MTL - Unrivaled Medicine God-Chapter 3047 Control the silk alchemy!

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Chapter 3047 Controlling Silk Alchemy!

"So strong!"

"In one go! The emperor released the sky, is it so easy?"

"This is the power of the Eight-Yuan Broken Dan!"

"Eight Zhou broke the seal, can increase the strength of 30% in a flash, to help break through the seal. But look at this power ... I am afraid that far more than 30%!"


From swallowing Tiandan, to a shot, but only ten breaths.

This process is too short!

Ordinary warriors, even the same-order powerhouses like the empty altar, break the second seal, and also count the hours to accumulate strength.

But Yang Qing is too relaxed and too freehand.

Such a big bottleneck is not a bottleneck for him.

"Ha ha ha, refreshing! You Tiandan, what is the name?" Yang Qing laughed.

Ye Yuandao: "Just call it a mixed yuan Tiandan!"

Yang Qing chewed a bit and nodded: "Apply! Mixed yuan Tiandan, very good! Zhou Xianchen, you are not satisfied?"

Zhou Xianchen is a bit sour, he knows that Ye Yuan’s Tiandan is not simple.

Because Yang Qing did not reach the imperial concubine before, but it has not yet reached the time of breaking the border.

But he broke through the border, but it was unstoppable.

This Tiandan, of course, is amazing.

At least, no worse than the quality of his refining.

"Hey, you Yang Qing is the first in the list of the heavenly watch, the first list of the thousand souls! If you can't break through the emperor's release, you can kill it! This Tiandan is just a icing on the cake! Just this is also a special one. The name is really shameless!" Zhou Xianchen sneered.

In fact, this is what most people think.

Yang Qing is strong and strong.

He broke the emperor's day and was not as difficult as he thought.

Eight Zhou broke the seal, but it was a icing on the cake.

Such a shocking breakthrough is mainly Yang Qing himself.

"Yes! You are 2,300 people, not one person! The two thousand emperors selected by Zhou Xiong have already had 80% success! Ye Yuan, are you OK?" Jinnan Road.

Ye Yuan hasn't spoken yet, Zhou Xianchen has robbed him again: "Master Ye, you won't be refining like this one? Then when you refining, you can't go to the monkey year? We, people, also explore what the gods are. ?"

Ye Yuan glanced at him and smiled. "Not at all! Just that, just warm up. Now, officially started!"


The voice did not fall, and a group of Nirvana fires exploded.

This group of Nirvana fires, there are dozens of squares!

Then, a lot of heavenly medicines were directly thrown into the fire of Nirvana by Ye Yuan.

Zhou Xianchen looked at the score, and a lot of heavenly medicines, there are two thousand people!

This guy, is it necessary to refine two thousand eight-chapter broken seal Dan?

“Is there any mistake? Zhou Gongzi can only refine 300 pieces at a time. He wants to refine two thousand pieces at a time?”

"This guy, can you force it?"

"He thought he was who, Chaos Heavenly Master?"


When everyone saw this scene, they exploded in an instant, and they laughed at Ye Yuan.

At the same time, refining two thousand eight-character Tiandan, and Ye Yuan still only has the emperor's realm of heaven, can he hold it up?

Don't refining it to half, the gods are exhausted, then it's fun.

Moreover, at the same time refining two thousand eight-product Tiandan, this demand for the Yuanshen is so harsh and horrible.

What is an eight-day pharmacist in the district?

Some of the laymen are also laughing at Ye Yuan’s ignorance.

The previous refining was indeed amazing.

But refining two thousand pieces in one breath, we can't help but say that the dress is forced to be big, and it will be waisted!

"Oh, the Eight-Yuan Broken Dan is not too difficult for us, but it is not a casual refining. This Tiandan, at the same time refining two thousand, Chaos Heavenly Master Next, there is no possibility! This kid, is afraid to be funny?" Chu put it to see, could not help but laugh.

Jinnan arched his hand to Zhou Xianchen and smiled: "It seems that you have to congratulate Zhou Xiong in advance and return home!"

Zhou Xianchen also felt that his victory has been set, and smiled: "This kid, talent is there, but unfortunately too much force. Otherwise, he is not my opponent, it will not lose too ugly. But now, huh. ”

Yu Ran also smiled and said: "People don't understand alchemy, but refining two thousand eight-chapter broken seals, this gods are consumed, far from being able to withstand the Emperor's day?"

Zhou Xianchen nodded: "Two thousand eight octopus breaking the seal, at least the emperor's reserve of the realm of the realm of the great realm of the heavens, is only reluctant to refine. But this is not the most important, the most important thing is that this pair of gods The load is great! It is that he has this strength, and the Yuanshen will be overwhelmed! If you are not careful, you will even hurt yourself. Let's wait and watch the show!"

Zhou Xianchen's analysis is already in place, and everyone understands it.

Ye Yuan, this is completely Tianxiu.

In the end, I can only give myself a show.

Do not say anything else, the emperor's full-scale Shenyuan reserve is enough to drink a pot.

So everyone calmed down and waited to watch the show.

Yang Qing listened, and I thought Ye Yuan was too late?

He is full of confidence in Ye Yuanben, but now, there are some doubts.

Otherwise, if you refining 500 pieces at a time, shouldn't it be so much burden?

Five hundred, enough to suppress Zhou Xianchen!

This guy, really likes the limelight!

I hope that he will not play well.

It’s just that everyone is not aware of it, and no one is spying on every move here.

Seeing Ye Yuan Lian Dan, no smile, he said to himself: "This kid is really amazing control! Condensed for silk, while controlling two thousand Tiandan, one cent and one **** is not wasted! The skill is that my ancestors are also amazing!"

He has long been concerned about Ye Yuan!

Others, even Yang Qing, are no different in the eyes of heaven.

You must know that the most amazing genius of the Divine Palace is not the Thousand Souls, but his Heavenly Man!

He is the first wizard of the ages!

But Ye Yuan’s appearance made him shine.

This guy, with millions of people, passed the ladder!

Can make his way, such a thorough interpretation, this is not the ordinary Emperor, can do.

Later, Ye Yuan was a maddening temple, bringing more than 50,000 people into the Palace of the Gods.

Every step is amazing to the extreme.

He is self-proclaimed, he is replaced by himself, and he can't do better than Ye Yuan.

What he did not expect was that Ye Yuan was still a very powerful pharmacist!

These gods are in control and make him amazed.

No one else can see that in the fire of Nirvana, two filaments spread out and saw more than two thousand medicine embryos connected in series.

Two filaments, one is the chaos god, and the other is the god.

Ye Yuan relied on these two filaments to control the refining of two thousand Tiandan.

This kind of refining, the use of the gods and the gods, is fine to the point of horrible.

Both the gods and the gods are used in the blade, and there is no waste at all.

Nothing to see, compared with Ye Yuan, Zhou Xianchen is not even a fart!

(End of this chapter)