MTL - Unrivaled Medicine God-Chapter 3 Grab medicine

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This green figure is naturally a green child, that is, Ye Yuan’s little niece, responsible for Ye Yuan’s life.

Green children's cute and cute, especially the pair of smart scorpions, is fascinating, with a green dress, like a green elf.

For this green child, Ye Yuan is very familiar with nature. He is a playmate from childhood to big, and is the closest person to Ye Yuan except his parents.

Outside the home, no one can afford Ye Yuan, but Green is an exception. No matter how far away Ye Yuan is, the green child has always taken care of Ye Yuan.

Therefore, for the green child in front of the eyes, Ye Yuan now has instinctive feelings of intimacy, as if his own younger sister, although his predecessor also likes to play with green children.

In fact, although Ye Yuan is confusing, he rarely does anything to bully men and women. He just likes to engage in some mischief, but sometimes the prank is too much.

Ye Yuan inherited the memory of his predecessor and found that the nature of this predecessor was not really bad. It was just a habit of spoiled. In this regard, Laozi Ye Hang has to bear no small responsibility.

It’s just that the father loves the mountain, and Ye Yuan naturally cannot blame Ye Hang’s head. Instead, he is very moved, just like the father of his previous life.

"Less... young master, hey, you... are you all right?"

Greener rushed to Ye Yuan, who was very embarrassed, but looked up and saw the look of Ye Yuanshen, and suddenly became happy.

Ye Yuan can feel the care of the green child from the lungs, hehe smiled: "It's okay, your family is a big man! This time the disaster is not dead, you can't enjoy it!"

"Giggle, young master, you are really funny, but the green child also feels that you will not die this time, and may actually become different in the future!"

The speaker is unintentional and the listener is interested.

I don't know the confidence of the green child, but Ye Yuan is a heartbeat. The mind of this daughter is really sharp.

Ye Yuan quickly made a haha: "Well, let the young master go to the medicine incense to get some medicine back."

Green did not speak, just bowed and followed Ye Yuan.


Yaoxiangge is the drugstore operated by Yejia. It is one of the best forces in the whole Qin Dynasty, which naturally benefits from the identity of Ye Hangda Dan.

In the small Qin country, the identity of having the Dan teacher is already extremely honorable, not to mention the great Dan teacher. Because of Ye Hang’s identity, Yao Xiang’s position in Qin State is very detached.

In Qin State, the identity of Dadan Division is a gold-plated signboard, so Yaoxiangge has always been in the market. Ye Hang naturally cannot come out to sit in person, but the strength of Yao Xiangge can not be ignored. At the headquarters of the drug pharmacy in Ducheng, every day there will be a teacher in the shop, which is not something that small forces can do.

Ye Yuan took the green child into the medicine incense, and immediately attracted a while.

From the eyes of the guys, Ye Yuan read fear, disdain, and contempt. This makes Ye Yuan can not help but secretly shake his head, the reputation of his predecessor is really too bad, and the pool fish!

Ye Yuan naturally wouldn’t care about these people. He went straight to the counter and said to an apprentice: “Paper, pen.”

The apprentice knows that Ye Yuan is so powerful that he does not dare to neglect at the moment. He takes out the pen and paper and placed it in front of Ye Yuan. Ye Yuan is not too arrogant. He took a pen and brushed it and wrote a row of medicine names and handed it back to the apprentice.

"Catch these medicines for me, what is the problem to find my father." Ye Yuan was too lazy to swear, directly commanded.

The apprentice glanced at the herbs on the square and saw that there was nothing too rare to let go of his heart and turned to take medicine.

The herbs are very ordinary, but the formula is not ordinary.

Ye Yuan’s predecessor, Qingyunzi, was a generation of Dandi. He began to learn and recite Dan Fang since he was a child. The understanding of medicinal materials and medicinal properties has reached an incredible point. If this is not the case, it will not be hailed as the genius who is most likely to reach the realm of Dan.

The apprentice naturally did not know the intention of Ye Yuan, and thought that this turned his temper and began to play with herbs.

The apprentices took the pill, and Ye Yuan took the green child to wait in the place where the medicine was in the consultation. The master of the consultation took a faint glance at Ye Yuan and expressed his contempt and continued to see the patient.

The masters of the doctors are all in the realm of Dan Shi, and they are the offerings of Ye Hang. Not to mention that in the medicine, it is also quite a position in the whole Qin.

The masters here are all incurable diseases, and the average person can't look good. Ye Yuansight saw the diagnosis of the master, and his heart shook his head.

Master's diagnosis is not good, and the prescription is very general, but it is enough for mortals and lower-ranking warriors.

If Ye Yuan came to see him, he could offer several or even a dozen more optimized programs, but that would be too shocking. Anyway, the master of the master can play a role, Ye Yuan naturally will not add more snakes.

"The next one." Xiao Yan, next to the master, shouted weakly.

A strong big man came to the master, but the state of this strong man is not so good. He looked a little purple, his face was faintly black, and he kept coughing, apparently a symptom of poisoning.

The master cut a vein, looked at the tongue, and browed slightly: "You are a small eight-heavy martial artist, and you don't even know how to live in the infinite forest. Isn't the poison of the seven turbulent clouds bad?"

The brawny did not feel uncomfortable because of the master's ridicule. Instead, he showed his sincere admiration. He smiled bitterly: "Master Mingjian, I am also involuntarily. The family points to me to live alone, there is no way to go." The Beast Hunter. Previously, the team with the companions was at the edge of the forest. Who knows that this time they bumped into the monsters of the Seven Miles? It is also my life, otherwise I will not come back, my two companions It’s all lost in its mouth.”

After that, the look of the strong man was very stunned, apparently evoking his sadness.

These seven turbulent clouds are the second-order monsters, which are equivalent to the human spirits, and the combat power is even worse. The brawny is just an eight-fold situation, and his companions are estimated to be nowhere high. Where is his opponent? It is extremely lucky to be able to escape a life.

The master nodded and said: "You are indeed a big life, and the seven turbulent clouds are very fierce. You can escape from your life and you are lucky. This poison is still somewhat difficult to solve in other places, but it is not in my medicine." What is difficult, but you also know that this drug rank is high, but the price is not cheap."

The brawny man was very happy. He had already gone to several pharmacies, and almost all of them were helpless. The medicine incense pavilion has always been asking for a high price, and it is not a last resort. His bitter haha ​​is absolutely unwilling to come. However, he knew that the poisoning was deep. If he didn't treat it, it would be quite a few days. He had to smack his scalp into the medicine incense. I didn't expect the master here to be really powerful. At first glance, I saw the crux.

"The master is assured that there will be some savings in the next few years. Originally, I was reluctant to take out the detoxification. But my family is pointing at me alone. If I am dead, their days will be even more sad. The masters can solve the problem in the next seven. The poison of the cloud, the diagnosis of gold from the time to serve." The strong man coughing while.

Seeking for wealth and danger. The beast hunter is doing the trick of **** heads, and this strong man is naturally a little savings.

In fact, Ye Hang refining system's detoxification effect is better, but his identity is detached. The refining of the detoxification Dan Yidan is hard to find, often only circulating among the Qin aristocrats, and the price is high. These medicinal herbs are naturally not affordable as a strong man.

The master Fu Wenyan no longer swears, telling Xiao Xiaodao: "Biliucao two money, Zhushensha two money, iron wind eagle inner Dan three money, supplemented by the star into the medicine, fried good to the strong man can take it In addition, grab two more medicines to take him away."

Xiao Yan took the lead, took the prescription and sent it back. He was ready to call "the next one" again, but he was stopped by gestures.