MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 1562 Fodu has a fate! I? Missed!

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Heaven and earth, only I have exclusive respect!

The Record of the Great Tang Western Regions records that when Shakya was born, she set off to the West and raised her right hand to sing the chanting haiku: Heaven and earth, only I have the esteem.

Of course, if the words are understood in accordance with the original meaning of Buddhism, it does not mean that Shakyamuni has a distinguished identity that transcends all things in the world, but that all beings have "no birth, no death, no dirt, no purity, no increase, no decrease." Naive Buddhahood.

Although it is just a haiku, it also represents the great magical ancestors of Shakyamuni.

Utilizing 1,080 beads that have been blessed by the Dharma of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and His Holiness in Lingshan, each of them is an unparalleled weapon to lower demons and demons, and Dangkya Muni uses his powerful Dharma The liberation of the Buddha's power in it, the power released in it can even easily open a new world in the **** realm formed by Jehovah's Genesis.

It's just that the power of the beads is powerful, but Sakyamuni, who liberated the beads, is not half happy. If the man who manipulated the Genesis Godland was Jehovah, then at the moment of liberating the sacred bead, the power of Shakyamuni broke through the Genesis Godland but only two or three rounds, but under the manipulation of Leyuan, Shakyamuni felt only himself Although it can support a piece of Buddha soil, it still cannot break the entire Genesis Godland.

"Amitabha ... I don't go to hell, who will go to hell!" Shakyamuni, who controls the entire 1,088 beads, put all the beads back into his golden body, and in the next second, Shakyamuni As if it turned into a gold statue made of pure gold, the whole person Jin Chancan was so dazzling, "... All beings are bitter, and only the divine blessing is a blessing. Your trip is a devastating act. Can you turn back to shore and let go? The world's billions of souls have a way of life? "

Absorbing all the 108 beads is equivalent to Shakyamuni's ingestion of countless Buddhas, Buddhas, etc. into his own body, even if this does not mean that these Buddhas can cultivate with Shakyamuni himself. The power is the same, but the power that can be strengthened in an instant is terrible. At least at this time, Shakyamuni, who is shown by his golden body, has the strongest power among the seven **** kings today. The other six people may not be able to surpass today's Shakyamuni with all their strength.

Heaven demons disintegrate?

Seeing that Shakyamuni's strength is on the rise, it looks like there is no end. Such a trick ca n’t be played desperately by Le Yuan who does n’t want the disintegration of the demon. It ’s just that Shakyamuni ’s trick is not his own life, but the strength of the 108 beads. After the first battle, the beads did not say that they had completely lost their power, but they also needed to be blessed by Buddha's power again in the time of 10,000 years.

"Very good!" Looking at Shakyamuni's breath gradually stabilizing, Le Yuan nodded in affirmation. There is no doubt that Shakyamuni, who has desperately desperately reached the limit almost impossible for masters of the kingdom of God, is so capable that Shakyamuni can fully hit the black holes of the celestial bodies with one blow, instead of simulating the power of black holes, but directly creating a Real black hole.

However, Shakyamuni did work very hard, but if it is only these strengths, the two sides are not on the same level at all. Le Yuan had already reached the zero point of God ’s kingdom when he broke through the Douro continent. When he left the world for promotion, he did n’t know what state he had broken into. The only thing he knew was that even today ’s Shakyamou Neh still has no threat to him.

The ultra-dimensional state edge is directly beneficial to the invincible position. No matter how Shakyamuni ’s strength is improved, he cannot eventually improve his dimensionality. This is the qualitative gap between the two sides.

"Amitabha, Your Majesty | I have the mark of my Buddha in my body, but a person with a Buddha nature and a Buddha heart. Today I will do my best to make you a Buddha!"

At the same time as Shakyamuni ’s words were finished, the golden body was completely shrouded in golden light. Even if the Buddha ’s power is the altar of the sacrifice, the outside world can feel it. Among the other four **** domains.

The Donggong God Realm Lingshan, as the deity realm of Shakyamuni, is gathered here from all worlds.

Divine Realm is the focus of most mission worlds, whether you are the Goddess of Mercy in the Journey to the West or the Goddess of Mercy in the White Snake. As long as they are lifted from the original world, they will be promoted to the God Realm because they will Similar flowers produce communion. You have me and you have me, but the only thing that is constant is that there is only one Guanyin in the divine realm.

The Buddha's power in Shakyamuni continued to spread, and even the Lingshan, which was more than tens of thousands of light years old, was shrouded in the Buddha's power of Shakyamuni.

"Amitabha, I am compassionate!"

Feeling the decisive meaning of Shakyamuni among the Buddha's power, all the Buddhas in Lingshan shouted the Buddha's name one by one.

Feeling sad or painful?

No! For today's Lingshan, even if Sakyamuni died because of this battle, it is not an unbearable loss ~ ~ Every mission world Sakyamuni may become a new deity Sakyamuni Neh.

Even if the strength of Shakyamuni who has just entered the realm of God cannot reach the level of God's kingdom, but through the low-dimensional Sakyamuni in the quest world, he is promoted to the realm of God. Master of God's kingdom, that is Nirvana belonging to Shakyamuni.

However, compared to the calmness of Lingshan, other masters of the God Realm of the God Realm, after feeling the action of Shakyamuni, invariably chose to leave for the capital city.

Since Shakyamuni's power can spread so far, he must be fighting. And the **** world can bother a master of the kingdom of God to fight to such an extent that it must be a master of the kingdom of God.

Although there is no invincible treaty on the surface of the gods, almost all the masters of the gods will stop the unnecessary battle after the king of the kings. Therefore, although the people below have been fighting for hundreds of millions of years, there is no **** of the kings. Masters of the realm participate in the battle.

Now Shakyamuni has broken this convention, and the reason must have caused the curiosity of countless masters of God.

For a moment, the masters of countless gods in all directions gathered idle in the capital city.

In the altar of sacrifice, Le Yuan was completely unaffected in the face of Shakyamou's outbreak, without any reaction at all.

"Drinking Buddha is here, the Buddhas are not here!"

With the power of Shakyamuni's body covering the whole floor, Leyuan, which had no response at all, even appeared a small amount of Buddha's power in the body to react to Shakyamuni.

The spirit formed by the Sutra Meditation and the dharma practice in the Xuanyuan Sword World were awakened under the influence of Shakyamuni. rw more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone reading school