MTL - Undying Patient-Chapter 180 Love Story in Psychiatric Hospital 13

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The young man was willing to contact him from the beginning, but now he deliberately avoided his touch. As long as he is not a fool, he can be more or less aware of it, let alone Jiang Lishan, who reads well.

But Jiang Lishan was able to read his escape and resistance, but did not understand where such emotions came from.

Is she purely disliked by men, so she hates his touch? But when he kissed him before, the youth did not show any disgust, on the contrary, he still liked it.

One's eyes and body reactions cannot lie.

This was established at the time, and it is also established now, so the youth's resistance to him at this time is also true.

Jiang Lishan's mood was a little heavy, so he stopped close to the youth too much, still following his meaning, and deliberately and actively kept a certain distance when he didn't leave.

Silence and dodge gradually spread between the two, encroaching on their original intimacy.

The weather these days seems to be in line with people's moods, it becomes gloomy, the sun is not visible all day, and occasionally there are some hairy needle-like raindrops.

The rain is not heavy, but it can pour out people's mood like the ground after the dampness-their faces are full of tears.

After getting up, Jiang Lishan looked at today's weather, lowered his eyes and walked into the kitchen. After thinking about it, he took out the kneaded bread dough and put it in the oven for the young people to eat.

When there is no way to laugh, eating sweets will make you feel better.

After Su Jinzhi washes, she pulls her bear pajamas on her lips, and walks out of the bedroom and sits on a chair waiting for breakfast brought by Jiang Lishan.

However, when he saw Jiang Lishan's bread poured with amber honey, his mind suddenly flashed a few sporadic pictures, very fragmented, very complicated, passing by in an instant, leaving no trace at all.

"Have you been in a bad mood lately?" Seeing the young man staring at the bread on his hand, he refused to eat it. Jiang Lishan thought he was sulking again, and asked him warmly.

Su Jinzhi abruptly returned to his mind, removed the cluttered picture, looked up at the man, and in addition to caring in his eyes, carefully tentatively tried to test what level of care would not let him escape.

Su Jinzhi could not help but feel sour. He must have been discovered by Jiang Lishan in the past few days, right?

He opened his mouth, trying to explain, but couldn't say anything.

At night, Su Jinzhi was lying on the bed. The warm yellow bedside lamp was very warm, but he felt very cold.

He and Jiang Lishan still slept together in a back-to-back posture, with a large piece left in the middle. Ye Han, who was lying in the middle of the autumn, was lying in that blank place, and he was shaking with frost.

Su Jinzhi was very sad. He wanted to cry, but he had to bear it because Jiang Lishan would find it.

He asked No. 1: "Can I really not be with him?"

"No." No. 1's voice was cold, but Su Jinzhi knew it only because it had no emotions, but it had become much softer than the original one, so it explained to Su Jinzhi, "Not always No, when he wakes up, you can be together forever. "

"But he is sad, I can feel it." Su Jinzhi clenched his quilt. "I can't control myself, I want to hug him"

Number one said lightly: "If you are together, he will die."

This sentence No. 1 was also spoken to Jiang Lishan before, after their first meeting when they met again.

The gray-eyed man sat on the black stone and looked at his beloved one from a distance: "He doesn't remember me anymore."


"What do you mean?"

"Meaning I know he doesn't remember you."

"But I remember, I still love him," the man murmured. "I can't control myself, I want to hug him"

Number One told him: "If you are together, he will die."

Su Jinzhi listened to No. 1 and warned him, his eyes were sour, and eventually he did not hold back, but he did not make any noise carefully, and did not alarm Jiang Lishan.

He couldn't help wondering, was this Jiang Jiang's revenge?

How similar is this to the way they got along before, but two people in love cannot touch each other, or the other side will die.

Su Jinzhi's eyelashes trembled, and tears fell along the face to the pillow, facing her face coolly.

This night, his dream was clearer than previous dreams. It was the dream he had done the last time. In the dream, he could see the face of the adult man and the backyard outside the small house.

