their country!

This is unprecedented in world history!

It can be said that the failure of the Song Dynasty lies in the ruler!

Soldiers roaring one, will roaring nest!

There is no good leader in the Great Song Dynasty. Since Zhao Kuangyin, there has not been an emperor who can do it!

The limited ones can only be said to be the taller ones among the short ones.

Therefore, Su Chen did not have much malice towards the commoners of the Song Dynasty, as well as generals such as Yue Fei.

And now the most critical and most important thing is that the national fortune of the Song Dynasty is related to his next plan!

If it is destroyed by these barbarians, it is absolutely intolerable!

Thinking of this, Su Chen was ready to directly ask for the coordinate information of the Crusaders headquarters.

But at this moment, Baggins spoke again: "Master! There is more important news..."

Chapter 718 The lingering ghost! The coordinates of the four imperial cities

"Not long ago, Caesar reconnected with the people from the Demon Race. The people from the Demon Race were angry at the loss of their king-rank commander. It won't be long before they will come again..."

Baggins didn't sell the secret, just like pouring beans in the bamboo tube, he explained the information he had to Su Chen in detail.

After listening to Baggins, Su Chen frowned.

The news brought by Baggins can be said to be a trouble for Su Chen!

He is now fully preparing for the awakening of the Great Xia National Games.

In a short period of time, he did not want to have direct contact with the demons.

It's not that he is afraid, but Su Chen knows that these demons are just the vanguard of the demons!

To put it badly, it is completely cannon fodder!

Of course he can clean up all these demons, but in this way, the demons will inevitably send more people into the intermediate farm space!

And it can be expected that with the lessons learned this time, the strength of the manpower they sent will only be stronger!

The troubles they will face at that time will be countless times more severe than they are now!

But in the current situation, neither the demons nor the barbarians seem to want to give him time to safely complete the promotion of the Great Xia National Luck!

"It's really haunted!"

After thinking for a long time, with a cold voice, it quietly came out of Su Chen's mouth...

"Baggins, you should know the coordinates of the farms of the Byzantine Empire and their countries, right?"

"Byzantine?" Baggins was stunned for a moment, and then quickly responded: "Master, I only know the location of the Wangcheng farms in several of their countries, as well as the coordinates of some of the four major empire farms. As for all the coordinates, I don't fully grasp the coordinates. "

"Wangcheng and some farms?"

Su Chen nodded slightly, "Enough! Send me their coordinates. Besides, you can find a way to leave the Crusaders headquarters by yourself."

"Yes! Master!"

In the following time, Baggins explained to Su Chen his changes during this period, including the promotion of his status.

After Baggins explained everything, Su Chen ended the communication with Baggins.


After finishing the communication with Baggins, it didn't take long for Su Chen to receive the coordinate information from Baggins.

Including the headquarters of the Crusaders Caesar's King City, as well as the Byzantine Empire, the Babylonian Empire, the Persian Empire, and the pressure mountain empire, the coordinates of the king cities of the four barbarian empires were all sent by Baggins.

Along with the information on the king city, there is also a large amount of information on the coordinates of the farms that Baggins has, including the mule and horse empires and other barbarian empires.

Su Chen counted and found that the number of these pieces of information was nearly 10,000!

Obviously, in the past time, Baggins has already been collecting this information, otherwise, he, a marginal figure of the Crusaders, would not be able to master so many farm coordinates.

Even now Baggins is the only senior general under Caesar who can use it...


After thinking for a moment, Su Chen found Wu Zhao and others again.

"The coordinates of the barbarian king's city and a large number of farms?"

Hearing the news from Su Chen, both Wu Zhao and Zhu Di were shocked.

Immediately afterwards, an unparalleled excitement appeared on Zhu Di's face!

As a king, he knew exactly what such coordinates meant!

In the past, the Eastern Alliance had an absolute advantage in facing those barbarians, but it was unable to eradicate the barbarians for a long time. The main and most fundamental reason was that they didn't know the coordinates of the opponent's farm!

If the coordinate information of the other party was known earlier and the barbarians were dealt with in advance, then maybe there would be no restrictions on such things happening at all!

If the seal is not broken, the demons will not have the opportunity to enter the trial battlefield on a large scale, and it is even more impossible to force the Eastern Alliance to such a situation!

"Mr. Su Chen, this is all the positioning and teleportation scrolls of my Daming Empire! I only have one request, let the people of my Daming Empire be the vanguard and fight the barbarians in person!"

While speaking, Zhu Di initiated a transaction directly with Su Chen.

And the content of the transaction is one hundred and twenty-two positioning and teleportation scrolls!

"Your Majesty Zhu Di, in such a matter, let us, the Tang Empire, go first."

On the other hand, Wu Zhao did not hesitate, and also used more than 200 positioning teleportation scrolls to send a transaction to Su Chen.

The Ming Empire has a deep hatred for the barbarians, so why not the Tang Empire?

In the previous battle, the Suzakuwei of the Datang Empire was completely lost!

The only well-preserved one is the team that was taken by Shangguan Wan'er and guarded in Su Chen's farm.

That is, on the trial battlefield, Hong Ling and Hong Luan who guarded Su Chen and other twenty-four people!

Besides, even the supreme commander of the Suzaku Guard, Hong Fu, is still alive and dead!

There is also the Xuanjia Army, as the main force of the Tang Empire, and even the most fundamental force!

The previous battle directly left the Xuanjia Army out of ten!

Xue Li, the supreme commander of the Xuanjia Army, died on the spot!

There is also the following revenge. Cheng Yaojin and the others were also attacked by the demons. If Su Chen and the others had not arrived in time, Cheng Yaojin and the others would have fallen directly into Qin Hui's farm!

However, even if Su Chen and the others arrived ahead of time, Cheng Yaojin had already fallen into a coma!

Haven't woken up until now!

Read The Duke's Passion