MTL - Undead-Chapter 77 .Chapter77

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22:00 PM.

The bathroom slammed the water. Sinan wiped the short black hair that was particularly wet due to wetness with a towel, quickly put on a T-shirt, jacket, and black overalls, walked silently to the door of the dormitory, and opened the door.

His movement was very slight, but Zhou Rong still noticed it and moved slightly: "Huh?"

Sinan stopped.

"... What time is it?" Zhou Rong asked staggeringly, "Why?"

Sinan softly said, "Nine o'clock. Go to Ning Yu."

Zhou Rong snorted, and Si Nan, like a grey shadow in the darkness, leaped out of the door and melted into the vast night.

After a moment, Zhou Rong suddenly awakened, crawled up from the bed with his bare upper body, and picked up the alarm clock.

"Sinan?" He rolled over and rushed out to open the door: "Sinan ?!"

The lights were bright near the airport, and the Inner Mongolia Base Elite Reconnaissance Battalion found nothing in the canyon. The last batch of search and rescue personnel led by the South China Sea Headquarters was about to be in place, and the supplies had already been delivered to the airport.

The airport car transported guns and ammunition, survival supplies, parachute bags, etc. to the apron, and then the soldiers moved into the small passenger aircraft. Sinan was near the barbed wire outside the apron. The sentry immediately found him and stopped loudly: " What are you doing? Stand still! Military places are not allowed inside! "

Si Nan glanced at him and turned around.

"Go back! Hey, what the **** ... keke ..."

Sinan took the soldier's neck by lightning, twisted, and dragged one hand into the grass.

A few minutes later he emerged from the grass, wearing a sentry's coat, buttoning a camouflage hat to cover the first half of his face, and entered the tarmac.

"Check the ammunition one last time and prepare for packing!" A second lieutenant walked around with his horn, directing: "Hey, that one over there! Bring the pile of tactical bags up!"

Sinanmo stood still and saluting, from the pile of hill-like 30kg standard tactical backpacks at his feet, carrying one on his shoulders, picking up a box of bullets, and passing through a few hot-packed soldiers around, to the cabin Go on.

The second lieutenant didn't notice, turned around, and suddenly turned back thoughtfully:

"and many more?"

Sinan headed to the iron ladder against the strong wind, and the second lieuteman looked at the thin back, hesitantly followed two steps forward:

"Hey! I told you to wait!"


In the paratroopers' battalion office, twenty special forces are sorting out their equipment and preparing to set off. Lieutenant General Zheng stood at the table with the leader of Camp Ying, with a huge map of the mountains in front of him, and pointed with a pen on it: "You parachute from here, pay attention to the depth of search and rescue. This is the key area. They The last signal before the disappearance was located in this range ... "


"Colonel Zhou!"

Lieutenant General Zheng and Commander Kong Ying both looked up at the same time, and saw Zhou Rong wrapped in a wet night air, and hurriedly pushed in the door: "Sinan is gone."

Lieutenant General Zheng somehow: "What?"

Zhou Rong's iconic look changed completely, and his face was different than before, and he said sternly: "Si Nangang said that he went out to find Dr. Ning, but I called Dr. Ning's insider and he said that Si Nan didn't go to him at all, for half an hour No one can be found anywhere, airport guards? "

"Wait a minute," Lieutenant General Zheng's head was muddled, and he raised his hand to stop him: "You said he was gone? Any signs before he disappeared?"

"I went to Ning Yu suddenly in the afternoon and had to draw 600CC blood for myself."

Lieutenant General Zheng: "..."

"He rescued 118 players," Zhou Rong said, "He may want to save them again."

Zheng Zhong's head was split by thunder, and he took a subconscious snoring, and finally responded. He almost pushed open the battalion leader and rushed to the phone to make a phone call.

"Hello? Guard?"

"Search the airport immediately. The antibody carrier may have mixed up with a plane about to fly to the crashed canyon and immediately brought him back!"



"Stop! Hey!"

The second lieutenant caught up quickly, Sinan turned and stared blankly.

"..." The second lieutenant stopped in front of him, looking slightly puzzled, and asked for a long while, "Which class do you belong to?"

"The Parachute Battalion has seven companies and four teams."

"How many years have you joined the army?"

"Six months."

"Half a year," the second lieutenant repeated inexplicably, and then yelled: "--- your monitor hasn't taught you in half a year, don't tamper with the unsealed bullet box ?!"

Sinan: "..."

