MTL - Undying Patient-Chapter 198 Puppet Emperor 15

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Before the Darryl Galaxy Alliance and the Galactic Empire ceased their armies, the Alliance and the Imperial Rebels were good allies who had fought together. Today, if the Alliance signs a peace letter with the Empire, it will immediately wipe out its former allies, even if the country ’s There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests, but no matter what federal or empire such betrayal is, it is an indelible stain.

So all the league representatives at the round table were silent when they heard Lance's request.

In the silence, General Gilmer slowly said, "No word, how can we believe you? Lance."

No one rebutted General Gilmer's words. It seemed that everyone had acquiesced in this result. Lance was very satisfied. He bent his fingers and knocked on the second version of the agreement, raising his lips and saying: "I can first emperor ** Is this sincerity enough to withdraw from these planets? "

Those planets refer to the planets mentioned in the agreement to return control to the alliance. Now that the peace agreement has not been signed, the empire is willing to withdraw its troops. If the alliance regrets, then these planet empires will not be recovered at all, so Lance's move was truly sincere.

There was another silence in the room. Princess Leslie frowned slightly, and her body changed to a sitting position, which showed that she was a bit restless, because one of the planets that Lance returned to control was Monty Ore- —Lance's proposal is really tempting, at least for Emmanuel Star.

"No objections--" Lance said slowly, with a smile on her face. "Then everyone agrees?"

The Rebel Army, disguised as a female officer, saw this scene, eyes widened, and just about to open mouth to reprimand the Alliance for betrayal, the soldier standing next to him blocked her mouth.

"Uhhhhh!" She struggled and twisted on the ground, but the people sitting around the round table just looked at her from above, her eyes filled with compassion and indifference.

Lance's lip angle was rising higher and higher, he stood, put his hands on the table, and looked at Jiang Lishan with a provocative look of the winner.

If the Alliance does not have a Moon Star in it, then the remaining 10 Alliance planets will be a piece of sand, embarrassed under the iron hoof of the empire, the Galactic Empire is invincible under the control of Reims, the only opponent encountered, Is the moon star.

And the man whom he regarded as an opponent, after glancing at the dragged down Resistance, got up from his chair and left coldly behind his back: "I don't agree with the Alliance to wipe out the Resistance, so this time Operation, Moon Star will not send a soldier. "

Lance didn't plan to let Jiang Lishan leave so easily, and exclaimed: "Marshal Shaliye's uncooperative action makes me very doubtful about the sincerity of the alliance to sign a peace agreement with our country."

Jiang Lishan stopped his footsteps, and turned to look at them coldly, and fell on Su Jinzhi.

Su Jinzhi opened his mouth after meeting his sight, but before he called out the man's name, Jiang Lishan pushed the door and left the conference room.

"After three hours, Emperor Emperor will completely withdraw from all the planets in the agreement." Lance smiled again and waved to everyone holding the second version of the agreement. "Then I will wait for you Good news. "

Su Jinzhi didn't stay to see them smirk with masks. After the signing meeting, he opened his chair and walked out the door. Lance called him: "Wang, I want to tell you something."

"I have something to say when I come back tonight." Su Jinzhi didn't reply.

Lance clenched his fists and shouted coldly again: "King!"

Su Jinzhi stopped, turned and walked in front of Lance and gave him two slaps: "Shut up, Lance, you are really disgusting."

Lance licked the corner of her torn lips and snorted, "King, I'm the same as you."

Su Jinzhi had nothing to say. He used Louis' body and had to carry Louis's black pot. One of Su Jin walked and asked No. 1: "Can't you and No. give me an innocent and ingenious identity? When you build the world, you will get me this black background identity? "

"The world was built on zero." One said, "I can't help it."

Su Jinzhi closed his mouth silently before thinking about holding No. 0 with a knife.

Jiang Lishan returned directly to his room at the Noah Space Station after the meeting. When Su Jinzhi walked to the door, the mechanical door was closed well. He originally planned to talk to Jiang Lishan through the projection screen of the mechanical door and let him open the door. As soon as I was ready to press the video button, I remembered that Jiang Lishan had entered the palm bone data into the recognition database of the mechanical door, and he could open the door directly.

So Su Jin lifted his hand and opened the door after scanning.

As soon as the door opened, Leslie's voice came over: "Uncle Sally Yeh, you're really annoying."

Uncle Salisbury? What's it called?

Su Jinzhi looked at the two people in the room and froze.

And Leslie took a few seconds to see Su Jinzhi appear, and Jiang Lishan seemed to have expected Su Jinzhi to come. He glanced at him slightly, then looked away, and looked at Leslie with a hooked lip. Piri smiled ironically: "Leslie, you are still young, so it is normal to be ignorant."

