MTL - Unforgettable Emperor’s Favor-Chapter 145 no

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The sun gradually rose, and somehow there was some warmth in the cold air. The process of celebrating the winter solstice has been roughly completed, and many wives are already complaining and looking for a place to rest.

The older lady couldn't bear it physically, but the younger lady was fine. Yu Qingjia had just regained her freedom, before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she was surrounded by all kinds of female relatives.

Yu Qingjia is sixteen years old this year. To most of the wives present, Yu Qingjia is younger than their daughters. But now they have to stand behind a little girl and bow and bow, and many people's expressions are not good. Especially Murong Yan's methods have been fierce in the past six months. The emperor's family has been killed almost all over the place. The in-law relationship between the court and China is intricate. When others see it, they will inevitably feel jealous.

Although many people came forward to talk to Yu Qingjia, but there were also many people who stood far away and secretly looked at Yu Qingjia.

Because of Murong Yan, these wives have preconceived ideas, and the eyes they looked at Yu Qingjia were definitely not kind. However, the more they looked at it, the more complicated their mood became. The world knew that King Langya was good-looking. Recently, it was widely rumored in Beijing that the new concubine Langya was also extremely beautiful. When the ladies heard this sentence, they secretly sneered. Not all of them attended the wedding banquet in Langya Palace. The ladies who were not present thought contemptuously, which of these noble ladies in the capital is not a beauty. As long as a woman is young, she will not be bad Where to go. Princess Langya dared to be praised in front of so many aristocrats in Yecheng, she was too arrogant.

However, at the Great Court Meeting today, all the famous officials and wives in Yecheng were present, and this was the first time that Yu Qingjia appeared in front of everyone as Princess Langya. Many wives were speechless when they saw the woman at the front.

This is, Princess Langya?

Yu Qingjia is wearing a grand flower hairpin and Zhai clothes today, and she wears jingle bells as she walks, grand and gorgeous. And she has a glamorous appearance. The plain clothes are like a lotus emerging from water, fresh and gentle, and the full dress immediately shows the beauty of her facial features. The corners of her eyes are slightly hooked, her snow-skinned lips are red, and her eyes are black. Just standing there, she doesn't say no Laughing is enough to shock people.

Although Yu Qingjia's facial features were rich and colorful, they were not aggressive or coquettish. To put it bluntly, Yu Qingjia knew at a glance that ordinary people could not afford to raise her. She was so beautiful, and she was so clear and immortal. Only the emperor's family could enjoy such kindness.

The wife who once mocked Yu Qing Jia's mother swallowed this sentence silently, and it turned out that they were the ones who raised her. With such a person standing in front of him, who else would dare to call himself a beauty? The name of poppies is well-deserved.

Since Yu Qingjia's wedding, round fans with a poppy pattern have become popular in Beijing. Princess Langya's round fan covers her face, and everyone scrambles to follow her.

Yu Qingjia talked to the female relatives, but there were more and more people around her, without any decrease. She sighed softly, Murong Yan couldn't stop last night, she woke up early today, and stood with such heavy clothes all morning, Yu Qingjia felt that her waist was about to break. She secretly thought that she would have to find a chance to escape later, and go to the side hall to breathe a sigh of relief.

As soon as this thought fell, there was a loud noise outside the hall. Yu Qingjia turned her head in surprise, and the hairpin on her head jingled with her movements. There was a sudden noise outside the door, many people were running around, the wives were a little panicked, the people who had surrounded Yu Qingjia just now dispersed in a rush, and they all hid far away.

Yu Qingjia stood alone in the middle of the hall, she turned her face solemnly, and turned her head to tell an **** a few words, and sent him outside to inquire about news. The **** responded with a sullen face, and left quickly. After the little **** left, Yu Qingjia looked around the hall, her eyes swept over everyone, her face was obviously expressionless, but when she spoke, she suddenly nodded and smiled, and the sky suddenly melted like ice and snow, and the sky broke: "It surprised you ladies, but Now the situation outside is unclear, and it may be dangerous, so Mrs. Lao took refuge in the temple for a while."

After Yu Qingjia finished speaking, without waiting for everyone's reaction, she said, "Bai Rong, ladies and gentlemen, please go to rest."


The wives' words were blocked in their stomachs, and they smiled reluctantly, knowing that they would not be able to get out today. It really wasn't that the whole family didn't come into the house, Yu Qingjia looked young, but she was no worse than her husband when he played tricks.

The situation outside is unknown, but according to the experience of the nobles in Yecheng, it is likely that the palace has changed. At this juncture, the palace changes, and any fool knows that it may not be good. But Yu Qingjia stopped them all. If the person who started the incident was someone from the court, then the female relatives present would be the best hostages.

The honorable wives were half invited and half held hostage to "rest". There was a moment of chaos in the hall, and soon it quieted down. After Yu Qingjia dealt with these people, he couldn't help looking in the direction of Hanyuan Hall, with worry hidden in his eyes.

