MTL - Waiting For You Online-Chapter 112 The Emperor's team

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112. The Emperor's team

He Jin sat there without snoring. Hou Dongyan had previously suspected that Qin Xiao said that Jin Ge also liked the authenticity of his sentence. Now he is a bit puzzled, but he does not dare to ask clearly, fearing that he has cut him.

So, the atmosphere in the dormitory lingered in the sweet and sour aroma of sweet and sour pork ribs for a long time, until Hou Dongyan suddenly thought of the game, gently "ah", like a casually asked: "Do you see the ghost win? ?"

He Jin: "Well."

Then, it was silent again... Hou Dongyan burst into tears!

The second match on Sunday night, as analyzed by everyone, the opponent's strength is too weak, so there is no suspense to hit a 6-0 victory.

However, He Jin still didn't get the chance to name himself. However, the fence did not disappoint everyone. He won the first game of the celestial pk. He also harvested a group of his own because of his rich appearance and stupid personality. Fans.

After the game, Copenhagen Das privately found the captain of the husband who loves your team and asked: "What is the strength of the fence?"

The other party replied: "It's very powerful, the blood is very thick, it's hard to fight."

Copenhagen Das: "How is it compared with Inuyasha?" Inuyasha is the spirit of Haagen-Dazs and is currently the player ranked first in the Fair.

The other party: "To tell the truth, the panda's blood volume may be higher than your Inuyasha, but the strength may be worse."

Haagen-Dazs understood the situation and relayed the situation to his teammates.

I am Erlang God: "It is the same as that described by the Dragon Warrior team. It is said that the panda is bloody, how thick is it..."

Men are not bad: "It seems that the water has also been blooded, and it is estimated that all equipment is top."

Inuyasha: "It’s also related to potential."

Elizabeth: "You have six stars in your potential. The guy said that the panda's blood is thicker than you. Is it difficult to reach full level?"

The pet's potential star determines the room for improvement of the qi, blood, attack power and other attributes. The spirit of the pet is full of seven stars, but the potential volume can only be added to five stars, six stars and seven stars. The product can be added, such as Inuyasha, using ten potential volumes, only added to the six stars, the seven stars have never been upgraded.

Inuyasha: "There is also a relationship with the nature of the spirit pet. Generally, the large-scale spiritual pets such as bears, lions, and dragons are relatively thick."

Elizabeth: "So is the dog almost a little?"

Inuyasha: "I am not a dog! I am a wolf!"

Elizabeth: "..."

I am Erlang God: "But in the final analysis, the soul of their team is ruthless. Just pay attention to this fence, right?"

The man is not bad: "Yeah, every time he is allowed to play 1v1, it seems that the ruthless wife is just a snowball that sells Meng, depending on what you see?"

Falling flowers Yiyi: "Well, although I had a copy together before, the water has also boasted that he has a good sense of consciousness, but at that time I could not see anything at all."

I am Erlang God: "Yeah, it seems that you have been beaten from the air that day... ruthlessly thinking that you can protect his wife anytime, anywhere, too naive."

Falling flowers and Yiyi did not speak. I thought that the fire had killed me mercilessly that day, and there was a hatred in her heart.

Copenhagen Das: "Iyi, don't worry, this time we will definitely win!"

After the second day of the game, "Haagen Das Team" and "My Kings Team" won, as of March 1, along with the "baby does not cry the team", the official lined up for the next five teams. Table - my emperor is empty, on Wednesday, I saw Haagen-Dazs, and on Thursday, I don't cry for my baby.

I don't know if I should sigh that the team is lucky. Every time I encounter a small white team, Ghosts and Haagen-Dazs are tragedy. If there is a strong battle, there will be a defeat. The audience of that game. The first time exceeded the sentiment, and finally Haagen-Dazs won, with the love, the Emperor team advanced to the top three.

Next, take the wheel battle mode, the official call the captains of the three teams at the same time to carry out the phone lottery. The two teams with the larger numbers will play the game first, and the winner will directly enter the finals on Sunday. The first failed team and the number are smaller. The team played against each other again, and the winner became the opponent of the team to advance to the championship.

Qin Lan pumped a 98, the emperor's captain Huang Taiji pumped to 76, Haagen-Dazs drew 31, so the match came out, on Friday, the emotional team to the Ukrainian team.

