MTL - Unforgettable Emperor’s Favor-Chapter 73 out of control

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When Murong Yan spoke, his voice was cold and stiff, but there seemed to be a faint trill in his hoarseness.

His voice was originally sluggish, and he used to be cold and noble when talking to people, with a casual and dismissive aura, but now he said "go away" with an extremely bad attitude, which is obviously even more repulsive Out of the words, but heard in the ears, but not the case.

His voice fluctuated, as if he was deliberately suppressing something.

Yu Qingya was not frightened by Murong Yan's lack of cooperation, she looked serious, and wanted to go around to the front to take a closer look at what was wrong with Murong Yan, but Murong Yan grabbed Yu Qingjia's hand violently, almost mercilessly Pushing Yu Qingjia away gently: "Go away, stay away from me."

Yu Qingjia was pushed staggeringly and nearly fell to the ground, but Murong Yan didn't even look back, and just walked forward. Yu Qingjia was also angry, she pursed her lips, quickly chased after her, and grabbed Murong Yan's wrist firmly: "What's wrong with you? Didn't we agree before, tell the other party directly if you have something to do, why are you doing this again?"

Yu Qingjia grabbed Murong Yan's hand, only to feel that his hand was extremely cold and his fingertips were trembling slightly. Yu Qingjia felt that the touch on her hands was not right, she raised her fingertips and found that there was blood on her fingers.

Yu Qingjia was startled, and quickly took Murong Yan's hand to look at it, and found that his palm was full of blood. His fingers are long and slender, and his color is as cold as jade, with blood winding between his fingers, the impact of scarlet and cold white is extremely strong. Yu Qingjia's eyes widened in surprise, and she hurriedly looked at his other hand. Murong Yan's body was tense, and her arms were avoided. Yu Qingjia raised her head and stared at him fiercely, and said in a cold voice, "Give me your hand."

Murong Yan didn't hide anymore, and let Yu Qingjia hold his hand, held it in front of his eyes and looked carefully. Yu Qingjia looked at it for a while, and was very angry, and said bitterly: "You promised me not to get hurt again, why did you make your hands like this again?"

Murong Yan looked down at Yu Qingjia, but didn't speak. Yu Qingjia took out her handkerchief and carefully wiped the blood off his fingers. There are some fine bloodstains on the palms and fingers of Murong Yan, the new bloodstains cover the old bloodstains that have solidified, mottled and mottled, new red and dark brown interlaced, it can be seen that the blood has been bleeding for a while. Murong Yan's hands are extremely beautiful, and seeing him make his hands like this, Yu Qingjia's heart aches.

The handkerchief was dirty after wiping blood, and there was no way to bandage the wound. Yu Qingjia came out in such a hurry today that she didn't bring another handkerchief. She searched left and right for a long time but couldn't find any usable materials, so she could only pick up her cloak, trying to tear a piece off it. Yu Qingjia tossed her cloak as hard as she could, and Murong Yan pressed her hand, exerting a little force: "No need."

Murong Yan's palms were cold, almost the same temperature as the outside world, showing how long he had stayed outside. Yu Qingjia wanted to try again, but Murong Yan suddenly held her hand with force, and took her warm and delicate hand away from the cloak.

Murong Yan's hands are long and thin, but they can completely wrap around the back of Yu Qingjia's hands. The cold temperature of his fingertips was clearly imprinted on the back of Yu Qingjia's hand. After such a toss, Yu Qingjia's hand was also stained with blood.

Yu Qingjia originally thought that Murong Yan would let her go after pulling her away, after all he is a person who doesn't like physical contact very much. But Murong Yan seemed to have forgotten, the cold fingers were still covering the back of her hand, her strength was getting stronger and stronger, and Yu Qingjia felt a little pain.

The two were relatively silent. Yu Qingjia looked down at her toes, hesitated for a while, and said, "You promised that I would come back. Where did you go?"

Murong Yan asked back: "No one is looking for you?"

"Later Bai Rong came, but..." Yu Qingjia couldn't say anything, and finally she shook her head and said, "Forget it, as long as you are fine, I won't talk about the previous things. By the way, I just wanted to ask, you Why is your hand hurt? Was there a conflict?"

Murong Yan deliberately moved his eyes away, staring at the darkness motionlessly, and his voice was low and soft, like a sigh: "No."

