MTL - Very Happy-Chapter 31 Counting dumplings

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The uniform breathing sound of the children and the noise of the studio were heard on the phone. Yan Ting didn't hang up the phone, but pushed open the door connecting to the lounge on the side, and the suit was lying on it.

In the quiet room, his breathing was fused with the breathing sound in the mobile phone, and the hustle and bustle of the brain finally got a moment of peace.

The drowsiness gradually came, and there was a blank cloud in front of him, as if the fat lamb skipped.

"Li Zhao, Li Zhao!" Song Yu looked for most of the set, and found Li Zhao, who was nesting on a chair, covered in a coat and slept soundly. He stretched out his feet and tried to pinch the chair, but reached halfway and closed his legs. After coming back, poking Li Zhao's forehead expressionlessly: "It's your show with the surname Li."

In a haze, Li Zhao subconsciously covered the phone's microphone, not wanting to make Yan Ting's voice here.

"Brother Song?" Li Zhao opened his eyes, and as soon as he got up, he was snored by the cold wind. He put his ears to the earpiece and listened carefully. He heard only a faint breath, and Tingting should sleep. It's written.

He hung up and thanked Song Yu: "Thank you for waking me up, Song."

"If it's not for you to play with your opponent, who wants to take care of you." Song Yuchi laughed and looked casually at Zhao Junnan, who was chatting with a few small actors: "Since he joined the group, the crew will play our schedule It's messy, and you have the most night shows. "

Who can take night shows for three consecutive days until three or four in the morning?

"Your work team doesn't work with salary alone. They don't talk to the crew about this kind of thing?" Song Yu glanced at the dark circles on Li Zhao's face: "Or is your company going to be wronged for the benefit of this show? you?"

"Zhao Zhao, let's drink some hot tea to refresh yourself." Da Ke brought hot tea to Li Zhao, followed him, and the makeup artist of the crew.

"It's hard for you, you can go back to the hotel to rest first. Just wake me up tomorrow morning." Li Zhao looked at the time and told Da Kedao: "I'm fine here, and I can go back to bed after filming."

"It's okay, I can just lie down on the RV for a while." Da Keyi pointed out: "The company heard that you have been shooting night shows one after another for two days, and worried that your body can't stand it. Convenience."

When the makeup artists heard this, they knew that Strawberry Entertainment was not satisfied with the crew's arrangement. One of them turned around and told the crew about it while everyone wasn't paying attention.

As soon as the crew heard the news, it was the father of the investor who expressed his dissatisfaction. It's only that Yang Dao has a relatively prominent position in the TV drama circle, and Strawberry Entertainment did not want to make things too embarrassing, so he used this gentle method.

Although Zhao Junnan is popular now, compared with the main investors, it is not worth mentioning. One Zhao Junnan can be produced this year, and Li Junnan and Zhang Junnan can be produced next year.

In this circle, it is difficult and not difficult to become popular.

Understand the meaning of the investor's father, things are easy to handle. That night, the crew re-scheduled the filming schedule overnight, and gave half-a-day leave to several actors who filmed the evening drama.

"Brother Nan, this is a new schedule for filming by the crew. You have two night shows tonight." As soon as the assistant got the schedule from the crew, he found that the timing was not right.

A few days ago they talked with the crew and said that Nan brother had some neurosis recently, so try not to arrange night shows for him. The crew also knew it well. Soon, Li Zhao's filming scenes were transferred to the evening.

"What does the crew of" Tiange "mean?" Zhao Junnan suddenly looked down when he saw this timetable. His play was either early in the morning, evening meal time, or even night show. The costume drama only takes a few hours to do the styling. According to this time schedule, he needs to get up early in the morning to put on makeup, and then bring makeup to the evening.

Taking the timetable to the table, Zhao Junnan got up and went out.

"Nan brother, Nan brother!" Several assistants saw this, and stopped him quickly: "Nan brother, we can discuss with the crew slowly. Don't be impulsive."