But this time, instead of being a participant, he turned back to the bystander. He watched the tall adult man holding a knife and castration torture the young man ’s arm. He seemed very handsome and angry: Steal! Do you know how important that chip is! "

He shouted so much that Su Jinzhi found that a small stainless steel box the size of a thumb had fallen beside him. Although it was not opened, according to the man, there should be a chip inside.

"Dad, I'm the wrong father!" The young man's face was full of tears, and he begged sternly, but the man still persisted, even holding the sharp small iron box to the place where the young man's arm was cut.

"Hahaha, I don't think there is any place to hide this thing, do you want to steal it? Just hide it in your hands, okay?"

The wound wounded by the iron box bleed more blood, and dropped drop by drop on the dark sandy floor. The youth cried almost to faint, but begged for mercy: "Dad"

Su Jinzhi suddenly awakened from his dream. As soon as he moved, the man lying beside him immediately sat up, as if he had never fallen asleep, and put one hand on his shoulder gently: "Jinzhi? Have nightmares again? "

The youth's emotions in the dream also seem to be brought out, very painful, or maybe this is his own emotion, Su Jinzhi opened his mouth and made a weak sobbing sound.

Jiang Lishan pressed his shoulders directly to force him to turn around, then hugged him, pressed his head on his shoulders, his lips gently pressed against his ears and comforted softly: "It's all right, it's just a dream"

However, Su Jinzhi still felt that his heart was beating fast, and his temples were jumping abruptly. The feeling of suffocation in his chest made him uncomfortable. He opened his mouth to breathe, and a lot of air poured into his lungs, but he could not alleviate the feeling of suffocation in his chest. Can only make him more and more demand for oxygen.

He opened his mouth and wanted to call the man's name: "Ginger"

Jiang Lishan held him in the beginning to coax, but later found that the young man in his arms was not right, and has been breathing quickly. He quickly let go to check the situation of the young man, only to see the young man opened his mouth, his lips were purple, and hugged him. His fingers were unnaturally stiff and convulsed convulsively. At first glance, he seemed to be asthmatic, but he couldn't hear a wheeze near him.

After all, Jiang Lishan was just a psychiatrist, and he couldn't figure out the situation of the young man for a while. He quickly helped him to lean on the bed and called the people in the hospital.

The people from the hospital came quickly. Jiang Lishan hugged Su Jinzhi horizontally and left him on the stretcher bed carefully. When the two nurses pushed the stretcher bed to enter the car, they were stopped by the doctor and he held the young man. He put his hands and fingers on the young man's throat again, and let the nurse bring a plastic bag and put it on the young man's nose.

Jiang Lishan frowned and asked him, "What are you doing?"

"It's okay." The doctor made him calm down. "It's just alkalemia, just let him take it easy."

Although the doctor said so, Jiang Lishan's eyes were still staring at the young man on the stretcher bed, his brows frowning, his expression serious.

But the young man did, as he said, gradually slow down after a few minutes. When the doctor saw this, he took off the plastic bag, and without a trace, glanced at the identical bear-print pajamas on the two men and asked Jiang Lishan: How is the treatment going? "

"Why asked this suddenly?"

The doctor said: "He has low potassium and emotional ups and downs that can cause alkalemia."

Jiang Lishan didn't speak coldly.

The doctor said: "Wait for him to drink some water and buy some bananas and dates to feed him tomorrow."

"Well." Jiang Lishan responded and sent the doctor and nurse away.

Although Su Jinzhi was just gasping as if he was dying, his limbs were paralyzed, and the numbness gradually spread to the whole body, but his consciousness was sober. He could also faintly hear the conversation between doctor and Jiang Lishan.

And he opened his eyes and saw Jiang Lishan's bear pajamas exactly the same as him, and then he couldn't help but red eyes, he said in a small voice: "Doctor Jiang"

The man walked to the bed with a glass of water and sat down, carefully lifting him up to feed him: "Are you better?"

Su Jinzhi was weak and weak, but he was better after drinking water. He leaned on the pillow and gasped for a while and asked Jiang Lishan, "Doctor Jiang, what's wrong with me?"

He heard the three words of alkalemia.

However, Jiang Lishan didn't tell him, he just touched his head and said, "It's okay, you are scared by nightmares."

