MTL - Unforgettable Emperor’s Favor-Chapter 152 Empress

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On April 20, a school of warblers flew in Yecheng.

The Xianyang Hall was very busy yesterday, although everyone was tired, but early this morning, everyone was still smiling.

The concubine's conferment ceremony, even if it is exhausting, is also happy.

Of course, it is no longer possible to be called Wangfei, and all the maidservants will change their name to Her Highness Queen.

In February of this year, the emperor of the Southern Dynasty was fished out of the well by the army of the Qi Dynasty, and then the most disgraceful emperor ever captured alive, was escorted to Yecheng together with thousands of officials, ministers, and relatives of the king and grandson. In the second year of Xiyuan, Murong Yan broke through three cities, invaded the capital of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and destroyed the Northern Zhou Dynasty. This year, he captured the emperor of the Southern Dynasty alive. So far, except for the scattered forces in the frontier, the hinterland of the Central Plains has truly achieved great unification.

Since the fall of the Han Dynasty, the Central Plains has been in turmoil for three hundred years, with frequent wars, refugees everywhere, and the population of the world has dropped to one tenth. Countless heroes have dreamed of unifying the world, but today, it finally came true in the hands of a 19-year-old boy.

After Murong Yan led the army back to the court, anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was time for the little emperor to give way to the emperor's uncle, the regent. At this time, no one dared to point out that Murong Yan had a bad background and sought power to usurp the throne. He brought down the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and he recovered the Southern Dynasty. Even if Murong Yan didn't say anything, the common people felt that the regent should sit on the throne.

What qualifications does a baby who has just turned one year old have to sit on the throne and be the ruler of the world?

In April, Murong Shuo proposed the Zen seat logically. This time, there was no objection from the courtiers, and they respectfully welcomed Murong Yan as emperor. As for how a child who can't say a word "takes the initiative" to propose a Zen position... then the beholder sees the benevolence, and the wise sees the wisdom.

On April 19th, the enthronement ceremony was held in Hanyuan Hall, and Murong Yan was officially enthroned. At the same time, Yu Qingjia's post-sealing ceremony was also held at the same time.

Today is April 20th, the palace has been busy all day for the enthronement ceremony and queen conferment ceremony, and everyone is too tired to speak. But no matter how tired the body is, the heart is always happy. It has been three hundred years, and they have finally waited for the unity of the four seas and the end of the civil war. As long as the central government does not have any troubles, rests and recuperates, reduces taxes and exempts taxes, and when the population slows down, the long-awaited peace and prosperity of the people will come. up.

In Xianyang Palace, Bai Zhi was tired and happy at the same time, she was so excited that she didn't sleep all night, and early this morning, she came to serve Yu Qingjia in the palace. Unexpectedly, when Bai Zhi came, Bai Rong was already there. Bai Rong was talking about the affairs in the palace: "...An Lehou refused to sleep yesterday and kept crying. He didn't fall asleep until the second watch when he was tired from crying. Her wet nurse came early in the morning and delivered a message to the palace, saying..."

"say what?"

"It may be because of the new environment, An Lehou is afraid, that's why he refuses to sleep or eat. The wet nurse wants to ask the queen to visit An Lehou, maybe An Lehou will feel at ease when he sees the queen, so he can sleep well. "

Yu Qingjia sighed: "It takes a while for an adult to adapt to a new environment. He is only a little old. He was suddenly carried outside the palace. It would be strange if he didn't cry. Let the wet nurse take care of An Lehou. Mother carried An Lehou into the palace."

"Yes." Bai Rong replied, her lips moved and then stopped. Yu Qingjia looked at her and said, "If you want to say something, just say it, and who will you show it to?"

Bai Rong smiled and said: "Queen, Your Majesty specifically said when he left that he would come over for lunch at noon, and he would probably stay in Xianyang Hall in the afternoon. The Queen brought An Lehou here, Your Majesty, are you willing?"

"He likes to be happy or not." Yu Qingjia snorted, completely ignoring the man's appearance, "How grown up, it doesn't matter whether it's serious or not, even children are jealous."

