MTL - Unforgettable Emperor’s Favor-Chapter 134 get married

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Princess Song opened her mouth wide in astonishment, unable to understand what was going on for a long time. The concierge refused to let them in today, Princess Song deliberately got out of the car with the curtain fence, and stood precariously at the door, and everyone who came and went could see this scene. Princess Song used this to force Yu Qingjia to compromise. If Yu Qingjia didn't open the door, everyone would know that Princess Guangping, who had always been weak, came to the door in person, but Yu Qingjia closed the door, causing Princess Guangping to fall ill. Although Concubine Song was a bit ashamed, Yu Qingjia's reputation was even more damaged. People sympathized with the weak. In this way, others would feel sorry for Concubine Song's loneliness and filial piety, but they would feel that Yu Qingjia was bullying and domineering. At this time, everyone in the world is pursuing style and fame. Princess Song threatened Yu Qingjia's reputation, not afraid that Yu Qingjia would not compromise. Later, as expected, Princess Song forced Yu Qingjia to show her face as she wished.

But Princess Song never expected that Murong Yan would be upset even before Yu Qingjia herself said anything. When Princess Song first came to the door, she felt that the concierge of the Yu family was not like ordinary people. Not only the concierge, but also the few plainclothes people who passed by in the alley from time to time gave Princess Song a feeling that she couldn't describe it. At that time, Princess Song didn't take it seriously, but now she heard Murong Yan's exact description of the scene at that time, Princess Song suddenly realized. It turned out that these people were all spies arranged by Murong Yan to protect the Yu family.

No wonder, Murong Yan even bought the house connected to the Yu family, so how could he neglect the protection at the entrance of the Yu family. No wonder, since the carriage of Guangping Prince's Mansion stopped at the gate of Yu's house, people passed by in the alley from time to time, and Princess Song often felt thorns on her back. Princess Song felt uncomfortable when she thought of this. She seemed to have greatly underestimated Yu Qingjia's position in her little uncle's heart.

Concubine Song felt bitter, she was also a concubine, before she passed the door, King Guangping never even asked someone to protect her, not to mention sending someone to protect her. The difference between people can be so big.

But now is not the time to think about these things, Princess Song forced herself to recover, and looked at Yu Qingjia anxiously and pleadingly. She didn't expect that she would be self-defeating. She planned to force Yu Qingjia to show up, and she did not hesitate to offend others, but now, her father's life and death fell into Yu Qingjia's hands. Concubine Song didn't care about face, and said sincerely to Yu Qingjia: "Liu Niangzi, I was too arrogant before and offended you many times. Now that I have fallen to this point, it is also retribution. If you are angry, you can come at me, but don't worry about it." Don't blame my father. My grandmother is old, my mother is cowardly, and there are several younger sisters who have not left the cabinet. If my father has any troubles, they will all be unable to survive."

I have to say that Princess Song is a very smart person. She knows that now that King Guangping is dead and the emperor's family has fallen, the husband's family she was once proud of has become her death talisman. , Princess Song has a life to live, otherwise, she will really be completely finished. Princess Song cried and begged, her temples were disheveled, and she shed tears. She thought of how many times she had offended Yu Qingjia, how she had given both kindness and power, and how Zhang Luo had made Yu Qingjia a concubine, she was so frightened that her heart turned cold. In this way, Princess Song's mourning really carried a bit of sincerity.

Of course Yu Qingjia doesn't like Princess Song, but she is right in saying that the wrong has its own owner, and the grievances between her and Princess Song cannot be implicated on innocent people. What's more, Song Kuang is an important minister of the imperial court, so dealing with it is not a joke.

Yu Qingjia glanced at Murong Yan, the more she looked, the more she felt that Murong Yan might not deliberately use her as a cover to release people, otherwise, if Murong Yan really wanted to do something, why wait until now. Murong Yan is using her again. It was not enough for him to collude with Yu Wenjun to deceive her, but now he is doing the same thing again. Yu Qingjia was secretly angry, she snorted, and said deliberately: "Your Highness, are you serious? I am a little girl with the narrowest heart, and I don't care about the righteousness of my family and country. As long as someone offends me, I would like to let his whole family be with me. Your Highness really entrusted the life and death of General Song Kuang to me?"

