MTL - Waiting Upon You-~ Act 34

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Ling Lang took two deep breaths and tightened the gluteal muscles little by little three times. After confirming that there was no problem, he picked up the things on the ground and slowly stood up.

His eyes were intricately looking at the gift on his hand. Everyone only thought that he was immersed in the contradiction after learning the truth. Who would have thought that all his struggle at this moment came from a forbidden area.

Ling Lang closed his eyes in pain, his senses became clear, and his attention was focused on the lower body. The back | acuity seemed to be burning with flames, the spheres became hot, and his fragile inner wall was almost burned.

The physical stimulus is not the most obvious. If Feng Hao asked him to do this kind of thing at home, probably there would not be such a degree of reaction, but he was on the set at the moment, and there were dozens of hundreds of eyes around him at the same time. Staring at this recognition made his sense of shame skyrocket, and his incurable physique made him react instantly.

Ling Lang opened his eyes narrowly, threw the most cherished gift to the ground, picked up the chair and smashed it over and over again. He kicked the fragments scattered on the ground everywhere, and he vented his emotions madly After the storm, his movements became sluggish again. He began to collect the pieces one by one, but found that they could no longer fight back.

Sadness and despair appeared on his face. He leaned his head against the wall and used the wall to cover the bulging lower body. He raised his fist with his right hand above his head. In order to prevent * nails from slamming into the meat, he was still excited. The fists kept shaking.

He even began to tremble on his shoulders, his facial expressions became richer and richer, and he expressed contradictions and struggles to the fullest. Everyone was almost stunned by his lively performance, and felt the pain he experienced.

The director patted his thighs, "PERFECT! Xiao Langlang Ni's acting skills can't be better, wait for the rest ..."

"Ten minutes off," Ling Lang threw down a sentence without looking back, and the man had gone out far.

When the staff heard the words, they rested on their own, and the director was aired aside before he finished speaking. After a long time, he found that he had been overpowered, and shouted depressively, "Kewo is the director! Who are the mud listeners to!" "

When Feng Hao followed up into the dressing room, Ling Lang was concentrating on chanting the Heart Sutra, but this time the Heart Sutra seemed to have lost its effect. Repeatedly reading it twice still failed to relieve the restlessness on the body, but the order of the scriptures was confused in the later period.

Feng Hao stood to the side with the attitude of watching a movie without interrupting her.

Ling Lang finally opened his eyes. Feng Hao thought he had figured it out, but who knew that he started looking around for the ice pack used by the makeup artist in the morning.

After discovering his intentions, Feng Hao laughed abruptly. "The taste of forced cooling is not so comfortable. Are you sure you want to use it?"

Ling Lang found the ice packs, but was disappointed to find that they had disappeared. He threw the ice pack back to the table in arrogance and began to consider Feng Hao's proposal, "What is the corresponding price?"

"You know when you decide to use off-site help."

Ling Lang looked down for a moment, Feng Hao glanced at his watch, "You have five minutes."

Ling Lang walked in front of Feng Hao with a straight heart, and knelt down in a standard posture.


He nodded.

"stand up."

Feng Hao's usual actions are always slow and elegant. By increasing the time, Ling Lang's humiliation is increased. However, his actions today are not dragged, and in a blink of an eye, Ling Lang's pants have fallen to the ground.

Ling Lang watched him get a small makeup case from his dressing table, and the case was locked.

Feng Hao opened the lock and took out a long silvery finger from it. "Do you know what this is?"

Ling Lang certainly recognized, "Lipstick."

The kung fu of his speech, the lipstick-like thing has been tucked behind himself, "Eight | Nine leave ten," Feng Hao did not deny his guess.

Then he took a strap from the lower layer of the makeup box, which is the same structure as Ling Lang's usual exercise, but the one at home is leather. The one on Feng Hao's hand is fibrous and elastic, and he wears it on clothes. I can't see it at all.

Feng Hao wore the shackles as Ling Lang, his restless organs were fastened tightly, and the back was blocked by narrow strips, neither worried about the front being exposed or the ball falling out, Ling Lang deeply Relieved.

