MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 548 Death

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Chapter 548—Death of God

The roar of the heavens and the earth has just come to an end, and the baby will quickly spread the wings and shoot out the yin and yang squad. At the next moment, Yalena has lifted the hammer of Quake in her hand, and has two red-red lightning spurs. I wore it out and hit two awesome devils who couldn’t move.

Boom...Boom... Sharp thunder light through the bodies of the two abyss demon, slanting on the ground, splashing a piece of plasma, if you are shocked by the sea.

If the Duke of Solomon is here, it will be stunned, and the appearance of plasma means that Yalena is close to the realm of elementalization, and then will face the last level of the strong, the ultimate barrier! After breaking through, she can stand shoulder to shoulder with Han Jin, Nikolay, Adolf and other semi-god-level powerhouses. Even if she doesn't break through, she is also qualified to stand on the top of the world.

Han Jin’s figure flashed several times in succession, appearing quietly on the side of Prince Johnson’s side, with a long knife in his hand, waving like a lightning bolt to Johnson’s neck.

At this moment, Catherine’s body trembled, and she finally recovered her freedom. After all, she was a high-spirited intellectual angel. Catherine’s mental strength can be considered to be tempered. Although Han’s yin and yang dynasty kills the power, it can only Control Catherine for a few seconds.

However, the feeling of waking up is not good, Catherine feels like a millennium nightmare, cold sweat has soaked her shirt, if, if she is fighting with Hanjin, what will happen? That is self-evident! After a few seconds of sluggishness, a ten-order professional who is similar to a cockroach in her eyes can cause fatal damage to her, let alone Hanjin? !

The next moment, Catherine suddenly saw a purple stream of light wrapped in the supreme power, is rolling to the neck of Prince Johnson, Catherine eyes in the eyes of horror, screamed: "Don't kill him..."

Unfortunately, Han Jin shot a knife and couldn't even recover it. Catherine couldn't stop it. The first 'no' word was exported. Han Jin's knife has been swept from Johnson's neck. A huge head is in the neck. The blood of the splash rises in the sky, and the latter words have become meaningless whine.

Han Jin's body shape flashed again, appeared in another abyss big demon, backhand dragging the knife, the streamer fluttering across the other's chest, and the abyss of the great demon's arms together with the body, in two paragraphs.

This knife Hanjin did not use all his strength. He heard Catherine’s cry, and he did not need to be too nervous to deal with an abyssal demon who was shocked and stalked. The key point is that Catherine came to rescue the Holy City. This made Han Jin's impression of Catherine greatly changed. No matter how much Catherine played, she came. This has proved her attitude. Therefore, Han Jin should pay attention to Catherine's opinion.

While swinging the knife, Han Jin’s eyes drifted to Catherine, and there was a question in the eyes. What do you mean? Then he released the curse again.

Han Jin’s action slowed down, and Yalina was getting faster and faster. Lightning shot from her hammer of Thor, and the incomparable bombardment was on one abyss and big demon. At this time, I didn’t hurt the dog, but waited. what? Do you wait for them to resume their freedom before they start? !

The situation in front of me suddenly changed dramatically, and Catherine couldn’t react. After staying, Catherine suddenly screamed close to hysteria: "Destroy him! Completely ruin him!! Fast..."

The voice has not fallen, a hundred meters long sword mans have been shot from Catherine, unlike before, this time released the swordsman actually spread in the air, and issued a whistling sound like a thunder .

It’s no surprise that a warrior is waving a sword that is more than a meter long. But if a wasp is waving a sword that exceeds its own size, it will undoubtedly bring a very strong The shock of this, this is the case of Catherine at the moment, her figure has been completely swallowed by the flashing swordsman.

H... The swordman slammed on the ground, where the Prince Johnson fell, a semi-circular light curtain with a few meters wide and white, and the light curtain spread out at an extremely fast speed. Between the hundreds of meters, the body, cockroaches or corpses of countless **** dogs and minotaurs were all rolled up, wrapped in large and small gravel stones, forming a round of flesh and blood, the waves even have More than ten meters high, flocked to the Quartet with the momentum of Wan Yi.

There is nothing in the **** tide that swaying into the distance. As the distance is farther away, the wave is getting lower and lower, and finally turned into a piece of stone rain, and the **** tide that swayed to the holy crown city caused a thrilling effect. In an instant, the wave whose total weight cannot be calculated hits the wall of nearly a kilometer long, and the whole section of the city wall is stained red. From east to west, hundreds of roads appear long or short, thick or thin. The cracks, you know, when Desmark repaired the city wall, he bought a huge amount of magic stone from the cliff city, but in the **** tide, the stone turned out to be vulnerable!

It is not the Alchemist of the Lonely City who cuts the work. The business can't be done only once. They are willing to abide by their own ethics and are willing to abide by the professional standards. All is only that Catherine's full blow is terrible!

Han Jin’s figure has appeared in the air. If he is strong, he must be temporarily evaded, and the baby will make a dissatisfied scream and hover over Hanjin.