The sudden loud noise on such an important day as the winter solstice obviously changed again. Murong Yan is no better than her, his every move is watched by the eyes of the whole court, I don't know what's going on with Murong Yan?

At this moment, Murong Yan was putting the knife back into the scabbard, he vaguely felt his face was wet, and he wiped the blood on his hand casually.

Murong Yan took out a handkerchief from his sleeve, and slowly and carefully wiped off the blood on his fingers.

Chang Da died for the last two people, walked behind Murong Yan panting heavily, and asked: "Your Highness, the people have been cleaned up. Do you want to bandage the wound?"

Murong Yan casually threw the handkerchief on the ground, the pure white handkerchief fell on the ground, and it was soaked instantly.

"No need."

"Your Highness..."

"It's not a serious injury, I know it in my heart." Murong Yan raised his hand lightly, Chang Da didn't dare to persuade him any more. Murong Yan walked towards the hall, and said calmly: "My second uncle really wanted me to die. In order to kill me, he did not hesitate to make a deal with the Zhao people. Ever since Emperor Wei fled westward, the Murong family has not been with the Helan family for a long time. We worked together. I never expected that I could actually see the elite guards of the Zhao State in the palace of the Qi Dynasty."

"But it's a pity that Zhao Guo's elite troops are still inferior." Murong Yan strode through the palace, he drew his knife, and cut off the luxurious and exquisite bed curtain with one knife. The curtain vibrated violently, and suddenly a dagger stabbed out from within, at a tricky angle, approaching the vital point. Murong Yan didn't even move his body, he blocked the short sword with his backhand, and with a sudden turn of his wrist, the sword in the emperor's hand flew away.

The emperor clutched his chest and coughed **** ho: " are not dead yet!"

The emperor hooked up with Northern Zhou He Lanbo through his confidants, and agreed that He Lanbo would help him kill Murong Yan, and he would send two cities of Tongguan to Northern Zhou. However, they didn't expect Murong Yan to notice it so quickly, when the gray-clothed **** entered the palace, Murong Yan knew it from the back. They had no choice but to put all their eggs in one basket and rise up immediately, trying to kill Murong Yan when they are not prepared. Three first-class masters from the Northern Zhou Dynasty, plus two confidantes beside the emperor, and the five people besieged them, but Murong Yan survived.

"Yeah, I disappointed my second uncle, but I'm still alive."

"You monster, I shouldn't have let you go in the first place!"

Murong Yan laughed, cut off a section of the bed curtain, and lowered his head to wipe his knife. The embroidery on the emperor's dragon bed was of course perfect, and the delicate silk brushed against the blade, pulling the blood on it into faint red long marks.

"I thought Second Uncle had a clear distinction between insiders and outsiders. How the Murong family fights is the Murong family's business, but no matter what, it's not up to outsiders to intervene. Second Uncle has been at ease for too long, and even forgot this family rule. "

"Monster, I curse you to die badly, cut off your children and grandchildren, leave your wife..." The emperor had just said the word "wife" when his throat was cut. Murong Yan stood above and looked at him coldly: "I said before, you have no right to mention her."

The emperor's lips moved up and down, as if he was trying to say something, and finally fell down on the pillow, his eyes were wide open and blood was bubbling. Although Chang Da was on Murong Yan's side, he still felt shudder when he saw this scene.

Sealing the throat with a knife, such strength and such precision, the viewers are intimidated. The person involved was only seventeen years old.

When Murong Yan walked out of the hall, the dry and cold wind outside rushed towards him, Murong Yan stopped on the high steps, and suddenly asked: "Where is the princess?"

Yu Qingjia used both kindness and force to control the scene. She hadn't seen the little **** who had been inquiring for news for a long time, and she gradually couldn't sit still. She stood up and only took two steps when the door of the palace was suddenly opened, and a figure appeared at the door against the light.

Yu Qingjia's eyes widened, and desperately, she ran towards the visitor with the corner of her skirt: "Murong Yan!"

Murong Yan stretched out his hand and caught her firmly. Yu Qingjia threw herself into Murong Yan's arms, anxious and angry, and finally turned into a deep sense of grievance: "You scared me to death, are you okay?"

Just after Yu Qingjia finished speaking, her fingers touched some sticky liquid on his clothes. Yu Qingjia widened her eyes and looked at him in disbelief. Murong Yan smiled at Yu Qingjia and said, "I'm fine. It's all over outside, I'll take you home."

Yu Qingjia swallowed the words in her throat and nodded slightly: "Okay."

The wives and wives in the hall, as well as the soldiers outside the hall, just watched the princess fly into the arms of His Highness King Langya, and then the two whispered a few words, ignoring everyone, and left hand in hand under the eyes of everyone. .

Everyone was unable to speak for a long time. A wife of Zaifu stroked her chest and said, "I'm old, so I can't be scared."

