MTL - Warhammer Inquisitor-Chapter 598 fire flight

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  Chapter 598 Firefly Flight

The track runs quickly under the pull of the iron chain. It drags a huge shell, passes it quickly on the belt, and then stops at the end of it. The shell is rough, full of gouges, and poorly processed. On the body of the projectile, the surrounding red lights flickered.

A low panting sound sounded beside the cannonball. Amidst the cracking of the whip and the sound of cursing, several short figures pushed it off the drive belt, and it landed in the groove below the track in a rather rough manner. Inside.

The groove works, and under the cooperation of the turntable below and the surrounding machines that are hard to be called fine, the platform with the shells is translated and rotated. After a huge hole, it is pushed in, roaring and cursing. With the sound, the hole behind him was closed heavily.

The darkness enveloped everything in an instant, but it only lasted for a moment. The sound of a heavy explosion followed the flash of fire, and the fire swept away behind the cannonball. Flying out, it passed through the sea of ​​stars, spinning and whistling through the dust and fragments of the universe.

The body of the cannonball almost passed the Aquila, and the cannonball leaped through the silent universe. In the vacuum environment, the hunters in the cabin did not hear the loud cracking sound, only saw the cannonball The body flashed past the window in an instant, and then bloomed on the battleship behind him.

The huge explosion raised a monstrous fireball, which tore a big hole in the dilapidated Imperial Navy, the battlecruiser, and the surrounding buildings, macro guns, and numerous automatic guns were all broken, and they sprinkled The universe, floating in an icy vacuum, was then shattered by the shock waves of more explosions.

The surface of the entire battleship is constantly exploding, the reason is the bombardment of the shells, and the source of the shells is the group of green-skinned battleships coiled around the planet in front of them, those huge steel beasts, their physique is enough to shame the largest imperial battleship , and its firepower is even more so. There are densely packed giant muzzles sticking out from its side. arranged in a manner.

The huge gun muzzles are very close together, as if they don't care about the shock wave when firing, and around them, more large and small cannons protrude from the inside, like a ball full of spikes , that green-skinned head made of iron and steel roared among the guns of the battleship, and its roar turned into countless shells.

The heavy artillery roared one by one, and the flames they spewed instantly lit up the entire battleship and the bodies of other green-skinned warships that were firing around. Unfortunately, the Skyhawk was on that ballistic path.

Yeta spins the control ball quickly, and the hair on the back of her head is constantly flying left and right with the rapid flashing of the shuttle. In the gravity simulation environment inside the body, all the inertia is actually applied to its members. Especially, it's the king of destruction.

   "Damn it! I'm going to throw up!" "Don't spit in my boat, or I'll throw you out!" "We must get out of here as soon as possible, and we are here to be a target for those green skins!"

Echo shouted from the fixed seat opposite. The modified mechanical socket in his hand swayed left and right with the huge inertia, hitting the surrounding walls and the armrest of the seat, making a clanging sound, as if to respond to those silent A blast to add.

The fire light shines on the Skyhawk. It is still in an invisible state. The whole body refracts the surrounding ambient light, which almost turns into a fireball, like the wreckage that was blasted from the battleship. The Skyhawk kept dodging the oncoming shells.

For the hunters behind the cockpit, everything around them is silent, but because Yeta is connected to the sensor of the Skyhawk, in her ears, those explosions almost pierced the eardrums, and the raging flames also It brought a billowing heat wave in the universe, almost causing her skin to feel the burning sensation of being burned to the bone without being ignited.

"Have we been discovered?" Yeta asked loudly in front. She dodged another round of roaring shells urgently. The gun barrels of the leather warship kept lighting up the fire, and the dense light spots shone like stars in the distance, and their starlight was those shells.

The roaring warhead spun and fired at the Skyhawk. Yeta turned his hands downward, and then quickly turned sideways with his wrist as a fulcrum. The vector nozzle of the Skyhawk fired to the side. The left dodged the incoming shell, but the latter, with its rough surface, nearly brushed the Aquila, and they collided briefly, sparks flashing from the refracting armor.

The explosion sent a shock wave behind it, and it hit the Skyhawk, causing the shuttle to spin around in the air without weight, and the whole body fell like a windmill. Alarms rang out in the cabin, and everyone was holding onto the seat in front of them tightly. chair armrest, and the Wrecking King yelled and wailed in the back.

"I'll never ride in your boat again!" "If we can't escape, you really don't have to be here once!" Yeta's right shoulder was firmly leaned on the seat, and her hand was dragging in front of her. The ball in front of his eyes was constantly spinning rapidly, turning the outside scene into a linear phantom.

"Commander, you have to find a way to restore your balance. In this case, we don't have to hide at all." "I know, technician." As Yeta spoke, one hand was free, and she quickly moved on the holographic interface in front of her. Click, her other hand grasped the control ball, that hand gripped the ball tightly, and pulled it down sideways, while the ball turned downward, the wings of the shuttle also unfolded right and wrong, and the shock wave set off waves below , The airflow wing that was originally useful only in the atmosphere, under the action of the shock wave, it seems to be flying in the atmosphere.

The shock wave roared through the gap opened by the wings, and the huge impact stopped the body instantly. The moment it stopped falling, Yeta pressed the button in front of him, and the vector jet quickly moved backward from the end of the body , hit the bottom of the cabin door, and the two thrusters instantly expanded, ejecting vector flames instantly, piercing the entire night sky, and the shuttle roared out under this push.

