MTL - Tyrant Dragon Emperor-Chapter 7353 blood robe old man

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7353 - Old Man in Blood Robe

"Hoho! Arrogant human warrior, I will swallow you!"

The giant snake roared wildly!

The beast hordes all around frantically flocked to Jiang Tian, ​​trying to drown him.

"Blood breath, suppress it for me!"

Jiang Tian resolutely activated the blood will of the brutal blood dragon!

Boom... Roar!

The majestic, domineering, violent and violent blood pressure filled the void, and the entire beast tide froze in an instant!

And the giant snake under him also shook violently, and extreme fear was revealed in the two hundred-foot-high vertical pupils!

" are a real dragon! How is that possible?"

"True Dragon Clan?"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, a little surprised.

Although he is from the True Dragon Family, he is not a "True Dragon Clan".

This demonic snake and beast tide did not seem to come from the Dao Domain either.

Judging from the monster aura it exudes, it seems to have something to do with the blood warriors!

"Could it be that this tide of beasts was brought in by a strong man from the blood world?"

Jiang Tian's eyes lit up!

From this point of view, this giant snake is likely to be a spiritual pet raised by a strong man in the blood world!

Bring it to Star Market, and let it gobble up advanced ones crazily!

"Where is your master?"

Jiang Tian asked in a deep voice.

"I... I won't tell you even if I die!"

"In that case, you will die!"



The blood pressure rose sharply, and the giant snake was crushed and unable to move.

Under the terrifying aura of the Brutal Blood Dragon, all its monster power was frozen, and the monster blood couldn't even flow.


With a swipe of Jiang Tian's fingers, the purple sword intent easily cut through its demon body.

"Blood veins swallow, swallow it for me!"


Violet light suddenly appeared, billowing demon blood spewed out like a volcanic eruption.

A lake of blood was condensed in mid-air, and rapidly shrank and purified.

In the end, it turned into a ball of blood essence that was hundreds of meters large, and poured it into Jiang Tian's body!


Jiang Tian's bloodline breath surged rapidly, and he shared the huge amount of bloodline essence with Zixuanjie.

The nourishing effect it brought made him extremely excited!

"The Snake Clan can also be regarded as the mutated distant relatives of the descendants of the Dragon Clan bloodline, and the nourishing effect is really not comparable to that of ordinary monsters!"

Jiang Tian's blood spiritual power has directly increased to 60% of the total!

Combat power has risen sharply!

Even the blood will of the Brutal Blood Dragon has been significantly strengthened!


Bang bang bang!

The powerful bloodline coercion spread, and all the monster snakes in the surrounding starry sky were suppressed and killed by him!

There are only hundreds of monster snakes at the level of the original gods left, and they are all seriously injured, and their combat power has been greatly reduced!


Jiang Tian sacrificed the Chixue Sword Essence, frantically strangling all the way!

Shocked by the blood pressure of the brutal blood dragon, these monster snakes have no power to resist, and their powerful self-healing ability no longer works.

He was strangled in an instant!


The real fire of the incinerator spread, completely refining their remnants!

A monster snake of this level has no effect on Jiang Tian, ​​so he is too lazy to use his blood to devour it.

The body of the monster snake, which was originally ten thousand feet in size, has become the material of a monster beast less than three thousand feet in size.

Jiang Tian didn't find the power to suppress the black ice and forbidden fire in its blood essence.

A sword pierced the snake's belly, and began to search for it.

Soon found a red crystal bead!

The surface is covered with a layer of blood flame spirit patterns, and the whole body exudes a fiery breath!

"Is this the existence that suppresses the Xuanbing Fire?"

Jiang Tian wrapped it with black ice and forbidden fire.

The next moment, there was a crackling sound!

With a flash of light from the red crystal bead, a fiery aura erupted, incinerating the Xuanbing forbidden fire!

"Sure enough!"

Jiang Tian was very excited!

You must know that after his breakthrough in cultivation, the power of various strange fires on his body did not increase accordingly, but stagnated and became a shortcoming.

Now with this red crystal bead, these shortcomings can be made up for!

It's just that refining this thing requires a stable environment and some time.

Therefore, he planned to find a better hiding place and refine it.

Suddenly, he looked into the distance!


A blood rainbow came out at an extremely fast speed!

"Who killed the old man's spiritual pet?"


The blood rainbow shot at a terrifying speed, and an old man in a blood robe appeared, his eyes swept across the void, and he immediately fixed on Jiang Tian!

"Human warrior, die for this old man!"

The blood-robed old man let out a yell, raised his palm and clapped it.

There is no one else here except Jiang Tian!

And his body exudes a strong blood, which has already explained everything!


The **** palm slapped down wildly, and the void instantly collapsed!

The terrifying pressure hit Jiang Tian directly, and immediately knocked him down by more than a hundred feet!

"So strong!"

Jiang Tian's face was serious!

The blood-robed old man's strength is higher than that of the ten thousand-foot monster snake, and he may have reached the middle stage of the human race's god-making realm!

But the focus of his attention is not this!

It's the aura emanating from the opponent's body, telling him clearly that this is a strong man in the blood world!

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian, ​​who was knocked down hundreds of feet, teleported to the opposite of the old man.

As soon as the right fist is raised, it will be tough with it!



The old man flicked his backhand, and the violent coercion sent Jiang Tian flying!


Instead of being surprised, Jiang Tian was overjoyed, and immediately became excited!

The strength of this strong man in the blood world is much higher than that of the early stage of the god-making realm he encountered, and he is also stronger than him.

It means that the strength of the opponent has probably reached the middle stage of the human race's god-making realm.

For him, this is a great opportunity to hone his combat power!

"Come on, let me see, how strong are you?"

"Development in a mere area, overreaching, die to me!"

The old man clapped his right palm again.


The violent blood palm hit Jiang Tian hard, knocking him down hundreds of feet.

Jiang Tian teleported up again, using methods such as sword field, thunder formation, and void dominance to fight against him.

And the more you fight, the braver you are!

"The human race is so monstrous, no wonder the ghost snake can kill me!"

The old man's face darkened suddenly, and he stretched out a finger to point at Jiang Tian from the air.


The slender line of blood pierced out, hitting Jiang Tian's body directly!

Jiang Tian's complexion suddenly changed!

He found that he couldn't escape the attack of this bloodline!

Not even teleportation!

"It's useless, the old man's method is not something you can resist!"


The blood line hit Jiang Tian's abdomen hard, which was exactly where Qi Hai was!

The old man grinned grimly, as if he had seen Jiang Tian screaming and falling.

But the next moment, he was stunned!

Jiang Tian was not seriously injured as he imagined, but his body just shook a few times, and then stabilized his body.

"How can it be?"

The blood-robed old man's face darkened, deeply surprised.

at this time!

In Jiang Tian's sea, there is thunder and light!

A terrifying purple-gold vortex spun rapidly, devouring the blood that burst into the body!

"Thunder Source Immortal Physique?"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his heart shaking!

That's right!

It was Lei Yuan who deflected this blow!

The vortex formed by the source of purple gold thunder, like an ancient beast opened its mouth, swallowing all the blood that entered its body.

Then slowly disappear!

"The methods of the strong in the blood world are really weird, I still underestimate the enemy!"

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