MTL - Vanguard of the Eternal Night-Chapter 91

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This unit was originally stationed for training not far away. On the first day after the zombie broke out (25th), the government function had not completely broken down and dispatched them to protect the people.

Ji Chen led the people to open the cordon to ensure the safety of the residential area. Then he found that no matter whether the radio or the satellite could contact the headquarters, he could only temporarily stand by and execute the original order.

Now according to the twenty-four hour system, it is already the fourth day of the 28th, but this is the second dark day. According to Huai Lin’s algorithm, it is still on the “second day”.

The food in the safe area was consumed, and even the military grain was given. In order to continue to protect the residents, Ji Chen had to lead people to start another way: they first raided the food storage places of the town. And now I am looking for more weapons - bows and arrows.

This idea is the same as Huai Lin.

Huai Lin pulled the sleeves of La Lu Xingzhao and said a few words in his ear.

Lu Xingzhao asked: "We are almost the same, but also come here to find the bow and arrow. If you want to, do you want to do a little trade? In addition to the conventional things, we have tools and new information for intercom within half a kilometer."

Ji Chen smiled and said: "Which can tell these things to the people? You have to bow and arrow, you can go back with us first, let's add up..."

Lu Xingzhao indulged for a while and bowed his head to ask the instructions of the head of Huai Lin.

Huai Lin whispered: "The goal is not the same. I can't cooperate. Let's just give it up. Go, brother, ask him, what are they exchanged?"

Lu Xingzhao squeezed the ear of Huai Lin and whispered back: "Don't think so much, I will go back with them later. This time you can listen to your brother, our country's troops will only be more friendly than you think." ”

Lu Xingzhao took out the cottage and looked for Danzhe in the car to inform them that they might return late.

It was the tall boss who answered the phone and replied: "Well, I know, the little sugar cane is asleep, wait for him to wake up and tell him..."

Huai Lin got to the phone and smiled. "Don't tell us that we are not bullying small sugar cane..."

Gao Laoda is uncomfortable: "You can't beat your brother, little cane can't listen to me, how can you drop it? You have to come back after the game is over, to tell you the truth, no brother is in the town next to the zombies, Laozi is really him [哔 - ] A little panic..."

After the shackles, Lu Xingzhao and Huai Lin followed this unit and swept the entire shooting range. They found dozens of competitive composite bows, and seven or eight were retro and appreciated. There are still a few left. Practice the bow. These can all be tried and equipped.

The big team will return to the safe residential area, and the land will be securely protected by Lu Xingzhao and Huai Lin.

Once inside the fence, the team was surrounded by the crowds.

"What morning are you taking back?"

"Did you find something to eat? Contact other troops?"

"You said to help find my sister, did you find it?"

Ji Chen was in a hurry and comforted himself. At the same time, he turned his head and ordered: "A small team is on duty today, and the rest comes with me!"

Everyone put an explosion-proof shield, a camouflage suit, a kettle and the like on the open space. Huailin also put things on the outside of the door and followed Ji Chen into the underground warehouse.

Ji Chen led Lu Xingzhao, Huai Lin and the rest of the people and began to distribute things.

"Bow you can take a few hands, just pay attention to the method of use. People who have not trained can't usually come." Ji Chendao, "Like Comrade, you should play a gun. I have two kinds of ammunition to support you. I have a total of 450 rounds on my body. Although I have other, but I don't have that qualification, I hope you can understand."

Lu Xingzhao did not expect the comrade to be so selfless. When he came up, he emptied his impeachment. He said: "We are not so nervous here. You still have to take care of it. It is enough for two magazines."

Ji Chen sighed: "Where the people are all people, it is not easy for you to bring such a big team. You can take something to go. I have compressed biscuits. There is not much left in the army. Antibiotics. little more……"

The two walked and said that they circled around the huge warehouse and could see that it was really very nervous. Ji Chen led a team to search for and support three ordinary people.

Lu Xingzhao said: "You have worked hard."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Ji Chen smiled, both of them can understand this mood.

Huailin turned around in the warehouse alone, watching the people assigned to orderly to receive new bows and arrows, as well as today's rations.

After Huai Lin walked back to Lu Xingzhao's back, she still couldn't show her sight in Ji Chen. She just whispered: "You can have enough food, but not enough clothes."

