MTL - Unforgettable Emperor’s Favor-Chapter 77 blackmail

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Yu Qingya didn't speak for a long time, and after the system made this suggestion, it stopped urging her and let Yu Qingya think slowly.

The system is not in a hurry, because the system knows that Yu Qingya has only one choice.

After a while, Yu Qingya's voice was hoarse, and she asked in a low voice, "What kind of medicine is it?"

Sure enough, there was no ups and downs in the system, and he said in a tone like introducing food: "The system mall provides various special medicines. For the host's situation, we recommend Alpha No. 4. Alpha is a well-known interstellar medicine, and the most important medicine in this series The raw material comes from the companion nebula of the Aries galaxy. It is extracted from plants unique to the local planet and the gallbladders of S-class dangerous animals. It is colorless, odorless, has remarkable effects, and will not show symptoms of poisoning. Price. According to the current condition of the host, if you want to prescribe medicine to Laojun Yu, then Alpha Series No. 4 is the most suitable. After taking No. 4, Laojun Yu will become weak, have a fever, and get tired easily, which is very similar to ordinary geriatric diseases. Perfectly cover up your host's actions."

Yu Qingya only understood a small part of this passage, and she probably guessed from the literal meaning that it was a very precious medicine. Everything in nature has laws, bright colors represent warnings, and poisonous plants must have a strong sense of bitterness, so the political changes in the Northern Dynasty were frequent, and assassinations were everywhere, but the success rate of poisoning was not high. One reason is that those in power spare their lives and will not allow outsiders to touch their food, and the other reason is that most poisons have a bitter taste, and it may be difficult for others to drink them without noticing.

But this kind of medicine has avoided the checks and balances of nature. It is colorless and odorless, which means it is easy to deal with, and it will not show symptoms of poisoning, which means it is easy to cover up traces. No wonder it can become a priceless high-end poison in the interstellar era. In Yu Qingya's two lifetimes, she has never heard of such a heaven-defying drug. If it falls into the hands of those in power, it may immediately cause a bloodbath.

Yu Qingya's throat seemed to be blocked by cotton. After an unknown period of time, she asked with a difficult voice, "Is there an antidote for this medicine?"

"The host can be purchased from the store."

"Can you really get better after taking the antidote? Will it..."

In the middle of Yu Qingya's speech, her voice became lower and lower, and finally stopped abruptly. Although Yu Qingya didn't finish speaking, the system guessed exactly what she meant. The voice of the system was mechanically hollow, and it sounded like pity or sarcasm: "The system store only provides medicines, and does not guarantee the efficacy of the medicines. Besides, all antidote medicines are more precious than destructive medicines. Whether it can completely restore the patient is a question. The task of the medical scientist is not systematic."

Yu Qingya closed her eyes in despair, and said weakly, "I understand."

In fact, she knew the answer from the very beginning, the medicine was three-point poisonous, and it was a profit to save her life after being poisoned. How could she hope that Laojun Yu's health could return to the state before the poisoning. This time, Old Master Yu's body will definitely be greatly affected by the medicine.

Yu Qingya was undecided, and when the system saw it, she said coldly: "Host, you will be constantly disturbed by it, and you must make a decision as soon as possible."

Yu Qingya looked hesitant, and finally made up her mind, clenched her fists and said, "Ren Shan is bullied by others, and Ma Shan is ridden by others. I am so filial to Old Master Yu, but when she sent me down, she was not as arbitrary and vicious. Yes. She apologized to me first, I just wanted to protect myself."

The system was noncommittal, and responded: "The host is right. Are you sure you want to exchange for Alpha 4?"

The winter morning is cold and the wind is blowing, the Buddhist temple is a place outside the square, and the New Year will soon be outside, but there is still a dead silence in Jing'an Temple. Bai Lu closed the door, and walked lightly in the veranda, almost without hearing a sound. She just took two steps and bumped into Hongluan head-on. Hong Luan seemed to have just come out of Yu Qingya's room, she looked at Bai Lu strangely, and said, "Miss Si is looking for you."

