MTL - Unforgettable Emperor’s Favor-Chapter 84 curly hair

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Yu Qingjia sat sideways, her eyes were bright, and Murong Yan also smiled, and turned her gaze slowly. Facing the eyes of these two people, cold sweat was about to break out on Bai Rong's back. Given too little information now, she couldn't figure out which dish was made by Yu Qingjia and which dish was made by the young master. But even if she figured it out, in this case, which side of the pole should she climb?

Yu Qingjia is the lady she will serve in the future, Bai Rong won't wink at Yu Qingjia's face, but if she offends the young master... she will never dare.

Bai Rong's back was stiff, her eyes rolled quickly, desperately trying to figure out what kind of language to use to get out of her body. She realized that she had paused for too long, but she really didn't know what to say, so she could only tentatively say: "My lady and Master Jinghuan's pastries are both beautiful, and this is the first time I have seen such unique flower petals." Cakes. If the lady asks which one looks better, the slaves are so ignorant that they really can't judge."

Yu Qingjia was obviously dissatisfied with Bai Rong's statement, just when Bai Zhi came in, Yu Qingjia waved to Bai Zhi: "Bai Zhi, come here."

Bai Zhi walked in, knelt down beside Yu Qingjia, and tested the humidity of Yu Qingjia's hair very naturally: "Lady, your hair is not completely dry, be careful of catching a cold."

Yu Qingjia responded, and then pointed to the pastry and asked, "You should still remember Auntie's Four Seasons Cake, right? Look at these two plates of pastries, which one looks better?"

Bai Zhi was stunned for a moment, thinking that she had heard it wrong: "Looks good?"

"That's right." Yu Qingjia looked at Bai Zhi expectantly, Bai Zhi turned her head in surprise, looked at the lacquer plate again, and said curiously: "Aren't the pastries all about deliciousness? Why did the lady ask if it looks good? It's delicious and you can taste it." Taste it, it looks good..."

Bai Rong nodded sympathetically. She was also surprised when she first heard this question. A good-looking person has an unpredictable inner world. Reluctantly, Yu Qingjia shook Bai Zhi's arm and asked, "Just say it."

Bai Zhi had no choice but to take a closer look, and said: "The petals of this dish are slender, the corners are pinched finely, and the stamens are clearly drawn. In terms of beauty, this dish is slightly better."

Yu Qingjia didn't speak, but looked at Bai Zhi with some resentment, and Bai Rong stood beside her and immediately understood. She glanced at Murong Yan quickly, and said: "I want this servant to see, the other dish is full and lovely, and the color is also gorgeous. It is more easy to eat as a pastry, and it is more appetizing."

The light in Yu Qingjia's eyes flicked, and a smile lit up immediately, Bai Rong secretly looked at Murong Yan's expression, thinking that she was betting right.

Bai Rong felt emotional, it seems that if he wants to please the young master in the future, he must first please Yu Qingjia. Young Master is such a difficult person to talk to, but in front of Miss Yu Liu, he is incredibly easy-going.

Yu Qingjia was satisfied, and Bai Rong retreated tactfully upon seeing this. Worried that Yu Qingjia would catch a cold, Bai Zhi took out a dry cloth from inside, warmed it up, and wiped Yu Qingjia's hair. Yu Qingjia took the white cloth and signaled her to come by herself, and let Bai Zhi go down to do her own thing. Yu Qingjia gathered her long hair to her side and wiped it slowly with a dry cloth. However, her hair is long, and this posture is not easy to use. Murong Yan looked at it for a while, then stretched out his hand and said, "Give it to me."

Before Yu Qingjia could react, the cotton cloth in his hand was taken away by Murong Yan. Wiping the hair was much smoother for another person to do it. He picked up a strand of hair, wrapped it tightly with a dry cloth, and wiped it slowly to absorb the moisture in the hair. Murong Yan's fingers were slender and strong, running through the hair, bringing a slight tingling sensation.

Yu Qingjia remembered that time at the inn in Xisong Town, she didn't know that Murong Yan was a man, and unconsciously asked Murong Yan to help her twist her hair after taking a bath. At that time, Murong Yan hated her so much, she came to help reluctantly because she saw her ping-pong-pong kept knocking things down. At that time, if someone told her that Murong Yan would brush people's hair gently and meticulously, not to mention Murong Yan, even Yu Qingjia herself would not believe it.