Murong Yan was still cold before, but as soon as Yu Qingjia spoke, a smile appeared in his eyes. Those little smiles are like floating light and gold, making Murong Yan's whole body come alive. Yu Qingjia pointed out that Sang's skill in scolding Huai was getting better and better, and Murong Yan didn't care that Yu Qingjia scolded him around the corner, and nodded without thinking: "Of course, as long as you want, you can do whatever you want."

"Then I'm going to kill them all."

Murong Yan smiled slightly, and called a guard to step forward: "The order will be passed down, saying that Song Kuang's daughter offended the princess, and Song Kuang will make an apology to the princess with her life."

When the guard took the order, he was a little hesitant, seeing that Murong Yan didn't look like he was joking, he could only fold his fists and retreat. Concubine Song was stunned as she knelt on one side. It was really a gods fighting and mortals suffered. How did the anger of the unmarried couple spread to the Song family? Seeing that the guards were about to leave, Princess Song was anxious, and hurriedly shouted: "His Royal Highness King Langya!"

Murong Yan didn't even move his brows. It was really useful for him to keep Song Kuang, but Jiajia didn't like it, so if he killed him, he just killed him, and just rearranged the plan later.

This is a military order, as long as you leave this living room, the soldiers outside don't care whether it is reasonable or not, they just execute it. Princess Song begged Murong Yan several times to no avail. She was completely panicked, so she could only look at Yu Qingjia tentatively: "Miss Liu, all my mistakes are my fault, and I am here to apologize to you. Please persuade Liu Niang Your Highness!"

Yu Qingjia originally looked indifferent, and calmly watched the guards walk out. As the guards walked further and further away, Yu Qingjia's palms became tighter and tighter. In the end, she couldn't bear it any longer, and said first, "Enough."

The guard stopped when he heard the sound, not knowing what to do. Yu Qingjia turned around and glared at Murong Yan angrily: "What exactly do you want?"

Murong Yan waved his hand, and the guard stepped back. He looked at Yu Qingjia and said with a smile in his voice, "Have you lost your anger?"

Yu Qingjia stared and said nothing, Murong Yan didn't care about other people's eyes at all, and raised her hand to straighten the hair on Yu Qingjia's ears: "I said before, as long as it is your request, no matter what it is, I will agree. It is helpless to lie to you before. For..."

Yu Qingjia stared at him hard, and Murong Yan couldn't make it up anymore, so he changed his words wisely: "Well, I just met you before, and I didn't realize what you mean to me, so I lied to you a lot .But now, no more."

"Then what if I didn't stop it just now?"

"Then kill them." Murong Yan said casually, "You may think that I am using you, but just now, I really planned to kill them all."

Princess Song knelt on the ground and was terrified, her scalp tingling. She originally thought that her father-in-law was crazy enough, but she didn't expect that compared with Murong Yan, he was still slightly inferior. This kind of madness of wanting beauty but not country, even the Murong family, which is full of lunatics, can't match it.

Yu Qingjia and Murong Yan looked at each other, his eyes were clear and calm, with a hint of a smile, he didn't seem to feel that what he did just now was inappropriate. Yu Qingjia gradually became startled that the vixen was telling the truth. His degree of madness seemed to be higher than she had imagined.

No one in the room dared to speak, Murong Yan glanced at the ground lightly, and said in a slightly raised tone, "Aren't you leaving?"

Concubine Song and others woke up like a dream, hurriedly got up and left. The huge room soon became empty, Murong Yan stretched out his hand to caress her hair bun, and asked, "Why didn't you wear the jade hairpin I gave you?"

Yu Qingjia already knew from Bai Rong that the hairpin given to her by Murong Yan on New Year's Eve of the second year of Guangxi was the relic of Princess Chengde. That jade hairpin came from Murong Yan's great-grandmother, and it has been passed down from generation to generation for three generations. Later, it was put on Yu Qingjia's head by Murong Yan.

It's self-evident what this token symbolizes, it's just that I didn't know it before, knowing the origin of this hairpin, how could Yu Qingjia dare to wear it casually. She looked away and said, "I'm still in the filial age, so I can't dress up."

"Aren't you telling me the truth?"

Yu Qingjia sighed and said, "It's too precious."