The investors in the "Tian Ge" crew are all big companies in the circle.

"They invited me to participate in the show. Is that the attitude?" Zhao Junnan gasped and pushed away his assistant, reluctantly calming down the anger: "Go and inquire about Li Zhao's filming time."

After a while, the assistant returned, and Ai Ai said, "Nan brother, the crew said that Li Zhaolian filmed a three-day night show, and let him return to the hotel today to rest."

"Fuck, they're playing Lao Tzu!" Zhao Junnan tiptoed the chair beside him: "Okay, they're so embarrassed about me for a new guy, don't blame me.

When Yan Ting woke up again, it was already the next morning. It's been a long time since I slept so restlessly. He looked at the sunlight coming out of the window and didn't seem to be so disgusted.

Less than 10% of the battery power is left, and his call with Li Zhao has already ended. At five in the morning, Li Zhao sent him a message.

Zhaozhao has good luck: I will be able to sleep for eight hours at last for half a day tomorrow. Happy!

His happiness seemed to jump out of twisted dance from these simple twenty words.

Putting down her cell phone, Yan Ting went to the bathroom to take a shower, put on clean clothes, made an internal call and asked them to bring in breakfast.

"Qin Tezhu, the boss stayed in the company for dozens of hours, shouldn't he never go to sleep?" The new assistant was very sweet, and his personality was enthusiastic and cute. He didn't have long to come to the assistant department, and soon he and his colleagues Get familiar.

Qin Te helped hold the tray with breakfast and looked at the new employee with black hair: "I heard that you did very well in school?"

The little assistant smiled embarrassedly: "No, it may be good luck, you can get good results every time."

"Now that you are in the assistant department, you must understand the truth that everything depends on luck." The smile on Qin Tezhu's face converged. When he didn't smile, he looked particularly serious: "To do things in the assistant department, first of all, The point is, do n’t discuss the boss ’s habits in private. Or, you ca n’t wait to replace me as a special helper when you first join the company? ”

The assistant turned pale and shook his head again and again: "Qin Special Assistant, I don't mean this."

"Just work hard without this meaning." Qin Te helped raise his wrist and glanced at the time in a cold tone. "What's your name?"

The little assistant's face was even more embarrassed. She did not expect that she had been in the assistant department for almost half a month. Qin Tezhu did not even know her name. She lowered her head and bit her mouth and said, "I, my name is Wei Tian."

Qin Te helped her a glance, said nothing more, turned and walked towards the office. Wei Tian looked at his back, tears swirled in his eyes, but no one dared to go up to comfort him.

Big bosses don't usually show up in front of employees. Qin Tezhu is the right hand of the big boss. Even senior executives won't offend Qin Tezhu. The new colleague is really powerful and can cause Qin Tezhu to sink his face.

After a while, Wei Tian adjusted her emotions and reluctantly continued her work.

"Sweet." The colleague sitting next to her whispered to her: "The big boss is very expensive, and there are so many people who want to find him every day, so only the secretariat and Qin Te can help clear the big boss's time. This kind of Taboo in the workplace, you don't have to commit it again. "

"Thank you." Wei Tianhong blushed and thanked him, "I just saw the office light on all the time, so I asked a little more, no other meaning."

A colleague at her looked at her without saying anything else, and the office became quiet again, making it feel depressing.

In the next few days, Zhao Junnan has been working very **** filming. He is a special actor, and there are not many film actors. After filming all the films, the crew gave him a killing banquet in a restaurant in the film and television city.

At first, the atmosphere on the dinner table was good, until Zhao Junnan offered to raise a cup to Li Zhao: "Come, Xiao Zhao, Nan brother toast you. When you were in the" King of the King "crew, you still did not have a line of dragon actors. You have n’t seen it for a year. It's awesome to be able to play an important role in Director Yang's play. When you go higher and higher, don't forget to bring me. "

Zhao Junnan's words seemed to be good intentions, but they could be tasted carefully, as if he was talking about Li Zhao's current role being wrong. Otherwise, a newcomer who relies on Internet dramas, what is the ability to carry super-big-name coffee?