Murong Yan picked up a strand of hair from her ear, and asked in a low voice, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about the past." Yu Qingjia said, "You used to be really annoying. You twisted my hair last time and it hurt me."

Murong Yan also remembered the scene of wiping her hair for the first time. In fact, he has not changed. Now he is still not a patient and caring person. It is just because of facing Yu Qingjia. Murong Yan smiled, and asked: "It was annoying before, but now?"

Yu Qingjia's cheeks were slightly red, her eyes were like autumn waves, she turned her face and gave him a hard look: "It's even more annoying now."

Murong Yan chuckled, and put down all her hair. Yu Qingjia turned her head, and her long hair immediately fell on her back like a black waterfall. Yu Qingjia was about to get up, but was held down by Murong Yan: "You said you can't say unlucky words today, or everything will not go well in the new year. Then, do you want to promise me something now?"

Yu Qingjia was slightly startled: "The second year of Guangxi, is it important to you?"

"That's right." Murong Yan said lightly, "If you refuse, maybe this year won't go well for me."

Yu Qingjia tightened her fingers, and finally she smiled brightly, her eyes shone with light: "Okay, I promise you."

Murong Yan took Yu Qingjia to the dressing table, combed her hair with a comb, and laid it obediently on the palm of Murong Yan. He took out a gold-plated headband from the dowry, tied Yu Qingjia's hair up, but folded her hair at the end and tied it together in the headband. He inserted hair combs of various colors of pearls and flowers in his hair, and finally tied all the hair tightly with a white jade hairpin, and the many pearls and emeralds just now became the embellishment of this hairpin.

Yu Qingjia's pupils shrank when she saw the hairpin. Both the headband and the beads were her jewelry, but this white jade hairpin was not. Although it has not been touched, but only from the color, it can be recognized that this hairpin is made of high-quality materials, and the carving is integrated. It looks like it was made by everyone, and it is enough to be passed down as a family heirloom from generation to generation. Yu Qingjia silently looked at her brand new bun from the mirror, Murong Yan looked around for a while, and was barely satisfied with the result of her first bun for a girl.

Girls who are not out of the pavilion can't wear high buns, and their hair should be loose naturally. Yu Qingjia used to fix her hair from the middle with a headband, and insert pearl flowers on the left and right sides of her hair through the support of the headband. But today Murong Yan folded the ends of her hair several times, tied them together in a headband, and decorated them with gorgeous pearls and emeralds. In this way, the bun is between a girl and a woman, blurring the boundary between the two .

Of course Yu Qingjia knows the unique symbolic meaning of hair, and they are husband and wife with hair, and there is no doubt about their love. Yu Qingjia wanted to ask Murong Yan about the origin of that white jade hairpin, but she gave up when the words came to her mouth.

Just as Murong Yan said just now that the second year of Guangxi was very important to him, there was no need to ask about Bai Yuzan.

Murong Yan also looked at the mirror, and looked at Yu Qingjia silently. Yu Qingjia was embarrassed and didn't know what to say when the sound of firecrackers suddenly came from outside. Yu Qingjia breathed a long sigh of relief, jumped down and sat down lightly, ran to the window and pushed open the tall wooden window: "New Year's Eve."

There were bursts of firecrackers outside the house, green smoke lay across the dark night, and the whole city was shrouded in red lanterns and the smell of gunpowder. When the night wind hit, Yu Qingjia's fluffy hair fluttered gently in the wind. Yu Qingjia leaned on the window and looked at it for a while, then turned her head and said excitedly to Murong Yan: "Fox spirit, it's the new year!"

Murong Yan approached slowly, stood by her side, and accompanied her to look up at the bottomless sky: "Yes, the new year is here."

Yu Qingjia heard the sound of firecrackers all over the city, and looked sideways at Murong Yan beside him. She is shorter than Murong Yan, and she has to raise her chin slightly to meet Murong Yan's eyes. The night was as dark as ink, and the night wind with a unique smell of gunpowder passed around her bun, knocking the tassels on her head softly. In such a deep night, Yu Qingjia's eyes were brighter than the stars in the sky. She smiled and said softly, "Happy New Year, fox spirit."

She didn't know if Jing Huan was his real name, but she was the only vixen in the whole world.

Murong Yan looked down at her, with a small smile in his eyes: "Happy New Year."

