MTL - Tyrant Dragon Emperor-Chapter 7320 Misty Beast

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Fog Hidden Beast

A few people no longer miss it, and quickly turn around and run away.

The star market is huge, and there are many strange opportunities for each, so there is no need to risk your life to compete with this weird storm.

And not long after they left, a figure came before the storm!

It's none other than Jiang Tian!

"Instantly devouring more than ten god-making powers, it really shouldn't be underestimated!"

Jiang Tian opened his phantom eyes to investigate.

Layers of fragments became illusory in his eyes, but after the phantom eyes penetrated more than a thousand feet, his vision also became blurred.

There is no other reason, the closer to the center, the denser the fragments, flying wildly, friction and collisions breed all kinds of violent visions!

There is no lack of thunder and lightning raging, and flames criss-crossing inside!

All kinds of chaos have greatly reduced the effect of phantom eyes and supernatural powers!

Jiang Tian quickly put away his phantom eyes and stopped making unnecessary attempts.

Obviously, if you want to find out what's inside, you can only go deep into it yourself.

"Could this be the Mist Hidden Beast that Elder Long Qingke mentioned?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, unable to make a conclusion for a while.

According to Long Qingke, the Wuyin Alien Beast is shrouded in mist and it is difficult to distinguish.

And the storm in front of him is composed of countless boulder fragments, which seems to be different from the misty beast.

And it is bigger than the Misty Hidden Beast!

But as for the truth, it will not be known until after the actual investigation.

"Balong Immortal Physique!"

Jiang Tian slammed his right fist!

The physical power of the Tyrannosaurus Immortal Physique slammed into the storm of debris, creating a huge punch hole!


Wherever the strength of the fist went, countless fragments instantly turned into dust, unable to withstand this violent power.

But soon, the debris storm began to counterattack again!

The Wanzhang fist pit was worn away layer by layer, and it recovered in a few breaths!

Compared with the attack of the dozen or so people before, although the effect is much stronger, it does not have much impact on the entire debris storm.

"Come again!"

Jiang Tian shot again.

It was also a fierce right fist!

But this time, the way of shooting is different!

At the same time as his fist was blasting out, he twisted suddenly, and the berserk force spun and blasted into the debris storm!

Kachacha... Boom!

The sky-shattering cries followed, the spinning fist prints expanded rapidly, and ripples of power were brought about around them, spreading continuously.

In the end it reached a giant of 30,000 feet!

And compared to the punch just now, its power penetrated deeper, stirring up and down the debris storm within a range of nearly one hundred thousand feet.


Jiang Tian's spirit was greatly lifted, and both fists set out to blast vigorously!

Boom, boom!


The two fists blasted into the storm of debris, spinning rapidly, each turning into fist pits tens of thousands of feet in size.

Then they collided with each other, forming a violent hurricane, forcibly tearing apart a storm of fragments more than ten thousand feet away!

After the storm was torn apart by the power of both fists, it was soon pulled back by a strange force of devouring force.

Jiang Tian decisively resorted to the "Empty Formation" to stop it!

Hum rumble!

Purple formations suddenly appeared, blocking the torn storm.

The moment it touched the pattern, it was sent hundreds of thousands of feet away by the powerful space force!

The scale of the entire debris storm has also been reduced!

About a fifth smaller!

"Not bad, come again!"

Boom, boom!

Jiang Tian still punched out with both fists, and did the same, tearing apart the debris storm.

Then move it a million feet away with the "Empty Transformation Formation"!

After repeating this several times, the Debris Storm is only one-fifth of its original size!

But even so, it still exceeds one hundred thousand feet!

But at this time, this debris storm suddenly changed the momentum of the previous overall rotation.

All the fragments converged into one after another fragment dragons, each spinning rapidly along different trajectories.

But on the whole, it still maintains a huge spherical shape of more than one hundred thousand feet!

And this kind of change also made this debris storm even tighter!

It is no longer as loose as it was when it was integrated as before!


Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly and continued to shoot.


Another two punches blasted out, smashing into the debris storm.

According to the power just now, these two punches may even directly annihilate the remaining storms of more than ten thousand feet.

At least it can break it up and make it crumble!

But the next scene made Jiang Tian frown.

Kachacha... Boom!

After the two punches were blasted out, the debris storm of more than ten thousand feet only collapsed slightly inward.

Most of the power is consumed by the criss-crossing, rapidly spinning debris boulders!

After a few breaths, the debris storm returned to its original state!

The effective method just now has little effect on this debris storm!


Jiang Tian was not annoyed, but shook his head and sneered.

This situation was completely within his expectations!

Next, with one step, he plunged into the debris storm!

"Void hegemony, open!"

Hum rumble!

The void hegemony shrouded Jiang Tian's body, putting on a strong layer of protection for him.

Overlord rumbling!

The powerful space force annihilates all the fragments it passes by!

Bang bang bang...crack...boom!

A series of shard dragons bombarded him, but the moment they touched the Void Hegemony, they could collapse and explode, unable to pose an effective threat.

It seems that something is wrong!

A certain mysterious existence at the core of the debris storm let out a deep roar!

Then mobilize all the fragment dragons to attack Jiang Tian.


In an instant, dozens of shard dragons rushed towards him.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth!

This time, he did not choose passive defense, but took the initiative to attack!

"Void hegemony, go up!"

Hum rumble!

The Void Hegemony, which was originally only a hundred feet in size, suddenly exploded!

In an instant, it reached a height of thousands of feet, supporting a larger shield for him.

But the impact of the shard dragon cannot be underestimated!

The berserk force frantically wiped away the edge of the hegemony, forcibly invading nearly two hundred feet, and the offensive is getting stronger and stronger!

If this continues, the Void Hegemony may collapse at any time!

at this time!

Jiang Tian stomped towards the void!



The Void Hegemony was detonated by him on his own initiative, and the powerful force spread rapidly in all directions.

Dozens of shard dragons couldn't bear the power of the hegemony's self-explosion, and exploded in response!

The giant waves in the void rippling crazily, and the space ripples aroused stretched to a million feet away!

Jiang Tian, ​​who was in the center of the hegemony, looked calm and unscathed!

This blow completely destroyed the debris storm's outer defenses.

All the fragmented dragons no longer exist, and what remains is a strange mist that fluctuates!

"It really is you!"

Jiang Tian's eyes soared!

As he guessed, this thing is exactly what Long Qingke said about the misty hidden beast!

The huge fragments on the periphery are just a kind of camouflage, or it can be said to be a special shield blessed by it.

And its body, still hidden in this strange fog, has not shown its true face!

Read The Duke's Passion