MTL - We Are Still Farming, Have You Become a God In the Whole Country?-Chapter 557

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That is to say, even without the addition of jacaranda and other spirits of life, or other secret treasures, his farm guarantees a forty-five times the growth rate of crops!

"Tsk! This million Tianjing is not a loss!"

Su Chen smiled.

Nodding with satisfaction, Su Chen didn't think much, and continued to go to the farm, pouring 10,000 high-grade Tianjing into it!

The number of Tianjing required to upgrade the second-grade Tianjie farm to the third-grade Tianjie has increased from 500,000 low-grade to one million low-grade!

One million low-grade celestial crystals was not a big number for Su Chen, who had mastered more than 1 trillion celestial crystals.

However, as Su Chen expected, this time the upgrade also showed the special prompt from before——

[Farm space reminder: The current farm scale has exceeded the current farm level limit, and the current Tianjing cannot meet the needs of farm expansion. To maintain the farm’s continued expansion, please invest in Tianjing (top grade): 0/500W]

[Farm space reminder: If you refuse to invest in Tianjing, the farm will undergo unknown changes! 】

"Five-fold increase?"

Looking at the number from one million to five million, Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

Five million is not unbearable for him. After all, he now has as many as one billion high-grade Tianjing, 100 billion middle-grade Tianjing and trillions of low-grade Tianjing!

A mere five million high-grade Tianjing, he can still afford it.

But what worries Su Chen is the growth that may occur next!

If you increase the resources five times each time you upgrade, you will reach the ninth grade of heaven. That's not a small number!

"Forget it, continue to upgrade!"

After thinking for a moment, Su Chen directly smashed five million Tianjing into it.

Although I don't know if it will be what he thinks next, it doesn't matter.

The road has come here, and he has to keep going no matter what!

Even if it is really like that, it is not that he can't afford it, it is just a little more consumption.

Moreover, these consumptions are all investments in the farm. The larger the farm, the greater the return on his investment!

For Su Chen, this is a virtuous circle!

Another point is that Su Chen would like to see, with such consumption, after reaching the ninth rank of the heavenly rank, what will his farm reach?

For these, Su Chen expressed great expectations...

Chapter 703 System Upgrade! Horrible resource consumption

The upgrade of the farm begins again.

The land that has just stopped recovering in the real world is also recovering again.

This made Tang Jianguo excited, and the thought in his heart became stronger and stronger.

And this time, while upgrading, Su Chen did not idle, but started a crazy synthesis.

Before Su Chen held the top-grade Tianjing with a value of one billion, so he was not in a hurry to synthesize the Tianjing.

But now it seems that, to complete his next plan, these billions of high-grade Tianjing seem to be far from enough.

One billion high-grade Tianjing seems to be a lot, but the consumption required to upgrade his farm is too terrifying.

If it is as he guessed, then the cost of upgrading his own farm alone will be an astronomical figure!

Level 1 million, Level 2 5 million, Level 3 25 million, Level 4...

Although I don't know if it is exactly what he guessed, but in any case, Su Chen has to prepare in advance.

Take a look at the resources in your hands -

Now he has a total of 1 trillion low-grade Tianjing and 100 billion middle-grade Tianjing in his hands.

According to the synthesis rules, eight low-grade celestial crystals can synthesize one middle-grade celestial crystal, and eight middle-grade celestial crystals can synthesize one high-grade celestial crystal!

In this way, the one trillion low-grade Tianjing in his hand can synthesize 15.625 billion high-grade Tianjing.

And 100 billion mid-grade Tianjing can synthesize 12.5 billion high-grade Tianjing.

Add up to a total of 28.125 billion top-grade Tianjing!

In addition to the one billion high-grade sky crystals in his hand, after all the synthesis is completed, the number of high-grade sky crystal resources in his hands will approach the terrifying mark of 30 billion!

This number is probably unimaginable for the entire intermediate farm space!

In the history of farm space, I am afraid there is no force that can master such huge resources!

If Su Chen is allowed to grow his own crops to produce spirit crystals, and then slowly synthesize them, so many heavenly crystals will be planted until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse!

Fortunately, this trip to the Divine Beast Continent made him unexpectedly harvest the huge resources accumulated by the Divine Beast Continent for hundreds of thousands of years!

These things are enough for him to complete the next plan...

The only troublesome thing is the time it takes to synthesize.

The number of 200,000 synthetics at a time is still a bit too small.

Thinking of this, Su Chen couldn't help but turn his attention to his own system panel. To be precise, in the attribute panel, the synthesis point requirements required for the system upgrade——

[Combination points required for the next stage upgrade: 100E/100E points, ability fragments: 10,000 each of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light, dark, and thunder]

[Number of current ability fragments: metal fragments (10,000/10,000), wood fragments (10,000/10,000), water fragments (10,000/10,000), fire fragments (10,000/10,000), earth fragments (10,000/10,000) , Light Attribute Fragments (10,000/10,000), Dark Attribute Fragments (10,000/10,000), Thunder Attribute Fragments (10,000/10,000)]

After countless previous synthesis, the synthesis point in Su Chen's hand has already met the needs of the system upgrade.

Even the ability fragments of various attributes have reached the need for upgrading!

Of course, being able to meet so many conditions so quickly is not only because of the countless synthesis before, but also because of the Heart of the Five Holy Beasts and the Law of Thunder!

Thunder attribute fragments, after Su Chen accidentally synthesized the fragments of the law of thunder, directly skyrocketed to the full state!