The so-called price of Feng Hao is probably that lipstick, which pushes the ball a little deeper into the body, but this level is still acceptable.

"You're cheating," Ling Lang still couldn't help but want to say, "You let me choose from one and two, and in the end I used both."

Feng Hao could not help but, "You know just fine, this will help your brain to make the fastest decision and improve your responsiveness in the next choice."

With the fall of the last word, Ling Lang has returned to the original state. From the appearance, no one can see that he is different from when he entered the door.

"Ten minutes, no more, no more," Feng Hao checked his watch and confirmed, took something out of the make-up box, put it in his pocket, and locked the box back in place. "Let's go."

He touched Lang Lang's hip lightly and took the lead to walk out of the dressing room. Ling Lang slowly adjusted to the new condition of the body, and then followed the steady pace.

Ling Lang returned to a messy shooting studio again, and the director explained the next scene for him.

"When Xiao Haohao appears, Mud will show a forbearance. Mud's heart is angry, but his appearance must be held back. Mud's body cannot face him, but his eyes must keep staring at him. Is there a problem? ? "

Ling Lang shook his head.

"OK," the director withdrew from the court and ordered the filming, "ACTION!"

Ling Lang returned to the posture at the end of the last scene, her head against the wall, Feng Hao opened the door and came in. When she saw the mess in the house, she had a surprised expression.

Ling Lang heard the door ring, and slowly turned his head slowly. At the moment when he met Feng Hao's line of sight, his whole body shook.

This action came too naturally, and everyone felt that Ling Lang perfectly performed the strong emotion that was difficult to suppress in the heart of Feng Hao.

Only Ling Lang captured that when he turned back, Feng Haoyu manually moved in his pants pocket, and the so-called lipstick in the court immediately began to vibrate.

He should have guessed that Feng Hao would never just ask for the cost of a lipstick. Every time Lang Lang thought that the other party had done it, he could unexpectedly refresh Ling Lang's cognition.

The jumping egg touched the small ball in the body and also trembled. Although there was actually no sound coming from the depths of the body, there was always a buzzing vibration in Ling Lang's ears.

He turned his head back to the wall and took a deep breath over and over again. It seemed like he was trying to calm his anger. If he didn't seem to do this, he would rush to Feng Hao in front of him, holding his collar and questioning what he did. Do it.

The stormy sea set off in his heart, but on the surface it was still enduring! endure! endure!

The director reluctantly stepped back, he has never seen an actor who can perform patience so vividly. The intense and depressed emotions under the calm surface are like the boiling and rolling lava in the deep crust. Same as myself.

Feng Hao glanced around the room expressionlessly, "What happened to you?"

Ling Lang turned his head to him again, "Fengye, I'm fine."

There was a hint of discomfort on Feng Hao's face, "I don't like people lying to me."

Ling Lang took a deep breath, "My younger brother is involved in drug trafficking, do you know, Grandpa Feng?"

Feng Hao remained silent for a few seconds without changing his face. "I don't know."

This answer made Ling Lang's bitter grin appear in the corner of his mouth. He lowered his head and said, "I just knew this suddenly, so I was excited. Sorry, I'll clean up right away."

Feng Hao's gaze fell on a fragment on the ground, which was part of his birthday gift to Ling Lang, but now it has become beyond recognition and he did not even recognize it.

"That's good," Feng Hao groaned. "These are coming back to pack up, wait to see someone at the dock. Come with me."

Ling Lang nodded slowly, "I will close the window and come."

He bit the Guan word extraordinarily harshly, Feng Hao understood, and swung his fingers while turning out, ending the torture of Ling Lang.

Ling Lang was weak and immediately stretched out his hand to support the wall. It seemed that if he didn't do this, he would immediately slump on the ground. It seemed that only a casual conversation with Feng Hao had exhausted his life's strength.

As soon as he got home, Feng Hao settled on his pants as soon as he sat down. Feng Hao smiled and held his hand, "What are you doing?"