Bai Rong let out an ah in her heart, and silently shut up. They were fine yesterday when they took Yu Qingjia to take a bath, but they got angry this morning. It must have been last night that His Majesty provoked the Queen again. Bai Rong shut her mouth tactfully, pretending that she didn't hear anything, the decorations in Yu Qingjia's inner room were extremely worn out, bottles and cans were often said to be broken when they were broken. Of course, His Majesty does not lack this little money, if it falls to the ground and breaks, just replace it with a new one. But from this we can see how intense the activities in the emperor's boudoir are.

Bai Rong retreated under the order to arrange for An Lehou to enter the palace in the afternoon. Bai Zhi came in after seeing Bai Rong had gone out. She took the mirror beside her and waited on Yu Qingjia to put on her hair accessories. Yu Qingjia's hair was tied into a high bun, and she wore a golden crown on it. The golden crown was slender and bright, and the front was inlaid with longan-sized Lantian jade. There are flexible golden branches on both sides of the golden crown, and various precious stones and jade beads are hanging from it. When Yu Qingjia moves lightly, the green rings jingle, which is too beautiful to behold.

Yu Qingjia changed her clothes and sat on the other side. Bai Zhi knelt and sat under Yu Qingjia's head. While talking, she kept working on her hands: "Queen, An Lehou can't be recognized by anyone, but he is close to you. What should he do in the future?"

Yu Qingjia sighed, and said: "I can take care of him for a while, but I can't take care of him for a lifetime. With his identity and mentality, it would be harmful for him to let him get in touch with the court more. In my opinion, when he grows up to be able to manage affairs in Yecheng, he will be given It would be best for him to draw a fief and let him spend his whole life in the fief without any worries."

Bai Zhi nodded, feeling that the words made sense. Murong Shuo is an idiot, and he used to be the Young Emperor, so his identity doomed him not to be able to coexist peacefully with Murong Yan. If he stays in the capital for a long time, he will inevitably be used by those who want to. At that time, even if Murong Yan doesn't want to, he must kill him.

On the contrary, let him go to the fiefdom when he becomes an adult, stay away from the intrigues in the capital, and not see the people in the court, so that he can live a carefree life until he dies. Murong Shuo was born with a deficiency, and in this life will be a child's mind, Murong Yan will not worry about him plotting a rebellion in the fief, and Murong Shuo will not have to be troubled by the capital, which is good for both parties.

When Bai Zhi thought of Murong Shuo, she couldn't help thinking of Yu Qingya. She asked, "Princess, the Song family had trouble again a few days ago. Look..."

"The Song family." Yu Qingjia couldn't help frowning when she heard this name. The Queen Mother Song was killed by Yu Qingya. Although the Queen Mother Song committed the crime herself, who made the weak justified? He relentlessly asked the Yu family to explain. Yu Qingya was kicked out by the Yu family when she was willing to be a concubine, but this was an internal matter of the Yu family. For outsiders, Yu Qingya's surname was Yu after all. If something happened, they would of course hold on to the Yu family.

Yu Qingjia smiled lightly, although she was laughing, but Bai Zhi inexplicably felt cold: "Where is the Song family wanting to talk to the Yu family, they clearly want to talk to me."

Last year, Yu Qingya was dying and killed the Empress Dowager Song, split the Buddha statue and destroyed half of the mountain. Now that Yongning Temple has received compensation from the imperial court, it has been rebuilt on the ruins one after another, and the incident caused by Yu Qingya has also been forcibly blocked by Murong Yan.

Although Murong Yan gave the order to die, there was no way to hide the collapse of the Buddha statue in Yongning Temple and the cracks in the ground.

On the day of Double Ninth Festival, Yu Qingjia held the emperor in his arms to pray for the suffering people. This incident is well known, and the appearance of the Buddha statue just shows that Yu Qingjia sincerely touched the heavens, so that the Buddha appeared. Murong Yan also rushed to the scene later, and the Buddha statue collapsed and the earth shook just at this time. Murong Yan only needed to play a little bit, and the folks spread that the Regent Murong Yan was the destiny, and it was God's choice to end this incident. The Son of Destiny in troubled times.