Without conflict, he himself would be the greatest disaster.

Yu Qingjia looked around and found that every tree in the surrounding area had scratches. Although there was only one scratch, the wood inside could be seen from the depth. But the height of these traces is very uniform, Yu Qingjia looked around, and then thought of Murong Yan's height, and suddenly understood: "You did all of these?"

Murong Yan still stared into the distance coldly, without speaking. Seeing his attitude, Yu Qingjia was sure: "It's really you? You..."

Yu Qingjia was surprised and anxious, and didn't know what to say for a moment. Looking at the cracks on the trunk, the edges are blunt, obviously not scratched by a sharp tool, but carved out of the same wood. Murong Yan was worried that the destructive power would be too great, and people would be suspicious if they were seen the next day, so when venting the tyranny in his heart, he only swiped in one direction. The length and angle of the new trace were exactly the same as the previous one, and Yu Qingjia didn't even know where to go. To lament his amazing control, we should lament his strength. Such deep marks can be drawn on wood that has not been cut at all, what if it is replaced by a cold iron weapon?

Yu Qingjia understood, and said, "So, your hand was scratched by a piece of wood? I didn't even notice it when it was dark just now, did you get any barbs in your hands? The wooden thorns should be picked out quickly, or the thorns will get worse in the future. Deeper." Yu Qingjia looked up at him, shook his hand slightly, and asked softly, "Are you feeling better now?"

Murong Yan has been deliberately avoiding his eyes, but how could Yu Qingjia not recognize him, his current state is exactly the same as when he was in the Buddhist temple. At that time they didn't know what to talk about, Murong Yan was the same, suddenly lost control. His body was tense, his pupils were dark, and a tyrannical darkness surrounded him. But the last time Murong Yan quickly controlled it, this time, he seemed a bit difficult.

Yu Qingjia has never seen this kind of situation before, but she can vaguely feel that Murong Yan's current feeling is definitely not good. For such a cold and self-disciplined person, he needs to use violence to divert his attention, which shows that his mind must be very uncomfortable.

"What's the matter with you?" The winter night was dark and cold, and there was nothing to see, but Yu Qingjia's eyes shone brightly in the darkness. Her eyes were focused, and she said to Murong Yan in a low voice: "Can you tell me? Although I don't know much, I can help you find a way."

Murong Yan's eyes slowly turned back, until now, his pupils are dilated, like a beast that has seen blood. Murong Yan watched for a moment, then suddenly reached out to cover Yu Qingjia's eyes.

He had exhausted all his self-control standing here, and he couldn't be tempted any longer.

Yu Qingjia was waiting for Murong Yan's answer, but Murong Yan suddenly covered her eyes. She was plunged into darkness before her eyes, and she could clearly feel another person's hand on her cheek. His fingers are long and slender, as cold as jade, and he looks very good-looking just by imagining it. Yu Qingjia blinked for no reason, her eyelashes seemed to have brushed against Murong Yan's palm, Yu Qingjia felt a little itchy, and couldn't help laughing: "It's a little itchy, let go..."

Before Yu Qingjia finished speaking, she suddenly felt Murong Yan's arms tense. A night watchman passed by outside and vaguely heard movement inside. He shouted and walked in: "Who are you and why are you staying inside? Could it be a pair of wild mandarin ducks?"

The words in the night watchman's mouth were not clean, Yu Qingjia's lantern had already been extinguished after so much trouble, but the night watchman carried the lantern and exposed it to the light. As soon as the night watchman walked into the bushes, he didn't have time to see the figure inside, when something bounced on his neck. He rolled his eyes and fell to the ground with a plop.

Murong Yan's eyes are dark in color, with a strange blue floating in the blackness, cold and calm, without a trace of emotion. His sanity has always been on the verge of collapse, his brain is clamoring for killing, and every blood vessel in his body is eager for **** killing. Fighting against body instincts is never an easy task. Murong Yan felt several times that the beast in his body was about to break out of its cage, but at this moment, an ant who knew nothing about the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth bumped into it.

Murong Yan's hand has already held the other party's neck, as long as he exerts a little force, he can break the other party's neck. He had many ways of disguising this man's death as an accident. Accidentally tripped and knocked out in the winter night, and after a night of freezing, it is normal to die. And an ordinary night watchman, if he dies, he will die, and no one will care about him at all.