"What to do when there are no more bullets ?! Do you want to order it again ?! Do you know what it is ?! What time is it? The fourth class also sent a bunch of confused eggs to make a mess! What are you doing here? ?! "

Sinan was scolded and couldn't look up: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll change it, I'll change it."

"Not yet!"

Sinan shrugged his head, ran a trot to change the box to check the sealed bullets, and trot past the second lieutenant, dare not even lift his head, and staggered to board the iron ladder of the cabin.

"Recruit eggs!" The ensign resignedly furiously.

The second lieutenant counted the number of bullets anxiously. After confirming that they were correct, he sealed the bullet box by himself, posted a note, and had not yet stood up. Suddenly he saw the soldiers rushing in the wind against the wind: "Liner!

"What's the matter?"

"An emergency call from the airport security service! You are named to pick up quickly!"

The second lieutenant looked inexplicable, across the ground, and walked towards the sentry office by the tarmac.


The pilot in the cabin was ready, and several soldiers carrying supplies were unloading equipment and ammunition from their bodies. Sinan threw the bullet box and tactical backpack on the ground, kneeled on one knee, and pulled off the backpack chain.

"Hey," a veteran passed, and he stunned gently, warning: "Don't move."

Sinan was panicked, but stood up with a promise.

The veterans no longer care about him, they went out of the hatch, went down the iron ladder and ran to the runway, ready to start carrying parachutes.

Sinan watched them go out, and found a miniature charge from this tactical backpack belonging to an unknown unlucky hand | gun, rubbed the load, then got up to the hatch, leaned down and held the door from the runway rack Iron ladder.

22:45 PM.

Lights flickered in the distance from the airport, and people were on the tarmac. Viewed from a high place, the artificial island terrain containing tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians is undulating and lush, with countless distant lanterns and sky full of stars.

In front of the plane is the empty runway and the endless deep ocean.

Si Nan took a deep breath of the fresh and slightly salty sea breeze on the spring night, and was about to push the iron ladder out of the hatch. Suddenly Yu Guang glanced into the distance, his eyes narrowed slightly--

Just now the second lieutenant ran out of the duty room and yelled loudly. The soldiers stopped the work in hand and gathered in a little doubt. Then they began to report to the second lieutenant's command and check them one by one.

"Hey! You!" The second lieutenant had good eyesight, and he could see a man standing at the hatch from such a long distance, beckoning, "You come down!"

Sinan didn't move.

"What's wrong?" The second lieutenant frowned, raising his doubts and roaring, "Come down!"

Sinan watched him and raised his hand.

The iron ladder made a rolling rolling sound and slid out of the runway.

The ensign paused, and then came over:

"——Fuck is him!" The second lieutenant ran towards the plane. "Hurry up! Stop him!"

Sinan pulled up the hatch with a smile, and at this moment, he crossed the runway and saw the barbed wire outside the apron. At night, a star light suddenly flashed at the end of the highway, and then quickly turned bright.

A jeep galloped and immediately stopped at the airport entrance!

The left and right doors were thumped twice, and Zhou Rong and Lieutenant General Zheng jumped off the ground at the same time-after all, General Zheng was too old. When he got out of the car, his blood boiled, and he almost stomped his feet.

Zhou Rong didn't even think about it, he pulled him away.

Lieutenant General Zheng: "Hey, I say you ..." Then I saw Zhou Rong passing by, without even a beat, and rushed straight to the apron.

"Young people now! Do you know what it means to respect the old and love the young!" Lieutenant General Zheng was so angry that he hurried to catch up with it. He trembled with an electric shock before taking two steps: "Oh my feet ..."


Shouting, scolding, footsteps ... The soldiers gathered from all corners of the tarmac to the runway, and the voices rang through the night sky, but Sinan remained indifferent. He held the charge | gun in one hand and the hatch with one hand, looking over everyone, only throwing at the familiar figure who was breathing and stopped in the distance.

That is Zhou Rong.

Zhou Rong's backlit figure is sharp and slender. Although he can't see clearly, he knows that Zhou Rong is also looking at himself.

As if across the endless Xinghai, it is close at hand, the wind on the sea passes through the fingertips of Zhou Rong, and the next moment it whistled across Sinan's eyelids. Zhou Rong opened his mouth and couldn't see what the mouth shape was. Sinan shook his head at him.

The noise was getting closer, and the soldiers with live ammunition rushed onto the runway, and jointly pushed the iron ladder towards the cabin.

Si Nan stood quietly at the door of the cabin, seemingly not at all concerned about the soldiers who had quickly climbed up the iron ladder. I don't know how long, as if after a long period of time, it seems like just a few seconds, he saw Zhou Rong finally raised his hands and made a gesture against the backlight-

Hurry up.