Leslie panted so violently, glared at Su Jinzhi and Jiang Lishan, picked up her coat from the sofa and went out.

The angered Su Jinzhi looked at Leslie's back inexplicably and asked Jiang Lishan after the door closed: "What's wrong with her?"

"What else can she do? She wants to persuade me to send troops." Jiang Lishan walked to the space observation platform in front of him and said with his back to Su Jinzhi looking at the vast space outside.

Seeing Leslie's response, Su Jinzhi knew that her persuasion had certainly failed without further questioning.

He walked to the back of Jiang Lishan, tentatively touched Jiang Lishan's waist, and found that he didn't respond before he went up. The whole person stuck to his back: "Are you unhappy?"

Jiang Lishan did not answer his question, but asked instead: "Are you happy?"

Enraged for the second time, Su Jinzhi was innocent and whispered, "I just worry about you."

Jiang Lishan was silent for a while and turned to face him: "Sorry, I'm just" He paused, and frowned slightly at last, "It's just that you just acted in the conference room, it's a little too much"


In the conference room, the teenager's indifference to the rebel army surprised Jiang Lishan. General Gilmer and him, as well as others, were able to be indifferent because they had become accustomed to killing. There was a trace of sorrow, but the teenager's look at the woman was very cold, as if looking at an inanimate object.

Will such a cold person have real feelings for others?

And why did the boy approach him because of the "love" in his mouth, or because of something else? Jiang Lishan didn't dare to go deep, so he didn't say those two words in the end, but Su Jinzhi knew what he meant.

He froze, opened his mouth and closed, because he could not explain the reason for Jiang Lishan. For him, the only meaning of being in this world is to awaken Jiang Lishan. Moreover, he knows that everyone in these worlds is a set of established data and models, all of which are false. He knows all of this clearly, so he Able to completely isolate themselves from them.

It's like playing a game.

Just like playing a shooting game, you will kill many people in this game. They are the same as you, but you know they are fake, so you will not feel a little guilty about killing them.

But Su Jinzhi forgot that for Jiang Lishan, the world is real, at least he can't distinguish the false world now.

Su Jinzhi thought about it and said, "But if I don't kill her, she will kill me."

"Yes." Jiang Lishan's expression and voice gradually softened. He did not want to be an attacker on his allies in an instant, but in a sense, he was not a good person with the empire king. It's my fault that you get angry. "

"It's okay, I forgive you, who made me love you?" Su Jinzhi looked at his expression and knew he was coaxed. He smiled, raised his hands around his neck, raised his head and wanted to kiss him. But was avoided by Jiang Lishan.

He frowned, looking a little upset: "Why do you always want to do this kind of thing?"

One of Su Jin's faces was aggressive, and he asked him subconsciously: "What's the matter?"

"Sex. Sex." Jiang Lishan stared at him, using a very explicit word, "Did you say you love me just to do this kind of thing with me? But we did it yesterday."

"No, I love you not because I want to do such a thing with you, but because I love you, I want to do such a thing." Su Jinzhi tried to explain the relationship between the two, and " I just wanted to kiss you, not to have **** with you. "

Su Jinzhi asked him, "Why do you think so?"

"I checked the information, and our planet's books say that the love that you humans say is based on biological instincts and ethics. Putting it aside is the cover-up before sexual intercourse." Jiang Lishan frowned. Tight, "It seems I'm a bit rude, but it seems to be the case,"

Moreover, Jiang Lishan didn't want to admit that the **** yesterday was not happy to love him at the end, because he felt that the young man was like the book said, and the young man loved him only because of his body.

Su Jinzhi: ""

He couldn't believe the number one: "Why does Jiang Lishan think so? Does the data on the Moon Star really record humans like this?"

"Yes." The voice of No. 1 sounded in Su Jinzhi's mind. "I and No. 0 have studied stellar beasts. We found that they are creatures, and I don't know if it is because of tradition or what. They are generally apathetic. They probably think It is not necessary to do this often, except as necessary for reproduction. "

"And the stellar beasts are not keen on falling in love, because life is too long, they have no burden of reproduction to bear, and even some stellar beasts until death, are all beasts, so you humans are so passionate about this kind of things, for them It's incredible. "

"It's impossible, you don't know what he was before--" Su Jinzhi swallowed back halfway, and at the end he continued, "Again, how could he cooperate with me yesterday if he was really cold?"

One is also a little confused: "Maybe it was because he didn't know he was a stellar animal before?"

"When we were together at the beginning, because we couldn't touch each other, I always worried that he would get tired of such feelings, plus the failure of the first batch of antibody vaccines, so I broke up with him." Su Jinzhi Hehao No.1 Say.