"What's so precious?" Murong Yan said indifferently, "My mother said that this jade hairpin will be left for the future daughter-in-law, and you have already been. You have to keep filial piety for Laojun Yu for a year, so I let Qin Tianjian Set the auspicious day on August 15th. On August 15th, I will announce to the whole world that you are my only princess."

Mr. Yu died on the 14th of August last year, and Murong Yan set the date of engagement on the 15th, but it really felt like a waste to wait an extra day. Yu Qingjia was helpless, but she was slightly moved in her heart.

When the King of Guangping wanted Yu Qingya, he let Yu Qingya go to Beijing regardless of the filial piety period. The Guangping King who worked hard to build a reputation as a virtuous king was like this, but Murong Yan was more extreme and reckless than his cousin, but he was willing to consider Yu Qingjia's filial piety. Wait until she is filial piety before getting engaged.

Although it was the first day after filial piety, doing so only highlighted his intentions.

Yu Qingjia's heart softened in the end, she knew that Murong Yan was so bad because he didn't love her, and it was rare for him to admit it himself. Now, he is still unprincipled, vile, and has a worrying bottom line, but he is the most sincere to her.

Yu Qingjia nodded slightly, and said inaudibly, "Okay."

Although Murong Yan had long regarded her as his concubine, Yu Qingjia knew that she hadn't really agreed to marry him until this moment.

On August 14th, Yu Qingjia took off her filial piety clothes and changed into bright colors again. Early the next morning, the decree from the Ministry of Rites arrived.

"Therefore, Murong Yan, the son of Prince Chengde, Langya County King Murong Yan, is talented, both civil and military, and has no marriage today. The ancestor of the Yu family lived in Yanzhou, the family was Zhaoyu, and the land was Huayingfu. The sixth woman was pure, filial, beautiful, and wise. Therefore, the sixth daughter of the Yu family is bestowed the title of Princess Langya. It is advisable to order her to be in charge, and to choose a date to book her life."

Soon after the canonization decree was delivered, Qin Tianjian sent them a carefully calculated auspicious day—October 25th.

The auspicious date was set without any dignity at all. At first, Qin Tianjian calculated the auspicious date honestly, especially in March next year. Murong Yan looked down and threw it back for them to recalculate. Monk Zhanger, an official of the Qintianjian, couldn't figure it out. After being instructed by others, he suddenly realized that he moved forward, and set it in December at the end of the year. However, they still underestimated Murong Yan, and Murong Yan still disagreed, so the Qin Tianjian and the Ministry of Rites could only bite the bullet and advance to October 25th. In fact, Murong Yan still felt that it was too late, but the people in the Ministry of Rites were about to cry, and they were determined not to compromise any more, so Murong Yan had no choice but to give up.

Engaged on August 15th, and will be married on October 25th, this time can be said to be rushed. In fact, in the era of war and chaos, it is impossible for every family to have time to go through the six rituals. There are not a few families who get married quickly after making a decision, but Murong Yan is unreasonable in this place. Although he compresses the time very tightly, But it is not allowed to omit any of the etiquettes, and all the six etiquettes must be followed.

People in the Ministry of Rituals vomited several liters of blood when they heard this. After Murong Yan came to power, the case of Prince Chengde's redress was quickly pushed forward. Now Prince Chengde and Murong Yan's brothers who died in that accident have all been restored to their names. Murong Yan himself has always been the king of Langya County. After Emperor Mingwu killed the prince, he missed his favorite young grandson within a year. The last decree before his death was to restore Murong Yan's title.

In other words, Murong Yan was originally the king of the royal family, and there must be a lot of wedding festivals according to the rituals. In addition, he is still the ruling county king. However, he compressed the time to the extreme. In two months, the wedding dresses of the two of them alone were not enough, let alone that Murong Yan and Yu Qingjia definitely had more than one set of clothes on the wedding day. However, clothes are only the smallest link. The five grains, livestock, wooden utensils, silk crepes, gold and silver ritual vessels in the six ceremonies, the ceremonial guards and rituals and music on the wedding day, the repair of the palace, and the drafting of books...everything is not worry-free. thing. The people in the Ministry of Rituals have been spinning around since the day they learned the time, officials big and small had their legs broken, yet they dare not complain.