"At last I still ran into it!" sighed with water, "I said that this team is very powerful."

Nine Highness spit out the channel: "What is so powerful, it is clear that luck is coming up in the air."

The water shook his fingers: "~ luck is also part of strength~"

His Royal Highness: "..."

Because it has almost reached the scope of the championship competition, the game every night is more and more eye-catching!

At 6:50, the live broadcast room is open, and the screen shows the image of the full team of the love team and the my team.

Moderator: "Good evening, I am the host Xiao Lan, welcome back to the "God of Magic" official website live broadcast, our game will start in 10 minutes."

Hou Dongyan, while sitting on the computer screen while thinking about the seeds, this host finally has a name! I have never heard the host introduce myself before the game!

At this moment, Hou Dongyan heard another different male voice coming out from the headphones: "Hello everyone, I am Huang Huang, I am very happy to be able to host the game between the ruthless team and the squadron with Xiaolan tonight!"

... Hey, there are two more hosts?

It seems that the official pays special attention to the last three games. Hou Dongyan looked at the current number of viewers - more than five million, more and more!

"Cough, Huang classmates, you read the 'sentimental team' as a 'ruthless team'. After the game starts, don't give an error!" Xiaolan said with a sly tone.

Huang Huang: "Oh, the first time I hosted Xiaolan, I am so excited, I have a bad slogan, I apologize here. I said how ruthless and my emperor read it like this, hehehe..."

The two hosts chatted for a while and began to introduce the members of the two teams.

Xiao Lan: "In fact, at first I thought that I could enter the top three is the Ghosts. I didn't expect them to lose to Haagen-Dazs in the last game, so the team can be killed in the top three. It is also a dark horse. Alright."

Huang Huang: "In fact, the player of the Imperial Army team, Huang Taiji, was originally the most powerful player in the third district. It is said that because of the three-yuan busy, there was probably no game for two years, until the hologram came back shortly, so it was ranked. The rankings are a bit backward, but his pk technology is very good, and it is very good to be able to get together in such a short period of time. This team is not like the love team and the Haagen-Dazs team. They are all Scattered people gathered from various districts."

Xiao Lan: "Oh oh? So, I am looking forward to this game. After all, the opponents of the former love team are too bad. I can’t see the advantage of the Great God team... The time is up to 6:58. It’s time to look forward to the first pk player who will be sent by both teams. The ruthless team should still send their cute pet pandas!”

Hou Dongyan also thinks this way. After all, the first three games are all fences. Every time Ajin can only play 2v2 with the big god, he can only understand that the **** is too short, and he is reluctant to let Jin Ge go to fight alone.

Xiao Lan: "The countdown to 50 seconds, my team has sent their first player, the green hedgehog."

Huang Huang: "It turned out to be the 'green hedgehog' of the fifth place in the Xian Pet list. Don't look at the name of the player, the hedgehog. In fact, he is a fairy ball. Like the hedge, he is a rare male pet in the game. Players, the main attack moves are 'acupuncture darts' and 'venom."

The prototypes of the plant's spiritual pets are mostly anthropomorphic. At this time, the prototype of the green hedgehog has been painted on the screen. A green ball with a thorn on the body has big round eyes, and the audience are called Meng.

Xiao Lan: "The fence of the love team has not stood up yet, countdown 30 seconds... Hey, hey!"

I saw the name of the opponent in the top of the screen.

The first game: Xian Chong 1v1 battle

The Battle of the Chinese Team: Green Hedgehog

Love team members: Ajin

Huang Huang: "The sentimental team actually sent ‘Ajin’!”

Hou Dongyan surprised his eyes wide open, isn't it, then candidate A Jin, is there a mistake?

It’s not just him, the host and the audience are very shocked. Through the first three games, everyone’s impression of He Jin has been ingrained – the little cute thing that needs the big **** cover, there is no egg.

Xiaolan adjusted his mood and calmed down: "It’s an unexpected decision. But is this the first time we have seen Ajin participate in the 1v1 pk battle? I still have a little expectation."

Huang Huang: "Well... countdown to 10 seconds, the game is about to begin."

Hou Dongyan nervously put the seeds aside and watched the two players being introduced into the field at the same time.

Xiao Lan: "This time the pk map is a lush forest. We saw that the two players have been refreshed in the corners of the map, but they were blocked by the trees and did not find each other."

