MTL - Undead-Chapter 42 .Chapter 42

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The door was pushed open, and Romuel nodded to the man with the gun standing in the front yard: "Jane."

The female Alpha turned back, but found that her chief's face was unexpectedly ugly, her shirt was soaked with sweat for most of her eyes, and her pupils were faintly showing signs of graying-that was a sign of emotional depression.

"Colonel, you ..."


Jane was very surprised, but quickly controlled her facial expressions, took out the injection and passed it.

Romuel slammed the door behind him.

Sinan's whole body was just taken out of cold water, wet hair covered his snow-white face, pale blue blood vessels exploded on his arms and neck, and even the closed eyelids loomed a scary blue thread.

But to no avail, Romuel knew that he had been developed to resist electric shock.

Romuel punched the air out of the needle tube, grabbed one of his hands, and gritted his teeth to get all the medicine in.

The confession agent was prepared before he went to China, but according to experience, this agent does not allow users to obtain high-precision details, and it is misleading to a certain degree. To make matters worse, sometimes the confession agent does not immediately make the subject recall all the answers, but it will slowly produce results within a week; in short, it is not a very convenient torture tool.

He would not use this method if it was not helpless.

Si Nanyizhong began to struggle, struggling with handcuffs, and was pressed tightly by Romuel.

"Where's the ultimate antibody?" He pulled Sinan's soaked sweaty chin so that he could not turn his head uncomfortably: "Where is the ultimate antibody in the shock-resistant freezer that you carried with you after the crash?"

Si Nan □ □ opened his eyes a little, but could not see anything at all.

"Did you inject it?" Romuel asked in Chinese and English several times, forcing him to look at himself: "Did you inject the antibody?"


The ultimate antibody ...

Sinan gasped, as if floating in the deep ocean, and the boundless sea water cut off all sounds, seeping into the body from the eyes, ears, nose, and even every inch of pores, squeezing the five internal organs and six lumps.

"No antibodies," he heard a wailing female voice slowly.

He became very small, and the twelve believers looked down at him on the stained glass window of the church, and then he needed to bend his neck completely to see the white carved cross piercing the sky.

The woman in the black veil held his hand and stood in front of the black pine coffin.

The priest asked, "Do you think so, madam?"

"I pulled him back from hell, but I couldn't bring it back to earth completely. He was not alive, nor was he dead. He wandered in my laboratory, day after day, autumn and winter, sending out loneliness and resentment Weeping ... "

Tears ran down her delicate cheeks, and wet the white flowers on her chest.

"Pandora's box has been opened, and disasters, plagues, viruses, and pains flew out with laughter. They will eventually cover the earth before winter comes, and destroy the whole world before spring comes."

"I can do nothing. There is no antidote in the world to save all this. I can only close the magic box with my own hands ..."

The woman stepped forward, took a black wooden box from the priest, opened it, and took out a tube of two-finger turquoise test tubes on the coffin, and then pulled the burning torch from the wall.

Little Sinan took a half step back in fear.

Under the fire, the green test tube was like the teeth of a poisonous snake, quenching charming and deadly light.

"... to annihilate the punishment of human beings for stealing the flames of the gods ..."

Suddenly the door was knocked open, the woman turned back suddenly, the bullet burst into the air, and hit the torch in her hand.

The soldiers flooded into the church, crying and cursing drowning everything. Sinan was trapped in the fleeing crowd and the soldiers rushed forward like a wolf, taking away the test tube from the woman.

"Report, report, virus stock solution has been successfully obtained ..."

"Run!" The woman's fierce growl pierced through the chaos: "Run—!"

All subsequent scenes overlapped in memory, forming countless strange pictures.

Sinan only remembered that the earth was constantly trembling. It was actually that he stumbled backwards; the last scene before the consciousness completely disappeared was when the soldier opened the freezer and placed the turquoise test tube carefully in the white steam.

Obviously just a trivial detail, but I don't know why it is so clear after many years that it is dazzling in the faded time-

On the lid of the freezer, an expressionless white eagle was cast with wings spread.


On the top of the laboratory, a white eagle is embossed on the metal ceiling.

The last drop of turquoise liquid in the needle was injected into the spine. After a few minutes of silence, the dead man's body twitched, and he gave a vague and dull growl from the bottom of his chest.

With applause all around, the experimenters congratulated each other, hugged, and suddenly exclaimed-the dead man knocked over, grabbed the nearest tester, and bit his ankle with a bite!

Screaming and struggling, blood splattered, and the next step was escape.

Sinan stood behind the glass wall at the top of the laboratory and looked down at the group of people repeatedly knocking on the door, shouting in despair. The living dead threw away more than half of the corpse that had been eaten, and lay down on the floor and crawled towards them step by step, dragging long black blood behind them.

