MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 9 Proud family

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Chapter IX: The Proud Family

The proud madman suddenly pulled out a long sword, it seems to be an iron sword, it should be white equipment, there is no gloss, and the proud bloodthirsty has a small dagger, it seems that it is also white equipment!

Seeing a slight change in my look, the arrogant madman laughed and said, "You have also seen, we are three of you, and you are only one person. If you are willing to sell that weapon, I can pay a high price, if you insist not to , Then don't blame me for a sale without capital! "

This proud madman made it clear that he was jealous of my shimmer tomahawk. It seems that this time it can't be good.

So, I smiled and said, "Since this is the case, let's do it, my time is precious!"

The proud madman immediately held an iron sword and hated, "I don't know how to lift!"

At this time, the proud world drifting rain aside held the hand of the proud man and shouted, "Brother! Why are you guilty of old troubles again? Didn't you tell me that you should be a good person in the spirit hall this time, why should you Revenge with others? "

The proud madman smiled: "This boy doesn't know how to promote, I just teach him!"

Ao Shi Piaoyu immediately stood side by side unhappy, pouting: "Then you do it yourself, I will not participate!"

"Hey, bloodthirsty and me are enough!"

The proud madman glanced at me and said, "Such a rookie, I still don't put it in my eyes!"

I hesitated with a smile, and rushed up with a cold look, and the shimmer tomahawk swept away!

"Hey ~!"

A piece of spring mud was split and flew away, but it did not touch the proud madman at all!

Suddenly, the arrogant madman did not conceal the disdain in his eyes, and laughed: "It really is a rookie, bloodthirsty, and made him together!"

The iron sword suddenly fell off, and the proud bloodthirsty did not know when to move to my right, and the dagger came over without warning!

"Hey ~!"

With a little pain, two numbers "24" and "32" floated over my head!

Suddenly, the proud madman and proud bloodthirsty were both frightened and couldn't help saying: "It's ... so high defense!"

Two people combined to strike but only killed less than a quarter of my blood, which made the proud and bloodthirsty horrible. At the same time, their names have become gray for malicious attacks. This is the moment I have to wait!

"Hoo ~!"

The shimmering Tomahawk swept across the air, this time it landed on the bloodthirsty chest of Ao Shi with a very precise sound, and only heard a crisp sound, the sharp axe has already cut off the blood of Ao Shi, and it has melted before falling to the ground Back to the city for Bai Guang!

The proud madman suddenly became furious, rushing up with an iron sword, cursing: "King bastard, kill my brother!"

I said nothing, the shimmer tomahawk flew away from the right side, and smashed into the armpit of the proud man, and saw that the "178" injury number directly came out of his head, but did not hang up. The iron sword also fell on my shoulder and only cut out a poor 27 points of damage!

I couldn't help sneering, passing him by side, and whispering: "Without the ability, don't learn from others to enrich!"


With a crisp sound, the shimmering Tomahawk fell off the shoulder of the proud madman, and flew him directly. The 234 points of damage were enough to hang him a second time!

Instantly killed two assassin players, but I did not increase the half point of the evil value, and the proud madman burst out a few bottles of potion after hanging up, picked it up and threw it into the package. He came to give me supplies. !!

And that proud world drifting rain was frightened, and stood there for a while before saying, "I'm sorry ..."

Probably, she was afraid I would send her back to the city!

I couldn't help laughing, and said, "Go and level up, fight more monsters and less P, then leveling will be faster!"

Aoshi Piaoyu gently nodded, and said "Can't afford it" before turning around and leaving.

After this little farce, I finally embarked on this journey and went to the west of the village to clear the monsters next to the sentry!

Along the way, the little brother Brin ran around, often holding a small axe and shouting at me, but this level 1 mob was completely out of my eyes, and the shimmering tomahawk flickered. , He has already swept the younger brother Brin into the air, gained 10 points of experience, and successfully collected 3 copper coins into his pocket!

According to the settings of Ling Zhi, in China, there are two main cities, and within the jurisdiction of each main city, there are five secondary cities, and small towns are scattered around each secondary city. And small villages, and these small villages are my novice village.

At this time, a large number of players log in to the game. During the peak hours of work, many people even went directly to the game without having dinner. This also caused the crowd in the novice village to be overcrowded very quickly. The village mouth had no way to level up, so the players started March into the forest around the village, of course, there are many high-level monsters waiting for them, which may bring experience and wealth, and may also bring death!