The shock wave swayed, and a deep pit with a width of several hundred meters appeared below. Unfortunately, Jedice released the big hole of the punishment of the light angel, and the two pits were in the vicinity. The pit that Jedice blasted was like a sea bowl, so the pit that Catherine blasted was a wooden barrel.

Counting Prince Johnson, Han Jin has killed a total of three abyss demons. Yalin also killed seven or eight, and a few worse. However, all the abyss and demons have disappeared. Except for the messy sand and mud, there is nothing. It is estimated that the body of Prince Johnson has been crushed into pieces that are invisible to the naked eye.

Is this the true strength of Catherine? Han Jin slowly breathed a sigh of relief. He felt a little scared. If he saw Catherine for the first time, Catherine couldn't help but say that he had come to him. It is estimated that his dreams and everything he cherished have all gone to nothing.

The strange thing is that Catherine is still a light sword, her eyes are staring down at the bottom, her body is tight, and her expression is extraordinarily dignified. At this moment, she has no mood to warn Han Jin of what might happen.

Every abyss demon who has the ability to communicate with the **** of death, Hamas, has a chance to trigger a terrible skill when he dies.

Prepared to say that when the abyss demon died, it caught the attention of the **** of death, Hamas. Once the **** of death, Hamas really turned his eyes to this plane, the body of the abyss demon will become the body of the **** of death, of course, It’s not really a **** of death, the fighting power is a lot worse, and the duration of the transition is very short, but even if it exists, let’s say that Catherine now knows that it can’t be dealt with, even the strongest Alpha can only avoid the edge. .

The time is short, and it is enough for the death of the **** to kill her Catherine, kill Lennon, kill Hanjin, kill the strong people of the holy crown city, and finally destroy the holy crown city!

Of course, the probability of death is very low. After the gods century, the number of deaths has only been two or three times, and the great demon that has passed away in the long river has hundreds of thousands, but Catherine There is a feeling that she will soon witness the terrible sight!

"Catherine is an adult?" Han Jin whispered, seeing Catherine so nervous, although he did not know why, but he also felt his heart sinking, and even forgot to support the holy crown city that is still in the melee.

Catherine seemed to have heard nothing, still staring at the deep pit.

Han Jin’s figure suddenly shook, and with the power of yin and yang Da Yan’s killing, his **** thoughts have been integrated into this land, and the induction is extremely sensitive. It’s just like there is something far from the far side. Far-reaching places have come, or are things that do not belong to this world. They are trying to squeeze in, infiltrate, and let him feel a pressure that is out of breath.

In Han Jin’s line of sight, a black gas floated around the deep pit, and the black gas condensed toward the same place, and then evolved a faint figure. The shadow was similar to Prince Johnson, and his body and appearance were similar. The only difference is that he has no weapons in his hands and his eyes are tightly closed.

Catherine took a long sigh of relief, and the lightsaber in her hand slowly lifted up. Her movements were very slow. It was like a light sword, but an overwhelmed mountain.

The figure opened his eyes a little, and he first looked at Han Jin.

Han Jin’s heart suddenly shrank and it hurt. It’s like the heart has just been pierced by a sharp steel needle. It’s a feeling of coldness. He doesn’t even dare to look at each other, subconsciously avoiding it. Looking at the line, immediately rushing into his mind, Han Jin felt extremely angry. Although it was only a subconscious evasion, he could not forgive his embarrassment. Here, he is the real master, nothing is Can't face it, nothing can't be defeated! The next moment, Han Jin immediately turned his eyes, looking at the other side coldly, the fire of general warfare was boiling in his chest.

Catherine made a scream of sorghum, and she was shaking all over her body. It was not fear, but accumulated all the power, more, and more...

Perhaps it was caught by Han Jin’s subconscious timidity. The figure had already let go of Han Jin, and his eyes turned to Catherine, who was as tight as a bowstring. The sight of the scented taste gave a very strange feeling, like a The cat is teasing a dying rat.

Catherine finally reached the limit, and the long sword swayed down. The thick swordsman seemed to have an inexpressible suction. When the sword light flashed, if the whole sky was torn down, and wrapped in the sword, the pressure of Mount Tai Head to the crowd.

The power of this sword is obviously stronger than that of the previous one. Han Jin immediately released the curse of the shrinking spell and appeared in the distance. The baby slammed into the sky and slanted into the sky, only appeared from the space transmission array just before. Adolf, the wall, doubled into a needle-sized size. He recognized the fallen angel Catherine and recognized the existence of that figure.

Boom... The earth like a sieve is violently trembled, and the dust that splashes is rolled up hundreds of meters high, as if an invisible volcano suddenly erupted below, and then a shock wave that can be clearly caught by the naked eye Focusing on the impact point, the speed spreads.

Hung...Booming... Hundreds of meters away, the wall of the holy crown city that has become riddled with holes can no longer bear the impact. Several walls have begun to collapse, and one is at the foot of Adolf.