There are many people who practice Buddhism earnestly, and such a saying soon spread across the country. The most important thing in a war is the morale of the soldiers, and the morale of the Qi soldiers was greatly boosted. Murong Yan took advantage of this momentum to march south, and the whole journey was like a broken bamboo. Murong Yan made a lot of money by operating feudal superstitions, and Yongning Temple, the other party to the accident, was also happy with this statement. It didn't take long before Yongning Temple became the largest temple in Ye City.

The noise made by Yu Qingya was said to be a manifestation of the Dao of Heaven, but her own existence was silently erased. The public opinion from the outside world subsided, but the Song family, the only victim, refused to give up. They seized on this clue and made a fuss to explain it. Looking at the meaning of the old lady of the Song family, the meaning of the Song family is vaguely pointing to the harem.

Of course, it would not be a loss to replace a new emperor and concubine after the death of a tasteless empress dowager.

Yu Qing Jiahun didn't care, and said: "The authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear. They are deceived by their words, but we don't have to accompany them to make jokes. The Song family is exhausted, and it will be nothing but a clown if you make a fuss. You will send a message to your father and uncle later. Guys, don't bother with them."

"Yes." Bai Zhi replied, with some hesitation, "Queen, after all, you are now the lord of the middle palace. Your Majesty's position has been preliminarily determined, and the sixth palace is vacant. The whole world is staring at you. At this time, if you If you don't pretend to speak, will other families gossip? I'm afraid it's because of this that the lord and the clan elders dare not speak hard to the Song family."

"There's no need to dare. I don't live in those people's mouths. I don't want to live in those people's mouths. I don't care what they say. Let my father and uncles rest assured that they don't have to worry about me. If you want to give a cold face, you will give a cold face. If you want to close the door, you will close it. I can't see the door. The more people stare at you, the more you have to put on an air, can you really treat everyone as a bully?"

Bai Zhi suddenly realized, and quickly said: "The queen is right, we are the queen's natal family, the harder we are, the less outsiders dare to provoke them. Besides, your majesty is obedient to the queen, so you don't have to suffer this kind of injustice."

Hearing Murong Yan's name, Yu Qingjia didn't speak. Bai Zhi didn't notice, she continued to ask: "Queen, what do you think the Song family wants to do?"

"In the middle of last year, the Song family was ambitious and wanted to follow the example of the previous dynasty. While the emperor was young, they killed the emperor's biological mother and let the empress dowager and her natal family take control of the government. It has not been a day or two since the Song family wanted to be an uncle. The Empress Dowager Song died suddenly, and she was killed by Yu Qingya, who they had always looked down upon. The Song family's dreams have come to nothing, of course they will not let go. Put pressure on me to compensate them."

"What compensation?"

Yu Qingjia pointed in the direction of the harem, and Bai Zhi immediately understood. Bai Zhi was surprised and angry, and cursed: "I really don't know what is good and what is bad! The Song family's eyes are all white, so why can't they see the situation clearly. Even if the Empress Dowager Song is not dead, now that the young emperor is in meditation, how can she still exist?" What's the matter with this nominal queen mother? Your majesty didn't liquidate their family, they should have been secretly burning incense, how dare you come to the queen's house to make trouble? Still being a concubine, bah, it's a good idea. So many inner court officials and royal families came with the Southern Dynasty court Princess, Your Majesty doesn't even look out of the corner of his eyes, and directly assigns them to unmarried generals and soldiers. Those ladies of the Song family are so shameless, can they be more beautiful than the princesses and concubines of the Southern Dynasty?"

After Bai Zhi finished speaking, she felt that something was wrong, and quickly corrected it: "Queen, I don't mean that. In terms of beauty, who can compare to the queen? Besides, Your Majesty is also a world-renowned handsome man, how can those vulgar fans get in?" Your Majesty's eyes. His Majesty looks at them, it is better to look at yourself in the mirror."

Yu Qingjia raised her eyebrows and said deliberately: "Isn't that a vulgar fan?"

Bai Zhi slapped her own mouth lightly, and begged for mercy: "The queen's servant is wrong, you can go around the servant!"

"What vulgar fan?"

People on both sides stopped and knelt down: "Your Majesty."