Not only was the court surrounded by envoys, but Yu Qingjia's place suddenly became busy. Yu Qingjia's dowry has been prepared since birth, all the furniture and wooden utensils are complete, but the clothes need to be newly made. And I never expected to marry into the emperor's family before, so I had to prepare a lot of utensils in line with the imperial concubine's etiquette. Now Bai Zhi can't wait to break herself into two people, and when she opens her eyes, she thinks about what her wife still lacks, and none of the servants in the house is spared, and she makes every one of them go round and round.

The maids became flustered, and Yu Qingjia also declined all invitations from the outside world, and stayed at home wholeheartedly preparing the wedding dress. Today, the lights in Yu Qingjia's house were turned on early in the morning, and the maids gathered around to accompany Yu Qingjia to choose the round fan pattern for her wedding day.

Yu Ermao hadn't cared about the world for many years, but at the moment of Yu Qingjia's marriage, she couldn't stay out of it. She couldn't help but want to come over and watch for Yu Qingjia, for fear that something might go wrong on the day she got married.

There are many patterns on the strips, Yinzhu doesn't understand these romances, she just uses her intuition to pick those flowers that look auspicious. Yinzhu picked up a pattern with a large group of begonias, and said, "My lady, what do you think of this prosperous one?"

At this time, red wedding gowns are not worn at the wedding, and dark green flower hairpins and Zhai clothes are worn according to the ancient saying of "red men and green women". There is also no red hijab. If you want to see the real face of the bride, it all depends on the ability of the groom. For this reason, it is not an ancient law to say whether the tuanfan on the wedding day is big or small, and it must not be treated casually.

What they are picking now is the round fan pattern that covers Yu Qingjia's cheeks. This item can be described as noisy, every maid has her own opinion, even Yu Ermao and Yu Wenjun have to choose a pick. Baizhi was the first to disagree, saying: "Begonia is too vulgar, it is not as good as Fuqu, it shows the lady's festival."

Bai Rong also disagreed: "Although Fuqu has the virtues of a gentleman, its color is too pale after all, not suitable for a wedding."

Ermao Yu couldn't help but said: "It's not as good as the magnolia, the sacred flower of Buddhism, which just counteracts the evil spirits of the capital these days, so that Liuniang will be safe and smooth in the future."

"But this color is heavier than the color of the lady's earrings..."

Yu Qingjia was just listening casually, but she started to have a headache when she heard this. Seeing that there were more and more options, Yu Qingjia quickly interrupted: "It's all good, the patterns you mentioned are all good, handkerchiefs, sachets, embroidered shoes, some are for local use."

"But the lady is beautiful, comparable to Heng'e. Wouldn't it be a pity if the round fan covering her face couldn't bring out the beauty of the lady?" Bai Zhi murmured dissatisfiedly, and even Yu Wenjun said: "Jiajia, you don't have to worry about wasting time, you Your wedding is different from others, and it must be perfect."

This is probably the ambivalence of a father. The daughter has been raised so much in the deep boudoir, and she is reluctant to be beaten or scolded since she was a child. He taught her etiquette in poetry and books, and taught her the ways of the world. sinister. In this way, he raised her up to the age of sixteen, and finally the day came to send her off to marry. What made her feel even more complicated was that the boy who cheated his daughter was his master.

Yu Wenjun has mixed feelings in his heart, Murong Yan is powerful and good-looking, both civil and military, calm and decisive, but he is still devoted to Yu Qingjia, no matter whether he is a monarch or a son-in-law, he is beyond reproach, Yu Wenjun can only watch his daughter prepare with anticipation full of jealousy. Marry, from then on to another man. Yu Wenjun rubbed the heart of an old father. Of course he was upset to see Murong Yan, but he still had a subtle sense of pride in his heart. His daughter is so beautiful and intelligent. The moment the fan is removed on the wedding day, it is bound to be Surprised everyone, it would be good to brighten up Murong Yan's eyes.

Therefore, Yu Wenjun, as a man, was chased away several times by Yu Ermao in secret and pretended not to understand, so he insisted on staying here with the girls to finalize the details of his daughter's wedding. When discussing Yu Qingjia's face-covering round fan, Yu Wenjun even mobilized his aesthetics from his years of celebrity career, and personally chose the embroidery on the round fan. He thought the patterns on the market were too vulgar, so he drew several of them himself.