No wonder Hong Luan's attitude is strange, Yu Qingya trusts Bai Lu too much, this trust is simply inexplicable. Yu Qingya only brought two maids to Jing'an Temple this time, and Bailu was one of them. Not only that, Yu Qingya wanted to explain things, and she didn't call Hong Luan, who had served her for more than ten years, she chose to buy it only a few days ago. white dew. Bai Lu ignored Hong Luan's secret targeting, she responded and hurried to Yu Qingya's room.

After seeing Bai Lu, Yu Qingya dodged her gaze, and glanced behind her nervously: "Close the door quickly. There should be no one following you, right?"

Bai Lu felt it was strange, she remained calm and said, "No one followed the servant. Miss Si, what do you want?"

Yu Qingya was very assured of Bai Lu's ability, since Bai Lu said that there was no one, Yu Qingya was also relieved, waved to Bai Lu, and said in a low voice, "Come here, I have something to tell you."

Bai Lu knelt down at the head of Yu Qingya as she said, Yu Qingya reached into her sleeves, took out the poison powder from the system backpack under the cover of the sleeves, then pretended to take it out of the sleeves, and handed it to Bai Lu: "This It's some medicinal powder, take it back to Yu's house and put it in Laojun's tea."

Seeing Yu Qingya's mysterious appearance, Bai Lu waited patiently for what she was going to do, but unexpectedly she took out such a package. Bai Lu looked at the strangely sealed paper bag, and didn't take it, but pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Miss Si, what is this?"

Yu Qingya spoke very vaguely at the beginning, she deceived herself and convinced herself that Mr. Yu was sorry for her first, and she was just protecting herself normally, but when she talked about it with others, her subconsciousness still exposed everything. As a junior, poisoning the great-grandmother, no matter where this kind of thing is put, it is shocking and outrageous.

Yu Qingya didn't want to go into too much detail, after all, it wasn't something glorious. She thought that Bai Lu was smart, and she could guess what she meant with only half of her words. It's a pity that Bai Lu didn't seem to understand, Yu Qingya was helpless, and she was afraid that if she didn't explain clearly, Bai Lu didn't know what was in it, and something bad would happen after taking it back. It's okay to give someone the wrong poison, but it's not okay to waste the poison she bought back at a big price.

Yu Qingya could only go into more detail: "It contains... some special-purpose medicinal powder, which will make people drowsy after drinking. I can't stay in the Buddhist temple forever. They are sorry for me, but I have to find a way for myself You try to find a way to mix these things into Yu Laojun's meals or tea, and after I am taken back, I will have my own way to detoxify."

Bai Lu understood, she thought that the Yu family was really interesting, not only the elders were disrespectful, but even the younger generation was bold enough to dare to poison their elders. Bai Lu didn't take it seriously at first, but what a boudoir lady Yu Qingya found for the medicine, what a big deal it could be, she said: "It's not difficult for me to ask Mr. Zhang to pass these medicines back to the Yu family, but I'm afraid it won't work if mixed into meals or tea. There are so many servants around Mr. Yu, and there are five or six people who cook for her every day. If other things are suddenly mixed into the food, I am afraid it will be easy to be discovered."

Yu Qingya made an oath, and said, "Don't worry, you won't be found out."

Hearing this, Bai Lu smiled indifferently, as if not arguing with her out of good intentions, Yu Qingya was not convinced, and couldn't help but said: "This medicinal powder is colorless and tasteless, and it can't be tasted when it is added to water. , mixed in the rice and will not be discovered. Moreover, Laojun will only gradually weaken afterward, and will not show signs of poisoning such as black and blue nails, vomiting and diarrhea, and will not expose the poisoner."

Bai Lu was originally smiling, with a nonchalant expression, but she slowly became serious when she heard the latter, and when she heard Yu Qingya say that the medicine was colorless and tasteless, and there was no sign of poisoning, Bai Lu's back was completely tense.