This listening was perfunctory coaxing, but now it was night and No. 1 was absent. Su Jinzhi had to wait for the day and ask again tomorrow, with a low "Oh" sound.

However, after finishing Oh, Su Jinzhi found that the distance between him and Jiang Lishan had returned to his former intimacy, and the man did not know why, after he woke up, he did not immediately get up and keep a distance with him.

"What's wrong with you these days?" Jiang Lishan asked him again the question he had asked him at the table in the morning. "I'm not happy because I don't let you see Ai Shuai?"

"No" Su Jinzhi shook his head.

The man asked him again, "Why is that?"

Su Jinzhi did not speak.

Jiang Lishan paused, and suddenly smiled and said to him, "Because I like you, but don't you like me?"

This is the first time they have spoken clearly. Jiang Lishan's tone of voice sounds very relaxed, but Su Jinzhi knows him very well, knowing that there is not obvious tension in his words.

The man did not rush to let him answer, but said something else: "Someone once told me something, he said: everything we do now is a projection of a distant planet, just like the sunlight we see now is Eight minutes before the sun, you are a microsecond before you, a finger before you, I see you in the past, you see me in the past, we are all through the distant planet many years ago Everything. "Jiang Lishan turned his head and smiled at him." In this case, we have already met a long time ago before we first met, so I think it is really a good thing to meet Jinzhi again. Especially lucky. "

After the man said it, he smiled softly again: "It must be because I have already seen it, so I am in love with you again."

Su Jinzhi listened to his words, his expression fainted, and when the man finished the last word, his eyes were uncontrollably sour, and water light spread out from the tear glands, obscuring his vision.

Because this was what he said when he confessed to Jiang Lishan.

Later, Jiang Lishan used this paragraph to block his mouth when breaking up—

"You told me that everything we do now is the projection of a distant planet. The sunlight we see now is the sunlight eight minutes ago. You in front of me are a microsecond of you and a finger before you. I see It ’s you in the past, you see me in the past, we are going through everything that happened on a distant planet many years ago. ”

"So you broke up now, meaning we've broken up before, right? Then we've been here again, haven't we?" The man forced him, "We can't be together again if we come back? I was separated from you many years ago After all, I still want to be separated from you after all these years. I have repeated everything I have experienced, and still can't change anything, so what's the point of my life? "

Su Jinzhi was unable to respond to his questions.

That was when they broke up for the first time, when the primary antibody vaccine failed to inoculate him.

Humans have extremely intelligent brains. Their wisdom admires countless powerful alien creatures, but nothing is perfect. The biggest flaw of human beings is their short life in addition to their fragile bodies.

The failure to vaccinate the first-generation antibody vaccine made Su Jinzhi clearly recognize that the depth that spans between him and Jiang Lishan is not only the difference in species, but also the length of time.

Human life is short. To what extent?

The earth has grown to more than four billion years, and human life is only one hundred years. If humans existed at the beginning of the earth, then humans have passed 120 million generations.

As No. 1 said, Jiang Lishan's race is very special. Compared with their endless life, the short life of human beings is like a dying life in the eternal universe.

So human beings are not qualified to talk forever.

Now, this passage has been changed for another person, but it makes Su Jinzhi feel differently. He couldn't help but sniff and grab Jiang Lishan's hand next to the bed, whispering: "Doctor Jiang, I Like you too "

Jiang Lishan froze slightly and asked him, "What did you say?"

"I like you too. I've been hiding from you these days because we can't be together." Su Jinzhi sought out some excuses. "I'm your patient, you are known to you, and you will not have a job."

Su Jinzhi was still unable to keep a distance with Jiang Lishan from strangers. He tried to keep it, but he tried to do everything again, but he still could n’t change anything. It did n’t make sense. It would only make Jiang Lishan and He is all in pain.

Because they are too late.

Jiang Lishan smiled: "It's not that serious, and someone already knows it." He and the youth's same pajamas have been seen.

"Doctor Jiang, I'm a bit cold, can you hug me?" The young man reached out and gently held his hand, and the coolness came from his fingertips, prompting Jiang Lishan to return to his heart. He was silent for a while and raised his hand to hug the young man tightly.

With closed eyes and taking a gentle breath, the young man Jiang Lishan said, "Sleep, I hold you."

