MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1153 Kill without pardon

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Outside the key city, the bustling, crowded players, the emblem of the World's Unparalleled Guilds are one piece. It is more like a premeditated occupation than they came to the key city.

Shadows follow the wind and flurry spring and autumn. The two generals are riding high horses, holding swords in front of the gates, and a group of snowy moon players behind them.

There is no one in the world, the King of Zhongshan Jing and the party of Fang are standing in front of each other, looking at Xueyue's group of people coldly.


"So, Xueyue saw her compatriots in distress, is she going to see her dead?" King Zhongshan Jing said without hesitation.

The shadow followed the wind: "Don't save the dead? In my opinion, aren't you still alive and kicking? In short, the world's unparalleled people don't want to enter the key city half a step, and that's what I said today."

"Huh, is your shelf too big?" Fang Fang took a step forward and said angrily, "Many of us have forgotten to bring back the city scrolls, but just want to enter Tianyao City and teleport to Baiyun City. Do you need to be so aggressive? "

Ranwu Chunqiu laughed and pointed to the west: "Well, Silver Gun City is over there, and the soul of the Seven Star Lanterns is also stationed inside. Wouldn't you go there?"

"Too much bullying!"

Li Fang resentfully said, "Is Xueyue only that kind of energy? I have heard that Xueyue is a teacher of righteousness. It is so sad that my heart is so narrow!"

The shadow was furious with the wind: "One more thing, I promise to send you back to Baiyun City for free immediately!"

Suddenly, King Zhongshan, Tranquility and others escorted.


At this moment, I came out with the Beiming Sword, my face was somber.

King Zhongshan Jingyan's eyes brightened: "The Snow Moon Alliance is here. Let's discuss it. You are one of the most prestigious players in China. I think you should accept your compatriots into the city?"


I pulled out the long sword, pointed at the direction of the square, and shouted, "Silver cymbals and iron rides gather! Just now, kill me the world's unparalleled person. Xueyue is not engulfed. Who dares to attack us, let it be Erase it from the Lingbi map! Kill! No one stays, and Xueyue announces that he will become the enemy of World Warriors! "

Thousands of silver cymbals and iron riders turned on their horses, and the flurry dancing spring and autumn and the shadows could not hold back for a long time, and immediately laughed after seeing my order: "Haha, wait for this sentence, brothers, kill He's falling behind! "

I even entered a state of transformation, flying with my sword!

"Don't think!"

Zhongshan Jingwang Qingjian appeared in front of me, raising his hand was a fierce flame!

I didn't budge, Shenlong cut off head on!


The sword and gas collided, and the pros and cons were judged. The flame of the King of Zhongshan Jing was chopped instantly, and the dragon dragon fell on his forehead without obstruction!


White light flashes, spike!


Several warriors in the world with full armor saw me easily destroy the deputy leader, and suddenly roared and screamed and killed, one after another, full of momentum, swords, tomahawks.


I yelled, swept across the sword, and the whirlwind condensed into a storm. In a blink of an eye, these people were shredded into pieces. Such a mighty attack force made many players in the world look at each other.

At the same time, the shadows followed the wind, flurry dance, and other people also launched into the flock to kill, cyclone flurry, the sword glittering, these two people apparently vented the anger of the destroyed abyss spike in front of this group of people .

In the city, many masters of Xueyue also heard the fight and rushed. Bingzhiyi and Liunianhua were riding on the dragon. Ling Xue, iced tea, and Ling Yue also killed in a celestial stance. The situation was completely one-sided. There is no resistance.

"you you!"

Fang Fang hurriedly turned to leave, but saw only a flash of electricity, I have come to his eyes, raising a foot is a side kick!


He Fang rolled down in the grass, and he embarrassedly climbed up, but was bullied by me, grabbed the collar of the armor, and lifted him all up.

Suddenly, Fang Fang's face turned red, and he was so humiliated in front of many ministries, how can he mix in the future?

"You ... you are not worthy of being with Ling Xue!" Qi Fang stared at me fiercely: "You poor guy is not worthy!"

I threw him heavily on the ground, stepped on eternal boots, and the sword rushed to his neck, saying line by line: "You were originally a poor boy, but the business was done, and I did the same. Desire to others! I tell you today that Ling Xue with me is not determined by my identity or my status. It is only because she loves me. What do you think love is? Single business? Huh, get out of the coffin, this is not your world, get out! "

The sword's head swung, and Fang's head rolled out, and then turned into white light. The Beiming sword was too sharp!

After killing the party, I immediately whistled and flew up, stood in the air, and shouted loudly: "Listen to the world's unparalleled people. Your **** God is counted as a mean and hypocritical man, and he colluded by attacking Tianyao City The city of beast souls led to the fall of Qingfeng City. This kind of person is not worthy of being the leader of the China League. From today onwards, I hope you will rejoin other guilds and come to Xueyue, but after today, I only need to see who The badge is Wushuangxiaxia, killing no pardon! "

As soon as this remark was made, many players in the World's Warriors were stunned, and soon, someone quit the guild.

