MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1134 Super black hand

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But I never thought that the candle shadow suddenly moved, the body was only slightly tilted, and the artifact sword of that place actually parried my Beiming Sword, and it was very accurate!


Mars splattered, Candle Shadow turned his wrist suddenly, and Jian Feng swept over lightly.

I couldn't help it, absolutely master, the direction of this sword is exactly where my weakness is, neck!

Leaning my head, turning my figure, swinging my opponent's sword with a shield, and at the same time, I kicked my foot from below to the shadowy chaotic chin!


The eternal boots kicked on his shield, this kid is so quick!

"Rustic ..."

The combat boots stepped back on the crushed stones and looked back at me in amazement. Obviously, my level of operation surprised him.

"Unexpectedly, there are still people in China who respond so quickly ..." Chan Ying said lightly.

It is not possible to chat during the game, and at this time I also felt that my blood began to boil. I originally intended to use it to control the enemy's Dragon Binding, and the ruling was not used. Wouldn't it be a pity to fight heartily!

"Who are you, anyway?" I smiled and said, "In my impression, the strongest person in South Korea is the full moon dance, but you are much stronger than him."

Candle Shadow Chao smiled slightly: "I'm called Candle Shadow Chao, FF Team Ace Fighter. People call me the Star Emperor. This time, I was invited to enter Ling Ling, and I have been killing monsters in the mountains. I thought that Ling Ling was full of fame, and I did not expect that the defending champion of s1 would have such a little skill, let us let it go! "

"Right on my mind!"

Candle Shadow drunk a bottle of red potion, and burst into tears!

I greeted me with a "hey" smile. I have heard of the FF team and almost won the championships of cg over the years. In the Chinese virtual sports project, I once won a cg championship, but then fell flat. Almost all of them have won the Koreans again and again, and this candle shadow chaos seems to be the ace of the FF team. In this case, this person's virtual competitive position is indeed much higher than the full moon dance music!

In other words, although the full moon dance is the leader of the Korean team this time, but his level is not even worth the shoes in front of the candlestick!


The North Sword seems to have gone violently. There are several swords between the electric light and flint, but all of them are blocked by the long shadow of the candle shadow chaos. The damage caused is also very limited. This person is too powerful, no matter the reaction Both the degree and the ability to predict have reached a point where people can point.

"It's me!"

The candle shadow chaos seems to kill the sex. A long sword is a triple combo, attacking from three directions, up, left, and right, and the attack speed is as fast as lightning!

I laughed aloud, and Beiming Sword blasted out. Two slaps opened the left and right attacks. At the same time, my head avoided the third attack, but the whole man rubbed his body and lunged forward. The left fist whistled and whistled. , Hit on the chest of candle shadow chaos!



The strength is too strong, the candle shadow chaos can't stand it completely, and the blood and blood suddenly dropped a lot. The whole person was backed up with a punch full of the power of the heavens, hit the railing, and almost fell. Already. URL

I am the finale of Xueyue, and the candle shadow is in the third place, as is the finale.

To be honest, with the skills and equipment, I can completely solve the battle in seconds, but this enemy is too rare. In my judgment, this person's operation should be in the wind and the moon, a dust and shadow with the wind Up, it's on par with me.

However, he lost the chance and the equipment gap, he has no chance at all.


Beiming Sword brought a trace of cyclone waves. When it reached the 47th sword, Candle Shadow Chaos finally lost, and the waist was bare, and the flaw was wide open!

I raised my kick and kicked it. Who ever thought he had a smile, the iron fist opened his palm, suddenly grabbed the blade of the eternal boots, and at the same time came the wind, and a fierce punch hit Up my chest.

I also laughed, and suddenly my right leg suddenly kicked away with the energy of Whirlwind!


Candle shadow stunned, I was inserted into my chest with a sword, blood splattered, and finally fell!

1: o, scored a small point, no one expected that it would be so laborious for me to take this point!


Came to the sidelines, Ling Xue laughed joyfully: "Student, yes, it's amazing!"

I was embarrassed and said, "Are you ridiculing me? To an s5 person, I was so embarrassed ..."


The little beauty took my shoulder and waved her little hand in front. A series of data appeared like a slideshow, it was personal data!

Ling Xue shouted: "Well, I just checked it, Candle Shadow Chaos, the absolute main force of the FF team, three consecutive cg and pem star champions, known as the star emperor, this person's level of operation and consciousness is the world's first One, but you won him by the operation, hee hee, you are too strong, I decided to fan you in the future ... "


I frowned, looking at the data, this guy is really good, but in the previous battle, in fact, my operation was not a solid win, but I won a little bit, depending on the state, I ’m not in a good state someday It is estimated that it will lose to Candle Shadow.

