MTL - Unparalleled Emperor-Chapter 4200 Killing the dead

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The vast expanse of the sea is shaking, the **** suffocation of the sky is erupting, and a **** and mad shadow leaps into the outer starry sky, releasing an endless fierce light.

It is simply the death of the world's fierce dragons, and God knows how many powerful gods have killed in the sea of ​​creation!

However, it is a fact that he slaughtered the taboo giants, so that the undead tyrannical horror, the Dao Ling absolutely slaughtered the taboo giants!

This punch is too overkill, the endless **** release, the extreme, the horrible fist hit the moment, let the undead Guardian's body beam burst!


Undead, the twist of the scorpion, and the palm of your hand, and come forward!

"I don't believe you can't stop you!"

The undead priest makes the strongest force, and the heart is full of anger. If it can't stop the Tao Emperor, the world name is destroyed once!

His entire palm is wrapped around the endless avenues of the road, trying to resist the punch of the Tao.

However, this punch of Dao Ling vibrates the universe, and the fists of the Dao Ling burst into the power of all the forces, and they are soaring and unstoppable!


The fairy avenues of the sky were smashed by the fists of the Dao Ling. The sound of the dying of the Taoist dynasty, the sound of the sound waves rushed out, let the undead priests be struck by lightning, the footsteps slammed back, and the corners of the mouth were bleeding!


The Dao Ling is like a madman. It is like a **** of war crawling out of hell. The power runs through the whole sea of ​​stars and kills the undead.

This punch is too horrible. If you don’t die, you will be glaring and screaming, and you will sacrifice the Taiyi Fairy Pearl to run the strongest force against the terrible power of the Tao.


This day, under the shaking of the power of the Dao Ling, he shivered, and the unparalleled punches of the world, pushed out the Wanxiang Xianyu, blazed to the extreme level, with the peerless mana to pressure the undead.

Undead prince is coughing up blood, his eyes are full of sorrow, how can Dao Ling be so terrible? He can now use the power of the Xuanhuang universe, but his power has a power to kill taboos!

This power is too horrible. It should be known that even the King of the Kings is hard to kill the taboo giants, but the Wandao Sutra of Dao Ling has the power to obliterate the taboo giants. When the undead princes collide with the Taoling, he has a sense of spirit. The trend of extinction!


At the moment when the Dao Ling violently attacked the undead, the Vientiane demon waved a fist and broke the power of the Wanbaoxian River. This fist is like a catastrophe. It seems that thousands of mountains hang here, and it is filled with suffocating the power of.


The tomb is full of war, and with the conquest, his breath is getting more and more turbulent, like stepping on the top of the road, stepping on the stars, when a round of celestial crashes, like a billion Wandaotong is under pressure!

The immortal world, intertwined with the power of the world, surrounds the light of the immortal fairy, as if the immortal immortal hangs here and rumbling!

"how is this possible!"

The Vientiane demon is incredible, and his fist can't open the fairy. What kind of power is it made? Is the cultivation road he opened up really so bad? Will change the pattern of the entire universe!

Dao Ling re-enacts the cultivation road, the ten major creations and the acupoints are combined into a fairy avenue, and the avenue Xianmen builds the inner universe, which combines the strengths of the three major fields, and another step runs through the heavens, and opens the taboo door and becomes the universe!

And in the fairy tales, including the strongest supernatural powers of the Dao Ling, once the recovery, it is said that the Dao Ling is fighting for life, and all the details can be used to recover the strongest force at any time.


The magnificent and vast fairy universe, rumbling, when he began to be promoted by the Dao Ling, the power of the world fell down, like the hundreds of millions of universes awakened, the power of recovery, promoted the years, the horror!

"A terrible Tao Emperor, he is invincible, invincible in the stars!"

The strongest of the entire Tianxinghai Watching War saw this scene, all of which were cold hands and feet. The Taoist at this moment is like the Lord of the World, the heads of the heavens, the feet of the fairy, and the opening of the world.


The Dao Ling made a scream of arrogance, and the strong force of the sea, and the bombardment came out. With the power of the incomplete dynasty, the bombarded Taiyi Xianzhu flew out, and the impetuous road of the impact coughed out a blood.

He dissipated his hair and his eyes were full of anger!

"Do not!"

The next moment, if you don’t die, you will be struck by lightning. The Emperor of Heaven will be forced to come in the next moment. The direction he goes is not the undead, but the Taiyi Xianzhu!

This secret treasure hides a great secret of the stars, and the undead is regarded as life, but the power of the undead is strong, and he is desperate in the face of the Tao Emperor.

He couldn't hurt Dao Ling at all, he could only watch the Taiyi Fairy Pearl fall into the hands of Dao Ling!


Not dead, the king was almost mad, Taiyi Xianzhu was taken away in this way, and fell in the hands of Dao Ling!

"Old things, you have lived for a long time, do you not claim to be immortal? I see you can be killed by me several times!"

The brutal eyes of Dao Ling stared at the undead prince, and the whole magical smashing out of the glory, the heavens and the earth the pressure of the vast Xinghai, the extraterrestrial starry sky to give a strong and powerful feedback!


The palm of Dao Ling was hit down, the power of Wanjie broke out, and the river fell to the sea and smashed through the road!

The power of the undead priest is in vain in front of the tomb. His palms crush everything, and the undead priests tremble, and the whole body is cracked!


The Vientiane demon can't stand it. The Emperor of Heaven is too strong now. The Henggu Xianwang is abolished. Now it is the weakest giant. If it is killed again, once the monkey enters the taboo giant, who can stop it? Live the Tao Emperor!


The scene of the reincarnation of the Lord who has withdrawn, so that the undead can not bear, what to take to resist the Tao?


He coughed up blood, his body was collapsing, he tried his best to repair the heavens, repaired the wounded body, and even the human body began to recover. He wanted to kill a living path and flee to the chaotic restricted area.

In this field of heaven and earth, Dao Ling is invincible, and the power of the fairy universe is so utterly mad!

"I am not willing, not reconciled!"

He roared, he was a taboo giant. When a boy entered the field of taboo giants, although there was a shameful history, he had to say that the undead is a wizard!

Now he lost to Dao Ling and lost to an ant who had been able to pinch his death. He even had to be killed by Dao Ling. This ending could not be endured by the dead. He would rather fall in the hands of Kim Jong-won and not die. Mausoleum!


The spirit of the Daoqiang Xingqiang is pushed forward, reversing the long rivers, what about taboos? In the heyday of Dao Ling, you can also kill, and the power of any fight can not stop the suppression of Xianyi Wanjie!


All the people of the heavens shuddered, and the undead prince exploded, disintegrating under the power of the Taoling!