Huang Huang: "Yes, is this terrain seem to be more beneficial to the sleigh that is good at avoiding and flexible?"

Xiao Lan: "It is true that the words are correct, but the green hedgehog player is the fifth master in the rankings..."

Huang Huang: "Also, even if the sentimental team is sent out to fight, it will not necessarily win."

Xiao Lan: "Well, and the panda is huge, it is not easy to avoid the prickly pear with the skill of "acupuncture"."

Huang Huang: "Do you say that the emotional team is going to give up the first victory? This way, the water will be able to participate in the second game of 2v2, and the win will be even bigger. The bonfire can also be used as the third game. Pk players come out..."

Xiao Lan: "You mean, the love team has chosen the "Tian Ji horse racing" combat method?"

Hou Dongyan in front of the computer couldn't help but scream, the stupid panda lost to him, and what Tianji was racing, and the ignorant host waited to see Jin Ge's powerful!

Huang Huang: "We have seen green hedgehog players have begun to roll in the woods to find opponents, but Ajin students have not yet become prototypes... I have sat down like a seat."

Xiao Lan explained: "In the non-prototype state, the attack power is very low."

Huang Huang: "The green hedgehog has already found Ajin!"

Xiao Lan: "The Ajin player still hasn't changed the prototype. Is she really planning to give up this game?"

Huang Huang: "She seems to have taken out a bowl from the package and put it in front of her eyes..."

The audience’s barrage is full of buzzing –

"What is the bowl for? What about begging?"

"Go on, don't be embarrassed!"

"Without the protection of the great **** is a waste!"

"On the importance of marrying..."

"Women play this profession and sell and sell!"

"The most disgusting **** discrimination! Sex discrimination is the death of the whole family!"


Hou Dongyan also couldn't stand it anymore. He often turned his head and looked at He Jin with a helmet behind him. He was so anxious to go to him and personally urged him to transform!

Huang Huang: "Green hedgehog has seen Ajin, but he found that Ajin is still human, it seems a little hesitant to approach, but this distance, it is very easy to attack the dark weapon."

Xiao Lan: "Ajin still didn't change. She got a jade flute from her waist... Now she started playing the flute..."

The melodious flute sounds into the ears of every audience, and the whole audience has a black line...

They are wrong, they should not ridicule the pandas of the love team before, compared with this idiot called Ajin, the fence is too cute!

The two hosts also want to cry a bit. Why is it so difficult to explain the first game of the Great God team?

Xiao Lan: "Wait, it seems a bit wrong..."

Huang Huang was reminded, but also focused on seeing: "The amount of green hedgehog seems to be dropping blood."

Barrage - "What is the situation?" "The bowl in front of Ajin seems to be shining!" "Is it open?"

Xiaolan said with excitement: "The flute of the Ajin player seems to have a fatal effect on the green hedgehog. We saw that the green hedgehog player was rolling uncontrollably toward Ajin, but he was not willing to do so, still trying to escape... But it doesn't seem to work..."

The audience stared at the screen with engrossed attention, and saw that the green hedgehog, which had fallen to one-half of the blood, suddenly turned into a green light. The "brush" broke into the bowl in front of Ajin, and then showed A floating box of player status instantly darkens!

〖Warchen player "Ajin" won.

〖War Chen this game has ended, the love team won 1 point.

Audience: "........."

The whole staff was probably silent for half a minute before they burst into exclaim: "What happened in the end? How did the green hedgehog suddenly hang!"

The two hosts also looked like a slap in the face, and the little blue whitly repeated the results of the match: "The amount, the one just won by the Ajin player, the emotional team won a point."

Huang Huang: "To tell the truth, Xiao Lan, I don't understand the situation..."

In fact, Xiao Lan does not know, but as a major commentary, of course he can't say "I don't know" like Huang Huang. He can only guess with a scalp: "I feel that the one used by Ajin players should be some kind of weapon. Like the sputum of the yellow pharmacist in Jin Yong's novels, it blows up and hurts the enemy... As for the bowl, it is probably like the treasure gourd that the fairy collects the demon."

Huang Huang: "Amount, if so, can that be a fairy pet pk?"

Xiao Lan: "Not too bad, but the system is not forbidden. I also decided that A-Jin won this game, so it is not a violation of the rules?"