Ling Yue ordered: "The people in Xueyue listen, only kill those who have the unparalleled emblem of the world on their shoulders!"

As a result, more and more people withdrew from the World Warriors. In fact, these people are willing to follow the party only because they have benefited, or have been fooled by King Zhongshan of Jingshan. After all, many people spend their days leveling and go to work during the day. Who can afford to sort out those intrigues? Therefore, the Golden City has fallen into an abyss, Xueyue chased and killed, and of course, under the situation, not many people are willing to follow.

In a hastily battle, which lasted for about an hour, tens of thousands of peerless players in the field were successfully evolved. Of course, tens of thousands of people were also killed. Many stubborn people were there for the so-called righteousness, humanity , Do not help me.

It's not too early to clean up the battlefield, and several mm have gone offline.


"Qiu Yang, are you online tomorrow?" I asked.

"What's the matter?" Ranwu Chunqiu asked.

"Well, contact the other main guilds in Baiyun City, and all of them will be assembled in the barren land tomorrow to prepare for the national war."

"Who is going to hit this time?" Ranwu Chunqiu couldn't stop excited.

I opened the map and said, "You see, the destruction of the abyss has created this gap, which just separates the barren land from the main cities of the United States, such as the Helm City, Fire Dragon City, and the Hero City. In this way, it is impossible for Americans There is a chance to attack the Chinese region directly, so we can go all out to attack the city of the beast soul, hum, the barbarian throne is too great a threat to the Chinese region, and we can eliminate it as soon as possible to reassure us. "

"it is good!"

Flurry dancing looked at the map, gave me a thumbs-up, and laughed: "The situation of war is changing rapidly, we all just look at the curse that destroys the abyss, but you see the change in the situation, hehe, terrific, it is indeed my leadership Marshal of the Snow and the Moon Conquered ~~ "

"Fuck, is it enough? Let's go to bed early today, if you are busy tomorrow, if you can, start attacking the city of Beast Soul at noon. I and Ling Xue Ling Yue will come to help after work, but I think Even without us, you can win the city of the beast soul. "

"Hey, it ’s a bit tricky for the Barbarian Throne. He ’s the Skyland. You guys are n’t there. I ’m afraid that the single skyland of the Seven Star Lantern is hard to support. After all, if he is singled out, he will be a bit worse than the Barbara.”

I nodded and smiled: "Well, I'll come up as soon as possible, but I believe you, you and the shadow with the wind, the ice of the ice they join forces, ten barbaric thrones do not care!"

"Ha, well, I love to hear that."

"Go offline and rest early."

"Okay, just talk to mm who just hooked up and go offline."



I went offline, there were many nights, and the standard sleep time. Although it was not necessary to go to the company during the day, it was better to go. Now our job is not coping, but responsibility.

The moonlight shines in the villa's small pavilion.

Ling Xue was holding a cup of hot milk tea and was smiling with Dao Huaxiang.

I walked over: "It's so late, you two don't sleep yet."

"Wait a second, sleep on time at 11 o'clock," Ling Xue laughed. "Look at the stars for a while ..."


Sure enough, Da Hua Xiang and Ling Xue both looked up at the sky.

I chanted: "The sky is full of stars, the moon is like a hook, the wolf is shot, the mountains are thousands of miles, the strong man is alone in the Quartet ..."

"What a mess ..." Ling Xue smiled.

I laughed, and hugged her from the back, saying, "This poetic and artistic expression is overflowing. How can you talk in a mess?"

At this time, Daohuaxiang coughed and laughed: "Brother, don't be fooled if I don't exist, okay? My big bulb ... is really bright ..."

Saying, Daohuaxiang stepped into the hall three or two, and the voice came: "I wash and sleep ~ ~ you talk slowly ~"

Ling Xue and I looked at each other and smiled, this sister is really considerate.

Ling Xue turned around, her soft body fell in my arms, raised her face, and her beautiful eyes flashed with a sly smile: "Are you tired these days?"

"Tired." I nodded subconsciously: "There are too many things to deal with. In the company, in the game, there are too many."

Ling Xue raised his mouth, "I have to cope with my sister and Qin Yun, right?"

"That's not ..."

"Also, you haven't hugged me like this for a long time ..." Ling Xue smiled a little bit strangely.

Her dark gemstone-like eyes looked at me deeply, the snowy cheeks glowed in the moonlight, the rosy lips opened slightly, and I couldn't help kissing.

"唔 ... 唔 ..."

Ling Xue groaned, and she was attentive. For a time, the world seemed to have only two of us left.