Ji Chen carefully watched Huai Lin, for fear of scaring him away in the usual cold tone, whispered: "Hello, do you seem to have any suggestions to mention?"

Lu Xingzhao knows the nature of Huai Lin’s little fox. He smiles and squeezes his hand and smiles: “Nothing, say Huailin, brother cover you.”

Huai Lin heard the meaning of ridicule, and pinched the soft meat of Lu Xingzhao’s palm: "Don’t laugh, I am talking about business."

Lu Xingzhao smiled and pushed him from behind, placed in front of him, holding his shoulders with both hands, and smirked and said: "Yes, the head of the grown-up. I am holding your waist behind your back, you have to say Straight out and say it out loud."

Perhaps this was just a random movement for him, but he suddenly let Hualin's heart be shaken by something. Hualin first felt the ease of being paid attention and being granted authority.

In the past seventeen years, every corner of no one cares, every call that is not expected, and every talk of words and words, is a Huai Lin who forgets how to talk freely and easily.

He is not born to want to live alone, nor is he born to talk to people, he is just... used to no one to listen.

However, if you are facing Lu Xingzhao, you can hear what you say.

If Lu Xingzhao is behind the support, serious talk will surely be listened to by others.

No matter when, even in the wind and snow, in the long and innocent cold night, Lu Xingzhao will look at himself and hear himself.

As long as there is such a person, all the uneasiness will be gently ironed.

Huai Lin took a breath and said softly: "You also need to hoard down jackets. This is especially long during the day, so the temperature will be high; accordingly, the next night will be especially long, and it is normal to drop to zero. If you have a lot of people, be sure to keep the room ventilated, pay attention to the temperature, be careful not to infect each other with germs, and it is best to have a group of three people on duty at night. It is dangerous to go out alone."

Ji Chen listened, and was surprised. He quickly took a small notebook from his pocket and said, "You said it makes sense. I will arrange it. Little comrade, what else do you have to explain?"

Huai Lin turned back to see Lu Xingzhao, Lu Xingzhao smiled and put his hand on his head, licking his hair.

Huailin spurred the drums to help the gang, and Lu Xingzhao took the hand back and continued to defend the stern of the head of the adult.

"Well, nothing else." Huai Lin just turned around. "But, do you want to stay here?"

Ji Chen smiled bitterly: "No way, we have a lot of people, the people refuse to leave the house too far, and they can't ask for it. The zombies here can be cleaned up slowly, saying that when the land is coming, the spring test will come. With a la carte, even if we ordered the withdrawal of us, the people here can still have a good time..."

His blueprint for the future is bright and warm, full of valuable hope.

Huai Lin had never heard of the name of Ji Chen last time, nor did he know if he could really build a certain base, but at the moment he heartily said: "You must be able to."

Lu Xingzhao smiled gently, his hand on his shoulder, and he nodded solemnly.

In short, Lu Xingzhao came with a velvet, and Huai Lin squatted a hamster box.

When they left, they had a total of five bows, a few pots of arrows, two scorpions of ammunition, and an entire tactical belt and distribution inside. In addition to this, there was a large amount of information about the road ahead.

All were provided by Ji Chen, and by the way, a tactical map with a mark was sent, and Lu Xingzhao exchanged a badge with each other as a memorial to the end of the world.

Ji Chen sent the two to the door all the way. Huai Lin remembered that he had put the hamster box on the ground and went to find it.

The items of the warriors were placed on the ground, and there was no energy to clean up. Many of the men were lying on the side of the road, and they were screaming with mud.

Huai Lin smiled across the road and looked for a long time, laughing out.

Lu Xingzhao asked: "What happened, where did it fall?"

"I am clearly here, I am missing..." Huai Lin was a little depressed. "I still pressed a piece of chocolate on it!"

As I said, there was a ten-year-old boy in front of him, wearing a camouflage suit with a reduced size and a half-piece of chocolate in his mouth.

Huai Lin’s eyes fell on him, and after a while he said: “That... that’s my chocolate!”

The boy was shocked and warned: "What are you doing? What I found is mine!"

Huai Lin said: "This is what I personally made. My paper is cut out on the left side of the poster. This is my favorite miku... hair tip!"


Lu Xingzhao looked at him for a moment, raised his brow and walked over: "Your family, who is this jacket? Um?"