Everyone: "..."

The people in the waiting team of the emotional team were not surprised that He Jinhui won. After He Jin was able to blow the "Fan Bamboo Music", he went to the Xian Pet Arena to find a plant pet sprite to do experiments, and then told this trick. Bonfire.

The two geniuses of the Wuhuang team are ranked very high on the leaderboard, but only the green hedgehog is a plant system. After analyzing the opponents of the team, the bonfire and the passing of the water decided to let He Jin first go to the battle. If you encounter green hedgehog, use this method. If you haven't encountered it, pure Jin will not necessarily lose to them.

He Jin did not expect to win so quickly: "I always feel that I don't rely on strength pk, a little win."

The water shook the fan and smiled. "There is nothing wrong with this. We have studied the rules. The game is much more than you are wretched. You see the game with the fence." Hey, a girl knows to go to the floating island and then stealth, play tricks, and the result is still stupidly hooked, you two, still too naive."

He Jin: "..." (=_=)

Bonfire: "Don't say more, it's your turn to play."

The second game started, the host Xiao Lan lightly coughed: "Let's forget the game just now, look at the players in the second game. The players sent by the love team are the passing water and his spiritual favor. ""

The moment the pandas were seen, the audience felt intimate for the first time and screamed in a frantic manner. Of course, these fences could not be seen.

Huang Huang: "Their opponents are the 'Grandma Chitose' of the Emperor's team and her spiritual pet 'Rouge Button'."

Xiao Lan: "I believe that many viewers already know the prototype of the hedge. As for the blush button, it is a very cute little rabbit."

Huang Huang: "Don't look at the rouge button is just a rabbit, it is also a favorite pet."

Xiao Lan: "Yes, Rouge is currently ranked eighth in the Fair, which is one higher than the one that has won the fence not long ago."

The map has been refreshed, and the two of them have appeared on a lake island. The women's skirts are flying, the flowers are beautiful, the men's folding fans are a handle, and the style is graceful... a beautiful view of the flowers before the moon!

Huang Huang: "This time the map is very beautiful."

Xiao Lan: "Yes, the map scene was still selected in the evening, and there was a crooked moon in the sky."

But the four opponents did not start to move. They stood silently on both sides of the island, looking at each other... looking at each other... looking at each other...

Huang Huang: "Is the players watching each other?"

Xiao Lan: "Should be... the sentiment of the love team has moved first!"

The passing water did move, but he just moved his left foot slightly and looked at the girl, Chitose said: "Long time no see."

The girl is Chitose: "Yes."

Passing water: "Are you alright?"

Chitose Chitose: "It's very good, I have to worry about hanging."


Xiao Lan: "The two players seem to be old-fashioned, and they have two sentences."

Passing water: "When is it coming back?"

The girl is Chitose: "Three months ago, I heard that I want to holographic, I will be back."

Barrage - "Khan, what chilled two sentences, has more than two sentences?" "What kind of pets have what kind of domesticated master..."

Passing water: "Is it married?"

The girl is Chitose: "Well."

Passing water: "No wonder the name changed, huh, huh."

Barrage - "I rub, I seem to see the green hat on the head of the emperor!" "This goddess and the passing of the past is the old lover?" "Mom, let's play, we are not coming to see you chatting!"

As if with the urging of the player, the fence finally interjected: "Master, open?"

Passing water: "Well, you will play with the bunny first."

Rouge button: "..."

Xiao Lan: "The amount, it seems that this game is a mode of separation between the spirit pet and the domesticated master. The hedge runners have already ran towards the rouge. They started the confrontation very simply... The maiden is still exchanged feelings in Chitose... The fence has been used to display the germination skills, and the rouge buckle has been recruited!"

Huang Huang: "No, the rouge button is disguised. She jumped up and gave a crit to the panda with care. It is a practical and experienced player!"

Xiao Lan: "Their owners have not helped themselves and are still chatting..."

Huang Huang: "The blood volume of the hedge is declining. It seems that under the agile attack of the rouge, Rao is a **** panda."

Barrage - "The trough, the two masters are still chatting, have you made a mistake, the water is gone, your spiritual pet is dying!" "I feel panda pitiful..."

At this moment, I only sighed regretfully after listening to the water: "It seems that there is no time to talk again today.

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