Yu Wenjun was critical, but Yu Ermao was not a good talker either. Yu Wenjun is a celebrity and has a good character, and Yu Ermao has been worshiping the Buddha for many years and prefers a simple reunion appearance. The two have their own preferences, and seeing that they are about to quarrel again, Yu Qingjia can only sigh and say: "Grandmother, father, wait a minute!" The patterns you mentioned have a good meaning, but if you think about it from another angle, it can also be used in other people’s homes. Since everyone can’t argue, in my opinion, it’s better to use a unique one.”

Both Yu Wenjun and Er Yu Yu stopped their movements, and Bai Zhi was thoughtful: "My lady, what do you mean?"

Yu Qingjia took out a roll of paper from the bookshelf, and slowly pushed it away: "By coincidence, I bear the false name of a poppy. Naturally, I can't bear the reputation of the concubine Yu's flower, but since my surname is Yu, I use this flower as a symbol." , it’s all right.”

On the scroll is a picture of poppies painted by Yu Qingjia himself. It is said that after the Overlord defeated Farewell Concubine, clusters of red flowers grew in the place where Concubine Yu killed herself. The stems of this kind of flowers are slender, the flowers are red and warm, but the pistils are heavy black, and the black and red collide, making them more and more weak and unbearable. . Because the flower is strange and beautiful, and it blooms in front of Yu Ji's tomb, it is called Yu Meiren by later generations.

Now there is no way to test whether this story is true or whether it will be attached by later generations, but the name of Yu Meiren has been handed down. Poppy feeling. Coupled with her surname Yu, this title is a pun, which is indescribably appropriate, no wonder it spread quickly.

Yu Qingjia used to hate people calling her that, no one else, and comparing her to Concubine Yu, it would be too unlucky. After repeated bans, and the vixen would sometimes tease her with this title, Yu Qingjia gradually saw it, they like to call, so let's call. In all fairness, Yu Qingjia felt that a vixen would not be reduced to the status of an overlord.

Yu Wenjun looked at the poppies on the painting scroll, and then looked up at Yu Qingjia's face, his lips twitched, but he couldn't say anything else. The others were silent for a moment, and couldn't help agreeing with Yu Qingjia's idea: "What the lady said is reasonable, and the flowers of the lady are also very good. With such pearls and jade in front, what other flowers are suitable for the lady's face? Let it be."

Both Yu Wenjun and Ermao Yu remained silent, apparently acquiescing. The most important item was finalized, and the whole room was immediately engaged in discussions on the rest of the fans, arguing in full swing. Seeing that the general situation was settled, Yu Qingjia quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and walked outside without a sound.

The wind is rustling outside, and it has been rainy this year, even in autumn, it is often cloudy and rainy. Today is no exception. Although it is no longer raining, the sky has been low and the sky is groggy. Yu Qingjia's long sleeves reached the ground, and the wind blowing through the corridor made her sleeves bulge. Yu Qingjia walked alone for a while, followed by the sound of footsteps, and Bai Rong, with a cloak in her arms, quickly chased after her: "Miss, be careful of the wind."

Yu Qingjia nodded and continued to walk in the courtyard. The wedding date is set on October 25th, and there is only half a month left until today. Yu Qingjia sometimes feels in a daze. She is going to get married so soon? The boudoir she is familiar with, the relatives who have been with her for more than ten years, will leave her soon, and she will move to another mansion, and start the rest of her life with Murong Yan.

Bai Rong followed Yu Qingjia step by step, and asked, "My lady, according to Bailu's letter, Concubine Yu may have been frightened a few days ago, and her stomach hurts frequently. She asked Princess Song several times, and wanted to call an imperial doctor to come over to treat her." The pulse was delayed by Princess Song."

"Stomach pain?" Yu Qingjia counted the time in her heart, her eyes were surprised, "She has been pregnant for five months, and it is reasonable to say that the first three months are the most dangerous, and the fetal gas has already stabilized in five or six months, so why is she here?" Stomach pain?"