Murong Yan's fingers slowly tightened, his eyes were calm, but the depths of his eyes were throbbing with excitement. Yu Qingjia was startled by the voice of the night watchman just now, she was about to pull Murong Yan to hide, but Murong Yan disappeared before she grabbed him. Yu Qingjia wanted to follow out, but she was afraid that the night watchman hadn't left yet. After struggling for a while, her concern for Murong Yan still prevailed. Yu Qingjia tiptoed out, and just after she came out, she saw Murong Yan half kneeling on the ground, and there seemed to be a person lying under his feet.

Yu Qingjia was stunned for a moment, and after seeing his movements clearly, she rushed over and firmly grasped Murong Yan's hand. Murong Yan's hand looks slender like jade, but it has a strength that is completely inconsistent with its appearance. Yu Qingjia tried all her strength, but she couldn't break Murong Yan's fingers. She grabbed his hand vigorously, her eyes widened: "Fox, he has fainted, he didn't see anything!"

Murong Yan's hand was holding the night watchman's neck, while Yu Qingjia's fingers were tightly hugging Murong Yan. Murong Yan's side face didn't move, but fortunately his fingers didn't continue to tighten. Yu Qingjia stared at him closely, tentatively held his hand on his arm, and shook it coquettishly: "It's so windy outside, I'm a little It's cold, shall we go back?"

After Yu Qingjia finished speaking, she sneezed uncontrollably. Yu Qingjia coughed in a low voice while looking at him nervously, describing himself as very embarrassed.

Murong Yan's fingers tightly around the other party's neck finally loosened. He seemed to sigh, held Yu Qingjia's shoulders, half-hugged her and stood up, then stretched out his hand to tighten the thin belt around her neck.

"You know it's cold, but you only wear so little?"

Once Yu Qingjia stood up, she immediately pulled Murong Yan back. Of course Murong Yan saw through her thoughts and let her lead him away from the night watchman. Yu Qingjia finally breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, a smile appeared on her face, which turned into anger in an instant: "It's not your fault."

Murong Yan was offended by the night watchman just now, and he was instantly murderous, but at the moment Yu Qingjia glared at him in front of him, but he didn't react at all. The thin ribbon shuttled between Murong Yan's fingers, and was quickly tied into a neat knot, but Murong Yan's hand did not leave. His fingers, as if uncontrollable, slid from the cloak to Yu Qingjia's slender neck .

Yu Qingjia is still accusing Murong Yan, and has no intention of avoiding it. Murong Yan lingered with her fingers, and suddenly smiled lightly.

Yu Qingjia was afraid that he would break the night watchman's neck just like that, but now, isn't she in the same situation? Why, she never worried about herself?

Yu Qingjia thought that Murong Yan had returned to normal, but in fact, he hadn't. With such a slender and weak neck, he only needs to exert half of his strength to break it, right?

Murong Yan's pupils were dark, and his brain was extremely excited, he didn't know whether he wanted to destroy or pity. The noise made by the night watchman was not small, and after a while, several other garden guards also heard the sound and found out: "Is there anyone inside? Who is inside?"

Murong Yan felt that the neck under his palm was visibly stiff, he glanced coldly outside, and was about to take Yu Qingjia away, but Yu Qingjia suddenly grabbed his arm with his backhand.

Yu Qingya lowered her voice and said quietly, "Shh, don't talk, follow me."

Murong Yan wanted to say that he was enough to take her away, but Yu Qingjia had already entered the state, bent her waist, and pulled Murong Yan into the rockery next to her. Murong Yan was forced to avoid the ants that he didn't pay attention to at all, but Yu Qingjia gave a serious "shh" and said, "They can't see here, we can hide in peace."

The cold wind was howling outside, and the inside of the rockery was pitch black. You couldn't see your fingers, and you could hear each other's breathing. In the dark, the sight is blocked, but the sense of smell becomes more obvious.

Yu Qingjia was too nervous just now, and at some point, she bit her lip.

In the dark, people's self-control is most likely to collapse. The bloodthirsty impulse in Murong Yan's body is still clamoring, but the tip of his nose is lingering with a vague smell of blood.

His cold fingers caressed Yu Qingjia's cheeks, and his fingertips gently stroked her lips.

Suddenly, he leaned over and kissed her.

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