In the west of the village I am going to, many players are killing level 3 brother Brin, and there are even groups of players in groups of three to kill higher-level flame bats and wild wolves. However, in the After I turned over a hill, there were large and small slimes around, and here I finally did not see the rest of the players!

Slime, a green monster like mud, is good at venom attacks, which is very headache, because venom attacks are long-range attacks, these cunning slimes can use the RUN method to take players around the circle, It's miserable!

At this time, a slime rushed towards me, and stopped shortly after I was a few steps away. My body was bent, and suddenly a green juice splashed on me. The pain came, my blood suddenly dropped by up to 70 points!

I couldn't help but look at Slim's attributes quickly—

[Green Slime] (ordinary monster)

Level: 10

Attack: 25-35

Defense: 10

Qi and Blood: 800

Attack type: Venom attack


by! It is actually a level 10 monster! No wonder the difficulty of the task is 80. With my 7 level, I will definitely lose a lot!

Fortunately, I now have bat leather armor and wilderness boots, and the defense has been greatly improved. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will lose more than half of my blood in a second!

Without saying a word, I came forward with an axe, and to my surprise, Slime jumped back and took a step back, and I hit a blow directly!

I couldn't help crying in secret, and quickly stepped forward to catch up with it. This time, I didn't act lightly. After seeing Slime started to move, I waved the battle axe. Swept across the position, Slime was chopped almost deformed, a venom flowed from the wound, and his blood flew off 254 points!

It seems that although Slime's attack is high, the defense is quite poor. It belongs to that type of monster with high attack and low defense, which is very suitable for leveling! Of course, the premise is to have enough blood bottles to supply!

I'm slightly proud. This time I was too prescient. I didn't bring much else, but more potions!

After several Slime dodges, I have completely figured out its movement trajectory. It is almost Slime moving his buttocks and I know where it will escape. The shimmering Tomahawk attack is almost 100%. Hundreds have come to fruition. The blood of a slime is only 800. When I split the fourth axe, it finally made a squeak, and then hung up and burst out some copper coins!

I looked at the records, and a slime gave me 260 points of experience because of my level 3 killing monsters!

My heart is so cool. When others are still killing a Goblin who has experienced 10 points, I have begun to single out this slime I am afraid of attacking!

Far away, there is a humble sentry ahead. Two panicked village militiamen are standing on the sentry, and under the sentry are full of slimes. They have been occupied by them. My task is to They have become my experience and copper coins one by one!

Just 48 copper coins exploded by a slime just now is definitely a rich monster!

Time is precious, continue to move forward carefully, and lead a slime back quickly, and then kill it with an axe and an axe. I can withstand a slime's attack, no matter how much, I am afraid Even if you drink 300 points of potion, you can't resist it. After all, Slime's attack reached a horrible 35 points, that is, I who owns a black iron war boots. If I change someone else, I'm afraid I will be killed immediately It's up!

Time passed by bit by bit, each slime almost took me about a minute or so, killing fast, but it is a technical job to blame, and cited a slime more than a few times, just let I was swallowing the medicine in a hurry, and almost hanged on the spot!

The time of nearly five hours passed quickly. Looking at the actual time in the game, it was already 1 am. I do n’t remember how many Slimes were killed during this time. I only saw the history in my package. The number of Lime medals is increasing, but the disadvantage is that killing so many monsters only exploded me with a level 8 white leggings, defense 9, and put it on directly, so the defense increased by 9 points!

At this time, UU reading I have also reached the 10th level. It stands to reason that the 10th level is ready to go to work. I decided that it would not be too late to go back to Xinshou Village after finishing the task.

There are more and more advanced players around. Many people have joined the ranks of Slime Killer. Among these people, there are already 8 or 9 high-level players, but looking at the entire leveling ground, there is only me. People reached level 10. Moreover, these people obviously did not take the task, and did not burst out of the medal, of course, it is also possible that this task is unique, who knows!

After cutting down a few slimes, a slime medal finally broke out as expected, and the mission can finally be completed!

At this moment, there was a golden light flashing in front of me, and suddenly a shouting roar came. Then, a dozen or so first players were instantly killed!

I saw a huge golden slime raging in the crowd. Every time the golden venom splattered, it would bring out a white light. Those who were still wearing 1 point defense clothes could not compete!

Gold Slime's head bears a few big words: King of Gold Slime!

I couldn't help breathing down, shit! Super finally appeared!