MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 1518 Eventual integration, dimensional combat opens

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Douro calendar in 2665, for Tang Sanlai, who has become a god, now 34 years old, he has achieved the achievements that countless people can't achieve in a lifetime. He has been promoted to the realm of God in the form of human beings. Such achievements are in the history of Doula Among them is a miracle that will never be seen for thousands of years. x updates the fastest

And unlike seekers such as Poseidon, Tang San did not gather mainland beliefs to achieve the godhead. He was more or less cared for by his predecessor Yu Yin. Therefore, when he became a god, he was more like a human than a god, and did not choose to be alone. To go to the divine realm, on the contrary, I want to take my relatives and friends to ascend the divine realm together.

It is only limited by the rules of the divine realm. Second, because of the self-cultivation of Tang San, Tang San ca n’t break the rules of the divine realm without limit to bring everyone into the divine realm, so he can really enter the divine with him. The people in the world are rather limited. With more people, Tang San cannot even guarantee the safety of everyone.

"What? Dad, mom, are you going to stay in Douro? Don't you leave with me?"

Although Tang San had contacted his parents several years ago and even notified his parents that he would leave Doulau, he did not expect that his parents would choose to stay when he was about to leave.

"Ah, here is our hometown after all. There are too many, too many memories of us. Besides, you have grown up, and you have a person you love, and a person who loves you. You do n’t need our care. We are very satisfied ... "

Tang Hao held his wife A Yin on the shoulder, and there was nothing in his face about the sorrow when he was about to be separated from his son. On the contrary, it was an unprecedented satisfaction on his face. The son has become a god, has a beautiful and loves his wife (dance), and the hope of his half-life hard work has also had results, and his wife has been resurrected. What kind of dissatisfaction does Tang Hao have in this life?

As a mother of Tang San, A Yin also did not want to follow Tang San to go to the divine realm. Knowing his son Moruo, she knew best how much pressure Tang San would face if he really asked to do so. The existence of the divine realm is actually very attractive. After all, God is an immortal existence in the eyes of man. Just an infinite life is enough to attract a large number of people to ask Tang San to take them to the divine realm.

As a parent, naturally, he can't cause trouble for his son, so Tang Hao and A Yin made a good discussion. It is good for Tang San to take the dance to the **** world. As for other people, they will stay in the Douro continent. Even if they die old in Douro, it is not a blessing. After all, there is life and death.

Tang Sanhe Wu also thought about bringing master Yu Gang and goddess Liu Erlong to the **** world, but the two also refused.

Yu Gang has been inseparable from Doulau. His meaning in life has been verified in the Wuhun Federation, and the theory of the ten core competitiveness of Wuhun that has never been understood has gradually become a reality one by one. He is in Douluo. In the world, even those people who have resurrected Lan Dian Zongmen gradually regard it as a key figure in the revival of Lan Dian Zong. How can Yu Gang leave in such an environment?

And Liu Erlong was purely married with chicken and chicken with dog and dog. Now that she has become Yu Gang's wife, naturally where Yu Gang is, she will stay. Although she is also reluctant to dance with her daughter, this is her life choice after all.

Walking around, Tang San finally found that it seemed that only his wife and his wife, Dai Mubai, were able to leave Douluo mainland with him.

Not all of the Shrek Seven Monsters have been able to travel to the realm without concern. Oscar itself has become a **** with the help of Le Yuan, but his **** is the **** of the world and is not restricted by the laws of the realm. Zhu Zhuqing achieved the same truth in the throne, while Ning Rongrong was also married to Oscar and is now working hard to become a god. Although Ma Hongjun did not become a god, but after marrying Bai Chenxiang, he felt that he would not have a long life. It is no longer important to become a god. In this state of mind, his strength has become more and more sophisticated.


With all the people who wanted to take and those who couldn't take have come to an end, Tang San finally chose to ascend the **** world in an ordinary day.

When Tang San directly mobilized Shura's divine power to resonate with the divine realm of different dimensions, all the Leyuans in Doula mainland that he had already controlled, felt the change of that dimension for the first time.

"Everyone is in place, fighting in dimensions, start! Continent enchantment, open!"

For the arrival of this day, Le Yuan had already arranged everything, and waited almost every moment in this last year. When Tang San felt the change, his voice spread to everyone's ears.

Those who heard Le Yuan's order automatically entered their posts without exception, and began the so-called dimensional warfare according to the plan ~ ~ The mainland enclave was opened, and the mainland advancement plan with the original mainland The mainland enchantment that opened at that time is different. After more than ten years of transformation, the continental enchantment has already covered the two continents of Chuangyuan and Doulau, and the intensity of the enchantment is ten times stronger than before. More than that, this strength can even prevent the constant attacks of masters of the gods.

As the battle room at the center of the Chuangyuan continent, Yui Kita No. 3, which came to the Douro world as a Yui suit, has mobilized all the calculations, calculated all the monitoring and feedback data, and continuously calculated the space, time, The changes in dimensions and energy are fed back to the most display. Almost everyone is ready to go. Everyone has been honed for too long for this day.

The light curtain rising from the edge of the two continents completely enveloped the entire continent. Although such a vision cannot be blocked if it wants to be blocked, but the two major federations have operated the continent for so many years and have already possessed absolute dominance. Therefore, when the broadcast notified all business as usual, it did not cause any commotion. After all, the major things that the Wuhun Federation and the Chuangyuan Federation did are not one or two. Although the scene this time was bigger, it did not affect it. The life of a normal person is so calm at the moment the light curtain rises.

The enchantment of the mainland encloses the Doulau continent, but this enchantment has not affected Tang San's ascension at all. The enchantment of the continent is seen as nothing under the influence of divine power, and the dimensional channel is opening. The industry simply cannot effectively shield.

"Very good, the start of the deduction, and receive the signal with full force! Be sure to confirm the accuracy of the positioning!"


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