Those who can sit at this table to eat are all the people in the circle. They heard that Zhao Junnan's tone was not right, and even the sound of joking became small.

"Nan, you're joking again." Li Zhao raised his glass, drank a large glass in front of the table, smiled and said, "On the way of filming, I am most familiar with running dragons and giving people As a stand-in, it is already a blessing to be able to play such an important role in Yang's crew. "

Hearing the word "Dragon Set", Zhao Junnan frowned slightly. He looked at Li Zhaozhinen's face with a naive smile. He couldn't guess that Li Zhao just said it casually, but still intentionally suggested him.

"Hahaha." Zhao Junnan laughed. "You child, still so serious." He held up his glass and drank the wine clean.

After the killing of the feast, Zhao Junnan was already drunk. He put his hand on Li Zhao's shoulder: "Xiao Li, please take me to the car. My assistant has already gone down."

"Where is the trouble Xiaoli, let my assistant send you down." Yang Dao smiled and said, "I see Xiaoli drink a lot tonight, I'm afraid you two will fall in the elevator together. People see that it will be searched on major platforms tomorrow. "

"That feeling is good, and it can help our crew save a propaganda fee." Zhao Junnan looked at Li Zhao with a smile, regardless of Yang Dao's obstruction: "Xiao Li, wouldn't you want to send me?"

"Nan brother, please be careful." Li Zhao smiled at Yang Dao, "Guide Yang, I'll be back after I send Nan brother."

Yang Dao stopped talking, and finally sighed, "Go early and return early, call me if something happens."

Zhao Junnan dragged Li Zhao into the elevator, loosened his neck, leaned against the elevator expressionlessly, and stared at Li Zhao coldly: "Did you hear what I said in the lounge that day?"

Li Zhao blinked: "Nan, what do you want to say?"

"Young man, it's not easy to get red. Don't go the wrong way and bury your future." Zhao Junnan lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and slowly spit out a smoke towards Li Zhao. You should say that you have something in your heart. "

Li Zhao stared at Zhao Junnan's hand, his expression became serious and solemn.

"Why are you upset?" Zhao Junnan sneered. "Say, how much are you asking to shut up?"

"Smoking is prohibited in the elevator." Li Zhao slumped. "For the health of others, please observe public morals."

Zhao Junnan held his hand between the cigarettes. He played the ashes, as if he heard a joke: "Public morals, you are a child who has not been weaned in the kindergarten? Don't change the topic, just open the price."

Just then, the elevator door opened slowly, and Song Yu and his two assistants, as well as several other crew members, stood outside the door.

"Mr. Zhao hasn't left yet?" Song Yu fanned his hands in front of him and raised his voice. "Who is so shameless and smokes in the elevator?

Others glanced silently at Zhao Junnan's hand holding the cigarette, and if he looked back casually, the atmosphere became very embarrassing.

"Sorry, I just forgot to press the floor." Li Zhao showed an innocent smile and turned to look at Zhao Junnan: "Drinking the wine just now, my mind is a bit unconscious, so Nan brother laughed."

After speaking, he reached down and pressed the floor, the elevator closed again and again, the elevator was quiet until the elevator door opened again, and no one spoke.

Zhao Junnan walked out of the elevator with a calm face and turned to look at Li Zhao: "Get in the car and say."

Li Zhao looked at the RV in front and sat in without hesitation.

"You are brave enough to dare to sit in like this." Zhao Junnan chuckled, put his legs on the chair, and ridiculed: "Are you buying a million to shut up, is it enough?"

"The whole crew watched me sending Brother Nan out. What can happen?" Li Zhao put his hands on his knees, like a kid in a kindergarten waiting for the teacher to come to class, very well-behaved.