Sinan exhaled softly, condensing into a fleeting white mist between his lips, and immediately "bang!" Closed the hatch.

Bang Bang Bang! Bang! The noise of the soldiers knocking outside suddenly sounded. Sinan slammed the lock firmly, walked through the cabin to the driver's seat, and charged with one hand | the gun reached the back of the pilot's head: "Take off immediately, don't force me to blast your head into tomatoes ..."

Lieutenant Colonel Jinhua tilted his head slightly, his forehead twitched slightly, as opposed to Sinan's four eyes.

"..." Si Nanxun wondered: "How are you here?"

Jinhua: "Why are you here ?!"

The noise outside was getting louder and louder, Sinan pondered for a moment, and rushed the charge | gun from burst to single shot mode, and then reached Jinhua's head again:

"Take off immediately, don't force me to beat your head into a candied fruit."

Jinhua: "Is there a difference!"

Jinhua had no choice but to open a series of buttons against the muzzle and slowly dropped the joystick. The small aircraft began to slowly slide on the runway, throwing the soldiers on the runway backward.

"It didn't matter to me, but I wanted to do something for them, so I took the initiative to ask to be a pilot." Jinhua focused on adjusting the size of the electronic map, saying, "I haven't flown for several years, this time as a copilot , There is another driver who was left under you. So wait ... if ... "

The plane taxied faster and faster, and then buzzed into the sky, and Sinan bumped into the bridge when the bump was bumping-wow!

"If you encounter strong airflow!" Jinhua shouted in the loud noise of the propeller: "You pray! Please pray to God or worship the Buddha!"


The plane sprinted into the air at an angle, the runway and airport were getting smaller and smaller, and the clouds were spinning towards us.

Sinan stood firm, and released the bullet with a click: "I don't believe in God or Buddha."

Jinhua shook his index finger with a wry smile: "I advise you to believe it temporarily. It is difficult for you to come back alive unless Da Luo Jinxian descends to the world. Although temporarily holding the Buddha's foot does not work, it is better than not holding it at all. "

Sinan shook his head and didn't answer, turned to the back cabin to count the weapons and ammunition, and began to organize his tactical backpack.

"I mean it!" Jinhua turned back and exclaimed: "The reconnaissance battalion at the Inner Mongolia base lost a lot of people! The eighth search and rescue unit in Hebei that went to the gorge also suffered heavy casualties! You simply cannot complete this task and give up Come on now!

The plane was moving smoothly in the sea of ​​clouds, and the wings flickered a little red. The lights in the rear cabin went out, leaving only a circle of orange and yellow halos.

Sinan knelt on the knee of the bullet box, and charged with one hand | the gun shot to the ground. The black stand-up collar jacket made his face look white, warm light coated a halo on his erect nose bridge, and the arc of the eyelashes was so clear across such a long distance.

He looks much younger than his actual age, so handsome, and even a little gentle.

Jinhua's heart seemed to be lightly touched, and the voice unconsciously eased: "Listen to me, Sinan. Only the rear is safe, everyone is grateful for the antibodies you have brought, and everyone will try to meet any of your requirements. If you want, you can even become a savior in the hearts of people after the war ... "

"But if you go to the gorge, this life is not your own." Jinhua sincerely said: "You are still young, and the road ahead is long. Don't take your own life for the impulse, so that you can be more professional and capable Alpha goes to danger ... okay? Sinan? "

Sinan seemed to be thinking about something under Jinhua's scorching gaze. After a long time, he finally lifted the chain and crammed it into his backpack. "No, ma'am, you don't understand. I have experienced many life-and-death dangers, but I have only five Combatant who lives. "

Jinhua froze for a moment.

Sinan pulled up the zipper, got up and carried the backpack on her shoulder, and said lightly:

"Four of them are waiting ahead, so I can't help but go."

The plane crossed the ocean, drawing a vague white line, and another military aircraft in the distance and high above was clinging behind.

The two planes traveled north along the same channel, with mountains and mountains in front, and the vast gorge was gradually showing them the whole picture.

"Goodbye, Colonel." Sinan stepped back to the hatch and said, "I will bring Ding Shi back to you."

Under the cockpit lights, Jinhua's eyes became red at that moment. But she said nothing, took a trembling breath, and said seriously: "Goodbye."

Sinan opened the door, and the wind blew past him, then he leapt to the dense forest in the dark night. 2k novel reading network