Sinan raised his gun, but did not take any action until the person behind him appeared in the glass window: "Noah."

Sinan pulled the trigger.

A loud bang sounded, and the zombies were only two or three steps away from the horrified crowd.

"What were you doing just now?" The comer asked coldly.

Sinan didn't answer, turned and threw the empty gun, made his cuffs, and walked out.

However, at the instant of rubbing his shoulders, Romuel suddenly grabbed his collar and pressed it heavily against the glass wall, pressing his cold eyes closely:

"You obviously can kill the experiment the first time you find it failed. Why don't you do it?"

Sinan said nothing.

"You watched the experimenter on purpose, because you were tortured as a child," Romuel murmured, "isn't it?"

The four eyes were relatively long, and the corner of Sinan's lips slightly bent.

His lip color is very pale. If you do n’t know anyone, then at first glance, you will feel that smile looks good, even a little soft.

"You tore up my report of requesting virus destruction and termination of the experiment again, haven't you?"

Romuel frowned.

"It's okay," Sinan interrupted the excuse he hadn't exported yet, and his voice carried his usual slightly husky texture. The words of ridicule were actually very nice: "It's the last time anyway."

Sinan broke free of the restraint and walked to the door. Romuel looked at his straight back and screamed, "How many times do I have to say, Noah! The" Pandora "virus is a breakthrough progress in extending human life and bringing back to life. Humanity can achieve eternity by itself! "

Sinan didn't look back.

"Your mother failed the experiment because she did not unlock the last code of the virus, that is the key to the secret of immortality. Like the last thing in Pandora's Box, hope, now it is time for humans to release it. Only the last yard ... "

"There is no such thing," Sinan said indifferently. "That is not hope."

Romuel folded his arms with his arms and frowned, and saw Si Nan's face come over.

——From this perspective, in fact, he is very much like his mother, and has a kind of expression beyond words.

"The last thing left in the box is an unrealistic fantasy. In mythology, it paves the way to the **** controlled by Eax."

"Like everything you do today, when the box is opened again, the last yard of the virus will be buried in humans, dragging the whole world into **** ..."

"But it has nothing to do with me." Sinan paused and smiled again: "I won't die anyway."

Romuel stood still, watching him walk out steadily.


Lightning broke through the black clouds, the rainstorm poured down, and the scattered stones in the cemetery were soaked with rainwater, showing a salty gray-black.

A helicopter landed slowly in the roar, and several Chinese people in plain clothes jumped into the muddy and sticky graveyard with flashlights, but Sinan didn't look back. He stood in front of the tombstone, his lips soft and cold, murmuring unknown scriptures, kissing the brass pendant on his chest, and letting water droplets drip from the edge of the raincoat hood.

The flashlight approached quickly with his footsteps. Be careful of footsteps in the sound of torrential rain. Eventually someone coughed and said hoarsely in Chinese: "Sir."

Sinan remained indifferent.

The man cautiously said, "... Mr. Guo, as promised, let us send you something."

He stepped forward, splashing mud in his steps, and holding a wet white rose in his arms.

Sinan stopped praying and stood quietly for a while before everyone's gaze, only then reached out and pulled out a rose, leaning in front of the tombstone.

This agreed action relieved everyone at the same time, and it was difficult to hide the excitement: "Hello, we have tried for a long time and have never had a chance to connect with you smoothly. Mr. Guo Lao has completed all the preparations, White Eagle Base The person in charge of the confinement room is also arranged ... "

Si Nan opened his mouth, and to his surprise, Chinese was more fluent than expected:

"Where is the respondent?"

The comer froze and said, "It's Mr. Guo's personal close friend."

Sinan shook his head.

No one knew what he meant, the cemetery fell into silence for a while, only the heavy rain clashed.

The plain clothes exchanged their gazes and waited for a while before Sinan slowly opened his mouth:

"Your country has a security unit of the highest specification, number 118, and eight squadrons."

The other party responded quickly after a short thought: "Okay, you continue."

However, Sinan didn't care whether he agreed or not, and he didn't even change the tone of his flustered tone:

"There is a squadron leader named Zhou in the 118th brigade. I asked this person to bring the only grandson of Vice Minister Guo to the scene to pick them up. If I can't see these two people when I get off the plane, I will immediately expose them in doubt To kill the respondent, I took the target and left. If there is any threat to the safety of the target and me during the response, as a punishment, I will also kill Vice Minister Guo's grandson before leaving. "

"From then on, you will never find me again."

Sinan turned around, and the rain boots squeaked on the mud.

The first agent Shen said, "No problem, all your requirements will be fulfilled, and we will immediately reach the old Guo."

Si Nan smiled: "You old Guo know that I don't believe anyone ..."

He walked out of the cemetery with the sight of plain clothes around, and his flat voice drifted away in the rain.