Bai Rong shook her head, not daring to speak nonsense. She paused for a while, and said in a low voice: "It's strange to say that according to Concubine Yu's pain method, ordinary women would have already lost their reds, but Concubine Yu was stunned to keep the fetus, and she has become more and more stable recently. Concubine Song has always disliked Concubine Yu, she kept Concubine Yu in the palace before, she didn't want to watch the excitement to relieve her hatred, now that Concubine Song has successfully saved the child, Concubine Song is upset, so she specially sent a message to the lady."

Yu Qingjia frowned secretly: "What?"

"Concubine Song asked for instructions. I heard that Concubine Yu had murdered the lady several times. After hearing this, the concubine was very angry and asked how the lady planned to deal with Concubine Yu?"

Murong Yan once told Yu Qingjia that Yu Qingya was already a dead person with him. In other words, Bai Rong Bailu completely obeyed Yu Qingjia's orders, and he could deal with Yu Qingya as Yu Qingjia wanted. Now, Princess Song is obediently walking up the steps. As long as Yu Qingjia nods, Princess Song will naturally act as the villain and make Yu Qingya disappear without a sound.

Yu Qingjia was silent, Yu Qingya was full of crimes, and she still carried the life of Old Master Yu on her body. Yu Qingya's death is not a pity, but what about the child in her womb?

Yu Qingjia walked along the corridor for a long time, until she reached the water's edge and there was no way ahead, she turned back. Bai Rong shook off the cloak and covered Yu Qingjia. Holding the slender tie with her fingers, Yu Qingjia said softly, "Wait a little longer."


"She deserves death, but the child is innocent."

Bai Rong didn't take it seriously: "Side Concubine Yu didn't know what medicine she gave herself, so it's better to say whether or not this child will survive."

"Two different things." Yu Qingjia was wearing a white cloak on her shoulders, and the corners of the clothes hung down to the ground. She put her hands in her sleeves and walked in the corridor with the sleeves closed. The wind blew her long hair. Yu Qingjia had to stop and brush the broken hair in front of her eyes: "What she did to the child is her business. We But it can't be used as an excuse. After waiting for so many years, there is no need to rush this moment, let's talk about it after she gives birth to the child. "

"Yes." Bai Rong took the order to retreat.

Princess Song was surprised when she received the letter. She thought that Yu Qingjia would go along with the flow and acquiesce in her actions. After all, someone else did it, and Yu Qingjia didn't need to dirty her hands. She only needs to enjoy her achievements and get rid of a serious problem. Why not? Why not? It's a pity that Yu Qingjia didn't do this, but left Yu Qingya to give birth to the child.

It was a pity that Princess Song couldn't kill that scoundrel and Yu Qingya together. But Yu Qingjia said so, Princess Song didn't dare to disobey, so she could only grit her teeth and pack Yu Qingya, Li Shi, and Liu Liusu's family into the nunnery, and let them fend for themselves. Concubine Song still kept her own selfishness in doing this. There is no oil and water in the nunnery, how the three women get along with each other after they arrive in the nunnery, and whether Yu Qingya can give birth to this child as she wished is none of Princess Song's business.

The autumn wind is gradually becoming bleak, and it is the end of the month in a blink of an eye. On the twenty-fifth day, before dawn, many places in Yecheng were busy.

The newly renovated Langya Palace is already brightly lit, the attendants walk like the wind, and everyone has a smile on their faces. Everyone knows that today is the day when the mistress of the palace enters.

This palace was bestowed by Emperor Ming Wu during his lifetime. After being vacant for several years, it was repainted this year, and the palace has returned to its former glory, even more exquisite than before. Passing through the main courtyard of the front hall and following the central axis, you will find the garden of the palace. There are all kinds of pavilions, terraces and waterside pavilions in the garden, and a pool of running water is specially introduced in the garden, and a lake is built along the terrain. The waterside is dotted with many eaves and corners, or grand and solemn pavilions. Among the vegetation, there are winding corridors connecting the lakeside buildings. After bypassing the lake, walk westward along the south wall, there is a sudden extra courtyard, and the traces of the new opening can still be seen on the wall. This is the former residence of Li, which was later bought by Murong Yan. Incorporated into the palace. Walking into the Kuayuan, and crossing another wall, it is the Yu family's house in the capital.

The Yu family was also brightly lit at the moment. The whole world knows at this moment that today is the day when Murong Yan, the king of Langya, and his concubine get married.

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