Because of Mr. Yu's serious illness, the Yu family's New Year's was extremely dull and quiet. On New Year's Eve, the lights of thousands of families made a sensation in the city, but the Yu family was quiet. They didn't even dare to set off firecrackers. They just threw a bunch of firecrackers at the door. The right is to ward off evil and eliminate filth. Yu Qingya also had a bad time during this period. She swore at the beginning and changed the medicine of Old Master Yu in a big way, but Old Master Yu didn't feel better after taking the antidote. The Alpha series is worthy of being the famous king of poison killings in later generations. Although Mr. Yu detoxified Alpha's poison, various organs in his body caused a series of complications due to the poison. months before it will be brought under control.

But even so, Old Master Yu just breathed a sigh of relief. A family friend's wife came to visit her sick. The first time she saw Mr. Yu, she sighed silently in her heart.

Obviously, Mr. Yu's life is not long, and I'm afraid he won't last long.

Mrs. Shijiao talked to Mr. Yu: "Mr. Yu is in good spirits these few days. It just so happens that the weather is sunny recently. If Mr. Yu is free, you might as well go outside to see flowers and birds."

Although Mrs. Shijiao knew in her heart that Mr. Yu might not be seen as a flower on the outside, she always put on a face and said some words of comfort.

Old Master Yu's face was sallow, and his voice was like a dilapidated bellows. He said, "So it's already spring. I'm afraid I'm not so lucky. I got a headache when I accidentally blew the wind a few days ago. How can I go out to see the spring scenery outside?" .”

Mrs. Shijiao knew that she had said something wrong, so she hurriedly corrected it: "Actually, there are catkins flying everywhere outside, and the birds are chirping. It's nothing to see. Laojun relaxes for now, stay indoors and take care of it slowly, and go out when he recovers. It's not too late to see."

Old Master Yu shook her head, she realized more clearly than others that she would not live long. Mrs. Shijiao saw that she had said something wrong, so she couldn't bring it up again, so she changed the subject and said, "Old gentleman, you are a person with profound blessings. How many people have achieved this kind of thing like four generations living under one roof? How many people have you done?" The children are blessed, and the younger generations are also filial. I heard that you have been sick for a few days, and the grandchildren and granddaughters-in-law have stayed in front of you in disheveled clothes to serve you. The great-granddaughter even taught herself medical skills because of your illness. How many people can't envy you luck."

Speaking of his children and grandchildren, Mr. Yu's face finally looked better. She said: "That girl, Si Niang, has a heart. I will never recover from this lingering illness, but with her by my side, I can feel more relaxed."

Mrs. Shijiao knew colors very well. Seeing this, she greeted her and said, "Isn't it? You should relax, don't worry about anything, and recuperate quietly. Your children and grandchildren are full of filial piety, and your blessings are yet to come."

Mr. Yu has always been proud of the four generations living under the same roof, but when he talked about having more children, he touched a heartache of Mr. Yu. Yu Laojun lived a long time, but her children and grandchildren died young. She only had two sons, and both sons had few heirs. After the eldest grandson of the house died in an accident, all her hopes were left to Yu Wenjun. And Yu Wenjun, whether in the first room or the second room, has no son yet.

Outside the partition door, a maid came in with a fruit plate, and when she saw the person in front of her, she called out in surprise: "Miss Si, why are you standing here? The girl guarding the door, why didn't you invite you in?"

"It's okay." Yu Qingya reached out her hand to stop the servant girl's words, and said, "I just came to check on Laojun's condition. Since Laojun has guests, I won't go in and disturb her. I'll just come again later."

The servant girl felt strange, but she didn't dare to disobey, so she could only answer in a low voice, watching Yu Qingya come quietly, and leave without disturbing anyone.

Yu Qingya walked out of the yard quickly, and the flowers and trees on both sides were blooming brilliantly, such intense colors hurt Yu Qingya's eyes. Yu Qingya thought about what she had just overheard. Obviously, Mr. Yu would not live long. If Mr. Yu died, the biggest backer of her and the Li family would fall, and no one in the Yu family could justifiably give advice to Yu Qingjia.

This year has been the second year of Guangxi, and both Yu Qingya and Yu Qingjia are fifteen years old. Yu Qingya used to pin her hopes on Old Master Yu, but now that Old Master Yu couldn't live anymore, she had to reconsider the issue of marriage.

In her previous life, she did not prescribe drugs to Old Master Yu, and Old Master Yu lived much longer than in this life. Yu Qingya's marriage was "scheduled" from Yu Qingjia by talking about Old Master Yu. In this lifetime, without Mr. Yu, who else could interfere in Yu Qingjia's marriage?

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