However, in Zhao Junnan's eyes, Li Zhao was extremely ugly. He wished that Li Zhao would accidentally disappear from this world tonight, because only the dead could not speak.

"three million?"

Li Zhao still looked at him like a baby.

"five million?"

Li Zhao blinked, his smile was innocent.

Zhao Junnan's face was completely gloomy: "Do you still want 10 million? Poor kid like you from the stinking ravine, have you seen so much money in this life? Do n’t eat too much, Li Zhao, tearing his face is not to you benefit."

"I've seen it." Li Zhao raised **** and smiled brightly: "My friend's house has two buildings, two!"

With **** bent, they looked very proud.

Zhao Junnan's fingers were irritated with the crooked fingers: "What does the two buildings have to do with you, what does it have to do with you?"

"Don't you ask me, have you ever seen 10 million?" Li Zhao looked at Zhao Junnan with the expression "you are so unreasonable": "I'm just answering your question seriously."

"Don't pretend to be stupid with me." Zhao Junnan took a deep breath: "I want you to do a substitute for me, and it's rotten in my stomach, don't mention it in this life, even if someone asks you, you should deny it. As long as you If I do, I can give you six million. "

Li Zhao looked at Zhao Junnan sympathetically, as if he was caring for a fool: "There are so many people in the crew of" Knight ", h knows that there are no one hundred or fifty for me as a stand-in. You can block everyone's mouths. on?"

"It has nothing to do with you, as long as you shut up." Zhao Junnan has lost his patience, and his expression gradually became successful: "If you don't agree, it doesn't matter, now you just lose the endorsement and the film and television resources. As for the future if it comes out Do n’t blame me on anything. ”

Li Zhaozhang, is he ... threatened?

He only made a substitute money at first, so why did he put his personal safety into it?

"Well." The car window was ringing.

Zhao Junnan looked back. A handsome man with a pale complexion and a suit was standing by the window. The man just looked at the car casually, but Zhao Junnan felt inexplicably that the man's eyes penetrated the car membrane and saw everything in the car.

The assistant who hadn't spoken in the front opened the car door, and said in a bad tone: "Sir, my artist doesn't accept any request for illegitimate fan, you leave immediately."

The man ignored him, and his deep eyes looked into the car: "Zhao Zhao, get out of the car."

"Tingting." Li Zhao squeezed Zhao Junnan's leg on the chair, and Zhao Junnan almost fell to the ground.

Zhao Junnan, who didn't care about him, Li Zhaoxi jumped out of the car with a smile and walked to Yan Ting: "Why are you here?"

"On a business trip, come to see you by the way." Yan Ting stretched out her hand and gave Li Zhaowei a scarf on her arm. "Go."

"Wait!" Zhao Junnan chased out of the car: "Li Zhao, what I said just now, you should consider carefully, I need a reply tomorrow noon."

Yan Ting stopped and looked back at Zhao Junnan. The fluttering eyes looked like rubble on the roadside.

Li Zhao pulled his sleeve: "Tingting, let's go."

Seeing that Li Zhao had no response at all, Zhao Junnan's face was very ugly. As a celebrity, no matter where he is, someone will secretly photograph him with his mobile phone or want him to sign, and he will be treated as a weed on the side of the road, or it will be his first encounter after becoming popular.

"What does he want to do to you?" Yan Ting's pace was not slow or slow, as if no matter what, he would not mess up his rhythm.

"He wants to get six million for me to promise one thing." Li Zhao put his hand in his pocket: "Seeing that I don't agree, I laughed at the fact that I haven't seen so much money in my life. I said he'd been unhappy It's a headache. "

Yan Ting walked slowly: "His name is Zhao Junnan?"

"Um." Li Zhao nodded.

"I see." Li Zhao's eyelids drooped slightly, covering the darkness of his eyes.