There is such a heaven-defying poison in the world? According to this, as long as someone has his eyes on someone, wouldn't poisoning be a hundred shots? There was already a layer of sweat dripping from Bai Lu's back. The son just beat her a few days ago, but she was still so negligent, and Yu Qingya actually took out such a terrible poison right under her nose. If Yu Qingya's words are true, someone poisoned the young master... Bai Lu didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

Bai Lu was both shocked and frightened in her heart, she quickly glanced at the medicine bag in Yu Qingya's hand, changed her casual attitude just now, and said solemnly: "Since Miss Si entrusted her, Bai Lu will not dare to disappoint Miss."

Yu Qingya confidently put the poison into Bai Lu's hands, and said with great expectation, "Then I'll wait for your good news, and you must act as soon as possible, before the Chinese New Year."

Bai Lu nodded, smiled at Yu Qingya and said, "Your servant understands, please don't worry, Fourth Miss."

In the afternoon of the same day, the package was wrapped several layers, and placed quietly on Murong Yan's table. Bai Rong stared at the package vigilantly, for fear that the poison inside would accidentally seep out. The person involved, Murong Yan, was rather casual. He picked something casually and asked, "Is this what Yu Qingya said, the colorless, odorless poison that kills people invisible?"


"Have you tried it with someone?"

"Master once said that Yu Qingya must report to you first if there is any movement, and Zhang Xian would not dare to act without your order." After Bai Rong finished speaking, he hesitated, "Mr. Take it, servant girl. You are honorable and cannot take any risks."

"It's okay." Murong Yan unwrapped the package layer by layer. The outside was packaged by Bai Rong and others who thought it was dangerous. Seeing Murong Yan unpacking the medicine package with her own hands, Bai Rong tensed up and sweated a lot.

Bai Lu and Zhang Xian didn't know the details of Yu Qingya, but Murong Yan did. Yu Qingya is stupid and arrogant, nothing to be afraid of, but the system behind her is very interesting. The strange spice last time, and the poison now, if you don't think otherwise, it must have come from the system. Since the system dared to take out the poison in this way, it would definitely not be leaked, otherwise, it would be useless for Zhang Xian and others to put more protection on the outside of the paper bag.

Murong Yan removed it to the innermost layer, and under Bai Rong's frightened gaze, he picked up the thin square packet with his fingertips. Murong Yan flipped it left and right, looked around, and said with a smile, "Sure enough, the sealing method is very strange, and I've never seen this kind of paper before."

Murong Yan had only heard about the system from Yu Qingjia before, and it was only now that he verified the existence of the system with his own eyes. The packaging material of this medicine is paper-like, and the edge is sealed with fine folds. Even the craftsmen in the palace cannot press it so finely and densely. It can be seen that this thing is definitely not from human hands.

Things are getting interesting.

Bai Rong didn't understand what Murong Yan meant by "Sure enough", she asked, "My lord, Yu Qingya actually has this kind of poison in her hands, and Bai Lu followed her all day long, yet she didn't even notice that she had never been Who got it from someone. If other people know about Yu Qingya's abnormality, it may be very detrimental to Young Master. Look, Young Master, should we take her..."

Although Bai Rong didn't finish her words, the meaning was self-evident. She proposed to kill Yu Qingya, so as to avoid future troubles forever. Murong Yan slowly played with the poison given out by the system with his fingers, and suddenly smiled: "What's the rush?"

In Jing'an Temple, Bai Lu looked worried, and said: "Miss Si, Mr. Yu's appetite has been poor these days, and this servant secretly asked someone to mix medicine into the food, but she didn't move her chopsticks, so she was taken away. If you don’t do your job well, Miss Fourth please punish me.”

Yu Qingya frowned, and asked, "She didn't eat at all, she just fell down?"

"Yes. I'm also blaming the servant girl. If the servant girl had thought of this in advance and left half of the medicine powder for later use, she could still continue to administer the medicine now. But now, the medicine is gone..."

Yu Qingya gritted her teeth and said, "Forget it, the overall situation is important. I still have a pack here. You must use it carefully this time, and let Old Master Yu drink it."

Bai Lu took the colorless, odorless and highly poisonous, and smiled lightly: "Yes."

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