Murong Yan walked in, sat next to Yu Qingjia naturally, and looked at Bai Zhi: "What were you talking about just now, what vulgar fans?"

Bai Zhi looked embarrassed, Yu Qingjia winked and said, "Go down first."

Bai Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and escaped for her life.

When Bai Zhi left, Murong Yan looked at Yu Qingjia with a smile that was not a smile: "Vulgar and vulgar? The harem is empty?"

Yu Qingjia glanced at Murong Yan, and said, "Isn't it? Your Majesty looks like this, which girl doesn't have a spring heart?"

Murong Yan couldn't help laughing, he was most annoyed by people talking about his appearance, and he was almost shot to death when others mentioned it, but Yu Qingjia was fine no matter how he joked, even calling him a vixen in private, Murong Yan readily accepted it. It is also rare to have double standards and double standards to the point of Murong Yan.

Murong Yan was not angry at all, and said: "Then what about you, as a husband, can you seduce the queen?"

Yu Qingjia rolled his eyes at him, and Murong Yan smiled: "Still angry?"

Speaking of this, Yu Qingjia became furious: "You promised me something before going to bed yesterday, but you are still like that..."

"It's my fault." Murong Yan admitted his mistake smoothly, without blinking his eyes, and said, "But I won't change it, I promise there will be a next time."

"You!" Yu Qingjia was very angry, she stared at Murong Yan for a while, and said bitterly, "I don't want to talk to you, I'm going out."

Murong Yan watched silently, but when Yu Qingjia just stood up, he reached out and pulled her back. Yu Qingjia couldn't control it enough and fell back into his arms. Yu Qingjia's hair crown collided and made a jingling sound. Murong Yan enjoyed the process of throwing himself into his arms very much. He wrapped his arms around Yu Qingjia's waist with one hand, and scratched Yu Qingjia's chin with the other: "You still owe me one hundred and ninety-four time."

Yu Qingjia's face turned red suddenly, and she was unable to speak: "You...I didn't agree to you at all, you are the overlord clause."

When Murong Yan fought in the Northern Zhou Dynasty last year, he had just broken through the capital, and before he had time to settle the situation, he received a secret letter from the secret guards of the capital, reporting on Yu Qingya's affairs. After Murong Yan received the letter, how could he rest assured that Yu Qingjia would stay in Yecheng? He left He Guang and others in Beizhou to deal with the mess, and rushed to Yecheng with the most streamlined troops. Fortunately, he arrived in Beijing on the Double Ninth Festival and stopped Yu Qingya in time. Murong Yan was very angry at Yu Qingjia's behavior of using her body as a bait, so she forcibly signed an unequal treaty with Yu Qingjia and asked her to make up for it on the bed.

Murong Yan hugged Yu Qingjia, their noses touched, and they only saw each other in their eyes: "The cold war last year lasted for two months, and last year I went to war for five months. How many times?"

"but you…"

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that once a day is a normal amount now, and it's not counted in your debt. You can figure out how much you still owe me. If you don't work harder, you won't even be able to pay back the interest."

Yu Qingjia was extremely angry: "What interest? I didn't agree at all!"

"Then I don't care." Murong Yan was confident, and his hands gradually became dishonest, "Yesterday barely counted three times, so there are one hundred and ninety-one times, plus today, you have to promise me at least two times. Two times is not too much, right?" ?”

"I don't want it, it doesn't make sense at all!"

Murong Yan never reasoned with others, he usually did it directly. Seeing that the gun was about to go off, Yu Qingjia could only hold Murong Yan's hand quickly and said, "Wait a minute, I announced An Lehou's wet nurse. She will bring the baby into the palace this afternoon."

Murong Yan stopped abruptly and narrowed his eyes: "What did you say?"

Yu Qingjia also felt very sorry for him, but who put the matter of An Lehou first. Yu Qingjia pushed Murong Yan and said, "Get up quickly, you will only feel more and more uncomfortable like this."

Murong Yan glanced at Yu Qingjia quietly, and he had already made up his mind that tomorrow he would decree to throw Murong Shuo to the feudal land. Feeling his presence, Yu Qingjia's heart gradually softened, and she whispered in his ear, "How are you doing tonight? I'll listen to you."

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