Su Jinzhi was in his arms. Some selfishly hoped that dawn didn't come so soon. He didn't want to respond to the number one question. He just wanted to enjoy the closeness to Jiang Lishan at the moment. But he was guilty because Jiang Lishan might be lost in the data. In the sea, he can never go back; he is still confused, with the most malicious speculation in his heart: what if all this is just a punishment for himself collusion with him?

——Take the pain he experienced that year, and let him endure it again.

Su Jinzhi took a deep breath and closed his eyes, tightening his arms around the man's waist. If this is really a man's punishment, he also recognizes it; if this is not the case, and he can't wake up the man in the end, he is willing Lost in the data sea with him.

The night was still long. Perhaps Jiang Lishan's arms were too warm. Su Jinzhi woke up again after waking up in the middle of the night for the first time.

However, his dream continued, following the dream of the night before, the young man was crying on the ground asking for mercy.

However, the man continued his inhumane acts as if he could not hear his cry.

The young man on the ground of "Dad, Dad" was breathing hard and hastily, his fingers were abnormally convulsed, and his body collapsed like a bow to be loosened. After spitting out these words, he could no longer speak. Hands and feet twitched and fell to the ground.

Su Jinzhi looked at the original body in the dream, and always felt that he looked like the alkaline blood that Jiang Lishan said.

The man was taken aback by the boy ’s sudden reaction, and immediately threw away the knife in his hand, kicked him, and whispered in his mouth, "What kind of clothes does a small animal wear?"

But the young man fell to the ground with convulsions, convulsions, shortness of breath, and pale lips, as if he would die next moment. A few minutes later, the youth fell to the ground and panted, and the man finally couldn't sit still, and walked over and shoved him, helped him up, and fed him water to drink: "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Although he didn't want to see the son, he didn't want him to die, because what he did needed to be kept secret, he couldn't find a second free nanny who didn't dare to resist him and let him be scolded, and didn't dare to guarantee that the nanny was Not the police or the other undercover.

The young man drank the water he had handed over and breathed against the cabinet feet for a while before he calmed down, holding the water glass and whispering quietly, the man seemed unable to look at him like a girl crying, stood up and shoved Immediately he said impatiently, "Go to the backyard and chop firewood if you are not crazy."

Winter is here. The ground in the backyard is covered with a thick layer of snow. The axe and firewood are set aside. The young man wiped the tears on his face, trembled his legs and stood up from the ground, wrapped in a hurry. Wrap the wound on his hand, put on anti-freezing gloves, and hurried to the backyard to chop wood-he was afraid to resist the man in the room.

Because the result of the resistance was pain, the kind of pain that can drive people crazy, he was scared.

When the man saw that the young man fled to the backyard like a cowardly rabbit, he scolded a few more swear words in his mouth, and went to the kitchen. The young man said that the meal was ready.

But when a man looked at fermented and fluffy foods such as bread, buns, and cakes at a table, his anger was rekindled because the young man stole the chips. Is such a table the thing? No meter! No meat! No food!

The young man has let him eat bread and buns for a few days. He warned the young man yesterday not to make these things again, but he still refused to listen!

The man's eyes opened with anger and his chest swelled quickly. He wasn't a good-tempered man, and now he waved his hands over a table-style food, and walked angrily towards the backyard.

When Su Jinzhi looked at the soft bread lying on the ground with the broken porcelain pieces, he finally remembered where those scattered memory pictures came from.

The young man in the courtyard was trying to chop firewood with an axe, but he had just gotten sick once, and his limbs still felt the numbness. His body was soft and without a trace of strength. The axe just dropped to his waist just after he lifted it to his waist.

The young man looked at the axe on the ground in distress, and looked at the pile of firewood beside him. He stood under the tree, and a snowflake on the branch was blown off by the wind, and fell on his neck, making him shiver all over. After a while, the sound of a porcelain bowl falling to the ground suddenly came from the wooden house. He looked at the wooden door stupidly, knowing that the man was angry, and he was about to come out and hit him again.

