MTL - Undying Patient-Chapter 201 Non-human 1

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Su Jinzhi shook his head gently according to the temple with pain, wanting to be awake himself. The huge roar of the explosion made him drowsy, and the sharp tinnitus in his ear was pierced from the cochlea to the brain. Brings inexplicable pain.

He was sure that the missile was the runaway rebel army that Lance had never found before. The undercover man hiding in the Noah Space Station was Nina—the one who took care of her when he first appeared in this world. Personal lady.

When he left, she followed him on the ship, but when the missile appeared in his field of vision, he saw the wrong look in her eyes, and probably she didn't think he was going back to the Westport airspace to do it. Abdication statement.

The Resistance has always wanted to overthrow the rule of the Galactic Empire, but in the end it killed an emperor who had announced his abdication, and the ruler who brought the darkness, but still led the darkness to cover all the constellations of the empire.

It was just that Su Jinzhi didn't understand. He had clearly arrived at the star field near the Westport. The area belongs to the Milky Way and is also controlled by the No. 1 and No. 0. How could they not give him a hint?

"Number One, Number One" Su Jinzhi called number one in his brain, but he wasn't sure if number one had responded to him, because he could hear nothing but tinnitus now. He rolled over and lay on the cold and smooth ground. The cold temperature on the ground made his headache slightly relieved, but he still wanted to roll all over.

"Number one? Number zero and zero?" Su Jinzhi tried to open his eyes, but the snow-white floor stabbed him and closed his eyes again.

Soon, he heard some small voices: "He is awake, he is awake. Come here--"

"Did you see that? The black lines have faded"

"Yes, nothing has changed."

These voices are male and female, noisy and chaotic. Su Jinzhi slowly opened his eyes, looked up slightly, and saw a group of people in white gowns standing in front of him.

Just in the present situation, those people are unlikely to be doctors.

They all stared at him, with enthusiastic admiration, surprise, love and joy. Su Jinzhi's look was familiar, because he had stared at his guinea pig with such eyes-but they were all white rats.

The elbows on the ground gradually became weak, and Su Jinzhi let himself fall down again, but was stabbed by the incandescent lamp above his head, and closed his eyes again, and gasped gently to relieve the pain in the whole body.

He doesn't have a bit of shame, probably in the eyes of those people, he doesn't need such a thing at all. Who would treat the test like a human?

The white coats around the transparent isolation room saw the weak red on the ground. The naked teenagers closed their eyes and greeted each other, and looked at him like a lab mouse.

"His body is really beautiful." One of the men sighed, but there was nothing in his eyes, and some were just surprised by this smooth and clean body, "What is the test number?"

The other woman looked at the logbook in her hand and replied, "No. 3000."

"Integer, very good." The man nodded with satisfaction. "Feed him something to eat, and start the 57th trial with a few other testers tomorrow."

The woman said respectfully to him: "Okay, Dr. Charlie."

"Number one? Number zero?" I lay on the ground for a long time. After the cold sweat on Su Jinzhi completely dried out, those pains finally dissipated. He tried to shout number one and number zero, but still couldn't get No response.

Su Jinzhi made a noise in his heart, and he completely lost contact with No. 1 and No. 0 only once, but did No. 1 say in the last world that they had awakened Jiang Lishan half? Is the situation worse?

Su Jinzhi opened his eyes, slowly sitting up on the cold white porcelain floor, and looked at the laboratory he was in at the moment-it was almost the same as all the laboratories, and his eyes were almost reflected. The light was white. He was naked and naked, without a cover cloth, and was confined in a fully transparent isolation room.

On the far right side of the isolation room was a thin beige woolen blanket. Su Jinzhi stared at it for a while, then crawled over and lay on it. But as soon as he lay down, he heard a woman's voice: "Are you cold?"

Without turning his head, the woman went around him and stared at his face.

Su Jinzhi hesitated for a while and didn't speak.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh !!" Suddenly, the transparent wall next to him was filmed heavily. Su Jinzhi was taken aback and immediately turned to look behind him, only to find out behind him There is also one person, or more than one.

Because the isolation room is completely transparent, he can clearly see the isolation room behind the person who can barely see the end. There is a person in each isolation room, male and female, but it seems that except for him Those people can't seem to be called "people".

Some parts of their bodies were rotten rotten meat, and because they were all undressed, they could see clearly. The dark and crimson mixed together were disgusting.

No wonder that Dr. Charlie would praise his body. Compared to these "people", his body is indeed beautiful.

