MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 3 Beginner tutorial

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I don't know how long it took, a burst of vertigo, awakened Lin Chi's consciousness.

Open your eyes, turn your head and avoid the white light in front of your eyes.

Then enter the line of sight, it is a faint gray, mixed with cruel red.

He slowly sat up and looked at the dozens of headlights hanging from the ceiling and focusing the light on himself. And the **** platform that is in his own body and completely sealed by wire mesh.

The soft platform with dark tones is covered with unwiped blood and brain. The body of the dying entrant was piled up on the side of the field.

Shaking and a little faint head, reaching out to touch the swollen big bag on the face, Lin Chi can already imagine his face swollen into a pig's head.

Temporarily ignored the middle-aged referee standing on the field, wearing shirts and trousers, and the shirtless fist, against his opponent. Lin Chi, who just woke up, looked down at his own muscular body and shorts covered with dripping blood.

Then, his face full of scars showed a smile:

"Boxer? This physical property seems to be pretty good."

In the process of establishing an account in the war paradise, he did not see the option to adjust the "born position." It seems that players entering new games should be refreshed in random locations at random locations.

Although I seem to be swearing just now, there is actually no danger to my life, and my body is only faintly hurting.

Lin Chi can feel that the pain in this virtual world should be only about one-third of the real world. Otherwise, the person who has just been knocked down will not stand up so easily.

"Don't die yet, dwarf?" The opposite of the fierce bald muscle man sweared, the burning tattoos all over the body were conspicuous.

Lin Chi naturally did not work to understand the provocation of ai, just stood up and moved to the bones, open the status bar with an idea to confirm his current status:

Role name: countercurrent.

Control points: 0.

Prestige value: -5.

Strength: 14 (often 10).

Agility: 12 (often 10).

Endurance: 18 (often 10).

Lucky: 9 (often 10).

"Prestige is a negative number, how can luck be so low?" He said, raising his hand to wipe the blood marks from the corner of his mouth.

It seems that the initial role I got this time should be an unlucky boxer. Attacking power and agility are not good, and the endurance is super strong, which makes him a "human sandbag." It's no wonder that in the case of being knocked down, it is easy to get up.

With those who are new to the game, they will face a group of friendly npcs. The newcomers who send money to send pets to the game will be different from the game. At the beginning of War Heaven, the player will be thrown into a ghost place like a fighting field.

However, according to Lin Chi's game experience, this should be just a novice training scene.

Unsurprisingly, he just stood up and there was a line of prompts that only the player could see:

- Now, you have 30 seconds to familiarize yourself with the game's mobile operations, you can move by yourself, but don't leave the ring.

As a legendary "pioneer", Lin has long been familiar with how to control virtual body movements.

He tried to move his body and make a larger move. The mobile training was completed very quickly, and the pace of shaking was finally stabilized.

- Try to attack your opponent and use your arm to block each other's attacks.

This line of tips just appeared, Lin Chi will see the bald man rushing forward, no fancy punch, swinging to his head!

This boxing force is heavy and the speed is also amazing. If the average player smashes this, it is estimated that it has been slammed into a concussion and directly withdraws from the historical stage.

However, for Lin Chi, an experienced veteran player, such an attack... in fact, it is no big deal.

Backward flashing, the opponent’s hook was rubbed against his chin, and under the gaze of the audience outside the audience, the boxer who had just been knocked down once, a heavy, straight punch was squatting in the bald man. On the face, the strength is so great that the neck of the bald man has a crisp "squeaky" sound!

The bald man fell silently on the **** platform, and a slowly expanding pool of blood appeared beneath his head.

I saw an unexpected scene, and the npc viewers who were still on the sidelines were suddenly silent.

With a punch to kill the opponent, Lin Chi was not too excited, just looked down and saw that he did not wear boxing gloves, the red fist of the knuckles.

"Not bad..." he whispered.