The snowflakes on the back of the neck melted, and the cold liquid flowed down his neck into the clothes, cold into the heart, his face filled with tears, watching the wooden door kicked open, and the man held a wine in his hand. Bottle, staring angrily towards him.

Like every beating in the past, his life is like winter, cold and dark without seeing the end.

The blood on his arm couldn't stop, the blood was soaked through the sleeves, a bit heavy, and more cold, he couldn't help holding his arms and weep lowly: "It's so cold"

Su Jinzhi shuddered and was awakened by freezing.

The dark clouds outside seemed to be unable to carry the gloom for many days, and finally a heavy rain fell on this day, but Su Jinzhi looked at the gloomy sky outside, but his body and spirit were extremely refreshing.

"Awake?" No. 1 said coldly. "Explain why you were sleeping together again."

Su Jinzhi was dumb, and only spoke a while later: "I love him"

It was too late for them to separate. If he had kept his distance from Jiang Lishan and refused any closeness to him when he came to this world, it would be too late.

But the time when they are separated is when they both feel good about each other-once they have experienced the goodness when they are in love, they cannot bear the pain when they are separated again.

From then on, I do not desire freedom, I want to push away the land, the sky, and all the air, I push away everything, I just want to put you into my territory, I just want to put you into my body.

Su Jinzhi originally thought that No. 1 was going to scold him with his head and face scolded him, "If you love him, you should stay away from him, don't let him indulge in this world, he will die", "what is your qualification to decide his ", But No. 1 didn't say anything, just sighed long, and finally said," I really don't understand you. "

It emphasized: "Your carbon-based organisms are too difficult to understand."

Sometimes No. 1 has to sigh, Jiang Lishan and Su Jinzhi are indeed a pair. If they are exactly the same, they warn exactly. Both people are unwilling to listen. It does n’t understand with No. 0. Why can you just pass it? Things, but can't help it.

It advised Jiang Lishan not to enter the data world at that time, it was very dangerous, anyway, your life is very long, and the young people will wake up after a while. But after waiting hundreds of years, Jiang Lishan couldn't wait for a few short years.

Su Jinzhi and Jiang Lishan both said that it was just because it and Carbon Zero were not carbon-based organisms. They were not the same species, so they did not understand such a strong feeling.

"Just be together if you want to be together," Number One said.

Su Jinzhi froze and asked it: "Aren't you opposed?"

"This is just a way to not let him indulge in this world, and it cannot wake him up." No. 1 generously acknowledged his mistakes and joked with Su Jinzhi with interest, "Perhaps it would be better for you to fall in love, so wait for me When Zero and No. take you away, he may be reluctant to go with you. "

"Even if it can't." No. 1 paused, and the exported electronic mechanical male voice was as cold as ever, without a trace of emotion. "Me and Zero will help you think of other ways."

Su Jinzhi pursed her lips and thanked him, "Thank you."

No. 1 said: "No thanks, when you wake up, remember to change me and No. 0 for a better mechanical boarding house. Now this antique machine is difficult to use."

Su Jinzhi smiled, remembering that No. 1 and No. 0 had complained to him that they used 2500-year-old antique robots. But soon he remembered the dream last night, and the three words mentioned by the doctor, he asked number one: "What is alkaline disease?"

The author has something to say: Alkalineemia is actually the name of a Japanese song, which sounds good, but I won't type it. I'll recommend it to everyone when I find out the opportunity to type the name. I still have 1,000 coughs. I will make up tomorrow, and tomorrow I will have 6000.


-Thank you, the angels who threw mines, do you love you? = 3 =

I heard I was sick and threw a rocket launcher

Mikayano threw a mine

Qi An threw a mine

Qian Yan also silently threw a mine

Yu Xin threw a mine

A sea chestnut floated and threw a mine

Yu Xin threw a mine

destiny threw a mine

Scarlet Goblin Throws a Mine

Scarlet Goblin Throws a Mine

Booker threw a mine

Huashan threw a mine

Three sings and three sighs and threw one

Little cutie threw a mine

Single loop threw 1 mine

Qi An threw a mine

Chiaki Yinxue threw a mine

A pitcher of sake threw a mine

A pitcher of sake threw a mine

A pitcher of sake threw a mine

′ + W + threw a mine

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