Adolf stepped up and shot forward. However, his efforts were in vain. When Adolf’s movements were slowed down, he found that Adolf’s shape was slower and slower, and he stopped in the air. Under the impact of the shock wave, it floated to the rear and landed in the holy city, about seven or eighty meters away from the city wall.

The shock wave poured in from the gap in the wall continued to move forward, and collapsed the house near the wall. Fortunately, when the battle just broke out, Guevara had ordered all the residents near the wall to withdraw into the inner area, otherwise it might Thousands of casualties were in the hands of Catherine.

Of course, Adolf was unscathed all over the body. He just started to land again, rushing through the diffuse smoke, stepping on the broken bricks and shattering the tiles, and rushing forward.

Don't say that it has no effect. Even if it is really bruised and bruised, Adolf will never back down. His life is for this fateful battle today!

He waited, he bloomed, then there is no regret in this life.

The giant pit that Catherine just left, the diameter has expanded by nearly 100 meters, and left a black lacquered hole, even if it can't be seen in the end. If a **** is joking with the ants, it is hard to imagine. The giant stick, squatted on the ground.

The figure has been smashed by Catherine's sword, but he has not disappeared. In Han Jin and Catherine's gaze, a trace of black gas reappears and re-condenses the adult.

Then, the figure once again slowly opened his eyes and quietly looked at Catherine. There was no jealousy, no viciousness, no cruelty, no superfluous changes. It seems that he is very lacking in the characteristics of dark creatures that people imagine. be quiet.

After a few moments, the figure smiled at Catherine, but from the outside, his smile was very common, but it just made people feel the evil that invaded the soul.

In the eyes of Catherine, she showed despair and unwillingness to deal with the abyss demons or the more powerful darkness. Bright magic is the best and most effective means of attack. Unfortunately, she has lost the ability to release bright magic, only by physical attack, she I can't stop each other at all.

The next moment, Adolf rushed out of the smoke to make up for Catherine's regret, no need to sing magic, Adolf's arm only waved, a pure white clean light appeared, shrouded between heaven and earth.

Adolf’s attack seemed to be beyond the imagination of the figure. He groaned and then raised his head to the sky, making a silent roar.

Adolf waved his arm again, and another clean light curtain hangs from the sky, and the figure and Catherine are shrouded in it. Although Han Jin once gave him a 'vaccination', Catherine is likely to give up the dark camp and re-conquer the heavens. But whether it is big blessing or big prayer, it belongs to a wide range of magic, he can't control it.

Then, Adolf waved his arm for the third time, and a rapidly rotating ball of light spurted out and went straight to the shadow.

The shape of the figure became a little awkward, and he could see the pain.

Boom... A light bullet hit by Adolf hit the figure, the figure shivered, and the blasted light shone as an arc of streamrays, flashing on the figure.

The figure once again looked up to the sky. Although no one can hear his voice, it can be fully sensed. The figure is already angry and is trying to release its power.

Suddenly, on the entire battlefield, there were countless blacks that were hidden from time to time. They were stripped from the body of the **** dog and floated out of the dead minotaur. Even the soldiers who died in the holy crown city could not avoid it. In the blink of an eye, those black gas condensed into pieces of black mist, condensing from one center in all directions.

With the influx and fusion of black gas, the gradually fading silhouette became clear, and the brilliance formed by the Great Blessing and the Great Prayer was also rapidly faded and faded.

In comparison, Catherine was much more miserable. She was also affected by the Great Blessing and the Great Prayer. The unbearable pain caused the delicate and beautiful facial features to wrinkle.

Adolf continued to fly forward, and a single light bomb was almost in a line in the air. The images were shot at the same time. The effect of the Great Blessing and the Great Prayer was disappearing quickly. Although he was anxious, he could not rash. Power must be released in the most appropriate way at the most appropriate time. If you don't even know this, then he can live for so long.

"Raphael, what are you doing?!" Catherine endured the pain and screamed: "Now is his most vulnerable time, fast! Here is the battlefield, he will soon... fast..." At this moment, Catherine's power is extremely consumed, and it is influenced by the Great Blessing and the Great Prayer. He can only put hope on a human being.

Han Jin is not stunned, his eyes are slightly closed, and he is still slowly moving his handcuffs. He is not much stronger than Catherine. The energy consumed by running the yin and yang squad is too large. In fact, there is no need to do more analysis. Looking at Catherine's tension, Han Jin has long understood that the enemies that appear have unimaginable horrible power. It is not that he is not in a hurry, but he is not in a hurry!

Suddenly, the sky was shining brightly, the door of heaven slowly opened, and then a huge light angel swooped down and waved the lightsaber and rushed to the figure.

The pale-faced Jeddy stood in the city, without the command of the abyss and the devil, and lost his support. The **** dogs and the minotaurs who rushed into the holy crown city were almost annihilated.

"Raphael?!" Catherine screamed again, and her voice had a bit more stern taste. Adolf couldn't do it. Jedice didn't do it. He really wanted to beat the **** of death. He could only rely on that. Her amazing young man.