"You think too much," Number One said. "They pay more attention to spiritual blending."

"I don't deny this, but I think you and Zero have made some mistakes in the research." Su Jinzhi still feels that this conclusion is incorrect. "Furthermore, don't you say that Jiang Lishan's performance in these worlds comes from his subconscious mind? "

No. 1 asked: "So?"

Su Jinzhi stood upright, with a serious expression, and said to Jiang Lishan: "This is just a small part of human beings, and it cannot represent all." At the same time, Su Jinzhi did not forget to discredit a handful of Lance, "Lance is such a person, You see, he's not older than me in his teens. His wife and "qingren" have double-digits. But I look at me. I have never been before anyone else, let alone doing this with other people. thing."

Su Jinzhi is now very fortunate that he had a clean habit and did not go out to mess around, otherwise there is a demonstration of Lance, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not become such a person as Jiang Lishan said.

Jiang Lishan recalled the information about the little emperor, and found that he did not lie, and his tightly frowning opened again, and he said to Su Jinzhi, "I believe in you."

Su Jinzhi smiled at him, reached out and unbuttoned the middle of his clothes, and gently scratched his abs with his fingers: "But don't you really want to be with me?"

The man was silent for a while and pulled Su Jinzhi on the sofa.

Afterwards, Su Jinzhi was lying on Jiang Lishan's body, panting, wiping the tears in the corner of his eye and asking No. 1, "Where is he cold?"

"You won," Number One said, "I'll change the information with Zero right away."

"I'll take you back?" Jiang Lishan bowed his head, watching the teenager with tears on his eyes.

Su Jinzhi got up from him and stood on the ground shaking his legs and clothed himself: "No need."

Jiang Lishan looked at his almost unstable body: "I'll get the medicine box."

After speaking, Jiang Lishan couldn't help but take the precious healing ointment and cut off Su Jinzhi's pants to apply medicine.

"It doesn't hurt there." Su Jinzhi could not help but he could only lie on the sofa and apply Jiang Lishan's medicine, but he really didn't hurt. Jiang Lishan's foreplay was sufficient, and Louis was a mixed-race human. Humans are so fragile, "I just have a bit of sore legs."

"Does it really hurt?" Jiang Lishan was still very skeptical. "You are crying."

"Because it's comfortable," Su Jinzhi put on his pants again, and no longer struggled with such academic issues as Jiang Lishan. "I have to go back."

Jiang Lishan wanted to send Su Jinzhi back, but Su Jinzhi refused because he felt that Lance must be in his house. Sure enough, one of Su Jin pushed open the door of his room and saw Lance sitting like a ghost in the darkened room.

But this time Lance didn't rush to talk to him, but instead looked up and down on Su Jinzhi like a scanner, and then coldly raised his lips: "Wang."

Su Jinzhi walked over and found a padded chair: "What can you say?"

Lance asked him: "Wang, can you tell me, you have stayed with Salisbury for so long. What have you done?"

"It's not important." Su Jinzhi raised his tea cup.

Lance snorted and asked him, "Not a big deal?"

"Lance, pay attention to the tone you talk to me." Su Jinzhi slammed the tea cup on the table.

"What's the tone of my speech?" Who knew that Lance was even more angry than him, "He gave you the right to identify when he entered his room, and you can let him get you, isn't it important? "

"Let me think about it, you must be discussing with him about stepping down from me?" Lance paced back and forth in the room like a sleepy beast, because Emperor Louis had a very serious cleanliness. Generally, there are cleanliness People are generally indifferent, because they feel that the mingling of two people is a dirty thing.

Prior to Emperor Louis, he was very hostile to the Alliance, especially Marshal Sally, the leader of the Alliance, but now the person in Louis's shell is Su Jinzhi. He and Jiang Lishan are together. This is completely impossible to Lance's view. Thing.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Lance had to be suspicious, wondering why Su Jinzhi was with Jiang Lishan.

"You think too much," Su Jinzhi said. "I'm with him just because I like him."

"Do you think I can believe it? You—" Lance turned and stared at Su Jinzhi, but before he finished speaking, the bracelet on his wrist suddenly shocked.

Langston stayed and opened the newsletter box to see the news. After reading it, he narrowed his eyes, turned and walked out, and instructed the soldiers and female officials to say, "Look, Your Majesty Louis, and before I return, don't allow He stepped out of the door. "

Lance hurriedly left the emperor's room and followed the soldiers of the Guard to the place where the Resistance woman was being held. He looked at the empty cell, his eyes were dark, and said to the soldiers aside, "What about people?"

The soldier trembled, "It was rescued."

Lance laughed angrily, grabbed the soldier's collar, and yelled at him, "Don't tell me, there is a second resistance in this space station!"

