MTL - Waiting For You Online-Chapter 131 Move out

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131. Move out to live

During the rumors of the rumors, He Jin had a fever. Because of physical discomfort, the school dormitory was two o'clock in the weekdays. He did not realize that there was a rumor outside.

What's more, although the gossip is a human nature, in the school of Huada, there are still a large number of students who do not know what to do, and only live in their own world, how to promote the big head and the seventh brother of the dormitory.

Qin Lan was personally responsible for buying rice and delivering food. He reminded He Jin to take medicine to sleep. He was as thoughtful as a twenty-four filial boyfriend. Hou Dongyan heard something. He did not dare to mention it before Qin Jin. When He Jin found that something was wrong, it was already half a month later.

On that day, the counselor called to let him go to the faculty office. He Jin thought that Teacher Li was going to talk to him about Baoyan, and rushed over, and the other party did tell him this.

"Little, what's the matter of Baoyan's consideration?" Teacher Li asked at the door.

"I am still thinking about it." He Jin is a little embarrassed.

"Your grades were good last semester, the scholarship has been sent, have you received it? Continue to keep it." Teacher Li flipped through the information file and said, "I have learned about your recent situation with the students two days ago. How do you hear that you haven’t been active for a long time?”

"Yes, it was a little powerless in the last semester." He Jin said honestly.

"To be honest, we professionally select the students who stay in the school, and look at the comprehensive quality. You have been balanced on both sides. The hospital has always been very optimistic. There is no dispute in staying in the school. Therefore, if you decide to study, Student work still has to continue, don't give up..." Teacher Li said a lot, He Jin is a bit distracted.

He Jin suddenly thought that once he stayed in school, he would contact the students most. He said that he did the same job as the student union, but he just quit the student union because he was tired of student work. If he chooses this road, he does what he does not want to do. Does that still make sense?

Thinking about this, He Jinxin has already wanted to refuse.

Teacher Li said and suddenly said: "For He Jin, I still have one thing to remind you."

He Jin retracted his thoughts and seriously looked at Teacher Li.

Teacher Li’s voice was lighter, but his expression was very serious: “I heard that you have recently been very close to the Qin’s classmates in the sophomore year?”

He Jin was shocked and suddenly had a bad feeling.

"The school is not qualified to manage such a thing, but the society has not yet opened to this point, especially in this section, Baoyan stays in school, the whole college has several places, so many eyes look, you have to pay more attention to the individual "When the teacher saw He Jin's face turned white, he paused. "You are all adults. I don't know what to say in some words. In fact, it is not a big deal. Ok, go back."


He Jin thought that "guaranteeing research" was the focus of the conversation. After the talks, I realized that the meaning of Li’s drunkenness is not in the wine, reminding him that "attention" is the right thing!

He didn't know how he got out of the college office, his legs were filled with lead, and the sun in April was mild and bright, but he couldn't open his eyes.

He guessed that Teacher Li knew that these things could not be separated from the photos of Qin Yufa, but he had no intention of blaming Qin Hao. After the incident, Qin Hao’s concession and apology made him move. He was not guilty of a mistake. Those who don’t let go know that these pressures are going to be faced sooner or later, but they’re coming soon, so fast that they can’t afford to fight.

Pay attention to personal style, huh, huh, how serious this accusation!

If today, the object of his interaction is replaced by a girl, Teacher Li can never find him to say this, but the two boys can be together, no matter how good they think they are, they have already been labeled in the eyes of others. Alien" label!

He Jin also wants to be as brave as Qin Hao, but it is too difficult.

Because from a small family experience, what he cares most is what others think and evaluate. He carefully maintains his perfect appearance in front of everyone, fearing that he is going wrong and doing something wrong. For this reason, he is sensitive to each one. A scornful, malicious, prejudiced look.

The words that the counselor finally said, like a whip, hit him on the face and face, so that he could not lift his head.

It wasn't a serious criticism. It was just a reminder, but it made He Jin think back to his childhood experience. He was kneeling on the ground and was sucked by the woman with a feather duster. He repeatedly thought about the sharp insults. "I don't know how to be ashamed." ", "playing things", "nothing"... Although the mother apologized afterwards, she forgave her, but these labels are like birthmarks, and they are firmly on him, whenever his behavior has A little bit off the normal person's orbit, it will be exposed, tearing his soul and swallowing his perception.

The vibration of the handcuffs smashed He Jin out of fear, and it was Qin Qin’s call.

"Hey..." He Jin breathed.

"Where?" Qin asked at the other end.

Hearing the voice of the other party, He Jinzhen fixed some, and his eyes were a bit sour... Qin Lan was his sin and his redemption.

“Just in the faculty office, the counselor asked me about the research.” He Jin said faintly.

"Oh? Have you decided?" Qin Yu cares.

He Jinshen took a breath and looked up at the white sky, saying: "I gave up, I want to work directly after graduation."

Although he can't be as brave as Qin Lan, He Jin also wants to work hard for the other side to go further. Even this small movement may cause him to be bruised.