"Not to mention this bizarre, when have you been here for dinner?" Li Zhao didn't want the mess in the entertainment industry to affect his pure and good friends. He jumped around with Yan Ting. Go side by side: "When will you go back to that hotel?"

"No." Yan Ting looked at Li Zhao with a smile on her face: "You go back first, I can find somewhere to eat myself."

"How can we do? We haven't seen each other for a few days. How can we let you eat alone?" Li Zhao stretched his arms around Yan Ting's neck. "It happened that I didn't have enough food just now, let's find a place to sit down eat."

"Okay." Yan Ting looked at the child hanging on himself, smelling the faint smell of wine on his body, and allowed him to hang on himself like a pendant.

"Are you having insomnia recently?" Before the dish was served, Li Zhao poured Yan Ting a cup of hot milk.

Yan Ting looked at this glass of milk without moving.

"Drinking milk is good for sleep. Anyway, no one except me sees it." Li Zhao poured himself a glass: "It's a big deal. I'll drink with you.

He had a light flush on his cheeks, and his drunkenness had not completely faded.

Yan Ting took a sip of milk, and the smell spread in her mouth: "I can't sleep."

Li Zhao drank most of it in one breath while holding a milk glass. He heard Yan Ting saying that he still couldn't sleep, and looked up at him: "It's useless to count sheep?"

Yan Ting shook her head slightly.

"Some people say that counting sheep is not in accordance with the language habits of our country. It is more useful to count dumplings when you can't sleep." Li Zhao put down the milk glass and touched his chin thoughtfully. The more hungry you count. "

Yan Ting looked at Li Zhao and suddenly said, "It was very useful for you to count the sheep that night."

"Really?" Li Zhao came to the spirit: "I also feel that my lines are very good, especially magnetic. Tingting, you are indeed my good buddy, know how to appreciate me."

He was very excited. Although Yan Ting didn't boast about his lines from beginning to end, this did not delay Li Zhao's self-improvement in his mind: "You wait, I will record an audio recording of sheep and dumplings. You If you can't sleep at night, listen to it, maybe it will be useful. "

"OK." Yan Ting agreed without hesitation, as if he had been waiting for Li Zhao to say so.

"One dumpling fell into a bowl, two dumplings fell into a bowl ... After all the 100 dumplings were eaten, Ting Ting obediently slept, I say good night to you."

The boy's voice was clear and clean. Yan Ting stood at the huge floor-to-ceiling window, listening to a dumpling falling into the bowl, reaching out to turn on the lamp at the bedside, and pulling the audio progress bar forward.

"Ting Ting sleeps well, I say good night to you ..."

"Ting Ting sleeps well, I say good night to you ..."

The bedside lamp went out and the room fell into darkness again.

"good night."

At four o'clock in the morning, when everyone was sleeping and fragrant, Zhao Junnan's work team was struck by a bad news.

They have talked to a world-renowned luxury brand, and Jun Nan is the Asian spokesperson for the new product of the season. In order to build momentum for Jun Nan, they started to publicize it a few days ago. Nan won this fashion resource.

Facing the envious eyes of other competitors, Zhao Junnan's team was very proud, and even told some big fans about the news in advance.

However, just before the official announcement, the brand side suddenly called and said that Zhao Junnan's image was not suitable for their family's products. The matter of cooperation will be discussed later.

Later, what else is later? They were obviously released pigeons by the brand.

In order to raise Zhao Junnan's worth, they have arranged a lot of naval forces on various forum platforms to stir up the cooperation between Zhao Junnan and the brand side. Zhao Junnan also reposted a Weibo on the brand side yesterday. Now the brand side suddenly regrets that they immediately Become a joke in the eyes of others.

Just when they were trying to find a solution, two more brand parties who were about to discuss cooperation called and cancelled their cooperation plan.