The flinging power in the cabin came to an end at that time, and everyone sat heavily on the seat, Wrecking King rubbed his **** and wailed, "Damn it, my **** is split in two!" "Your **** was originally There are two halves." The technician added from the side.

"Damn, God Emperor's clean buttocks are on top! Technician, can't you say something useful? For example, why were we discovered?" "I think we were not discovered." "What do you mean? Didn’t they get discovered? Their shells hit us in the face.”

The hunter frowned, "Why do you think we haven't been discovered?" "It's very simple, the arrangement of those battleships is very loose, and the muzzles are also facing chaotically. Although the shells look dense, there is actually no clear direction to fire. "Indeed, they shot very randomly, as if they were shooting at each other."

The front sight bit the toothpick between his teeth and said, the technician nodded, and glanced at Jarick and the other brothers in the cabin, "That's right, they are firing randomly, if they really found our position, they must have The fire is concentrated in a single area, and we are still alive, which means that they have not found us at all."

   "Then why did they open fire?" Yeta asked in front, she asked while dodging the oncoming shells, if Vito was here, he would be proud of Yeta's driving skills.

   "Make this adventure more exciting?" "I don't think the green skins will cooperate with our adventure." "Nonsense, I know, I'm asking, why did they do this."

The technician didn't answer right away, he straightened up, looked out the window behind him, and sat back after raising his eyebrows as he watched the flames exploding one after another, "Targeting." "What?" "They're shooting at targets, all the shells , They all flew towards the wreckage area." "If this is their target training, then it's no wonder their marksmanship is so poor, and they will always just bludgeon around with their guns."

"Correct, the green skins have no real training, and all their actions are for entertainment, including war actions. What to do? Fly over against the shells?" The Destroyer asked loudly, interrupting the conversation between the front sight and the technician.

The latter held his eyes and shook his head, "No, if we fly towards the muzzle, we will soon be drawn into the range of the shock wave again, and the closer we get there, the denser the shells will be fired, and once we continue Out of balance, there is a 99.77 chance that it will be hit."

"Then what should we do?" The hunter asked while sitting on the fixed chair, the technician nodded and looked towards the front cab, "Commander, please dive down and turn off the engine." "What? Ah, I I understand what you mean." "What do you understand about him?" Destruction King asked suspiciously.

"Turn off the engine and let the body fall freely downward, which can prevent the engine's jet from colliding with the surrounding explosion's shock wave and cause interference. Now there are shock waves everywhere around us, which can simulate the environment in the atmosphere." "What do you mean?" "He means, As long as we use the folding wings of the fuselage itself, we can take advantage of the surrounding shock waves, accelerate steadily, and then dive out of the firing area of ​​the shell."

Echo explained, but the King of Destruction still had a strange expression on his face, obviously he didn't understand, "I don't understand." "Then you don't need to understand, just look at it." Yeta said in front, and her fingers snapped shut When the engine was switched on, the entire Aquila lost its gravity in an instant, and rushed downwards.

"I'll do it!!" The King of Destruction yelled, and was thrown on the back of the chair. He watched the rapid dive outside the front cabin, countless shells, wreckage, and still flames flew through the window, almost every one Almost hitting them, the King of Destruction turned his head away, and the hunter beside him frowned, staring outside.

"Commander, turn left." The hunter's voice sounded from behind, Yeta followed his advice without any hesitation, the shuttle turned to the left to avoid the flying shells, "turn left, and then Turn right."

The shuttle swayed from side to side, Yarik looked at the hunter and frowned slightly, "How did he know? The position of the shell." "The hunter's brain nerves have been modified and are particularly sensitive to electromagnetic fields, so he can sense Those cannonballs." The technician explained to him, Yarick squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at the hunter amidst the shouts of the King of Destruction.

The King of Destruction opened his mouth wide, and the shock wave poured into his mouth, making the sides of his mouth bulge, and the shout became longer and full of more trembling tones, just like, this boat Similarly, the King of Destruction looked at the front so that he could not die. He was only acting subconsciously, but when he saw the cannonball body that almost hit him, he screamed louder.

"Commander!" "I know." As Yeta said, she slammed to the side of the driver's seat, her legs kicked on the ground, the entire chair slid to one side, and the control ball also turned in that direction , the Aquila completed its rotation just as it was about to hit the shell.

Its nose rubbed against the side of the shell body, sparks flew out, the shuttle and the shell passed by in the Z-axis and Y-axis direction, the shuttle flew out from the flames of the explosion, as if, A white dolphin swims from a school of migrating sardines.

Yeta suddenly pulled up the two control balls, and then stretched out a hand to press the button on the side. The fuselage of the Aquila was lifted, and the jet at the end was ignited quickly. The huge impact force made it lift up. Turning his head, hovering under the flames of countless explosions above, Yeta heaved a long sigh of relief, leaned back in his chair, and looked at the sky full of explosions above.

The fire light passed through the icy void, and shot into the cockpit from the door of the cabin. The six people there were all looking at the exploding fire cloud and the wreckage falling from the fire from a high place. They were like a group of A ship that sank into the deep sea.

Now, they don't need to connect any sensors, they can know how hot the flame is, and Yeta, who has felt the temperature, shakes his hands after feeling that the body's senses are gradually cooling down, and then holds the ball , let the Aquila's nose point downward, and flew towards the crimson planet.

  (end of this chapter)

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