The five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and soil, as well as the fragments of the light and dark attributes behind, are similar to the thunder attributes. When Su Chen came into contact with the heart of the five holy beasts, it soared to the limit!

The power contained in the heart of the five holy beasts far exceeded Su Chen's imagination!

Su Chen even suspected that if his Thunder Attribute Fragments were not full, I am afraid that even Thunder could be replenished to the limit at once!

There is also time and space.

Time is hard to say, Su Chen doesn't know whether the five holy beasts have the power of time, but at least the power of space, Xuanwu is already a certainty!

Su Chen has no doubt that if there is a need for space attribute fragments, the Heart of Xuanwu can directly satisfy it!

Shaking his head, Su Chen threw away the thoughts in his mind, and his thoughts moved!

The next moment, the voice of the long-lost system suddenly sounded in Su Chen's mind——

[Ding... Detecting that the current system upgrade conditions have been met, do you want to start the upgrade immediately? 】


After listening to the system's voice, Su Chen did not hesitate and made a decision directly!

If you want to do good work, you must first sharpen your tools!

That's fine if the upgrade conditions couldn't be met before.

Now that the upgrade conditions have been reached, Su Chen will naturally not hesitate at all.

【Upgrade confirmation! System upgrade, please be patient... 】

In my mind, the system's voice sounded again.

At the same time, on the attribute panel that only Su Chen could see, a countdown progress bar appeared quietly.

【Time required for upgrade: 10:00:00】

"Ten hours?"

Looking at the countdown progress bar, Su Chen frowned slightly.

This time is not short, but considering the benefits that will be brought about after the upgrade, this time seems to be insignificant.

The last upgrade made a huge change in his synthesis efficiency.

So how much improvement can this upgrade bring?


After closing the system panel, Su Chen waited silently.

After more than an hour, the second upgrade of the farm was completed.

Taking a look at the attributes of the farm after the upgrade, Su Chen nodded with satisfaction, and then again, put a total of 30,100,000 high-grade Tianjing into the farm!

To upgrade the third-grade Tianjie farm to the fourth-grade Tianjie, the required upgrade resources are 100,000 middle-grade Tianjing!

That is, 10,000 high-grade celestial crystals, which is the same as upgrading from the second rank to the third rank.

Of course, that was for Su Chen. Su Chen always used high-grade Tianjing to upgrade, so the number of middle-grade Tianjing and low-grade Tianjing was not a big deal at all.

But for other farm owners, the resources of the second-grade Tian-rank to upgrade the third-grade Tian-rank are not the same level at all!

The difference between a low-grade Tianjing and a middle-grade Tianjing has blocked countless people from the third-grade in the sky!

Even in the farm rules, 100,000 middle-grade Tianjing is equivalent to 1 million low-grade Tianjing!

No one would exchange 100,000 middle-grade Tianjing for a million low-grade Tianjing!

Don't even say it's 100,000, if you take 10,000,000 low-grade Tianjing, others may not be willing to exchange 10,000 yuan for middle-grade Tianjing with you!

The reason is very simple, there is no market at all!

Of course, this is for others, and for Su Chen, then there are not so many concerns, there is no way, the ginseng that has been opened does not explain...

Compared to the fraction of ten thousand, what Su Chen cares about is another thirty million!

Before Su Chen guessed whether the upgrade this time was a five-fold increase in additional resources, he was a little worried about it.

But it now appears that his guess was wrong.

Not five times, but exactly six times!

With six times the resources, even Su Chen felt a bit of a headache!

However, after taking a look at the farm properties that had just been upgraded, Su Chen gritted his teeth and smashed more than 30 million high-grade Tianjing into it!

With the farm trembling, leveling up, starting again...

Chapter 704 Sixteen million! come

The rest of the time, everything was proceeding step by step.

Above the sky, the strengthening of the Heart of No Holy Beast and Nightshade is still continuing.

The system and farm upgrades are also continuing in an orderly manner.

A full ten hours passed, and with the system prompt that sounded again in my mind, this time the upgrade finally came to an end.

After more than ten hours of upgrading, the level of the farm has been promoted from the original 1st rank to the 8th rank of the current rank!

Only one step away from reaching the pinnacle level of the intermediate farm space!

Taking a look at the need to upgrade to the ninth-grade Heaven Rank, Su Chen said nothing, once again smashed a full 310 million high-grade Heaven Crystal into the farm!

The additional consumption of farm upgrades is not as terrifying as Su Chen had guessed before.

But even so, this consumption has reached an astonishing number!

To upgrade from the third rank to the eighth rank, the additional consumption of each rank is: 3000w, 5000w, 8000w, 15,000w, 20,000w! !

And the extra consumption of upgrading the Tianjie 8th-grade farm to the Tianjie 9th-grade farm is as high as 300 million! !

In addition to what he had paid before, this time the farm upgrade, the resources that Su Chen needed to pay, almost drained the top-grade Tianjing in Su Chen's hands!

Rao was Su Chen himself, and he felt a little stunned!

This kind of consumption once made Su Chen suspect that it is not that the other big farm forces can't create farms that exceed the specifications, but that the consumption of such ultra-specific farms is simply not something that ordinary people can withstand!

Nearly one billion top-grade Tianjing, if it is used to build an ordinary farm, it is enough to build nearly fifty ordinary farms of the ninth-rank heaven!

Fifty ordinary rank nine farms, in terms of the scale of the farms, I am afraid that it is still more than that! !

The most important thing is that these fifty rank nine farms can also create fifty powerful farm owners of rank nine! !

Read The Duke's Passion