"... I only need someone to pick me up."


At the age of fifteen, in the summer, tropical rain forests were flourishing, and the sun was shining in the dark green broad-leaved forest. A young commando with his palms crossed and sleeping on his palms, his face smeared with dirt and oil paint, but still can be seen from the towering eyebrow bone, straight nose bridge and angular cheeks. Outline.

A teenager stepped on the ground covered with soft leaves, walked cautiously, squatted beside the special forces, and made no sound like a cat.

He held his breath, holding a little ant on his fingertips, trying to put it on the tip of the commando's nose.

However, just before the moment of success, the special forces eyes did not open, and he turned around and slammed the young man. The beast predated him and pressed him underneath.

"Hahaha ..." The young man was out of breath, laughing and begging for mercy: "I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I'll lose you fruit ... hahaha!"

The teenager found a small handful of red berries from his pants pocket, but before he could talk, the special forces stood up and pulled out a redder and bigger fruit from his pocket. He teased in the teenager's astonished eyes: Want to eat, eh? "

The bonfire was burning, reflecting the flying insects lingering beside the fire, and the black cricket jungle within a few meters. The boy sat cross-legged by the fire, lazily peeled the fruit peel, prolonged his tone and asked, "Why are the berries you pick sweeter than mine--"

The corners of his soft lips were stained red with pulp juice. The special forces walked around the hammock and turned back frequently, staring at his careless side face without blinking, and casually pursed: "Who knows Well, I've been looking for many miles, who told you not to eat serious food. "

"I don't want to eat energy."

"Just choose."

The special forces set up the hammock and tried the firmness. The young man contentedly held his busy back with one hand on his cheek: "Brother, you have been watching for several nights, let me watch vigil tonight-"

"You vigil? What about the beast coming to run you away?"

"I just shouted."

"What did you shout?"

"Yelling hero! Help! Help!"

The commando laughed and came and rubbed the boy's hair.

"I don't want to sleep in a hammock," said the boy, turning over by the fire, ambiguously speaking about the kernel.

"Why, uncomfortable?"


"It can't be cold."

The boy twisted around the campfire again, his movements were very clever and agile, and he avoided the arms of the special forces trying to hug him on the hammock.

"Little classmate!" The Special Forces couldn't help it, nodding his brows and asking, "What the **** do you want?"

Under the light of the fire, the young boy's bright-eyed eyes rolled around and laughed: "I'll sit here vigil, hold the gun for me, you go to sleep."

The words didn't fall, the special forces sat by the campfire with their butts, beckoning: "Come here."


"Show you magic."

The teenager moved forward and was dragged into the arms by the special forces, and his long legs in camouflage pants held him tightly in his arms. Before he had time to struggle, he was wrapped in a warm tactical jacket, and his neck was stuffed tightly, and there was no wind through it.

"It's over," the special commander said briefly. "Sleep."

The back of the boy was pressed, his head was against the thick and strong chest, and there was a moment of cyanosis.

He could hear each other's steady and powerful heartbeat, and a slight crackling sound from the bonfire burning, and nowhere was the wind blowing in the jungle at night. But the cold wind blowing the whistle through the treetops seemed to be very far away. There was no longer any relationship with him. The warm arms around him isolated the cold, dangerous and lonely world.

He took a careful breath, and in his nasal cavity was a young and vigorous Alpha pheromone, mixed with the smell of sweat.

This was the first time in his life that he felt at ease surrounded by this atmosphere.

"... I haven't asked your name yet." The boy murmured half-dreamedly.

The special commander was holding a gun and watched the night-threatening jungle: "Well? It's against the rules for participants and hostages to exchange names."

"Tell me ..."

The special forces pushed the boy back into his arms, and said helplessly: "Xing Xing Xing ... You must not tell others."


"... My surname is Zhou."

"What week?"


"Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday ..."

"Zhou Rong!" The special soldier was so big that he patted the teenager's head as punishment, although the movement was soft and careful: "Bing Ge Rong Ma Rong."

The teenager finally expressed a little satisfaction and said "um".

"Next time there is danger, call Brother Rong." The special soldier paused, his handsome face seemed a little red in the fire, and whispered, "Just call Brother Rong ... to save you wherever you are."

No matter how far, I can reach you.

Eleven years later, the city center of T was occupied by zombies. Sinan volley caught the hook and was hugged by Zhou Rong. The locomotive spun into the zombie tide behind him.

The two hugged each other in a shocking explosion and fell into the armored vehicle together.

"Free surname Zhou, Rong Ge Rong Ma Rong. How about you?"


My name is Noah.

In the dark bungalow, Si Nan twisted and frowned, gasping with pain from the electric shock, and perspiration soaked the layers of the mattress with cold sweat.

The mountains are long and the water is long.

As promised, please come and pick me up again. 2k novel reading network