Qin Lan: "Well, I will support you if you decide what to do. Do you want to go out to eat and celebrate at night?"

He Jin: "What is this to celebrate."

Qin Xiao whispered softly: "Stupid, don't know that I am making excuses for asking you to eat? Emotional intelligence is really low."

He Jin: "..."

When eating at night, He Jin pretended to be easy, and did not mention the words that the counselor said. Qin Xiaomei danced to talk with him about the interesting things on the tennis court in the afternoon, and he followed the laughter.

After eating and returning, the two happened to meet He Jin’s classmates who had worked together in the student union. One of them had used He Jin as a competitor, but He Jin never went to the heart. When they saw He Jin and Qin Hao, they were snickering and shocked. They also deliberately said aloud: "Wow, I didn't expect them to be such people..."

Both of them heard it. Qin Hao glanced at them coldly, took He Jin’s shoulder and left. He took two steps, and He Jin kept a little distance from Qin.

Qin Yu was very uncomfortable and calmly comforted: "Don't worry about what they say."

He Jin hanged his head "Hm"... Hey, he just wanted to talk about a love, but inexplicably chose the most difficult road to pass.

Going to class the next day, He Jin noticed that many strangers around him looked at him with a different look. After two days, he even received a text message asking him and Qin Zhen what was going on. This time, He Jin has no reason to be choking.

He simply ignored it and ignored the questioning and gossip of all the good people. At the same time, he called the counselor and indicated his intention to give up the research. Mr. Li routinely expressed regret, but did not retain it.

On the surface, He Jin and the Qin dynasty have nothing to do with each other, but his heart is getting more and more pressure, and people are more and more silent. The environment around him makes him want to escape. He dreams of hiding with Qin dynasty and no one knows them. The place is like in the snow town, so that they can fall in love with impunity.

Qin Lan also slowly felt that it was not right. Every moment on campus and He Jin’s time alone made him feel like he was stolen. This is too far from his ideal love.

Until the end of April, a Qin Qin alone played the game, and the wild crane asked about his recent situation - Qin Yu and He Jin together, the passing water and the nine descendants have already told them - Qin Hao told them the nearest Troubled.

Idle cloud strangely said: "Why don't you move out?"

Wild Crane: "Yeah, my brother and I were going to college, and I lived outside when I was a sophomore!"

These two words are like a slap in the face, and I suddenly woke up Qin Qin!

Going down the line that night, Qin Hao went to He Jin Hostel to find him to discuss this matter.

“Going out?” He Jin was a little shocked, and this behavior seemed to go beyond his stereotypes.

"You don't want to live with me?" The two men stood at the entrance of the unmanned building at the moment. Qin Hao gently pulled him, put the person in his arms, and the other hand touched his ear, small channel. "We just found a house near the school. When we have classes, we come to class, and there are very few intersections with classmates."

He Jinsheng said: "What about the dormitory? Rent a house and rent?"

"The dormitory will make him empty, you can put everything here, the furniture cup and what we buy new," Qin said when the "quilt", the tone is particularly embarrassing, "the rent is more than two or three thousand a month. , the money to buy a quiet and free, value."

Qin Lanben still wants to say "you don't have to worry about renting things", but the previous experience made him learn, and knowing that doing so would hurt He Jin's self-respect, so I didn't mention it. Seeing He Jin's eyes also has hesitant colors. Further tempted: "We will build a home together, a world that belongs only to us, okay?"

He Jin’s heart was hit by this sentence, and his heart was very moving. He said “I think about it” and went back to the dormitory first.

Lying in bed at night, He Jin turned over and over, excitedly couldn't sleep, because the recent escape from the surrounding environment also made him particularly expecting Qin's proposal... and moving out with his boyfriend, this is estimated to be done in college. The craziest thing!

Early the next morning, Qin Hao called with a nap that just woke up and told He Jin to find a house on the Internet last night to find the early morning.

It wasn't just one who couldn't sleep. He Jin said without words: "How come you started looking so soon?" Although he complained, his tone has already revealed a hint of excitement.

Qin Lan heard it, and seized the opportunity to stalk him. "You obviously live downstairs in my downstairs. I can only call you every day to say good morning. It’s really bad... We will live together later, I will come together every day. I can see you."

He Jin was blushing and he said, "How about the houses you look at?"

Qin Hao listened to this sentence and secretly snickered. It seems that He Jin has already promised: "Choose a few, contact the intermediary to see the house today, together?"

"Hey, let me see the time." Mouth said, but after Qin Qin called him in the afternoon, He Jin could not wait to follow.

After watching the three-day room, the two men picked a room that was 500 meters away from the east gate of the school. Because the decoration was good, the house was clean, and the rent was five or six hundred more expensive than the same area. One month.

He Jin felt that the meat hurts, but Qin Hao liked it very much. He Jin thought about the 400,000 yuan that he hadn’t moved yet, and he didn’t seem to be able to rent it.

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