After his neighbor patted the wall and successfully attracted his attention, he went to harass another neighbor and made various strange noises from time to time. Su Jinzhi noticed that there was also a beige wool blanket next to him, but that blanket was already dirty.

Su Jinzhi looked at the black and red stains on the blanket and had no doubt that it was the carrion ghost of his neighbor.

Not long after, another woman in a white coat opened the door of the laboratory and walked in, smiling and clapping her hands and saying to them, "Okay babes, you should eat."

After her words dropped, a shadow appeared on Su Jinzhi's head. He looked up and saw a robotic arm slowly fall down on a plate of objects. After the plate was completely put on the ground, Su Jinzhi couldn't believe it. The ground widened his eyes.

Because that's a brain.

Su Jinzhi didn't know if it was a human brain, but the white piece of meat was still stained with blood, and it looked very disgusting and scary. Su Jinzhi almost did not spit it out, wrapped in a blanket and moved to the side in fear.

But his neighbors were eating with interest, but he did n’t seem to eat the brain, but the **** pieces of meat. Su Jinzhi looked at the food of several other "neighbors", from meat to internal organs. The more like a person eats, the better, and his treatment is the highest, giving a complete brain directly!

The woman smiled as the guinea pigs in the isolation room ate food, but her eyes widened slightly when she turned to one of the guinea pigs.

She crouched in front of the most successful teenager in the batch, staring at him and asking, "Why not eat?"

Su Jinzhi didn't even eat the cooked fat foie gras, how could he eat such a thing? He listened to the neighbors' chewing sounds, only to feel the stomach sour, and to cover his face with a beige blanket.

And that brain was lying on the ground so quietly, until the next day when the experimenters came in again, they didn't move.

Dr. Charlie frowned after seeing the complete head in front of the boy, and asked the assistant on the side: "Did he eat anything yesterday?"

"No, doc."

"Is there anything unusual about him?"

The female assistant shook her head. "Neither."

Dr. Charlie stared at the brain for a moment, and then thoughtfully, "Maybe he doesn't want to eat the brain of animals, but likes human brains like zombies?"

"Forget it." Dr. Charlie shook his head and smiled after saying this. "Let's talk about his food problems when he can come back."

Dr. Charlie then stepped back a few steps, allowing the experimenter standing behind him to be wrapped in thick isolation suits to open the door of the isolation room and drag out all the test items in the isolation room.

Su Jinzhi found that they had steel shields and electric batons in their hands, so he didn't struggle, obediently, the experimenter wrapped his hands with a soft elastic cloth strip and walked like a puppy.

Some of his neighbors were called a few times because they didn't cooperate, and they fell on the ground and howled, and the things that tied them were different from him. They were heavy chains. Su Jinzhi felt that such a difference in treatment might be because he was afraid to hurt him. The skin is thin and tender, and there is no such concern for the neighbors whose meat has decayed.

Su Jinzhi followed behind them and was taken to a large open field similar to a sports field, staying with his neighbors. The experimenters then untied the cloth strips and chains that bound them, and then locked the door and left. . Su Jinzhi silently looked at everyone who was hanging. He walked silently into the corner, then crouched down with his legs bent, looking away from his male and female neighbors' fluffy meat between his legs and chest.

Dr. Charlie and the rest of the lab walked up to the high platform in the open space, looked at them condescendingly, then smiled slightly, and said to the pager: "Go ahead."

Start, what start?

Su Jinzhi was a little confused when he heard Dr. Charlie's words, but before he looked up, he heard the roar of the iron gate being opened, and the tip of his nose drifted with a slight smell of odor.

He hesitated for a few seconds, then slowly raised his head, and saw that the open door in front of him rushed out a lot of rotten zombies, their bodies represented the death gray-grey, the whole body was stained with blood, some rotten The site even had crickets, twisting in the wound.

The neighbour who had previously eaten a piece of meat happily next to him was killed first, his stomach was grabbed away by the zombies, his internal organs were pulled out, and it was even more frightening that there was no pain on his face, and he even followed The zombies picked up the intestines and internal organs flowing from their stomachs to eat!

The author has something to say: My God, the tendinitis has been committed again, and the pain is so bad that I ca n’t type. I keep pumping and seeing the doctor. The doctor said it was because I typed for a long time. ==

I have n’t changed it to 5000, I ’m going back and forth, and I will give you red envelope compensation. I ’ll be 5000 tomorrow!


-Thank you for the angel who threw mine, do you love you guys = 3 =

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Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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