Mrs. Zaifu recalled the scene she saw just now, and smiled wryly, "Young couples are really different."

Those two people are both beautiful and indescribable, as if they were born to enjoy the splendor of wealth and honor, enshrined by thousands of people. When Princess Langya threw herself into King Langya's arms, even the old Mrs. Zaifu wanted to sigh.

The two of them are only seventeen or sixteen this year.

At this moment, the death knell sounded from the high platform. Mrs. Zaifu looked up in a daze, and saw that the Tongque Terrace had been hung with white flags, and fine snow particles were falling from the sky.

"Your Majesty, you are dead."

Yu Qingjia and Murong Yan returned home, and as soon as they returned to their own room, Yu Qingjia immediately asked the maid to boil water and get medicine. She frowned, and was about to take off Murong Yan's clothes.

Murong Yan raised his eyebrows and said, "Wangfei is so enthusiastic today?"

"You don't come here." Yu Qingjia's face was still cold, and he glared at Murong Yan unceremoniously, "Take off your clothes quickly."

The familiar scene, the familiar dialogue, Murong Yan took a deep look at Yu Qingjia, this time without any nonsense, he quickly unbuttoned the front of his shirt.

Murong Yan was too cooperative, and Yu Qingjia herself felt a little embarrassed. She belatedly remembered that when Murong Yan was recuperating behind her house in Yu's house in Yanzhou, she also said similar rude words to Murong Yan.

Yu Qingjia coughed, and looked at Murong Yan's wound with a serious face. He hurt his back last time, and this time he hurt his ribs again. Yu Qingjia felt distressed when she saw the hideous wound, she lightly touched the border of the scar, and asked in a low voice, "Does it hurt?"

Murong Yan didn't pause at all, and nodded calmly: "It hurts."

Yu Qingjia glared at him hard, knowing that he was trying to be pitiful on purpose, but when she saw the wound, Yu Qingjia still felt very distressed. The maid put aside the medicine and wine long ago, and quietly withdrew. Yu Qingjia dipped her handkerchief in the wine and wiped the blood from the wound bit by bit.

Yu Qingjia leaned closer, and his breath hit Murong Yan's upper body lightly, which was more painful than the wound. Murong Yan endured it symbolically for a while, but his hands began to be dishonest.

Yu Qingjia was busy with disinfecting and bandaging her hands, so she didn't have time to take care of Murong Yan, so she let him go. After she applied medicine to the wound and wrapped it in a clean cotton cloth, she found that the dignified Zhai clothes on her body had been untied in a mess, and the jade pendant and other things were thrown all over the floor.

Yu Qingjia didn't know whether to be angry or helpless. She pressed Murong Yan's hand and said helplessly, "Why are you acting like a child? Sit down and don't make trouble."

Murong Yan grabbed her belt with one hand, and with some twitch of her slender fingers, the belt loosened. Murong Yan untied his belt slowly and asked, "What if I don't?"

Yu Qingjia was speechless, looking at him speechlessly. If Murong Yan doesn't, she really can't do anything to him. Yu Qingjia sighed, and sincerely advised him: "Stop making trouble, you are injured now, you can't do it."

Murong Yan raised his eyebrows when he heard that word, and immediately pushed Yu Qingjia down on the bed, narrowing his eyes: "What did you say?"

Yu Qingjia was overwhelmed by surprise, she let out a small exclamation, and was overwhelmed again when she wanted to get up. She regretted her quick talk, so she tried to explain: "I'm not saying you can't do it, I mean that your left rib is injured and you can't use your strength... Well, I'm actually thinking about you... Well, well, I was wrong! "

Yu Qingjia quickly grabbed Murong Yan's hand, and within a short moment, she was about to burst into tears. Her eyes are watery and moist, looking at her makes people... full of desire to bully.

"Can't I be wrong? Let me out." Yu Qingjia was tearful, her voice was aggrieved, and the ending was delicate. Although she was begging for mercy, it would only make people want to bully her even more. Murong Yan leaned over and hugged Yu Qingjia's back, and threw the clothes that got in the way on the ground, perhaps accidentally dragging the wound, Murong Yan's eyebrows moved invisibly.

Yu Qingjia noticed it immediately, and she said in a delicate voice, "You have injuries on your ribs, and you can't use your arms hard."

"It doesn't affect."

How could this not affect it, Murong Yan acted perfectly in front of others, but Yu Qingjia could see how serious his wound was. Murong Yan is full of energy and extremely talented in sports. Since the two of them got married, he has been out of control. He has been working **** the sport on the bed, and his skills are becoming more and more perfect. Yu Qingjia knew that she couldn't persuade him, so she bit her lip, and suddenly said in a low voice: "How about, let me do it."

Murong Yan's hand stopped, his brain seemed unable to process this sentence, he was in a daze for a long time.

Yu Qingjia gently pushed Murong Yan's uninjured arm, blushing almost to the point of bleeding: "I heard that it's okay for the woman to be on top..."

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