The captain of the guard quickly stopped Lance: "His Lance--"

Lance let go of the soldiers and turned to the captain of the guard and said, "I'm going to have a short meeting for all the representatives of the alliance."

The second signing meeting in the morning was only over. In the evening, Lance suddenly said that a short meeting would be held. People in the alliance thought this was strange, but had to go, and soon gathered in the conference room.

This time, it was Lance who was seated by Su Jinzhi, so everyone froze when they saw him.

Someone asked Lance: "Where is Her Majesty Louis?"

Lance ticked his lips and said, "Your Majesty is unwell, so I will chair the meeting."

Jiang Lishan frowned and didn't speak.

General Gilmer opened his chair and sat down, a little impatient: "Say, Lance, why are you calling us here?"

Lance drank his mouth tea slowly and looked at Jiang Lishan. "The Rebel Army assassin who intended to assassinate Louis was rescued."

When Lance said this, everyone's eyes focused on Jiang Lishan, because he was the only one who refused to send troops to destroy the Resistance. At this time, the Resistance fled again. The first reaction was that Jiang Lishan was rescued. he.

Leslie went to Jiang Lishan after the signing meeting in the morning and wanted to persuade him to change his mind and participate in the annihilation of the Imperial Rebels, but was rejected again, so at this moment it was a little bit lethargic, plus the Empire Indeed, the soldiers have been evacuated from Monty's mine. She refused to release the fat that was already in her hands, and she said straightly: "Uncle Sally Yeh, we are all sincerely wanting to sign a peace agreement with the empire. I hope you are doing Think about us before anything. "

"I also sincerely want to sign a peace agreement with the empire." Jiang Lishan looked at Lance and answered.

Leslie heard that she only wanted to roll her eyes, and Yin and Yang said strangely, "But Uncle Sally Yeh, you are against us to annihilate the Resistance, and you are not willing to send troops to act with us."

Once the rebels are annihilated, all Alliance planets can gain the benefits of signing a peace agreement, but it is not a glorious thing for the Alliance to annihilate the Rebels. If Moon Star does not send troops, it will not cause this evil, Jiang Lishan wants Throwing the black pot on their backs and sitting on their own, Leslie couldn't swallow it.

Jiang Lishan said: "I did not say that I am opposed to the annihilation of the Resistance, but Moon Star will not send troops to participate in this operation."

Another representative of the Alliance planet snorted, "Not participating? Why did the moon occupy so many planets?"

That person said the voices of all the representatives of the Alliance Planet, because they were very dissatisfied with Jiang Lishan's approach and refused to contribute. After the agreement was signed, it was not Moon Star that would benefit the most?

Jiang Lishan sneered and said directly: "Yuexing can give up control of all the empire planets."

All the representatives at the round table opened his eyes wide when he heard this. Lance couldn't help narrowing his eyes to observe whether Jiang Lishan's words were true or false. When the Resistance Army disappeared, the first person he suspected was Jiang Lishan, but at the same time he felt that Jiang Lishan would not do such an obvious thing, or that he was so obvious to dispel his doubts.

"Yuexing will not participate in the annihilation of the Resistance, nor will it occupy any empire planet." Jiang Lishan repeated the words just now.

"No word of mouth, Marshal Sally Yeh, the empire has shown enough sincerity, and the Moon Star should also show something." Lance leaned back and blocked Jiang Lishan with the words of the Alliance people in the morning.

"Of course, Yuexing's army will withdraw from all the imperial planets in an hour." Jiang Lishan also said in Lance's tone, but at the end he added a sentence, "But I think, just signing a peace agreement There is no guarantee of peace between the Alliance and the Empire. "

Lance raised his eyebrows: "Marshal Salisbury thinks--"

Everyone on the round table looked at Jiang Lishan, waiting to hear what he wanted to say next.

Jiang Lishan said briefly: "It's better to marry."

As soon as Jiang Lishan said this, most of the people's eyes turned to Leslie. After all, the alliance's plan at the beginning was also a marriage, but everyone knows that Emperor Louis refused to marry His Royal Highness Princess Emmanuel. So, why did Sally leave this matter again at this time?

Leslie clenched her fists and felt that Jiang Lishan was intending to humiliate her. As soon as Jiang Lishan opened her mouth, she immediately refused to ask for a marriage.

Who knows the next sentence of a man is: "Let Moon Star and the Empire marry."

The author has something to say: It's quite long, and writes that the hand cramps: 3 ゝ


-Thank you, the little angel who threw mine, do you love you guys = 3 =

Lulu threw a mine

Three sings and three sighs and threw one

Mingse threw a mine

Mingse threw a mine

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