MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 1501 Agreement 3, and Continental Unification

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After one year, the mainland was unified. When Le Yuan told this fact, Tang San already knew that this was probably Leyuan ’s ultimatum. No matter how he protested, he could n’t reverse this fact, unless he could This beats Le Yuan, but ... is it possible?

Le Yuan's true body is still unknown to Tang San, and even the means by which Le Yuan brought him to this place cannot be seen clearly.

"Right, you say you want revenge?"

While Tang San was still thinking about how to arrange the Tang Men and how the Star-Roman Empire dealt with another continent that was about to arrive, Le Yuan suddenly turned to the topic of Le Yuan's revenge.

"Ah? Ah! That's right!" Tang Sanyi stunned and immediately responded, "I really want to take revenge! Those fierce beasts should be left by you, otherwise they won't live at all now, then they will You also have an inescapable responsibility for my brother's shot. I don't plan to get revenge on you, but they have to sacrifice my brothers for death! "

"Okay, you want to kill, I have no opinion!"

"What, you want to maintain ... wait, you just said ... no opinion?"

Tang San was stunned again this time, and Le Yuan's response was completely beyond his expectations. Wasn't Le Yuan so hard-hearted to keep Emperor Tian's attitude? In a blink of an eye, it seems that Emperor Tian is just a cat and a dog, as if he can give up at any time.


It's no wonder that Tang San would speculate on Le Yuan with this kind of mind. After all, the attitude of Le Yuan and the current attitude are basically judged by two people. Will normal people have such a big change? Isn't this schizophrenia?

It is clear that Le Yuan is not schizophrenic, so the only reason for such a change is that Le Yuan has ulterior motives, which will temporarily change his mind.

"Do you doubt? Do you doubt me, are you planning something?" Le Yuan's avatar has no difference from the expression on ordinary people. I have a sad look on my face. Of course, I only have to ask him if this is the emotion. Myself.

"..." Tang San didn't answer. He didn't read the mind, he could only guess Le Yuan's thoughts according to his own psychology.

"Forget it, you guys don't seem to be as clever as before ... Let me put it this way, Di Tian them you can kill, but if you kill, what can I get? Although I am not Di Tian's nanny, but yours The behavior also brought me losses, so do you know the equivalent exchange? It is not a good boy's idea to get nothing for nothing. What do you ... want to give? "

"Give it? Don't I even avenge my brother, now I need to pay you the benefits? Teacher Le Yuan ... You are really an unprofitable person, don't you think this is a fallacy? ? "

Tang San smiled anxiously. He couldn't understand Le Yuan's brain circuit. How could he think of Tang San as a person who wanted to get revenge and give it a benefit.

"It doesn't matter if it's not good, I just need you to promise me a few more restrictions, then you can kill them at any time!" Le Yuan said, and Tang San's face suddenly showed such an expression. Perhaps when the two words of the condition were spoken, Tang San felt that Le Yuan's performance was normal.

"Conditions? Teacher Le Yuan, this is a good idea for you. You should also know that every word and deed after becoming a **** represents our true heart. Words must be believed and actions must be fruitful. This is our style of behavior. If we really agree Having your conditions means that I must bear the consequences for this. Do you think I will still agree to the conditions just like before? "

Tang San, who had suffered a loss, this time, he was not prepared to agree to the conditions of Xia Yueyuan casually, and even when he heard the words of the conditions, he was as alert as a nervous person.

"Rest assured, this time the threshold of restrictions is very low, and you will not be asked to do excessive things! You should also know that the development of the times cannot be prevented by individuals, so I hope you will stand up and support after the integration of the two continents Federal rule, of course, all you need is to make a statement. Do you also want stability in Doulau? "

After Le Yuan said the first request, Tang San didn't say anything. Although the request was just a statement, he actually let Tang San team, which will largely dispel the resistance of Wuhun Federation. The enthusiasm of the forces.

"The second requirement is that you want to kill Emperor Tian. With your strength, you can make him die very rhythmically. Since this is the case, my requirements are also very simple. Don't destroy his flesh quality and keep him when he dies. Is there a problem with the integrity of the body? "

It is still a requirement that needs to be considered. Does Tang San's way of revenge take into account the feelings of Emperor Tian? According to Tang San's idea, he ca n’t wait to cramp and skin, how to dispel hate.

"The third requirement, I want you to complete the third agreement originally agreed. I will leave the customs in five years. I need you to enter the Divine Realm at some point five years later. At that time, I hope you will bring One thing goes to the divine realm, of course you take things and go with the divine realm and take care of it with you, you just need to bring in the divine realm ~ ~ Is there a problem? "

Three demands, three thoughts, no one knows the changes in Tang San's heart.

Tang San thought for a long time before leaving this place closest to the Sea of ​​Dirac, and reappeared on the mainland of Doula.


Tang San never mentioned it on his own initiative. When asked by Xiaowu about the details of going to Doulau, Tang San always avoided it. Perhaps the most decadent experience for Tang San was probably Doulau. Trip.

It seems that it is impossible to change the control of the two continents by Le Yuan, and this situation is probably the most unwilling to change in the heart of Tang San.

What is positive and what is evil.

Perhaps as early as the beginning of Leyuan's guidance of Wuhundian to become the Wuhun Federation, it has become completely chaotic. The former three sects that originally represented justice are evil in front of the Wuhun Confederation, which now represents advanced nature. Under the interference of the sectarian forces that want to overthrow the continuous progress of Doulau, the civilians of Doulau have long been unable to stand the kind of past. life.

The perfect victory is also the most helpless victory.

The time passed just a little, the Zongmen forces resisted sporadic. Now that there is no new god-level fighting power, the fighting spirit champion of the Wuhun Federation Doula mainland, Tang San did n’t come out to make troubles, and directly took the place in the Wuhun Federation. It is only a matter of time before the two-level gods of Xunxue and Bibidong become the ruled area of ​​the Wuhun Federation.

Douro calendar In March 2657, the Chuangyuan continent finally collided with the west coast of Doula continent. On the day of the collision, the whole Douro continent generally experienced a magnitude of more than three magnitudes, and the highest area of ​​the collision reached a magnitude nine earthquake. It disappeared completely after a month. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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