MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 1508 Soul Beast

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None of the people invited to the banquet were stupid. They almost seemed to be careless almost at the same time as they arrived at the banquet. In fact, all eyes were watching all the arrangements present at the scene and observing the surrounding environment. .

Take a panoramic view of the entire banquet venue. If there is anything worthy of note, it is probably the seating arrangements.

As said before, the invited people are divided into East and West seats. Sitting to the east has basically included top figures from all forces in Doulau. The title Douluo has become a rotten existence here. Whether it is known or not, it is now concentrated together. The title Douluo has exceeded one hundred.

It can be said that now all the people who should be invited have been invited. Nearly one hundred invitees can't think of anyone other than them, who will be invited, and they are still on the other side of the west seat. People don't seem to be on the side at all.

But soon a group of people saw the "persons" who were seated, and saw that "persons" with independent dressing characteristics entered the banquet hall, as if they had been rehearsed, one by one, guided to their seats.

Of course, although the dressing characteristics are independent, but none of the words to be said are really sorry to the audience, not to mention handsome men and pretty women are considered to be worthy. Of course, if there is any problem, it is that the expressions of this group of people are stiff, and some of them are weird and seem to smile ...

In a word, although this group of people seems to be not weak, even the title Douluo can only get a rating of not being weak. As for what kind of strength the group of people has in front of them, few can see Clear.

"San brother, are they ..."

Just after the group of people sitting on the western seat appeared, the small dancer who was sitting beside Tang San suddenly stiffened, leaning his body on Tang San's body involuntarily, it seemed that this was the only way to bring her A little sense of security.

Of course, I do n’t know if one of the people sitting on the western seat has a little dance. The other one who responds a little is Tang San ’s mother. As a silver incarnation of the 100,000-year-old Emperor Silver, her cultivation is still Above the small dance, the response to the group of people was stronger.

Perhaps some people's breath has changed, but in this group of more than 50 people who entered the Western Sea, A Yin felt too much familiar soul and beast breath.

One hundred thousand years soul beast? similar?

If you do n’t want to rush through the 100,000-year-old soul beast, you can choose to transform humans into a hundred human beings as human beings. However, there are always a few who will make this choice. When will there be so many similar humans? Is it?

After waiting for a group of people with different minds to guess the identity of the coming person, as the host of the banquet, they were introduced to everyone when the new group came in.

I saw that the person who first entered the Xi seat went straight to the third seat. The Chinese character face was domineering, as if it were a born superior. Even Dai Mubai, who had been the King of the Star and Luo Empire, did not have him. Domineering.

"The highest ruler of the Star Forest, the king of millions of soul beasts, the head of the ten biggest beasts on the mainland, the beast **** emperor heaven! Built for 890,000 years, the black dragon tribe chief, the golden-eyed black dragon king ..."

The introduction of Jie Yi was exactly the same, but as the introduced person (beast?), Di Tian's face had no joy, on the contrary, the dark face did not look good to anyone.

However, although Di Tian was not happy about it, many people sitting on the east side changed their faces dramatically. After all, Di Tian's identity was too shocking. Not to mention, just the 890,000 years of cultivation is enough to shock a group of duoluo who can practice for up to a hundred years. This is the terrible part of the soul beast. How many thousands of years of cultivation can it be? Even if it is cultivated to death, there are no more than a thousand people to compare?

The total cultivation time of all the people present is probably not as much as the days before Emperor Heaven. What really shocks countless people is the cultivation time of souls and beasts. Can it exceed the limit of 100,000 years?

However, after the shock, some people looked at the two seats in front of Ditian. If Xiu ’s order is fixed according to the rules of the East Sea, would n’t it mean that even Tiantian ’s super beast who has been cultivated for 890,000 years is Can it be ranked third?

The strength of the soul beast side is too terrible, but since Di Tian has been called the king of millions of soul beasts, what are the other two's identities to be able to surpass Di Tian's strength?

In the first and second seats, you did n’t see anyone sitting on the table, but in the next fourth and subsequent positions, according to the ranking of the top ten beasts, some people have entered the position one after another.

The fourth evil eye tyrant dominates the evil emperor (evil monarch), and has been cultivated for nearly 800,000 years. It is one of the strongest soul beasts worthy of deeds. After the spiritual soul beast has been cultivated to such a degree, it is even more disadvantageous ~ www ~ Even Emperor Tian must be cautious when facing evil emperors.

The fifth Xidi and Ice Emperor, a pair of Lily came together successfully after surrendering to Leyuan, but this was only to make Tianmeng annoyed for a long time, only to get rid of the trouble not long ago.

The sixth emerald swan ...

Until the last person took the seat, the human side found that the original soul beast's power was so terrible. Compared with the top-level title Doulana, it was not bad. Even in terms of comprehensive strength, the soul beast was still on the human side. Above.

However, the first and second seats are still vacant, and whoever belongs to these two seats can be said to be quite noticeable.

Soon, another person appeared in front of everyone.


When seeing this person, almost everyone felt a weak feeling of being a prey to be targeted. That feeling is very strange to the group of people who are already standing on the top of the Doula mainland pyramid. Therefore, When it appeared, it felt like a dream.

Even if Emperor Tian, ​​the king of millions of souls and beasts on the mainland, sees this newly emerged strong man, he has a kind of back feeling, as if there really is a person who can compete with him. Strong enemy.

Unfamiliar breath, unfamiliar faces, and of course strange souls and beasts.

Regarding this soul beast that appeared in front of him and seemed to be above his own strength, Di Tian was asking a question without knowing it. Not only did Di Tian not have an impression, but even the soul beast that Xue Di lived in the Chuangyuan continent was also This newly emerged soul beast did not have the slightest impression.

The audience was aggressive, of course, there was a person who reacted slightly, feeling the feeling of being away from the strange soul and beast, Tang San only felt that it was a soul and beast that he could not forget, and the feeling was no less than the shock of Wulei.