"I didn't expect that there is such a strong person in Korea. Will this person threaten us in the future?" Bingcha asked.

I shook my head: "It's difficult, as long as he doesn't fly into the sky domain, that will basically not be a threat, and the Korean server players don't even have the main city now, and the chance of ascending to the sky domain is infinitely close to zero!"

"Oh, that's true! Come on, the second game!"


Playing on the field again, what was unexpected was that Candle Shadow humbly lifted his sword and laughed: "Forget it, I know you just made me intentionally, and even the skills are useless, so in this game, I confess to losing. See you at s1, I'll surprise you! "

Said, Candle Shadow abstained!

The first seed team knelt up!

Outside the field, thunderous applause burst out, even we could hear in the game.

Out of the field, Xueyue has already been promoted to the top 32. Feier ran over with the camera crew members to interview her. Ling Xue and Qin Yun and I pushed Ling Yue over for an interview. We couldn't resist this situation.

In the distance, the helpless face of Phoenix and Full Moon Dance, and the man named Sky Fissure didn't even have the opportunity to play, it's a shame.


The full moon dance music shouted after chasing, while the candle shadow chaos was carrying his backpack and planned to leave without looking back. He didn't buy the full moon dance music account. The club's car was already picked up when he left the house. No trace.

This star emperor is proud and proud. I was frustrated this time and I will definitely be ashamed. I do n’t know what it looks like next time. Maybe I have completed the Wilderness, the City of the Beast Soul, and the Helm Canyon. Unity, Korean server players linger in the wilderness, at that time, candle shadow chaos may not have the intention to play s1 again.


Go to the stage, sit down in the player's seat, the staff brought drinks and fruits, and the service was quite attentive.

Continue to watch the game. After several consecutive fierce battles, several teams from Europe also advanced to the top 16.

"It's almost time to return to the battle robe!" Bing Cha said.

"Well, see how they are doing."

I looked at the big screen, Qixing Deng and others have already come on stage. Their opponent is a team from Brazil. A group of handsome young men with black paint are violently killed with Qixing Deng.

As a result, Qixing Lantern killed his opponents at 2: o, Xiaofeng's lingering moon was 2: o, rice paper was yellowed at 2: o, and clean 6: o got the clever boys.

The seven-star lamp is full of smiles. Obviously, those people are not taken into account. On the big map of Ling Ling, the n countries of South America share a main city. Their strength is too inferior. In China, the United States, India, South Korea, etc. The eyes of the gaming powers are nothing at all.

Soon after, War Souls got the team from Poland 4: 1, dreamed back Snow Moon 3: o defeated the team from Morocco, the four teams in the Chinese area all reached the top 16, and the Russian snow At night, Japan ’s Tianyi, and India ’s brutal throne, these teams have also advanced to the top 16. At more than 4 pm, the top 16 have all surfaced. These strong teams will decide the final championship tomorrow.

"Championship, a proof of sky flying, priceless treasure!" Ling Xue grinned.

I nodded: "Well, if you can get the Skyfield Ascension Certificate, then Ling Yue and Qin Yun will point."

"Hehe, there is a show!" Ling Yue smiled brightly.


After dinner, several millimeters of the studio gathered in my room. Basically, the top 16 teams are now discussing the strategy for tomorrow. Everyone knows the weight of the s1 champion. This is the international virtual competition. At top events, reaching the top of the championship means that it has become a generation king.

Moreover, the mVp reward of s1 has surfaced this time. A sky-level ascension proves that this weight is even more important. A sky-level ascension proves that it can create a level sky-level warrior, and the sky-level warrior is almost the leader of this war era. Or, a guild with a celestial warrior is bound to become a guild. Even the leader of the alliance will have a weight, because he has an ace in his hand.

Ice tea opened the notebook. On the official forum in China, the top 16 of the s1 World Cup has appeared——

[Group A vs.]

Battle Spirit Vs Black Ocean

Elegy Vs Gentle Night

[Group B matchup]

Blue Sky (Croatia) Vs Wind Magic Altar

Snow Moon Vs God Forge

[Bsp; Soul Return Tabard Vs Tiger League

Dream Back Snow Moon Vs Storm

[Group D match]

Dark World Vs Matador

Sky Rain Vs Bloody Battle


Iced tea took a deep breath: "This lottery ~ ~ is really not good."

I smiled slightly: "No matter how bad it is, it's better than the soul returning robes. In the first round, I met the barbaric throne, the black hands of the Seven Star Lamp!"

"Ha ha……"

A few mm smiled attentively. [] Fastest update

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