The rejected Ling Lang buried his head and rubbed his cheeks fascinatingly in the other's room, and murmured the master in his mouth.

Feng Hao gently stroked his hair. "Why is my puppy so proactive today? Was he smashed on the set?"

He reached out and fiddled in his trouser pocket, and Ling Lang immediately overflowed with a * groan | groan.

After enduring all day, he didn't want to endure anymore. He even forgot that it was only a task of exchanging mobile phone numbers, and he had successfully cleared the customs half an hour ago. He squirmed happily in Feng Hao's arms, raised his hips as high as possible, and shook it twice, suggesting how much he looked forward to his master's presence at this moment.

Feng Hao removed all the shackles of his body and praised him as he untied, "You don't know how wonderful your performance today is, you can go to Oscar."

No matter what Feng Hao said now, it seemed to Ling Lang that he was drifting in the clouds. Once his body was liberated, he couldn't wait to reach out, but was stopped relentlessly by Feng Hao.

"Did you forget what I said?"

Ling Lang withdrew his hand back hard, and continued to lower his attitude to seek the master's caress, his wet eyes could not hide the meaning of begging.

"I should be the first person in the world to see you showing this expression," Feng Hao stretched out his hand, Ling Lang immediately put his face on the palm of the other side, "It's so tempting, I can't hold it anymore Now. "

Feng Hao said so in his mouth, but he didn't show anything at all in his actions. Ling Lang sighed, sucked his thumb in his mouth, and sucked in affectionately. After a while, he licked his palms affectionately.

"Okay, know that your tongue is flexible," Feng Hao licked and itchy, pushed him away with a smile, and ordered, "Sit."

The commanded Ling Lang immediately converged and sat down on his knees with a straight posture, a straight back, and a dignified look, only looking to his eyes full of longing.

Feng Hao's small makeup case was also brought back from the studio. He was looking for the right props in it, and when he felt the same, he turned to look at Ling Lang, and seemed to be considering whether to use it. He shook his head after a few seconds, and then Move on to the next. Ling Lang's heart was hanged by him, I wonder what he was going to pull out of it.

In the end, Feng Hao really took out a makeup bag from the makeup case. Although Ling Lang was a man, he had been familiar with such things for so many years, but after learning from lipstick, he never dared Under judgment.

"Go to the chair," Feng Hao ordered.

The Feng Hao family does not have some special S | M furniture like Ling Lang originally imagined-such as a gynecological examination table or a torture rack. On the contrary, except for the cage, all the furniture looked so ordinary on the surface that it couldn't be so ordinary. Even if there were guests, they would not attract attention.

The so-called chair by Feng Hao is the most common wooden chair. The back of the chair is composed of four vertical beams. The seat is one circle larger than the ordinary chair, which is just enough for Ling Lang to kneel on his legs.

Feng Hao took out two pairs of handcuffs, bypassed the vertical beam on the back of the chair, and handcuffed the same side of Linglang together, and passed the bottom of the seat with a rope to fasten his knees. You ca n’t even close your legs.

"This is to prevent you from hurting yourself when you wait for chaos," Feng Hao explained.

Ling Lang didn't understand what he meant by the injury, until Feng Hao took the first thing out of the cosmetic bag, a razor.

"Will you put on makeup?" He asked.

As an actor, Ling Lang couldn't say no, so he said, "Slightly understand."

"A little understanding is enough," Feng Hao pursed his lips, "What is the first step in makeup?"

Ling Lang groaned for a few seconds and gave the standard answer, "Eyebrow trimming."

The author has something to say: The cheat sheet of the crew's record:

Act 34 [Ling Xiaomo] [Yapy] [Honey Sydney] each gets one lipstick, and [Just] gets five lipsticks.

Today I should have realized the little red flower that dropped yesterday. As a result, I planned to keep up with the rapid changes. Well, I changed my makeup bag yesterday. Don't trust the author's spoiler too much in the future.

Today's drop is [shaver] [isolation cream] [foundation] [eyebrow pencil] [rouge], will you make-up?