Just from the details of this newbie tutorial, Lin Chi can be sure that "War of Heaven" is definitely the most in-brain imaging game he has ever played!

In addition to the pain is weakened, his other feelings are basically no different from the real world.

Lin Chi was thinking, the referee on the field had stepped forward and grabbed his right fist and jerked it up:

"It's unbelievable. The winner of this game is the player codenamed 'Reverse'!"

The voice of the referee was drowned on the sidelines and the audience almost slammed the cheers of the ceiling.

It should be because of the victory in the fight, Lin Wei’s status bar was originally a negative prestige value, and it instantly became 10 points.

Standing in the boiling battle field, looking down at the audience under the field, only the same excitement of the face, so Lin Chi shook his head with some disappointment:

It seems that these npcs, which are set as audiences under the field, do not show a strong level of intelligence as described in the advertisement of War Heaven. They still have no self-awareness and will only repeat specific lines and actions. The npc is gone.

Bring a heavy golden belt handed over by the referee and grab a gray cloak on the side of the field. Lin Chi walked down the **** platform along the player's passage. Just returned to the lounge and was stopped by a staff member:

"The punch was really handsome! This is your booty."

An excited young man put a dark pistol and two magazines into his hand.

At the same time as the pistol, Lin Chi’s line of sight appeared again in the line of sight:

Complete the novice tutorial rewards and get the spoils: the old sig-p210 pistol x1, the pistol bullet x6.


Standing in the same place, measuring the cold guns in his hands and looking at the prompt of "proficiency: 0", Lin Chi fell into meditation.

In some games, even a weapon with zero proficiency can be directly controlled by the player's powerful personal ability. Is this game the same?

Thinking of this, Lin Chi, standing in the empty lounge, took a deep breath, slowly raised the pistol and pointed the muzzle at the mirror in front of him.


Five minutes later, someone with a gold belt around her waist limped away. On the rough leather boots, a bullet hole was still emitting smoke...

- If they are seen by their teammates and hit their right foot, those guys will probably laugh at the big teeth.

Lin Chi opened the status bar and saw that the proficiency of the pistol changed from zero to one.

This old routine that slowly improves proficiency may be of interest to new players. For his old players, only the pain of the egg is born.

However, Lin Chi knows that for the brain-like imaging game that directly manipulates the virtual body through thinking, as in the real world, proficiency is indeed necessary.

If there is no proficiency, the characters such as professional soldiers and special police officers can directly kill people immediately after entering the game. The game has a poor balance, and it is completely unhelpful.

Fortunately, there is a bandage in the inventory, which is probably the "extra benefit" of the boxer. Otherwise, Lin Chi, who just entered the game, is afraid to go to the doctor.

"The injury is still not good..." He muttered thoughtfully and continued to limping forward.

The bandaged right foot, although no longer painful, still does not work.

In this way, the treatment in War Heaven will take some time to take effect.

While digesting the information from the novice tutorial, it passes through the dark corridor. The young boxer pushed open the end of the corridor, the heavy metal gate.


The glare of the sun shone through the gaps of the dark clouds, dispelling the shadows that shrouded the whole body.

Entering Lin’s line of sight are dozens of towering skyscrapers and small, complex buildings below.

The street in front is jamming, and the drivers are angry and whistling. The hurried pedestrians walked over the sidewalk with their ears open, and the leaves and **** at the feet were blown up by the wind to form a dirty picture of incomparable realism.

Looking up at the gloomy gray sky, feeling the cold wind blowing over the cheeks, the boxer's face was full of horror.

Even for him, it was the first time to see such a delicate virtual world!

Although you can see a lot of details in the arena just now, but the closed small scene, compared with the whole city, the degree of shock is naturally different.

"This... it's like crossing."

In the face of the incredible "city of chaos", Lin Chi could not help but sigh.

He was about to take to the streets, get close to the shocking game scene, and saw a man in a suit, a powdery face, and an obese man with two black bodyguards behind him, walking through the square and walking towards himself.

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