"It is a coincidence that one brand side cancels the cooperation. But within one night, all three brands canceled the cooperation plan. Someone made trouble." Zhao Junnan's brokerage company held an emergency meeting overnight to discuss the response strategy: "Now we must figure out, yes Which one is having trouble with us. "

Luxury endorsements have a very important bonus to the value of front-line and super-first-line artists. Fans are also proud of this. Now the endorsement of the entrance is turning into a duck and the agency is naturally anxious.

After Zhao Junnan became popular, he blocked many first-line male artists. From the perspective of the agency, every male artist who competed with Zhao Junnan was suspicious.

But who has such great ability?

The author has something to say: One Zhao Zhao jumped over, another Zhao Zhao jumped over, and Ting Ting all carried in his pocket.

Dafei Zhang sent it, I am still handsome today ~

See you tomorrow night ~ Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrition ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the [shallow water bomb]: Zizi, a little anesthesia who loves corn;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the [Grenade]: Green Fox, Guide_Jin, Late Autumn, Fang Fangfang, Wang Xingzhi, and fast forward rabbit paper;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mine]: No, there are 6; 1% 5; Mimi cauliflowers 3; Nian Yi sent a big hundred pounds of meat, wivibear, Mi pop ~, a big day more than 100,000 characters, Ju Yilong Really cute, Zhang, o Ji, Yue Ran, Sheng Sheng Ge, the girl knows little Ding, Baijia Xiaocha, sherry, augenstern, Little Butterfly said today is the fifth day of the month, the evening on the moon, Yi Xiao, Shuanggen, can not erase Dark circles, Yuan Xiaoyuan, about Mr. Yi. , Nini's brain residual powder, your name, Lin Xi, the author into his own chrysanthemum, aiya, Donglan a plant snow;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

100 bottles of 100,000 words; 90 bottles; 50 bottles of 攘攘 _pancy; 40 bottles of my cuteness; 37 bottles of Tao Zi alison; 30 bottles of Qingyang Wanxi, Wang Lingyu, Dong Fengfeng, and irritable old pigeons; 1008565, 20343746, regina3202, sherry, Yihua Pavilion owner, God said that there should be light, c, no problem, I want to see two more, anna, 2597583120 bottles; more than 19 bottles; den17 bottles; send 15 bottles; sticky rice dumplings 12 bottles; Qingpingle, Jinjiang, Yourong, Ling Xiang, eat buns, come to sleep, did you sleep early today, Li Key, 咩咩, green sister-in-law, Zhizi's soul, A reward, Nai He, feathers, bamboo cat-like treasure, Zipei, smiling stars, Koromi, Lin Family Master, Bi An, Tong Er, Fan Xiao Qiao, Sheng Sheng Ge, Jiu Xiao Huan Pei, _10 bottles; 9 bottles of broken bamboo are difficult to continue; 6 bottles of bubbling; Ye Lanxi, lazy cancer, 26735621, nanase , White rabbit obediently, cute passerby, love v, xixi sugar, pika pika pikachu, fast forward rabbit paper, so sleepy, amu, wivibear, good water, wind galvanic mom, mushroom mushroom car, late 5 bottles of bells, bunnies, and small feathers; 824 bottles of Colletil, Fusu Fusu; 20883862, ingot, silent person, Qin Its deer, professional diving orz3 bottles; lazy sheep Yanglin, fat-losing fox, beard, change of name, search and find, cultivation does not stay up late, yo can sauce 2 bottles; wind and rain, looking at the bottle, thinking of red, Call Master Cui ~, if, I said if, Dongfang Jingjun, Rui Nao Xiao Jin Shou, Xin Yue, silly white sweet, San Gu San Sheng, cut long hair, a big pepper, Yi Yi hee hee, ht, syusuke Wenna, Xiaomi, Mo Sigui, leisurely rice bug, radio and television chrysanthemum, striding penguin, meow, stone ginger, sunny day, Xiaobai, Yue Ning, unknowingly, rain Snow owl and cat 1 bottle;

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